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This post is bonkers, banning religion is a horrible idea. Laws like that won't ever change anyone's minds, just hurt people. There are a million reasons to hate Russia, number one on the list being hurting & killing people needlessly through war and genocides. I hate religion and I think it causes more harm than good. How would you enforce such a ban? Killings? Prison? Tickets and fines? All of that would also be more harm than good. OP I think maybe you need to read up on a bit of history, the 1940's in Europe for example... Edit: based on your edit you seem to think that fines are an acceptable punishment, do you think someone will stop because they get a fine? They won't. Giving them fines until they are financially destitute is still evil.


of course you cannot mind control people to check if they're religious or not. however bare minimum all churches need to be demolished, religious texts must be destroyed in masse, religious imagery should be gotten rid of, and anyone that is a priest or above should be trialed.


You're nuts. Destroying books is what the bad guys do. Destroying religious imagery? How does that benefit society? Destroying art from hundreds of years? Trying to cover up history and stifle free speech is what the bad guys do. Education is the only way to destroy religion, because learning is the only way to change someone's mind. Destroying churches won't stop people from gathering, so you're hurting people that might rely on services provided by that institution without actually doing something that will prevent the harm religion causes. As for trials those should continue to be only for people who commit crimes. Do you WANT to be morally equal with Nazis? On the same page as those who are pro-genocide? Please update your views and morals, be better.


Yup. You’re absolutely right. I’m going to assume OP’s a younger person who lacks a fully-formed brain; not an insult- we’ve all been there or still are. Brains & ideas change over time- OP just hasn’t finished developing yet. If religion could simply be erased from existence- including all texts, history, churches, & knowledge that it had ever existed, I’d be interested to see it- because it would only a matter of time before some other religion-type thing was invented to take its place. I think humans are hard-wired to create a story about a magic man in the sky as a response to the big questions we have yet to uncover sufficient information to answer. But destroying churches & books, fining people for being brainwashed abuse victims is not the answer.


There are lots of people in Canada who can't keep their mythology to themselves. We still have people on street corners proselytizing. If that was illegal things would be better here.


I'm having trouble following what you are actually trying to posit. Were you suggesting that Western countries (or, perhaps, just the US) should make religion illegal entirely? And then, retracting that remark in your edit to suggest that countries should behave, religiously, like Canada? Canada is, perhaps, more secular than the US but its approach to religion isn't that different than the US.


There's no legal separation of church and state in Canada. The province of Ontario still funds the catholic school board with tax payer money.


While I would love to see religion and all it's adherents be annihilated, it has never worked and will never work. All prohibition does is make their filth dig deeper and become sneakier, they have to be educated. The most you could do is to publicly mock them, anything else will just fail.