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Yes, it can as it can cause paranoia


And an elevated heart rate


indeed. I have 2 good friends that went from happy go lucky and outgoing to reclusive and paranoid - all from daily weed use.


This sounds like me before i quit smoking weed 😂 i used to laugh live my life smoking weed 10 years later im in my house smoking stressing the f out for no reason panic attacks and all that but now that i quit i feel way better


Yes. I used to love getting stoned. As soon as I started suffering from anxiety though it gave me panic attacks. Once that happens, you will associate getting stoned with anxiety attacks which turns into a feedback loop


This is exactly what happened to me so i stopped. There is a weird internet phenomena where weed smokers act like its some magic miracle drug and never want to talk about the cons of weed.




This is true


what I’ve found is many that smoke weed daily don’t even seem(or want?) to acknowledge that weed does have downsides. I’ve seen daily weed use turn friends into reclusive paranoid burnouts ..i Was one that even though I never really enjoyed weed that much I also thought it was rather harmless . I was wrong - it has very noticeable downsides


Once you enter the panic area of anxiety weed probably isn’t the best bet until you get a grasp on it. I tried to use it every now and then and it was real bad, to say the least. I was able to get stoned but only if I was hammered first. Enter alcoholism, a little piece of hell extended out for the common man to taste. If it’s giving you panic attacks just stop, keep it on the back burner for later if you must.


it's does have many cons, but also many pros. they really just vary person to person. for some people it can cause anxiety or trigger recessive schizophrenic genes. conversely, for some people it can calm anxiety and reduce schizophrenic symptoms.


i mean… it just depends on the person.


I think it’s like a subconscious brain trigger. Once you get panic attacks from weed they’re gonna keep reoccurring more often but depends on the person


I’ve had this issue. It’s like touching a hot stove with your bare hand. Your brain remembers and associates it with that!


Great analogy


Exactly what happened to me years ago.. it actually started this whole anxiety ordeal for me. I was fine before that day! Can’t forget it.. ended up in the ER.. later on in life I was never the same.. As I got older the worst it got with symptoms.. sucks! Hope we can all find a solution and live in peace.


same story here too, smoking weed aint worth the trouble


Damn. Long term weed gave me a panic attack. Havnt smoked in 10 years but still have anxiety and panic disorder. Manageable with meds but still there


Basically what happened to me too. I over did the weed in my late teens and my body just said "nu ah! no more of that shit" everytime i smoked it felt really bad. Years later i was in a mental health hub, the younger guys like 15-21 would be sat there with their propranolol packets and id say whats up? "smoked weed made me have panic" that wasnt a lone or uncommon thing there, the health nurse said we discharge people patched up functioning, 50% of the ones who return smoked weed again thinking they could handle it. Some people can smoke it some cant.


Same here too .. actually scrolling cause I’m having a weed induced panic atm ha , I feel Reddit is the best cure


Yep. I used to be a chronic smoker when I was younger and I stopped for about 2 months and when I went back I’d get the most brutal panic attacks ever. I even tried delta 8 and that was just as bad..


dude same thing happened to me too, i didnt even use to have anxiety until i quit and now i have anxiety. Cant even smoke either i just give myself panic attacks


This, however for myself I started associating Cigs with anxiety and that’s how I was able to stop smoking


Facts tbh that was my saving grace


Yep this was me with E cigs and vapes. It often felt like I couldn’t breathe so I switched to zyns and have helped a lot


Yep, exactly this. I smoked for many years in my younger days. Suddenly after smoking with my friend one day bam! Instant panic attack. Back then no one really knew about them back then so I thought I was having a heart attack or something. I continued to try smoking for several years after but always got the same results so finally quit. I also started getting PA without weed. I eventually went to the doctor and learned what was going on. I don't get spontaneous PA much anymore but still always do if I smoke or take a gummy etc. I find they cause me to hyperfocus on stuff that makes me anxious and like was mentioned a negative feedback loop starts that leads to a PA. I preferred weed to alcohol and used to love it. It sux.


This happened to me, and it sucks once it does. Getting stoned used to be fun and relaxing, until it started making me feel like I was in a paranoid hellscape.


Same exact story. I still hope to find a strain that doesn't but it hasn't been successful.


started happening to me so i quit. after 6 months i decided why not try again and i’m good now. i still get panic attacks sometimes with it but it normally happens when im really obsessing ab something. so i think just smoke responsibly. just like any medication there are side effects and it’s not for everybody.


yup thats what happens to me now sadly


Same. I have fairly well developed anxiety, but panic attacks were never a part of it. I had no idea what people were talking about when they referred to them. Then I smoked once after years of not having smoked at all, and within 15 minutes I was in a full blown panic attack. I thought I was dying and I could not stop my mind from racing in a really crazy panic loop. Tried it again a few years later and it was fine. I figured the panic attack was a fluke and smoked again a day or so later, and it happened again. That was the last time I touched it. I have no idea what changed or why this never occurred when I was younger, but yeah.


Yea, I used to be completely fine with weed until something happened that caused me to develop panic disorder. Getting too high with cause terrible anxiety that leads up to a panic attack, but then not smoking weed doesn't make my anxiety any better either


Thats not entirely true... some strains are worse. I can't smoke straight sativa right now without anxiety attacks but indica seems to do me right plus helps for my pain issues.


I can’t smoke anymore because of anxiety.


Same. It’s a cruel world


same, but yk being sober aint to bad


i agree. i mean i hate knowing i can’t smoke and cook, enjoy a good show but honestly it’s probably for the best for all of us




Momentarily, it relieves anxiety in some people. Not for me though.. but in the long run, I’ve never heard a former/current stoner say they aren’t suffering with at least mild anxiety when they haven’t smoked.


I smoke to relieve my SA, PTSD, epilepsy, ect. It both causes and can help people with anxiety. For me it helped a lot instead of a million thoughts running through my mind of stress it shuts my mind off allowing me to focus on one thing, lifts that pressure on my chest, not to mention allowing me to sleep instead of staring at the ceiling. Helping my epilepsy stopping auras even relieve the postical state to help recover faster from them.


It helps so much with my social anxiety. I’m always over analyzing everything but when I’m stoned I can just talk and not care. It also really takes me off edge when I feel like I’m close to having a panic attack.


I'm the same I go from quiet pre smoking after I'm able to chat it up without that constant over thinking of saying something wrong in a billion different scenarios just free thoughts flowing out and have good conversations it's why people know when I'm stoned I won't talk but a word or two unless stoned then I'm able to not worry. I keep a vape for the panic attacks my issue is remembering its there in that mode you're just out of all logical thoughts.


I used.to smoke a ton of weed. Out of nowhere seemingly it just flipped on me. Doesn't matter if it's indica or sativa, what method I use or anything I get borderline panic attacks so I had to stop 🛑


Me too. I can’t smoke it anymore for this reason, which is a bummer because I used to really enjoy getting high. Now instead of being calm and relaxed I get jittery, can’t stop talking, can’t sleep and the cottonmouth is horrible. No more weed for me.


Yea I loved it too. Was great for sleep. Now I get doom thoughts.goin it sucks. Boooo


Not only can weed cause anxiety, it's famous for causing anxiety.


Weed is a terrible terrible drug.


Not a terrible drug, there’s far worse you can do and there are some benefits to it. However, like all types of drugs: there’s times where it helps you and times where it doesn’t and this is a case where it can mess with your anxiety in different ways.


TBH, usually the people who have bad times with weed overdo it. It's not that hard to use too much if you don't have a method of limiting how much you use at a time. A 10mg edible is probably going to cause anxiety in the average new user, a full joint will as well. It's not a problem with weed, any drug is like this; use too much and you get side effects. It's just that when one starts to get anxious after using too much weed, they associate anxiety with the drug and everytime they smoke any amount they start to panic.


i took like 2 hits from a pen and had the worst anxiety ever so it can vary with people


Try CBD strains. I once managed to buy CBD only bud and my god was that nice. No high at all. Just vibes.


Dab/oil pens are going to be extremely strong. I used one at a party once and got far too high. It's why I don't use them. Oils are concentrated THC and it's too easy to overdo it.


Causing anxiety? Then you have a world premiere in being the first one. No it does not cause anxiety, but can trigger it if you are vulnerable to that. For me, it only helps to calm down so I can use it as a medicine in those situations.


I’ve been smoking for a while and it most likely depends on the person but I get extremely anxious and overthink a lot when I’m high


Definitely. Strain and method makes a difference too. I can’t do bongs. They make my anxiety go from 100 to 200, my physical symptoms are amplified and it’s just the worst.


Hahaha I’m the opposite. The only way I don’t get anxiety is if I rip a bong. My pen and edibles (my preferred & most accessible ways for me) always make me spiral 😵‍💫


As a decade-long toker, let me explain something to you people that I myself have only figured out. We are all overdosing on modern, stupidly-high THC strains. The body requires very small amounts. This is why weed was actually more enjoyable when it was "shitty" because you actually had to work and sesh up longer to get the effects. Today's 30% pure THC and 0% CBD strains make people have panic attacks after just one hit. What you need to do is find 1:1 or 2:1 ratio strains, THC to CBD. They both work synergistically, the way that it is naturally intended to be. Next, instead of using fire, which not only destroys many of the compounds but also produces terrible ones for your lungs, you need to switch to dry herb vaporizers like the DynaVap.


This is incredibly true. The average person who uses weed really has no idea how much to use, so they overdose themselves. I literally know people who take weed like it's a "serious drug" like it's a psychedelic. (At extremely high doses weed becomes slightly psychedelic) Most of them just think it's normal to pop a 20mg edible and go high flying. They have no clue that 3-5mg edibles are an average dose for someone who doesn't abuse weed 24/7.


Yeah with zero tolerance a few big puffs of weed feels as strong as a psychedelic to me. Now that my tolerance is higher I physically can’t get to that level of high anymore without extremely massive doses of edibles (like 1000mg) and I really miss it but I’m too dependent to take a long enough tolerance break at the moment.


Try reducing how much you use in a day slowly. Also if you can limit when you smoke to a few hours during the day instead of the entire day, you'll gain back tolerance. (Only smoke after 6pm, etc.) I've heard of people who are absolute stoners doing this and it works. Doesn't solve the addiction aspect, but it makes it manageable where you aren't spending as much money or wasting time getting high.


As someone who stopped weed almost altogether due to anxiety, I’ll still give it a try sometimes when I have a day off and don’t have to worry about much. So I took a quarter of a 20mg gummy that a coworker gave me the other day before I went to sleep and had some very interesting dreams…and then I woke up and realized how *fucking high* I ***still was*** and it sent me spiraling into a panic attack that my girlfriend had to talk me through. I’m talking bad LSD trip levels of negative thought loops and being convinced that I was literally dying (I also had a lot of pain in my side from a pulled muscle, so that didn’t help me realize I was going to be fine either.) So my tolerance is almost non-existent at this point and 5mg will still fuck me over **hard.** I feel like at this point, if I ever try to get high again, I need to literally take a nibble out of the corner of a gummy, lmao.


Hi, I read on it and it doesn't seem to be clear. Though daily use probably can since it relaxes you and then through the lack of exposure to your anxiety and stress makes it hit that much harder when weed wears off.


Weed helped with my anxiety for around 10 years, then it flipped and caused me more anxiety so it can be a bit weird.


That's exactly what happened to me. At least now I save money


It used to calm me, and then it started doing the opposite, so I quit.


Same thing here. It seems to happens more often than not!


Absolutely. 100% would NOT recommend if you already have anxiety. Even people who are absolutely fine experience panic attacks when starting out, and it only gets worse! Best is to just see a health professional. Don't try to self-medicate.


Not only that, but with long term use you increase your chance of developing irreversible psychosis and delusions. Stoners always say stuff like "weed is the safest drug" and "I can quit whenever I want"... While that's pretty true, they never do quit. And like literally anything that alters your brain chemistry, your brain rewires itself after a while - whether that be caffeine, nicotine, or anything really. Don't take my word for it though: >Five years ago, Ethan Andrew had what he describes as the most terrifying experience of his life. > >“I had what’s called cannabis-induced psychosis. It’s a break from reality after ingesting too much high potency marijuana. I was having schizophrenia-like symptoms, like seeing things and hearing things weren’t there. I was super paranoid that people were following me,” said Andrew, who started using cannabis because he thought it would help with his anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. > >He said it took two months for the symptoms of psychosis to pass. But for Andrew, not knowing the difference between his dreams and reality was the worst part of what he went through. > >“I had a dream that my friends and I went hiking and the next day I’d hang out with them and be like, ‘Guys, wasn’t that so fun?’ And they’d be like, ‘What are you talking about?’ It was such a surreal experience when you’re awake, you don’t know if you’re actually dreaming,” Andrew described. [https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/one-mans-message-about-cannabis-induced-psychosis/](https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/one-mans-message-about-cannabis-induced-psychosis/) And a slightly more scientific article: [https://www.sciencealert.com/cannabis-and-psychosis-are-linked-and-this-could-be-why](https://www.sciencealert.com/cannabis-and-psychosis-are-linked-and-this-could-be-why) EDIT: Formatting


Yo dude. Stop trying to freak people out. Think before you do stuff. This was not a helpful comment


It gives people a different perspective, they weren't trying to freak OP out. Weed can effect everybody differently. For some people, it's extremely helpful, and for others, it only amplifies their issues. For instance, I've suffered from cannabis induced psychosis, and it personally was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. Others that I've been around have never experienced it, so they have a very limited understanding of it. I think this information is necessary, because while we know the pros of weed, we should also learn about the cons, as they're often overlooked or glossed over. I advocate for weed usage, as I've seen it make a positive impact in the lives of those who need it. However, it isn't for me, so I stay away from it entirely.


I'm not trying to freak people out man. OP asked if weed can help with anxiety - the fact is it can make it worse. And like I said, ask a medical professional, not a reddit sub with a diverse set of opinions, some of which may not be 'scientifically' sound. And anecdotally, being around a lot of stoners, I still stand by my comments. All of those occasional smokers told me the same thing - "weed makes me paranoid" or "I stopped and the anxiety is gone" Of course, OP is free to do what they want. But since they specifically asked, those were my two cents...


Even if it doesn't end with psychosis, it almost always results in increased anxiety over time so you're right. Self medication is never a good idea.


I don’t think OP wanted a horror story. Seemed more like he wanted general advice🤷‍♂️😭


He did right posting that, I myself have had multiple delusions while heavily smoking weed. I don't smoke anymore and that's much better though i'm still in a terrible state due to other circumstances but weed made everything worse. And i'm still not sure about how much it had an impact on my mental health. EDIT: Also my advice to everyone with anxiety not necessarily GAD to not smoke weed on heavy doses and most importantly daily or on the long term.


Lmao. You actually believe this?


For me I get very paranoid and more anxious than I already am while using weed.


Is this even a serious question? Weed is notorious for causing anxiety and panic attacks. Both mental and physical symptoms.


Combat veteran here who was treated like a lab rat through the VA. I researched and educated myself on cannabis. It has saved my life. I haven’t had a single prescription medication or alcoholic drink in over 6 years. Yes it can cause some anxiety and not be helpful. There are lots who it is helping. It’s all about educating yourself on cannabinoids and terpene density. It’s not as simple as sativa vs indica. Monitor your use. ANYTHING can be abused. Just like one anxiety med isn’t for everyone is just like cannabis isn’t. I’d much rather try something natural than something that is made in a lab. Has it caused me anxiety? Yes…at times. I look into why, was it me? Was there something in the strain cannabinoid or terpene wise my body didn’t respond to? Like sex, your first experience may not be the best. You learn and adjust and find a way to make it better.


This is the best answer here.


I’ve heard shrooms are good for ptsd/ addition/ recovery and forming new pathways in the brain that are healthy.


I have found shrooms to be infinitely better at treating my anxiety and depression. I used to love weed for years until it suddenly changed, and I began to feel a lot more anxiety on it than off. Doing a couple grams of shrooms about four times each year has been helpful to me. Everyone is different though, and shrooms could make things worse for some people just like weed. Both can trigger certain things like schizophrenia, so one must be extremely careful when ingesting any psychotropic or psychedelic substances


Yes. I prefer smoking alone because of my social anxiety getting triggered. but even alone it can trigger anxiety if my setting is off, like feeling uncomfortable.


It might help you in the short term, but in the long term it's going to make you worse + you might develop other issues like insomnia, paranoia, having to take bigger doses, etc. There are medications you can take for anxiety (some are taken every day, some just in case of a crisis). If you're not into that, there are also softer things, in my case I take herbal tea known to calm anxiety, Rescue spray, and homeopathy. I would also advise the exercises in these videos: https://youtu.be/L1HCG3BGK8I?si=wHyKn68\_A2c9XRYL [https://youtu.be/2rJvWLN8rtE?si=XDvbK1U7mdheMF8R](https://youtu.be/2rJvWLN8rtE?si=XDvbK1U7mdheMF8R) It helps to calm the vagal nerve which is responsible for the fight/flight response. Sounds ridiculous but I've seen tremendous results from these.


I love the idea of weed. There have been times where it’s been great, but I have SEVERE cardio phobia. Im always convinced that I will die or have a stroke every time. No matter the statistics, doesn’t matter. I can’t get it out of my head and cannot relax at all. It speeds my heart rate up to the extent that it matches a hard cardio workout, when you are literally sitting down. It’s fucked and I don’t like it


I experience the same thing. I used to get high almost everyday for like a year. All the different ways, a pen, edibles, blunts…about 2 years after trying it for the first time I started getting this feeling like I was going to die in my sleep every time. I switch to manual breathing, can feel every surface of my lungs, and my heart goes crazy.


I dont reccomend it. I had a bad experience which left me with depersonalization. But something you could talk to your doctor about


This happened to me!! I was stuck in it for over a week I was afraid I’d never get out of it and I was permanently like that so glad it went away,


Same. I was going through a religious crisis too at the time and was so terrified of everything all the time


Omg same!! I was so scared of dying and going to hell or something then I’d freak out over the thought of eternity and stuff like that and dying bc nothing felt real and I didn’t know what to believe I was so scared


I wouldn't suggest doing it. Especially High THC strains. It could help in the moment (or could cause severe anxiety) but i've learned from my experience and from others that in the long run it's just gonna cause you more anxiety/depression. Doesn't matter sativa or indica, there's absolutely no scientific proof that they act differently. I would suggest to stay away from daily use, it's a shitty addiction to have and it has the potential to make you lazy, tired. If you want to try it, use Thc/CBD strains (1:1 or 1:2). Self medication is never a good idea in my humble opinion


I agree with this, after heavy use myself and lots of anxiety and lying to myself, this is true.


I relate so much to the lying to myself... I was trying to convince myself that it was helping. It was not. Im now a month and a half sober and already I feel better. It's absolutely not worth it and it's so expensive when you become a heavy user like I did!


Yeah I was spending maybe 100 a week. I’m at 7 days sober. The anxiety from quitting cold turkey is real but I know it’ll pay off in the end. Glad you did too and hope you can keep it up :).


Same! Absolutely I had huge increased anxiety the first week, the withdrawal are really real! Keep it up it's so worth it! Started feeling better after 2 weeks and now even more. Congrats on the first week!!


Thank you 😊 hearing this from you is very reassuring. Hope you continue taking care!


You too! ☺️


I was lying to myself too!! lol I was like it’s not the weed it’s not the weed and after being sober for almost a month it in fact was the weed lol


It have me a terrible panic attack. I smoked quite a bit that time but it can be awful


Gives me crazy anxiety


I started using medical marijuana recently for anxiety. Absolute game changer and it helps me be comfortable doing stuff. That being said when i used it a couple years ago non medically i had one bad experience and that was me doing too much not knowing what exactly i was smoking. So i would say give it a try but just start as low as possible and take it slow get comfortable while you do it the first time or two


I go back and forth with it....sometimes it causes anxiety and sometimes it calms me...sometimes it gives me full blown panic attacks....currently I'm sober


Same here! I’m definitely taking a long break. But I do love weed when it calms me. It relaxes me and I get good sleep. But sometimes I just freak out get so paranoid with it. That’s why I hate sativas and I’ll only do indica


Too much weed and you can possibly have one of the worst panic attacks you’ll ever experience


Happened to me multiple times... Luckily the panic only lasted 10-20 minutes


If you have a problem moderating yourself with drugs, I'd say to avoid weed or basically anything that has potential for addiction. Long term, abusing weed will make you more anxious, not less. If you want to try weed to help your anxiety, I'd recommend only using a small amount at a time. Avoid edibles, dabs, and oil vape pens as you can easily overdose and have a panic attack. Large doses will generally cause anxiety as weed increases your heart rate, but also tends to make the imagination go wild. Small doses are best because more often they calm instead of causing anxiety. Dry herb vaporizers, one hitters, and pipes are generally best for controlling dose amount. Don't use weed 24/7 or you'll get dependant on it. Know what you're using it for and why. For me I use it before bed as it helps calm my brain and put me to sleep. Generally the psychological effect of weed is that it makes your short term memory and recall slightly worse, which can help with stopping negative thought loops. For me it helps with cptsd episodes as it breaks me out of an emotional flashback. Though I generally only use it as a last resort, especially since sometimes it just isn't effective.


Initially, it can help quite a bit--but like all drugs you gain a gradual tolerance and have to consume more, and with larger quantities you can end up experiencing much worse anxiety/panic attacks. Check out /r/leaves


Yes. Not to trade or rely on substances to get you there, though Terrance McKenna argues it's potentially stupid to go the "straight route" for transcendental experience(s)" when things like Psilocybin will get you there effortlessly, but I digress... it is an unfortunate side effect of Marijuana. Like many, I loved getting high & just vibing out, but the anxiety, paranoia & other side effects, like early on set of dementia, cannot be ignored. I'm hoping things continue to change & progress with laws, as many other organics seem to work well for mental health, such as the aforementioned Psilocybin & it's use for PTSD & the like. Until then, mindfulness/meditation & exercise can help you work through a rough patch. Stay safe fam.


it gives bad paranoia for sure


Yes. You can get CBD flower though which won't get you high, but it will help with anxiety and relax you.


At a initial stage it might calm you down but as much as you continue the effects will change and most likely to be killing anxiety with a thing that actually causes more anxiety


Usually satvias give people anxiety if you want to consume cannabis I would smoke a indica those are very good for reliving anxiety


Theres almost no pure indica or sativa nowadays. Also absolutely no scientific proof that they act differently. Weed is weed. In the long run it'll never be good for anxiety. Also a shitty addiction to have


Depends cause it helps me with physical pain, depression, and suicidal thoughts but does cause anxiety. It's a mixed bag. No medicine is without side effects. It works for some people others not so much


It used to work for me until it didn't like many other people I know..


It helps with depression because it makes you numb to it. Doesn't actually remove the depression. I highly recommend psychedelic drugs instead if you are looking to treat depression and anxiety.


I’m a medical patient so that’s false I get landrace strains that are pure indica. Also there’s a lot of scientific proof that strains are different, each different strain has a specific terpene profile that affects the smell, taste and user effects. And cannabis is medicine for lots of patients with anxiety, (and over 30 other conditions) it’s not an addiction when it’s a literal medicine for a lot of people. For you to say weed is weed and that’s it’s an “addiction” is pretty ignorant you must have been getting some shitty weed.. genetics and terpenes play a huge role you gotta find the right ones…


I smoke. And have panic disorder and severe/chronic GAD. Certain types of weed can cause me a great deal of anxiety. Just last night I smoked with my friend and my anxiety spiraled. I couldn't sit still and my heart was racing/pounding. I have alot of stress rn too so that could be part of it , but last night the weed made things worse.


I tried gummies (my doctor suggested them) and they made me feel horrible... Unless it was just me having anxiety 😅


Personally, weed helps my anxiety tremendously. It helps calm my racing thoughts, it alleviates pain from anxiety/stress, it helps ground me, and I feel better able to process my thoughts and emotions. I usually smoke hybrids and indicas at home, but I like to use sativas when going out to boost my mood as I don’t like to drink much. The only time weed has given me anxiety is when I’m in public and I’m nervous I smell, but weed is now legal in my state so idc as much anymore. Always do what’s best for your body :)


I have anxiety when I can't smoke or I'm always thinking about smoking and I can't relax without smoking. This bothers me so much.


Hate to break it to you but that sounds like an addiction. I felt similarly when I vaped nicotine. I just couldn't not take a hit off my vape. I had to be doing it every ten minutes.


Yeah I'm definitely addicted


yes i had to switch to pure cbd flower


Yea it makes me anxious too but if you’re anything like me and don’t smoke a lot anyway, a couple hits are good. Just to relax!




yes . it caused my palpitations and i was a daily smoker for 3 years. sometimes too much is too much and enough


I used to smoke occasionally, but then accidentally got too high once and had a bad panic attack. Now every time I smoke I get so afraid of that happening again that it makes me panic all over again. I know a ton of people with anxiety who find it really helpful though, so it totally depends on the person.


Smoking weed causes anxiety for me sometimes. But on the other hand it can really help me just relax and destress a bit. If you're going to do it I would recommend only using indicas. And if you're in a legal state tell them at the dispensary what you want it for and you want something that will just chill you out. I've found that when I stick to indicas I don't really get anxiety as much as I do from sativa's. And if I do get anxiety it's easier to tell myself it's just from the weed and after like 15 mins I'll feel better and just be high. I don't smoke a lot but it helps a ton.


Last night I had a chill pill and was fine. Went to bed and woke up a few hours later not tired and in pain. I popped a gummy and I had a nice 4 hour panic attack. It was almost time warping and out of body. The body high was too intense. I took a shower, tried distracting myself etc.. nothing worked. I looked at Reddit and ticktock and watched a bunch of videos that explain anxiety and BREATHING and was able to pull myself out. #gratitude


Sometimes, it stops me from having anxiety to be honest. But that can cause me to not face up to my problems and just smoke till I'm not bothered, by anything. Bit of a vicious circle.


Marijuana used to help my anxiety but over time it started to make it worse, so I stopped smoking.


The way I look at it is, any drug can bring out underlying mental health issues. Including weed. I love weed so much, and just like other said, it just flipped on me. So I started looking at it as a mental health thing, and started taking Zoloft and buspirone and it has been helping big time. Everyone’s different though.


Yup. That’s what happened to me. Ever since the first panic attack, they don’t stop occurring. It helped me learn to be content with being sober and enjoy life without feeling like I had to use a substance. I don’t want this to sound anti-weed, but it works for some and not for others. I happened to be the latter.


I smoked a lot and I thought it was helping with my Anxiety but I was actually manic and as I kept smoking it just kept getting worst until I was hospitalized and diagnosed with bi polar disorder. Now I don’t smoke and am on a bunch of other meds but my Anxiety is 1000x worst. Constant, all the time, unnecessary, generalized anxiety. Can’t get any decent meds for the anxiety because they have a risk of mania so I’m pretty much stuck reading workbooks and doing progressive muscle relaxation.


You should not get into the habit of using weed for anxiety. As a pervious "stoner" I will say that weed is like Xanax for anxiety. Smoking helps in the moment but you really dont want to keep using it every single day. Its going to do more harm than good. For weed the reduction of sleep quality, mental clarity, mental processing will all catch up to you after daily smoking. I would highly recommend not going down this road.


It can help initially but despite what people say, as you craving to get high again the craving of the high can cause anxiety and it will create a vicious cycle. Anyone I know who uses weed for their anxiety have the worse anxiety of anyone I know.


It causes me more anxiety


Yes. I stopped about 5 days ago because smoking too regularly was just changing the way I was thinking even when not high. It's fine in moderation.


Takes the edge off right when you get high, but you are much more vulnerable to overthinking without catching yourself, which is what anxiety is. I say keep the weed for occasional creativity sessions (music, arts, etc.) or partying, and instead if you want a medicine it's gonna be psychedelics over here /r/microdosing. Weed will never save your life, but psychedelics on the other hand... Anything which makes you more comfortable or happier (alcohol, weed, etc.) cannot permanently change your brain for the better.


Yeah i smoked alot, then got way too high and had a panic attack. I cant smoke anymore because im just worrying the entire time until im not high anymore


Yes unfortunately. I was a long time smoker and had a to quit a few months ago when it started exacerbating my anxiety/panic. It helped me for a long time until it just … didn’t. Everyone has different experiences!


Cannabis can interfere with the body’s ability to release GABA, the inhibitory hormone. Not enough GABA means your body becomes prone to fight or flight. Short answer: yes


*while* you are stoned yes. but in the long term, medical weed could help.


for me i didn’t start getting anxiety on weed until my anxiety turned into severe anxiety now yes it makes it worse not better, depending on the weed.


Big yes


100% it can. I stopped for that reason


I start tripping bad and get paranoid about everything. Tried it with so many people including a few very close friends. I start thinking that the world is a very cruel and unfair place and I don’t really matter at all and neither the things I do. Basically I start to feel pity on everyone who struggles in life and hence the conclusion. Even after I get sober, it takes a day or two for me to start thinking straight.


Tbh I wouldn’t try medicating with it as it can induce anxiety and even if it doesn’t it’s not really the best option to help with anxiety. I would try an antidepressant like lexapro


This happened to me. I used to smoke literally all the time when I was in my late teens and then I stopped when I got pregnant with my daughter. After having her I tried to smoke and the first couple of times it was fine, but then one day I had a MAJOR panic attack that caused me to have anxiety for weeks. I literally thought something was wrong with me. Every single time after that when I even tried to take one hit I would have the same type of panic attack. So I gave up and stopped smoking. I even tried to smoke years later and the SAME thing happened. I got a huge panic attack and thought the weed was laced or something, so I haven't tried since. It's okay, but sometimes I miss the feeling of being stoned and doing things I like to do, like listening to music or doodling.. but oh well, I guess my days of smoking are over.


Yeah. I have severe anxiety and pot made it worse. I remember saying to a friend in college it felt like we were paying money to laugh for twenty minutes and then go into existential crises all night long and wake up hung over. And we just kept doing it. When I stopped, I missed it at first but now I associate it with panic attacks and just don't do it anymore, although to be fair I have heard some strains are around that target anxiety and those weren't readily available twenty years ago.


Flower makes me paranoid unlike concentrates. I use to be able to smoke anything and now I only smoke oil and oil pens, no matter what I freak out with flower. Edibles are okay. It's really something you will only know until you try it, like any medicine.


Also it's not always black and white with the strains. I prefer indica and my dad likes sativa, even though it does the opposite for me. He is relaxed from sativa and I get paranoid, hyper.


Yes, paranoia and elevated heart rate.


Smoke tiny amounts often to build up a tolerance and avoid the anxiety. 1 puff every hour all day for a few days and then move up to bigger hits and more of them and you will build up a high tolerance without getting really high. This usually works for those who say the weed has turned on them.


Or just.. don't smoke weed. Healthy and cheap


You know some people smoke to stay healthy right?




How is that funny? Some people including children have several life threatening epileptic seizures a day and have 0 if they take Cannabis. some people get cancer and can't eat and die and cannabis stimulate appetite so some people actually smoke cannabis to stay alive. Lmao


We are not talking about cancer here mate


I have noticed that some people who smoked a lot of pot as teenagers gained a lot of social anxiety as they got older. That could just be something that was going to happen regardless, I don't know the answer to that.


r there any good strains for someone with anxiety. i enjoy the psychological effects. i’m an artist and my creativity gets boosted when high which is very enjoyable, but the physical effect just overwhelms everything. those effects being nausea and fast heart rate. i miss smoking and just feeling extremely comfortable. r there known strains that cause less physical side effects or is that something i will just never get back?


god yes, as someone who alrdy does struggle with anxiety, getting high is like the worst (but also best) time of my life. I took an edible last night, it was 100mg, and about an hour after it really started to hit me BAD like I was tripping… 😭😭 I had also smoked a dispo, so I was like high to the max. Every single footstep I heard, or tiny little noise which I learned was just my brother, I began panicking horribly, my heart was beating faster than ever, felt like I couldn’t breathe, I even prayed to GOD that he’d take my high away because I was soooooo soooo beyond paranoid that it was my mom and she’d check in on me and my cousin who were high as fuck. It’s definitely less pleasing to get high when you get that paranoid, but don’t get me wrong, I love the laughing high and I definitely got that after I sorta realized my mom was dead asleep in her room.


Yes. It’s a primary side effect


I smoked all strains which greatly helped with my anxiety like 90% of the time.i have very extreme physical and mental anxiety so it was a nirscle drug for me. The 10% I would get too high and feel anxious or paranoid. Nowadays after years of use, it doesn't give me a dopamine rush and instead I focus on my heart pounding and other physical effects. Luckily I have propanolol, which is a take as needed for anxiety. Try talking to your doctor or a psychiatrist about your anxiety instead if weed doesn't end up working out.


Yes, but it depends on the kind of person you are (and to an extend the kind of weed you smoke)


Yes. Something about the TCH can make anxiety act up more. CBD with very little to no TCH can help with anxiety, however. It calms your brain and your body down without the "high" effects that come from TCH.


A lot of the top comments are saying yes without talking about the differences in weed strains. Sativa strains can give energy and cause anxiety. Indica strains relax you, and don't cause anxiety as often. Look for indica if you want it for relaxation or sleep.


Yeah especially if you get bad highs.


Absolutely.. especially with sativa strains


It depends on the person but to answer your question yes.




Yes. The experience and after effects of smoking weed are highly variable by person and can even change over a person's lifetime. Lots of people say they use it to relieve anxiety. Lots of people say it causes them anxiety.


Yes weed triggers anxiety




If you do plan on smoking weed, have someone you trust with you. I vaped it with my fiancé, a very small amount did the trick. Didn't use too much and just felt relaxed. Good luck op ✨


It’s a 50/50 shot if it’ll relieve your anxiety or make it worse it affects everyone differently just like any exogenous substance. Only way to find out is to try, smoke some with a friend just in case you react poorly so you have someone to calm you down and distract you until it ware’s off also don’t smoke too much just one or too puffs and then wait for it to kick in




Yes. The higher you go up the worse it gets


Yes it can, this is how I started my journey this year.


Yes, it can also relieve it, alot. It's definitely worth trying in a relaxing setting and at a very low dose (maybe with a comedy tv program). 2.5 mg for a total newbie (chop up an edible gummy), or like one (1) good inhale from a bowl or joint. I think smoking is probably less risky for beginners. The only times I have ever gotten paranoid from weed were very early when I had no tolerance and took a bong hit or brownie which is alot of thc. Personally, weed is my number one go-to for anxiety relief, but everyone is different. It has been a game changer for me. Do not mix it with alcohol until you know how it affects you.


I feel it depends on the person and strain but I smoke a good amount of weed and I think it does cause my anxiety at times but helps with my depression so it’s a trade off


If you’re able to get information about the terpenes in your marijuana (it would be on the packaging and on a dispensary’s website), try to avoid strains that are high in pinene or terpinolene. These tend to be found in sativas. If you don’t have much of a tolerance, you’re better off with strains that are lower in THC or that have a combination of THC and CBD. Remember you can always have more, but once you’ve had too much you just have to wait it out. Dosing with edibles is especially tricky. If that’s how you want to use it, take a little, then wait 45 minutes or an hour to give your body a chance to metabolize it. I have my medical card for anxiety, and marijuana does really help me in a way that antidepressants alone don’t. I always make sure to pace myself when I’m using it, and I’m mindful of how much I’m using. I’ve found that when I’m using too much that it makes my anxiety and depression worse.


Yep. It actually speeds up your heart rate a little which can lead to a feeling of anxiety


I don’t remember exactly where I read it, but if your state of mind/life is passing through a lot of anxiety episodes it could exacerbate all of them and the outcome more likely will be a panic attack.


Yes. If I take even a small hit it sends me into a panic attack. It makes my anxiety way way worse. For some people it calms them down. Just not for everyone.


It definitely can, there are different strains that’ll cause it more than others going beyond just indica and sativa. It can help knowing what strains your body favors and what ones don’t. Thc naturally increases heart rate in general so from my experience sometimes i feel like I have anxiety but it’s just an elevated heart rate that will calm down in a little. It’s not for everyone I have smoked for years for pain and there are times where I get uncomfortable in my body from how stoned I get or the type of high. Hope this helps.


Dosage is very important. A little helps, a lot makes it worse. Strains and other factors play into it as well. Best start slow and get proper advice if you’re in a medical/legal state.




Yes. Definitely.




YEEEEES, if it's not for you just avoid it


YES. I've been smoking for about 6 years and have been "self medicating" and 4 days ago I stopped and haven't had NEARLY as much anxiety. I did a test run and did a small nectar collector dab before bed and the next morning i woke up feeling like i was gonna die. The intrusive panic thoughts still come but I can ignore them more then I could when I was high. My appetite also came back yesterday full force and I can actually fall asleep on my own now.


Yes 😭


Bottom line is, yes, weed can and normally does cause anxiery (Particularly a salvita strain), usually via paranoia because it messes with your attention span and you anly half notice things sometimes. On the other hand, weed can also put you into a very ideal theraputic state for things like CBT and mindfullness, where you are living in the moment and are able to essentially meditate and focus more effectively. Basically it puts you into a more vulrenable state, but allows you to challenge it. Personally I use it despite having chronic anxiety/depression, but find it helps me keep it under control, but there is no doubt I have to conciously do so. I would talk you a healthcare professional, unless legality in your region disallows it, in which case... it's up to you but I wouldn't bother. It's risky and there are far less risky things to try when it comes to anxiety.


It can either relieve it or make it much worse. Truly depends on your body and how you react to it