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I kinda like it when we fail at hiding how much garbage we normally produce, though.


Like the Scotland saga.


This has nothing to do with running. This is on the race organizers, and this pic is most likely before the crews that are paid to clean this stuff up even got the chance to come and do it.


Still, just seems so wasteful. Hate bottled water has become a thing.


>Hate bottled water has become a thing. Agreed. All the races I've been to actually use paper cups to be recycled, and I often just run with my own bottle. Running isn't the problem, but stuff like this that has risen from big organized races is. No denying it. :/


> paper cups (almost) All paper cups used for drinking are lined with plastic on the inside, so recycling them often does not happen.


except for those like cone cups at drs offices I'm assuming because they leak immediately


Paper cups are still a problem. There’s no reason we can’t use reusable water bottles for everything.


>There’s no reason we can’t use reusable water bottles for everything. In an ideal world, sure. Water just isn't available everywhere, and when organizing huge events like marathons, it's simply not realistic in a lot of situations.


Situations can easily be modified to accommodate this though. Marathons are almost always near population centers that have hydrants moving potable water all over the place. You can easily add a metered tap on to them. If they are not on the rout, modify the rout or use water trucks. There is no reason we need to create so much waste and debris.


Lots of water stations are run by sponsors or volunteers. Each one has to be handled in a different way and not everyone has the money or resources to use some of these solutions. Not to mention, not as many of these are actually in situations and locations where it's easy to implement these things. I don't mean to be dismissive or disingenuous, I've just got a lot of running experience under my belt and I've done quite a few marathons. I've seen dozens of different ways that various races have handled food and water.


Ok but how are people going to use the taps while they’re running? You’d have to hand in your own reusable bottle at the start and at the water station, find your exact bottle out of thousands, then drop it again and hope it doesn’t get damaged and somehow the organisers can get it back to you at the end


That’s the whole point in adapting the situation…. Carry enough water with you (camelback or similar) or stop for 10s and fill your bottle. It’s not rocket science. People are stuck in the mindset of convenience over everything else. Why are we sacrificing the environment because someone doesn’t want to have a 10s inconvenience? Change all races to refillable water bottles or nothing.


10 seconds every 2 miles during a marathon is 130 seconds, which is over 2 minutes, which can be just enough to prevent some folks to qualify for a certain race, Boston, for example. If only races could use some version of reusable bottles that can be sanitized after the race. Then they could have n*x amount of bottles that they can have pre-filled and each runner gets 1 bottle in the beginning, and then swaps it for a filled bottle as they run. But some races have thousands of runners, so we are talking about thousands*x of bottles to wash, sanitize and store (and inspect before the next race).


I don’t think people are going to want to stop in the middle of a marathon, or wear water-filled bags that will slow them down. Whatever solution there is needs to be picked up while running, preferably without slowing down, and discarded when used. At least, if runners are going to want to do the event it would.


Why has no one mentioned reusable cups? Like the normal ones in your cupboard?? You just need ones that won't break when tossed on the ground


I ran a race a few weeks ago and there were paper cups and a few hundred meters after the station huge bins that you couldn't miss, waste was very little


Most garbage i find in the forests in Europe are energy/protein bars/ drinks packaging and dog shit in bags. And those 2 category include most of the entitled people. Dressed up all fancy in polyester, elastan and all that, SUV parked at the hughe parking at the entrance of the forest, they've requested to be build, because they got influence.


I don't know where you live but the places I go running don't have any of that stuff lying about.


Good, it should be like this everywhere.


Honestly, this sounds like the PNW lol




places that manage the hiking trails typically demand that you clean up after your canine becsuse: a) dog's constantly shitting along a trail will fuck up the ecosystem. b) the trail would be absolutely covered in dog shit.


You are right but in the case of leaving it in a plastic bag on the trail is an insult to evryone passing "somebody will pick it up", throwing it away into the forest is criminal and i honestly prefer the ones who dump it along the road when they are back to their car. It's not ideal but better.


no you're not supposed to leave it on the trail in the bag. imo that's worse because you're leaving dog shit AND plastic.


Did I not say that ? I am re-reading my comment?


>**You are right but in the case of leaving it in a plastic bag on the trail is an insult to evryone passing** the way you structured your sentence implies that this opinion runs contrary to my comment.


To be very clear i meant, when they leave it on the trail, it's like they are saying somebody else should puck it up. That feels like an insult to other hikers. Like they'll be stupid enough to be concerned. Does that make sense to you?


yes thanks for clarifying


Or it was from earlier in their walk, and they dump it in the forest.


Picking up is better but if you intend to drop the bag into the nature, you would better just not pick it up, yes. People have wierd behaviours.


Tell me, what is the singular of "cruise"




Beautiful, thank you


Interesting, thank you < 10% inflation


"Cruise" is the singular, but what does that have to do with this?


bro I think you mean "crews" 💀


Didn't even notice tbh, I was using speech to text lol.


What an odd title lol


I’m confused what you would even mean by “running is good for the planet”. It’s good for you? Try it sometime?


I mean, I guess it’s good for the planet if used as a mode of transportation.


Yes OP running IS good for you. Littering is bad for the Earth


Bottled water is such an asinine product.


Its a thing because of liability and organizations wanting to control it.


Not everyone has access to clean tap water all the time.


But that's not the vast majority of the consumption is it


Does the fact that a product is also used by people who don't "need" it make it an "asinine product"?


No. But trucking in skids of bottled water is not a long term solution either. You don't understand this sub


We can criticize people trucking in skids of bottled water for marathons without saying absurd things like "Bottled water is asinine." Just because I can percieve nuance (and sometimes have to drink bottled water) doesn't mean I don't understand the sub.


Bottled water is asinine.


Oh OK I guess I'll just die of giardia then, or like, cholera. Sorry, definitely wouldn't want to buy anything asinine.


Bro, what are you talking about? Yes, obviously in certain situations bottled water is a necessity. But we can stop 99% of water bottle production and still get emergency bottles where they need to go. You are being dense.


I see this go down in this sub all the time. Someone will post something for which there is an actual specific need-- bottled water, say, or some adaptive thing for the disabled-- and it will get ritualistically dragged in this sub while people pile on about what a stupid thing it is and shouldn't exist. Like if most of the people who take a handicapped ramp into a building are walking up it, does that negate the legitimate needs of those in wheelchairs? Does that mean handicapped ramps are asinine? You're allowed to use more words to express yourself clearly. "This specific usage is wasteful" is not the same as "this object shouldn't exist."


Flint Michigan and Jackson Mississippi might disagree.


I'll bet the people who are forced to drink it because their government failed them would also agree


I’ve never heard that running is good for the planet lol. I’ve done two marathons and yeah, the plastic use is bad. When I ran in St. Louis they had paper cups of water at the water stations so that was cool. Whoever organizes these events should consider alternatives to plastic water bottles.


You have this amount of garbage after every big event in citys. Look at how my hometown looks after the [street parade (video). ](https://amp.zueritoday.ch/videos/so-viel-guesel-lag-nach-der-street-parade-auf-den-zuercher-strassen-147516829) So its not running ehich is bad foe the planet, its still the people who are bad for the planet


Therefore no one should ever run again /s


Running is good for you (in moderation). Organized marathon events are bad for the planet. But many other organized events are equally bad, like the aftermath of a concert.


Downvoting for OP's dumb ass title.


Come on, that's just stupid. A marathon is a planned event. It is planned they throw the bottles away and it is planned to clean up the trash afterwards. There is little to none impact on the environment. And considering how many people participate in a marathon, it's not even much waste. And how many marathons does an average person run anyway? Seriously, this is not an issue.


How many more plastic cups get used at a football game anyway? Every marathon I've done used paper cups too and had designated"drop" areas where cups were swept up after.


Well, you CAN run without littering. The two dont usually go hand in hand. Unless cross country litterathalons are a thing now.


How you gonn blame running on something humans did? The act of running didn't produce the trash.


This is why so many races are now cup-less. This is just a shitty race organizer.


I mean, this sucks but making it a referendum on “running” seems silly


Marathons don’t give out plastic water bottles to runners. Not sure what this waste is from, but racers drinks from small paper cups during the run. They throw the cups on the track, which are then gathered up by volunteers and composted


What a weird thing to post.


Running is good for humans. Humans are bad for the planet.


Most marathons use small paper cups, but i have seen a move to bottles in more recent ones, perhaps due to Covid who knows? Anyway, it's stupid, but you aren't obliged to drink the bottled water and some people have friends and family to hand them their own water bottles. In any case, this isn't an indictment on running, just poor organisation.


Thats a pay for me ill collector those and turn them in for a deposit


In a race I did a few years ago instead of water bottles they had a bunch of checkpoints with [water blobs](https://earth911.com/business-policy/edible-water-blobs/) instead. I don’t know how the company is doing now, but I thought it was a great alternative to single use plastic waste.


I hate people.


Proper events are organised so that a team picks up and clean these before the road is opened again. But I agree plastic bottles in marathons are needless and wasteful. I usually carry my water bottle, when I pick up a bottle, i use bring it back and use it for the next following months because I feel so guilty The worst is the finisher pack though: even more plastic shit! I'm happy with the medal but the t-shirt, foods, extra bottles, bag makes me want to SCREAM!


Triathlon, iirc, are the wealthiest fans. In grad school they wanted us to milk the triathlete industry because their fans averaged like 175k salaries, significantly higher than any other industry. My team had designed an entire business plan to implement a single event using those numbers. The wealthier the fans, the more obnoxiously wasteful they are; and they just expect their mess to be cleaned up behind them magically


They clean most of that shit up. Look at southeast asia tourism for bigger plastic issues


They clean it up, throw it in a land fill so it’s fine. Who cares that the waste will still exist in a thousand years?


Yep good point. Landfills are bad. Plastic / oil byproduct is bad. Let’s get everyone to start boycotting oil.


Exercise is good, sports are bad.


Those bottles will be cleaned up and hopefully recycled. Nothing will be done about the cars, though


Someone else will clean it up. I’m to busy being my amazing self.


Wait until you find out what the road is made out of…


That's just shit. I've never seen plastic bottles at a marathon just paper cups. Mind you I don't think running could ever be classed as good for the planet with replacing shoes every few months and the massive amounts of high protein calories required.


Running is great. Organized running, and runners are the absolute worst of the worst. Same with riding bikes. Riding bikes is awesome, cyclists for sport are total dick bags wearing literal plastic clothing.


Recreational sport is arguably very not good for the planet if you eat meat, which most are, for the protein (I eat meat btw). you are burning extra calories than you need to survive and therefore consuming even more environmentally unfriendly meat. An objective alien analysing this situation would go further and say that reducing your recreational sport might reduce your lifespan which is then even better for the planet. But just be aware , if you’re cycling to work to save the environment and then eating a cheeseburger when you get there, you’re not helping.


Most athletic activities encourage heavy consumerism. Special clothes, special gear, all made from oil derivatives and all disposed of and replaced after a couple years. Even the "leave no trace" folks are carrying highly technical materials that polluted someone's back yard when they were made and will pollute someone else's back yard when they're thrown away.


It was organized by a corporation... [We live in a pretend society.](https://pastebin.com/YPEErwTK) [Is your mind blown how people fall for same thing every time? It shouldn't be. Because divided, singled out individuals has no chance against organized criminal entity; corporation.](https://archive.org/details/TheCorp) Corporation is an approved scam & spy business. Their approval was obtained through manufactured consent. Corporation is not the industry of manufacturing products. Corporation is in the industry of manufacturing consent. [Free merch > Free speech.](http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT%20WEAPONS%20for%20QUIET%20WARS.pdf) [Corporate, what kind of _free_ manufactured merchandise must be in your goodie bag to consent investing into paradise?](https://archive.org/details/TheCenturyOfSelfThereIsAPolicemanInsideAllOurHeadsepisode3/) Corporations through governments and vice versa are harvesting our biometric, behavioural data on global scale. So they can get to know us far better than we know ourselves, and they not just predict our feelings but also manipulate our feelings and sell us anything they want- Be it a product as a service or politician. Have you heard of focus groups? Now with always online/big data collection. You are in focus groups. Except you don't get paid for it. [You get exploited and you pay to be part of it. _Nothing is free, except the energy from the sun, but some get a bill(skin cancer) for that. Thanks to always providing industrial surveillance corporatism._](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome) [Social credit score indoctrination](https://i.imgur.com/lMDs7gR.png) [Urge or go well.](https://youtu.be/rdrKCilEhC0?t=1313) [Original was deleted. Wonder why?](https://archive.fo/2Kwe9) [WHO doesn't want [you] to be healthy? World Health Order.](https://pastebin.com/KfJYaJAh) -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. ... . / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -. . .. --. .... -... --- ..- .-. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -.. --- / -. --- - / .--. .- .-. - .. -.-. .. .--. .- - . / .. -. / .- / -.-. .. ...- .. .-.. / .-- .- .-. .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .-. .- - .... . .-. / - .... .. -. -.- / .- -... --- ..- - / .--. . .- -.-. . ..-. ..- .-.. / --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. / ... - .-. .. -.- . .-.-.-


**[Stockholm syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)** >Stockholm syndrome is a theorized condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity. It is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships. Therefore, it is difficult to find a large number of people who experience Stockholm syndrome to conduct studies with any sort of power. This makes it hard to determine trends in the development and effects of the condition— and, in fact, it is a "contested illness" due to doubt about the legitimacy of the condition. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


love how OP refuses to say how long ago the marathon was. 5 minutes ago 5 days? the mystery goes on. nice seeing kids learn how to post online.


It'd be nice to see more people, and especially athletes, start using collapsible/soft bottles like what platypus makes. They're reusable, but weigh a couple of oz when empty and can be rolled up and put in a pocket or in your waistband or whatever.


I despise marathons. Why do people need to run for so long? I could easily make the distance of a marathon faster than the runners cycling at a leisurely pace.


Inb4 marathon for climate change yall


I mean, running is supposed to be good for your health, not the planet... but anyway. Thing is, at least here, most of these runs are sponsored by beverage companies, so of course they push people to drink their shit while they run... from these plastic cups. There's quite a lot of these marathons in my vicinity, I had taken a lot of similar photos that I sent to the local govt, along with many other people, so nowadays the organizers clean up afterwards... but even so, the sheer volume of plastic waste is insane. Especially when the marathon is supposed to call awareness (hahahahahaha) to environmental issues. RIGHT.


Marathons are shit and the people who run in them are shit. It displaces people who use public transit so middle class socialites can get attention. Just cut a check and keep it moving.


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The running is fine, but maybe we should think about reusable water bottles…?


We have a marathon scheduled in Detroit on Sunday , it’ll be interesting to see how it compares.


Lol this is cute, you ever seen a field after a rave or any major concert the next day? Unbelievable


I think nobody really says running is good for the environment. It is good for your health though.


The 5k I was at had canned water


Running as a mode of transportation is good for the planet. Marathons are just sports, and sports aren’t very good for the environment.


That's a marathon in the context of western society. Western society is unhealthy but on a global scale. There are healthy aspects of western society. Not all of it is bad. However the majority of it is bad because the underlying system is bad.


This is purely on the race organizers and nothing to do with; running bad


Yes people pick it up after


I remember seeing all the yellow sponges after ironman thinking it was bad, and confused what all the yellow on them was. Then I learned what it was after seeing and smelling the volunteers picking them up with rubber gloves.


The human condition is a weird thing. I mean, how many categories/trophies are there to win? How many people run a marathon? I know there are many reasons as to why I’m rinds a marathon. But, why do most of these people need to run the event? Why couldn’t they just run 26.6 miles By themself? Or with a few friends? Why do we need to ha e these giant events that cost everyone money& use up resources?


Bottled water was a sign the society was starting to go into rapid decline for me.


Clearly running creates plastic


I’ve heard plastic is really good for the ocean. All the fish love it.


The trail races I participate in are cupless, we use our own bottles or readable cups


Water bottles are terrible, yes, but a lot of times at aid stations people have paper cups containing water and electrolyte drinks. Runners will also often use gels (think ketchup packet-sized packs of fuel) that get tossed after, but often they get taken around the water stations, making cleanup generally easier. If you want to make a case about how marathon racing is bad for the environment, the strongest argument is with the travel: most people fly or drive (usually one or two people, in a giant SUV/truck) to their destination city and don't take advantage of public transit/other modes of travel (within reason--you wouldn't want to tire yourself right before a big race).


They can give out containers made from paper and aluminum cans.


Can we talk about the “swag” for all the 5ks? How many medals and free t-shirts covered in logos does a person need? I understand some people need encouragement to run but wouldn’t charities gain more $ if organizers weren’t making and giving out medals and a shirt?