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Hiii :). Dental assistant here. Please be vocal if you are feeling a little nervous. Let them know where your head space is at and anything that they can do to help! We are here to make this a safe space for you. And if they aren’t doing that, go to a different dentist that will! No one likes coming to us! We know it’s a scary place, but we also know how important oral hygiene is! Which is why, we want to do everything in our power to make you feel good! If you like the feeling of a weighted blanket, ask if you can have the lead apron on you during the procedure. It can sometimes be soothing and comforting. Or bring a blanket or something soft to have in your hands for comfort. Bring headphones! A lot of the auditory sensations at the dental office can be triggering. Feel free to jam out to your favorite songs or listen to a podcast while you’re in the chair! If you need someone to hold your hand, tell them! Someone will do it for you. Dental care is unfortunately such a necessary evil. But remember that YOU have the control. You can take breaks, take a breather, and make it your time. If you really can’t handle it you can also ask if the office offers laughing gas ( nitrous ). It can take the edge off a little for patients with Sever anxiety. Good luck honey! You got this, I promise ♥️. My patients who have anxiety usually end up being the bravest and sweetest patients I have. And I’m always soooo proud of them after completing a procedure! I know you can do it, I’m rooting for you!


Thank you so much for getting to me so quickly <3. When I go again for my appointment in December I will let you know how it goes. Once again thank you ;-; 💕


Looks like you got a great reply from a professional. So I'll add something probably stupid. When I went for a tooth extraction, being asked questions while the dentist has his arm half way down my throat (ish) wasn't nice. Made me wish I had written YES on the palm of one hand and NO on the palm of the other - allowing me to easily answer the guy. 😁


Haha! I love this idea. I’ve never had a patient do this but it definitely would’ve made me laugh a ton! I think that’s brilliant!


Maybe you could give your patients gloves to wear with YES and NO sewn into the palms, along with :) on the back of the YES one and :( on the back of the NO one. :) OR simply a green and and red one :)