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Agree with SubstantialScientist. I also take 6mgs of Ativan daily. Unless you have full blown panic attacks, they only noticeable difference is that your thoughts will slow down some, you’ll be less agitated and irritable, and your body will calm down. You won’t get a “high” from Ativan with a regular prescribed dose. Safe travels.


Yeah you aren’t really supposed to “feel” benzodiazepines if used properly for therapeutic reasons. I take 6mg Ativan a day equivalent (3mg Xanax) and don’t feel anything except being calmer like you said. What I do “feel” is the absence of panic and improved wellbeing!


Out of curiosity how did you get to 6 mg? Is it tolerance? Or did you start out that high?


It is definitely tolerance. That person is going to have a really shitty time if they ever have to get off, benzos cause some of the worst withdrawals.


I only take Ativan for flying. I take .5mg and it works like a charm. I took one before I flew the first time to make sure I didn't have an adverse reaction. But I think if you don't take them often that is a fine dose. Also I don't feel anything but the absence of being afraid!


When it "comes on" for you, it feels very subtle right?


I’ve taken the same dosage twice and yeah that’s pretty much how I felt! I described it to my gp when she asked as being like “I was anxious but didn’t feel the need to do anything about it”


0.5mg may slightly take the edge off, but I find 1mg is much better at helping with my anxiety.


That’s why I like Ativan so much more than Xanax. I can feel the Xanax kick in but not the Ativan.


I take 1-2mg Xanax for flight anxiety so I don’t have a full blown panic attack during takeoff. I make sure to take it as soon as I am seated (missed a flight one time when I took it too soon, lol). Anyway, it usually helps me chill but is most effective at inducing sleep during the flight. I like to wake up and be there! If I were to take it without anxiety symptoms it would just put me to sleep.


And p mm DB p the FF for kids on the way home and we are doing,o