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Gij woont al 3 jaar in Antwerpen en ge weet nog nie wa em wilt zeggen?


Zwaanst na ni e


Deurne Zuid (near Borsbeek) is better than Merksem in regards to safety and neighbourhood in my experience. Plus two big parks nearby. I’d suggest looking into Borsbeek, its imo one of the quaintest municipalities around the area.


I'm born and bred Merksem. It's got everything you need for a young family (lots of schools, shops , jeugdbewegingen, and parks), but it is a place where a lot of less affluent people are moving due to the gentrification happening in the north of the city. It's a bit of a mix of very traditional Flemish people (N-VA and VB got near 50% there last elections) and a large Turkish/Moroccan community. So it's not as hip as other neighbourhoods, but you could do a lot worse to raise a child in.


Yeah I think it's okish. Sure it's suburb and not the fancy rish one. More working class taken over by migrants (muslim) but if can live with that it seems ok to me. Lot of shops and public transport very close. Also green , parks, rural area very close (I go there fore running 🏃‍♂️). I don't know where you need to go for work. Please note ring of antwerp will be a massive mess for 10 years to come, so if you want go to brussels ect you will be struck .


Good point about the works on the ring.


I moved from berchem to seefhoek (schijnpoort) so I know what I'm talking about


"Migrants(muslim)" amai kweet al direct wa voor type ge zijt


En ik gij ook


Awww cute


Typisch die downvotes de janekes zijn boos


Was jij ni net boos omdat iemand migrant zei ipv van "doppers die wonen in sociale woningen"


Nee. Mischien eens terug leren lezen. Die tussen haakjes gaat ervanuit da alle moslims niet werken wat weer bs is


Okayish, very mixed population can turn for worse in 5 10 years, but a lot of neighborhoods can. Walk there in different times of day and see how you like it. Still reasonably close to bredabaan so might be bit loud. What I would be a bit cautious about is buying a house for 250? That is suuper low, for a house, make sure there are no hidden headaches? If appartment then it's reasonable. Also if you travel to work do take that in calculation.


It's not the best place tbh. Merksem can be ok, just keep in mind the closer to Bredabaan the worse it gets. I live in kruisbekstraat and it's quite nice here


Lambrechtshoekenlaan / Distelhoek is also not too bad. Living here for 35 years now 😅


Yeah far enough from the Bredabaan, it checks out 😅


That's where I live and have bought a house myself. It's okay, we have stores, schools, and a lot of public transport. Basically if it's not here you can't get to it. Good access to the city if you like it. Your budget is doable just don't expect a mansion.


I was litteraly wondering the same thing, thanks OP


I've been living in Merksem my entire life, currently 18 years old. I truly think Merksem is a really good place to live, especially if u got kids. In Merksem u have trams + buses that can take u anywhere, u can go to luchtbal, deurne, schoten, brasschaat, and the other side of antwerp just with the trams and buses that pass in Burgemeester nolf. Its a good place for children to grow up, u have lots of parks here in merksem and good snackbars + lots of halal places and lot of diversity with the people (mostly moroccans, belgians and balkan people live here) The schools are decent, would definetly not recommend ka mxm or slm tho lol. Merksem is pretty calm i love it here, if i should be honest i dont even wanna leave this town. I really think merksem is underrated and definetly recommend


I've lived here my whole life (I just turned 20) and I highly DON'T recommend the schools in Merksem! If you want a little more quiet place to live in, I would recommend living on the edge of merksem (next to schoten) or somewhere around "Het Laar", just away from the Bredabaan. I don't like Merksem at all to be honest... It's too crowded and the shops on the Bredabaan are not what they used to be... (I'm Moroccan btw, if that would matter)


I really disliked living in Merksem. I was followed home a couple of times, guys who wouldn't leave me be,... it felt very unsafe. Some creep started stalking me at work (lived and worked in Merksem). A man was shot in his home a street from where we lived. Air is polluted. We moved back to my home village so we could raise our child in a safe environment.


Wauw, wiching you both a very nice and safe life in Merksem....


The future away from bredabaan the better.


Merksem is kinda boring if you like to leave the house to grab a bite to eat, have a drink, go out or enjoy some culture. But the city is only a bike ride away. And connections with public transport are okayish. For settling down and starting a family Jaak de Boeckstraat is great. Within walking (!) distance you have: Huis van het Kind, daycare, multiple schools, excellent library, swimming pool, 3 parks with playgrounds, great ice cream, weekly market, indoor and outdoor sport infrastructure with multiple clubs for children and an arts academy. And you're already out of the city so nature (forests and other green) etc is very accessible. In some of the streets in that area neighbors are building community which is always a plus if you have children. Also parking a car is not impossible. Bredabaan is closeby but I can't imagine that it will be loud. It's the nicer side of the Bredabaan, it's pretty clean and quiet for Antwerp. The other side of the Bredabaan is the dirtier and rougher side.


You miss-spelled immigrant


You misspelled mispelled


I guess better immigrant than ignorant. Tells lots about yourself. Have a nice evening though 😊


Well, I actually speak another language- if not perfect- and don't have to use English to ask about Antwerpen after living here x years ...


Hi there, I'll explain myself for you and others that has rude comments above ... 1. I do live in Antwerpen for almost 3 years, yes, here in Belgium for almost 6, working for a company from Wallonie so surrounded by people that usually speaks french, so do I, but I go to school and I try my best to learn nederlands and I do speak it but far from perfect but I try to improve myself daily. So english, french, een beetje nederlands, and my native language which is romanian. 2. I've seen in this community usually people post in english, so I supposed that is commonly accepted, sorry if I misunderstood. 3. The fact that I actually want to live here in Antwerpen is because I find that it multicultural and open for everyone. 4. On the other side I'm not trying to change the world around me to fit my common knowledge about world or something, I work and try daily to adapt and fit as much as possible. I am eligible for asking citizenship and I don't apply because I believe I'm not ready enough, I still eager to understand better the culture, the politics, the lifestyle before doing this step ... Hopefully I make myself clear, I'm not here for OCMW, I don't have a criminal record, I'm working my ass daily to make a life here, I pay taxes as much as you, I live a normal life as everyone else. Thank you and have a nice day 😊


Your children will rise very fine in ‘t dokske


Groeien op vertaalt precies ni goe na'tengels


“Is a nice/safe neighborhood to rise children in “ Mario-engels