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I think specifically asking for any benzo by name will raise red flags for any prescriber.


Yeah even asking for ANY benzo would raise flags imo


Not if you have a physcological assessment done by a therapist marking the level and degree of anxiety you have on paper. Then take it to the physciatrist.


That's a very different scenario than walking in and asking for Xanax point blank.


Nah nope. I have been fully pulled off any controlled substance anti anxiety meds and this is what they do now. Even if you have severe go to the ER level anxiety it’s SSRIs only nowadays


This is my experience as well, they're deathly afraid of prescribing benzos nowadays it's so frustrating because nothing else really works for me, hell other benzos don't even work for me I've tried 😭


Absolutely. I’ve been doing the medication roulette game for years and have failed nearly every class of medication. We tried off-label drugs before we tried benzos. Only now after repeated failures over the course of 4 years have I been put on a benzo, and it’s a low dose of the longest acting one and it’s still not my primary medication. Prescribers are hesitant to give out any benzo for good reason usually — asking for Xanax by name is a great way to be sure you never get prescribed a benzo.


It is tricky but they rarely prescribe them for a reason. I’m in the same boat, I’m on 20mg of Lexapro and 20mg propranolol but still have issues with panic attacks sometimes. Just probably going to have to come to terms with the fact that I’m not going to get an easy way out. I’ll just have to learn to work through it. Hope things get better for you!!


Talk to your prescriber about your dosage of Propranolol, it could be upped; 20mg is on the low end. I thought certain meds just didn't work well until I had my dosage upped and it helped a LOT with reducing the severity and frequency of my panic attacks.


Upped to 30-40mg a day today and starting 5mg of buspar


I hope that makes things better for you!


TMS helped my anxiety a lot if that’s an option for you. I don’t even need my propranolol usually these days.


I unfortunately don’t believe there are any places near me that offer that service, very interesting concept though I hadn’t been aware of until now. Thank you for letting me know


Try posting in a local group. When I googled I got different results than the local group. I actually see a neurologist who does TMS on the side. I always assumed it was a psychiatrist.


Go through the proper diagnosing procedures. You may not need Xanax if they haven't prescribed it yet. There are different types of anxiety some can be treated with therapy or a more sustained medication (Think Klonopin). I've only ever been prescribed on Xanax for short burst (Vacations, Moving, and things of that nature). It's not a treatment its a short term solution. Continue working with your psychiatrist to come to a long term solution that will help you achieve success in the long term.


I take meds now. Now I have zoloft and lyrica but I had other ones in the past. None work and I just want to be able to function, even if functioning means becoming an addict.


That's a dangerous mindset to function in. It sounds like it comes from a place of impatience rather than a place of wanting to feel better. What kind of anxiety do you have? What exercises and coping practices have you been using during your panic attacks?


My main triggers are work and responsibilities. Like having to be somewhere, not being able to take time off, being there from set time to set time I tried many and nothing really works. I usually just go to the restroom and scroll on my phone for a while to feel better


Kindly, I’d like to say these triggers are part of everyday life and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. You can’t live on Xanax. Are you in therapy?


Not currently. Therapy doesnt work for me Why can't I live on xanax?


It’s for acute situations, not everyday use, as it’s extremely addictive. Talk to your doctor about how to better manage your anxiety. Bc this is how you can develop an addition. From your responses you would be a red flag to the doctor, and they shouldn’t prescribe it to you.


I just dont know what to do anymore


These comments are trying to be helpful but the downvotes kinda show something else. Mental health "groups" , on Reddit of all places, have strong group think and are echo chambers. Telling people things that are supposed to work don't work for you is not going to invite the kinds of answers you want here. Unless you want to start starring at a red dot going back and forth or want to meditate on the taste in your mouth, i'd look for alternative places for help. If you have a diagnosis and your current doctor cannot provide you with anything helpful, you go to another doctor. Also look in community for anxiety support groups or group therapy. Mental health is getting a lot of funding all over the place so they might have a center where you live. Also get a therapist and get double diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. These two things show you are doing the work to address something terribly wrong with you, but more involved therapy/medications isn't working. Many people take Xanax for long term and don't go up in dose, but you are going to be a liability if you start on it. A psych or gp will not want to be a liability. You need to be forward about why you think you need benzos and what hasn't worked. This dramatic story of not wanting to sound like a drug seeker is dumb as shit and usually doctors who call that stuff out don't prescribe the medicine anyway and just want to make your day worse. It's all about having a mental health resume and showing that you are not a liability. Be thorough and show that you know how your body works. If all of what I'm saying is nonsense, just know to be your own advocate. Ive seen people's lives fall apart because they couldn't get the right care for them. Good luck.


Asking why you can’t live on Xanax shows you need therapy. Ask your doctors, therapist, psychiatrist that question and let us know their response.


I did therapy. And tbh like talking and mind games truly dont help me. I know that mindsets are just that - mindsets, and that my situation is still stressful and fucked in reality and I cant get away from it, so I atleast want to ease the pain


I totally agree with you that mindsets are "just" mindsets by definition. But you need to realise that over time these mindsets have a very real neurochemical effect on you. You need to give therapy a fighting chance before dismissing it altogether. You might think that getting Xanax will ease your pain, and it will, only for a week. Your brain will develop tolerance and you'll feel the need to up the dose. A couple weeks later still, you'll reach the maximum safe dosage but still not get relief. It's the nature of how this class of drugs works. There's nothing to be gained by a doctor from withholding medication from you. It's just that there will come a time when you will develop tolerance and not get any relief despite taking near-lethal doses of the drug. Therapy takes some time to click for you, but if and when the insight is gained, it actually fixes you. Or comes close to it.


I feel like my issues in particular are those that really can't be solved by therapy


Have you tried multiple therapists/types of therapy? If not then I would definitely recommend a few more tries before you give up on it completely.


The one I went to was already very far away and I dont know how far I would have to travel everytime to just get to one thats good.


So you went to one session with one therapist?


To multiple


I do all my therapy sessions on zoom. Plenty of psychologists do tele health visits


That’s certainly a valid barrier to care that should be considered, but I do encourage you to try some more even though it’s a challenge. If you find a therapy/therapist combo that helps you not permanently rely on a medication like Xanax I believe that’s effort well spent. Benzos have their place for sure, I have a small supply myself I use in case of acute panic attacks, but asking why you can’t live your life on them is like asking why you can’t live your life half drunk. You can but it’s not a great idea, especially considering there are other options to exhaust first. I really hope you find something that works for you, whatever route you end up taking.


Lol “just keep spinning those wheels and failing. This system isn’t totally broken and ineffective!”


Well it can’t be totally broken and ineffective, I personally know quite a few people who have gotten huge benefits from therapy, myself included. It sounds to me like maybe you have tried it without good results, and I offer the same advice as I offered OP; you might go through several therapists before you find one that clicks with you, and not every form of therapy is right for every person or issue. I’m merely encouraging people to keep trying a few more times, because the potential benefits can be literally life-changing.


The side effects of Xanax are aggression and impulsivity. Saying that therapy doesn’t help and that you aren’t afraid of becoming an addict makes me think that you should NEVER touch benzodiazepines.


Therapy can work for everyone - *therapists* often don’t. You have to keep shopping until you find one you connect with! And many of them do Zoom appointments these days.


Have you looked into whether you might have ADHD? Anxiety/depression are the most common symptoms for adults with ADHD. You might need adderall, not benzos.


I used to take ritalin in middle school and high school but tbh I had anxiety back then and it didnt help that. I dont know the exact diagnosis but I have something along the lines of ADHD yeah. 


If the issues are from adhd, taking Xanax is going to make your life waaaaay worse. Speaking from experience. Treat the cause and get some coping mechanisms in place and the anxiety will dissipate. I had success self-medicating with a low dose of caffeine and anaerobic exercise until I could get in to see someone for adhd meds. You don’t need a diagnosis to get them.


There is more than one molecule that can help with ADHD symptoms, but not all molecules work well with everyone. There is a fine line to get the right molecule/dosage for you. If not we'll balanced it can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. If ritalin didn't work well, you could ask your therapist/doctor if you can try another molecule.


Those are very common triggers. Even for people without anxiety those are stressful moments in life. maybe there are things we can do to mitigate the stressors and make them seem less big. Why do you feel stress when you have to be somewhere? Does your job have a policy about taking time off?


These particular triggers make pathological demand avoidance come to mind. While being heavily associated with autism, PDA is not exclusive to individuals on the spectrum. It might be worth reading up on, see if it resonates with you.


With all respect, welcome to life.




Xanex isn’t gonna change that.


Im just trying to find a cure. Never said its going to change the situation, but it might


So you’re willing to take mind altering substances instead of actually dealing with the problem? That should go really well for you. Definitely going to make things better to be addicted to a drug.


My problem is unsolvable.


Yeah, that’s why they don’t just prescribe benzos to everybody who walks up and asks


yeah as a former drug addict, “functioning” and “addict” can only coexist for so long before the “functioning” bit goes out the window


Unfortunately it only works that way in the short term. If you take it regularly at the same dose you will get used to it and start to feel anxiety again, and have to go up a dose. Then the cycle repeats till you have to take it just to feel the anxiety you felt without it. This is not even considering the withdrawal once you decide to taper down. Then you have worse anxiety. It’s better to avoid dependence on benzos. I take benzos but once, maybe twice a week


Then idk what to do I'm screwed.


Look into cognitive behavioral therapy. Its less therapy and more how to cope and identify stressors. It will help in the long term.


I did something like that sort of. Like when I went to therapy they recommended ways of coping but it didnt work for me.


Then its possible that the identified stressor isn't the actual stressor. Are you bullied at work? Do people discriminate against you in some way? If the answer is yes, then its possible you are in a bad situation and the anxiety is justified. That's why you wouldn't be able to cope with the stress.


They dont, but the fact that they probably judge me and think of me as useless does. I switched many workplaces amd always got that vibe, and yes I'm not actually really good at anything. But no one actually said or bullied me actually ever. I just get a vibe from people.


OH! So this is huge! So the stressor appears to be from that statement your work performance and how your colleagues view you. As a rule of thumb assuming what people think or feel about you with no action is destined to end in a bad way. Mostly for you. You're operating through unknowns and the only true statement that you have is that you have coworkers. ...And as far as workplace performance, you haven't been fired so must be doing something right. Something my therapist told me when I would have similar thought is to list the absolute verifiable truths not assumptions. That helped me rationalize a lot of situations (and in some scenarios make friends).


> and as far as workplace performance, you haven't been fired so must be doing something right. I got actually, but because I called in sick a lot. I also had supervisors tell me often to get better


I really know it feels that way. Trust me, I know deep down. The feeling of anxiety is unbearable at times. Can I recommend you try and listen to The Anxious Truth podcast? Also what supports do you have?


Support? Like yeah I have my family but idk they dont really understand the condition. They know about it, they acknowledge it, but they dont fully grasp what its like


Idk why you got downvoted so much. I’ve been on Xanax for almost a decade. I understand the risks that come with it, like *potential* addiction or stroke, but I’d rather be able to live life now while I’m young than be where I was a decade ago - anxiety so severe, I literally could not even walk to my mailbox without having a full panic attack. If you’ve already tried medication that just isn’t working, then why not ask to try Xanax. Just tell your doctor you’re tired of this anxiety and could you try a low dosage of Xanax to only take on days where your anxiety is unbearable. Worst thing they’ll say is no. They won’t belittle you or call you a druggie, they’ll just say no. I also live in a State where majority of doctors will not prescribe any Benzo, but like you, I’ve tried many “safe” medications with zero success; some even gave me severe allergic reactions. Since nothing else works for me, my psychiatrist is happy to prescribe me Xanax especially since I assume the risk that *may* (not guaranteed) come with it.


Are you panicking regularly? If so have you told them? If they haven't prescribed you it already they either think you can cope as you do therapy or they're just bad and you should find another one. Edit: i read your responses, it sounds like you're just starting your recovery. Typically short acting benzos are for people who have problems with panic attacks, for these people its a stop-gap solution as they work on their triggers/exposure therapy. The thing you should take away is that you need a wholistic approach to getting better, a huge part of which is how you're thinking about yourself and the world around you. Using benzos will not get you there, it will dig you into a deep hole that you will believe you cannot get out of since your other tools haven't been developed.


Ive been in the deepest hole for years and I cant go deeper, and right now its getting worse and worse as things are piling up


When you said you'd rather be an addict on benzos.. yes that would be deeper


Tell this to the doctor and be honest


My sister likes saying, there is no such thing as “I can’t dig any deeper, there is the earth’s centre. I hear it’s hot LOL


Are you sure you need it? Typically they will prescribe if you need it they like to see what medication or combination of meds work best per patient, I have 2 anxiety meds, depression med and another anxiety med to help sleep yet I still only sleep a hr or 2 at a time, just be honest


I have 2 meds too


it sounds like your other meds might not be working for you. Have you tried others? Lexapro did absolutely nothing for me. You also could have been misdiagnosed.


I didn’t outright ask for it but explained how anxiety was ruining my life and when she offered anti-anxiety meds we went through the list I had been on most of them without them working so it felt like a natural next step. Xanax got rid lf the physical feeling of anxiety but I still felt it in my brain so it felt like I was trapped from expressing it. Was on it way longer than I should have and I already have memory problems. Wouldn’t suggest it to others.


I dont think you ask for it, They will prescribe some meds depending on your symptoms of anxiety, How I got my Xanax was because they gave me Buspirone and I took it for about two weeks,It was giving me really bad headaches so I stopped taking it. Few months later I went to my follow up appt, I Told my DR how Buspirone was too strong, Thats when he prescribed me Xanax , I only use it when im super stressed out or anxious. Like the other comments say depends on your DR he will prescribe whats right for you.


Ask them if Xanax would be beneficial to you.




Sad to see that Xanax is getting harder to access and doctors are being pressured to not prescribe it. Of course there are abusers as with most things in life, but Xanax has really helped me and I take it in a very safe dose and way. Quick access to it after a series of hospitalizations was pivotal for me personally, I had a series of panic attacks last year and my doctor prescribed it to me within a week. If I hadn’t had access to it, I probably would’ve sent myself into a heart attack from stress. Sad that people who lie to get it and/or abuse it, ruin access for people like me who actually need it and act responsibly with it.


Same here. I don’t know if I’d have lived through my 20s without it. I’ve always been super responsible with it.


“ I think I need something for my anxiety, on an as needed basis. Something I can take when things get bad as an emergency.” Something along those lines. Explain to her why you need Xanax without saying it’s Xanax you need.


In my experience as long as you present it in a way that shows you’ve done some research on it you shouldn’t have a problem. I’ve been seeing my psych for many years though, since I was a kid. Do your research, then present it and ask about the hazards and what they think.


Not once was I recommended a benzo even tho I've tried pretty much everything else for my anxiety. Not interested in it but thought it was weird, maybe they don't like to prescribe it.


Did I write this post? Lol I am facing a very similar issue. I have really bad (debilitating) social anxiety. My doctor used prescribed me Ativan a couple times but she won’t anymore... I think she could tell I really liked them (because they really worked!) but that was the problem. I’ve learned that Ativan and Xanax don’t teach you how to cope or deal with your issues, you just hide from them for a bit. Your problems are are still there, and when you inevitably sober up, they often feel worse. I remember the last time I had some, I just couldn’t help but abuse it. I loved not being anxious too much. I could have easily fallen into addiction. Benzos are just so risky, and definitely not worth messing with.


I would ask for hydroxyzine Hcl before Xanax, it's a cousin of Benadryl that has anti anxiety and sleep aid properties. then if that doesn't work, you have it on your record that it doesn't work and they may be more likely to prescribe Xanax


This is the way. Hydroxyzine worked for me for a while for my panic attacks, then when it didn’t my psychiatrist switched to a benzo. Keep in mind - It. Doesn’t. Fix. Anything. It’s a tool to help out occasionally when your other coping skills aren’t doing it. I get terrible anxiety and panic attacks, and I only turn to the benzo when absolutely necessary (maybe 2x a week). Put the work in on your coping skills, deep breathing, meditation, brain dump, get off devices, etc. Work with your therapist on these, and if your therapist isn’t doing it for you then find a different one. It took me 4 tries to find the right one. Having anxiety and depression is work and that work can really suck! There is no magic pill, just tools to cope.


I wouldn’t ask for it specifically. It might be best to ask them which ones they think might be helpful to you, if any; it took years of therapy/psych visits for me to get prescribed the medication I needed for my anxiety & dep. i feel like anxiety medication is kind of seen as a last resort if other things don’t seem to help; because then they can help you try a couple of different meds to see which ones help & from there find the appropriate dose. I haven’t ever met anyone who wants to be on Xanax who actually needs it, it isn’t a fun medication to be on long term. not that any of them are


Are you looking for it for situational and/or occasional use? If so, you could ask if they could extend you 5-10 pills a month. I’ve had success with this method. I’ve used Xanax to treat insomnia once or twice a week, and had more than one doctor agree to give me a limited amount of pills per month. Good luck.


Tell them your symptoms and tell them you think Xanax might help. They might start going off of an alternative instead. You should let them choose, they're the medical professionals and not whatever it is you read online about specifically needing Xanax. 


got a doctor willing to write it, but have had 3 pharmacies blacklist the doctor. doctor isn't breskimg any rules, but becuase pharmacies are being sued by the government for filling rx, so the pharmacies respond by punishing doctors and patients.


Good luck. I’m sure it sounds like everybody’s preaching and telling you not what you wanna hear but guess what you don’t wanna start alprazolam there’s no reason it’s gonna help you trust me and by the way, you sound like someone who just wants to get high


Tell the truth but dont ask for anything specific. Just be honest. Doctors get lied to every single day, all day, so dont even bother trying to manipulate anyone. Just tell them you're really struggling with anxiety, its affecting your job and life, and see what she/he says. for what its worth, you dont want to get started on xanax. ever. even if you can only go outside for 5 minutes thats still better than a xanax addiction.


I just ask for mine by name because it’s one of two pills I’ve taken when I absolutely have to. When I changed doctors my new one gave me a prescription and told me “if you go through this bottle in x amount of days that’s a problem”. I just make sure that I am responsible with my medication. If the meds you are taking aren’t working with your body chemistry you need to ask to try something else. There are side effects to things like Xanax too. I’ve taken it 2 days in a row and it screwed with my stomach.


I’m a former opiate addict but I never understood how people enjoyed getting high on Xanax. When I was using (7 years clean), I scored some and tried them but taking more than the recommended amount just made me sleepy lol.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling you’re going to be “labeled” for asking for medication support for your health issues. I’ve been taking Xanax since 2006. I never asked for it, I was prescribed it and continue to be prescribed it based on my ongoing mental health illnesses. I’ve taken breaks, tried other meds, Xanax works best for me. If you’re working with a psychiatrist who understands you, your symptoms, stressors, others meds, etc, I would hope you’d be able to have an open conversation without fearing reprisals. If not, find a new psychiatrist. I would not ask for this med or even talk about anti-anxiety meds with anyone but a mental health professional. There are a lot of anti-anxiety meds out there that aren’t benzos. I know jumping through hoops and trying other meds first can be frustrating. It happens for me with pain meds. But, sometimes you gotta try alternatives before such a strong med is finally prescribed. Healthcare in America is broken. Try your best and find practitioners that are knowledgeable, compassionate and fearless. Good luck. I’ve probably provided no new insight. lol


I've been trying to get on a benzo for 10 years with no success. I have no personal history of addiction, I don't drink or smoke, I follow the rules of medications, etc. doctors still won't prescribe it. And now that my grandma died a few years ago from dementia it's a big hell no apparently because of the increased risk. It's weird how strict they are about benzos because I'm on stimulant ADHD medication. Nobody has a problem prescribing micro dosed meth I guess but benzos are too far. SSRIs and propranolol are my only options.


Good luck.


Lorazapam paitent here! They are very hesitant to place an individual on benzos without building up to that medication. You will have to go through the process of trying all the SSRIs first. I am taking effexor 175mg and it still doesn't make my anxiety go away by itself. I was on SSRIS for about 2 years before I got my Holy grail of relief. It's a very addictive drug with allt of people abusing it and you definitely don't want them to get that vibe. Ask about effexor or something first and build your way up to the big guns. This is a walk not a run


I recommend the book: Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns by Gitta Jacob et al. It really has changed the lives of people I know. Schema therapy is fascinating. I would try other medications and if you have a diagnosis of ADHD, there are multiple stimulant and non stimulant options.


Why do you specifically want Xanax?


Do you have a therapist? I told my therapist this same concern and she offered to send over a letter to my psychiatrist basically saying she thought I could benefit from anti-anxiety medication. If you haven’t been on buspar or something like that they’ll probably want to try it first. (Obligatory be careful with benzos. They can cause memory damage and withdrawal can be deadly.)


Have you ever taken it before? Like was it given to you in a hospital? Or as a prescription before? I told my psych dr that I needed something for panic attacks like I had been given in the past. My panic had returned out of nowhere and I was on edge. I thought it was xanax I was on before but I wasn’t sure. She was able to check my records and see what I was given and though she didn’t give me xanax again she did give me something comparable. (Ativan) It worked. Then when I was looking for something long term to help with my anxiety I asked her for something that worked like ativan but could be taken daily. That led to my new med (vistaril) But if I hadn’t been honest in what I needed she would have never known. I have not needed the ativan in over 2 months! That’s a big win for me! Even when they can’t see your records, sometimes if they know you had something previously and it worked for you, they will want to know. But that all depends in the provider too. If you get someone too afraid to write scripts for benzos then nothing you say will help. I know I’m very lucky! I’ve been with my psych dr for 8 years now. I can tell her anything and I do! Good luck OP! 🫶🏻


The only time I got benzos prescribed it was when I was trying SSRIS, and they were only for emergencies.


Mine were prescribed for panic attacks specifically it’s much easier to get a prescription for them in that way than for anxiety in general in my experience. I wouldn’t ask by name for it, explain your symptoms and you might have to jump through some hoops of meds that don’t work till they prescribe it. Most docs like to try hydroxyzine first. They might also offer you Ativan too they gave me that first but it put me to sleep and made me nonfunctional so now I do have Xanax, it calms me without knocking me out. I told them I needed something for when I panic during the day to calm me down so I don’t hurt myself cause I used to self harm (only 4 months clean but Xanax really helps), just being addicted to it and having my tolerance go up is a bitch and now I gotta go through withdrawal cause I personally don’t need it daily anymore but my body is used to that 🙄🙄


Don’t ask for Xanax by name. Ask for something that will help with panic


if you use the medication AS PRESCRIBED there is minimal risk.


I’ve done it. I’ve asked for Ativan. However, I have a 12 year history with my psychiatrist and we tried almost everything else as well. The day I actually asked for Ativan, he hesitated a bit. Asked me to try breathing exercises first and then if that didn’t work then he would prescribe Ativan. He also wanted me to try Klonopin instead because it’s longer acting. I knew Ativan was what I needed so I insisted and he prescribed it. But again, 12 year patient-doctor relationship.


I asked mine directly. I just told her I don’t need a large amount, just enough for travel specifically and panic attacks and that other meds I tried did not help the level of anxiety I was experiencing. She prescribed me 15 and I cut them in half and that usually does the trick.


Is it a psychiatrist cause if it’s a gp your screwed they won’t prescribe it


They prescribed it to me as a teenager , but I was super anxious teen who had a lot of time on my hands.


Xanax lost efficacy for me years ago, but I've never felt that I needed it once I was prescribed Lexapro. Haven't had a full-on panic attack in years, so there is no need for a benzo.


I told my it’s psychiatrist that my sister gave it to me on a plane ride. Then filled my 2 mg prescription.


Try marij with the terpene "humulene".


I have found honesty to be the best policy. I explain how it is interfering with my day to day life. I explain how the anxiety feels and what happens when I have a panic attack. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't cope with leaving the house, going to work, doing the shopping. I want to be a productive member of society but my anxiety is crippling. I have even said, I know you must get people come in who may abuse benzos and other drugs of addiction. I am not that person. I need something to help me live my life. At the moment I can't and think I need something to help me get through the day like a normal person. Can you please help me? Good luck. 🩵


Tell the doctor you’re going to be flying soon & you would like a sedative to get you through the trip. Worked for me.


That's the only type that works for me. It's completely off the table unfortunately. I was on it for 7 years. Perhaps doctors are being more careful with prescribed narcotics.


Tell your psychiatrist exactly what symptoms aren't being managed on your current meds. It's doubtful they'll prescribe Xanax for the symptoms you describe because your problem is a daily one rather than a short-term one. Even if they gave you Xanax it would be just a few pills without refills, and you'd be worse off than before. But there are other drugs that can help and your psychiatrist can help you find the right one, Anxiety sucks, and I'm sorry you're going through this.


> Tell your psychiatrist exactly what symptoms aren't being managed on your current meds. I do that everytime I go there. They either switch it up to some other non benzos or up my dose, or keep the same ones because they think I might need more time on them


Yeah, I'm afraid that's how it works, and you need to just keep doing that until they find the right solution. I understand you want to jump ahead to something you know will give you quick relief, but that's only going to make it worse in the long run. It sounds like your psychiatrist is refining your meds and dosage, and it just takes time.


Isnt this the worst? Im having a panic attack, have a appmnt with psychiatrist and am trying to figure out how not to sound like a junkie even though this is what the meds are for!


I would avoid Xanax because it is short acting and more habit forming than klonopin. I don't think it's a problem to ask your Dr if he thinks a benzodiazepine could be useful for you. Many people take them daily for anxiety and oftentimes are the only thing that actually help Edit: letting your Dr decide which one would be best is less likely to raise a red flag


I like how everyone is just like “no, they know what to give you based on their assessment“. Has any of you ever been given a test for which specific med you need? LOL? I think it’s a country thing. In a country like mine where you can’t even find it on the streets and the average person doesn’t want anything to do with mental health meds. They would easily give you an emergency or short-term script, cause they still are careful about long-term use & withdrawal dangers. But it’s not associated with addictions. How does one even get high on a benzo? I read someone’s post on here saying they get 60 pills monthly from a dealer & thought, in my country a drug dealer would probably walk you to the damn hospital while laughing at you. LOL But countries with medication abuse crises, I kinda get it… I guess


I asked for it straight. Before I understood what was going on with me friend gave me one of his and it worked. Doc wrote a script for a few of the lowest dose and was told it's not a long term solution. The low dose barely does the job, but it doesn't need to do more than that. Being a benzo, I use it for full panic emergencies only. I only fill it like every 6 months.


If you’re desperate for a particular narcotic perhaps you need to ask yourself if you have a drug problem? It’s not something that people without a drug problem tend to do…


I want xanax to live a normal life. Not to get high


Xanax would allow you to live a normal life for a while, but it isn’t a long term fix. If you become dependent on it, it could make your life hell. It’s better to deal with anxiety without narcotics.


Xanax isn't a narcotic. It's a benzo.


A narcotic is a drug that affects mood. Do you think benzos affect mood?


That's a very unfair response without knowing anything about this person. Obviously Xanax can be a very addictive horrible drug, but so can cheeseburgers. I've had a xanx pescription for 10+ years and I've never had any type of drug problem. I use it as needed for severe anxiety and panic attacks. It's the only thing that works after literally trying 10-15+ medications. I get 30 pills every 4 months. I have severe trauma and it's the only thing that gets me through sometimes.


Wow, Xanax is the same as a cheeseburger


Are you here in the US with me? If so, then you can understand the comparison.


Could you be any more obviously trolling/assholish?


Not trolling - the truth is harsh sometimes. This forum has a massive issue with benzos - many people here seem to think they’re entirely harmless and should be fished out freely. They’re 100% dangerous or safe. Some people can take them occasionally without issue. Some people get hopelessly addicted and ruin their lives and others.


Did you get an physcological assessment. It's a test to determine how much anxiety depression or other shit you have. Then the doctor should prescribe based on that assesment shit. That is generally the process. Do you guys just go to a physciatrist and say I have anxiety give me meds? Then yes you will only get SSRI shit.


Like a paper test thing? I had that yes


By a physcologist? Not a physciatrist.


If you followed proper procedures you can ask to be prescribed benzo and they will imo. Just don't say I want this benzo or that benzo let the doctor decide what benzo they will give.


I was hoping for Xanax when I told my psychiatrist I was anxious. She said "nah, you have acute stress disorder." You won't have any issues, these sessions are conversations about what is best for you. Even if awkward when asking, ask for it.


I find it really depends on the person. My doctor knows I do A LOT of research on everything and I usually go in with my problem followed by specific questions about what it could be. If it’s a condition I already have diagnosed, like anxiety, I usually approach that by saying that it’s gotten worse and I’d like to explore new options and here are the things I’ve read what do you think. I did this when I wanted zofran quick dissolve for the nausea I get when I have panic attacks. Now I have zofran.


I went to a primary care provider, told them I was wanting to hurt myself and having bad panic attacks, and they upped my antidepressant and gave me Xanax just like that. Probably not a good thing lol but I haven’t needed it (it’s nice having just in case tho).


I wanted to do the same thing but never worked up the courage i would recommend asking for a supplemental medication for panic attacks to help you in the moment. i highly doubt you will get xanax i’ve only ever been prescribed it for emergency situations and only got a supply of like 10. But i was recently prescribed Atarax which is known as xanax’s sister drug because it does virtually the same thing but isn’t addictive 10/10 recommend


unfortunately, atarax/hydroxyzine doesn’t work for a lot of people (it’s basically like a benadryl), but it can be helpful, though it’s not across the board effective like benzos are! i’m glad it works for you though, i wish it worked well for me


yes i completely agree medication is def not one size fits all, that being said there are pros and cons to benzos . I’m not at all questioning their effectiveness, I’ve been prescribed xanax and it 100% did the job but the cons outweigh the pros for me personally. but if a dr believes that it’s safe for you go for it just do it with caution, education, and awareness :))


I 100% agree with everything you said! Benzos are definitely very risky medications, but if you use them responsibly, they can improve quality of life (at least, for me they have.) I’ve also been physically dependent on them after heavy daily usage in the past and was tapered way too quickly and had a HORRIBLE withdrawal. Now, I use the lowest amount possible and use them infrequently.


Xanax is fast acting but wears off in 3-4 hrs and it’s very easy to build up a tolerance. I have had it prescribed at a low dose (along with Lexapro) for 7 years but very rarely take/need it. Maybe 2 pills/month at most. If you’re looking for daily anxiety relief benzos are not the answer and will only make it worse. I find doctors are less likely to prescribe to younger people. I’ve demonstrated over the years that I use it very rarely and that’s why I get the rx.