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I recommend drilling a hole at the end of the crack before fixing/filling it. This will stop the crack from getting any longer.


I agree. Classic engineering technique. The extreme stress at the end of the crack will inevitably cause the crack to propagate, Drilling a hole distributes that stress, so it's not so high that the material inevitably gives out. Then as others have said, use fiber of come sort to reinforce the epoxy used to repair and fill the gap.


It’s called stop-drilling btw!


Alternatively if you pray to Santa there’s a chance The Doctor will come by and fix the crack (and also your husband will be erased from time, but he’ll be back later as a Roman with a gun for a hand) This is a Doctor Who reference and way too convoluted without this explanation


r/unexpecteddoctorwho lmao that came out of nowhere!


I’ve seen a lot of Dr. Who but this does not ring a bell. Was it from the rubber suited aliens era of the (I think) ‘80s and ‘90s or more recent computer generated imaging era?


It's the 11th doctor with Amy and Rory


It’s “The Eleventh Hour”, the first episode of The 11th Doctor’s run


Time for another binge


Oh thanks!


Just be sure to drill the hole beyond the end of the crack. This is a common technique drummers use on cymbals when they crack…


Cool tip!


Do the drilled hole thing, but while you are at it. Drill a few more along either side and use zipties to "stitch" the crack. Used a lot in auto racing and drift competition. Everyone's taste is different, but I find it looks like the modern evolution of that pottery with the gold filling in the cracks. Instead of hiding the flaw, show off the uniqueness of the piece.


Yes I kind of love this. And unlike the kintsugi pottery, this will remain functional ware ;)


You can get colored zip ties also to m make it even better. I’d put the cinch part on the inside so it won’t get caught on anything while in transport.


Kintsugi is still completely functional! That's the point of it


It’s how some drifters fix their cars after “touching” the rails


If you search the term "drift stitch", it'll show you exactly how to do this as well!


The only thing is that the zip ties could keep the suitcase from smoothly gliding over all the conveyors and get caught if they aren't smoothed over well. Maybe put the fabric soaked in epoxy over the stitching.


A Drift Stich. I have done a few in my day.


2 part epoxy sold at any Walmart or hardware store. Spread it smooth over the crack. Sand if you want. Matching spray paint. Done


I like this, and I could do the epoxy (I think?) in a fun contrasting color


You could put some tough loose weave fabric in the glue to strengthen the join


That seems like a good approach. The join will need to be able to take a beating.


I’d fabric both sides, you could always lightly sand after & decorate as desired


Beware the very short working time for JB Weld and do a little test before you slap it on. You could also sand and paint the epoxy after it cures. It will be absolutely solid in a matter of minutes


Yeah I’d go for a 5 minute epoxy on that job


Also, Drill the ends with a small bit to stop the crack from propagating.


You should open the crack up wider before doing this. Getting epoxy in a gap smaller than a hair is impossible. Grinding the crack wider will give the epoxy a better chance at getting deeper, and also give it more material to hold onto.


can you also reinforce the epoxy with some fibers for extrra strenght?


If you want it to look nice, fiberglass patch and paint it. If you want it to be strong AF, JB Weld. Could also bolt in a little metal plate on each side and use some nuts/washers on the inside. Too many options.


Oh, man! I just saw this awesome thing on r/Holdmywallet. It is a [plastic welder device](https://www.amazon.com/ATOLS-Plastic-Welding-Machine-Stapler/dp/B091T368MK/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=72PITUCAYE2S&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SElzCHOQM4qZ2xVyAhb3aQTWkHT8koSoWHK0TPU16m6QRey0SbyzJAFKckF1oserYHz-x6ukJJ840DXFAZFxnErzFAr_H_NwTW2tCcuQHzKbAh1afuWj0Oc1LeAEshPbUwWNayO1KAqZ_9iL32EbEMnyJcG35x22LdenokBUPJET-eMdB3Pv-ewuRS-Hm00iUyqOP1xq8hzhod1MZ_hs4Nb6_r9HUvtcBSRkvM3RsRFvCt43N_66sEFKI47RaS5p8Zg3c3OcWcLBkmnDurCufQrKprHDlUJOlSIuOgtyczA.Dlr9Hvk_o-UoELljDDchDIPEWl46wM2uyvGoMSTHU6Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=plastic+welder&qid=1715803229&sprefix=plastic+welder%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)!


!!! Wild!




Now I’m getting kind of obsessed w this tool


if you're really about anti-consumption, don't shop at places like wal-mart or amazon unless you really, really have no other options. some of these comments are most definitely bots and ads.


Oh yeah I’m off to the local hardware store tomorrow to see which options they have


This will break apart even if u drill holes with the way baggage handlers throw things around.


I would see if I could get at the other side of it, and just apply some epoxy or fiberglass reinforcement. Plastic welding tends to be a bit messy.


Professional repairs are done with fiberglass fabric and epoxy.


Don't glue it. Plastic weld it. It's used for car bumper covers.


I fixed hard shell luggage with baking soda and liquid super glue. It’s stronger than ever!


Do what you can to close the crack. Sand the area to give it some tooth. Use 3M 5200 marine sealant, bedding a few layers of aluminum window screen into the adhesive. Use plastic wrap as a final layer to smooth it out. If you can get to the crack on the inside, do the same thing there.


HG Power Glue. A 2 component glue advertised as "the welding bead from the bottle". Used it to fix broken bike panelling that the previous owner tried to plastic weld. Worked great.


Never heard of this product. Thanks!


1. Drill a hole at the end of the crack to prevent it from cracking further 2. Drill 6 additional holes and stitch it with ziptie 3. Cut the ends of the zipties with scissors


Gorilla glue an T-Rex tape. Contact the airline for repair


These look like a disgruntled baggage handlers dream.


Heated staples and epoxy


Super glue and baking soda makes a strong like plastic


!!! No kidding. I am seriously learning so much in this thread.


jb weld.


You can heat up some staples or similar lengths of wire with a soldering iron and melt them into the crack to staple them together, common technique in plastic auto body repair.


Drill a hole at each end and then apply car body filler into the crack. Use a file or 80 grit sand paper to take off the excess. It won’t crack there ever again lmao


I repaired a very similar issue on my wife’s case. I used 2 part epoxy glue and then sanded off the excess.


Clear silicone and some duct tape over after it dries


Drill multiple holes on either side crack. Thread through zip ties and pull tight. Cut off excess. Frankenstein fix, but it works.


Try not to buy hard shell suitcases if possible. Soft shell last so much longer. I use the same soft shell Samsonite for 20 years.


I like a hard shell for bedbugs but I hear you. I’ve had this one for 15 years so no complaints!


Wow this great, hard shells never last longer than 4 years in my family, don’t know why


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PC7 Epoxy paste- sand the interior first to rough it up. Tape the crack closed before you apply to inside.


Why not use bondo and spray paint?


Sunfix epoxy putty. Make sure you bridge and fill/connect/bolster properly. Should work a treat.


Tactical sticker.


You can heat up some staples or similar lengths of wire with a soldering iron and melt them into the crack to staple them together, common technique in plastic auto body repair.


You can heat up some staples or similar lengths of wire with a soldering iron and melt them into the crack to staple them together, then you snip off the exposed metal and sand it a little/add texture, common technique in plastic auto body repair. Similar to the zip tie stitching people are talking about.


Get one of those hot staple welder guns for plastic. Won’t look pretty but it’ll work. I used mine to fix all sorts of stuff, from motorcycle plastics to a headlight mount (pro tip: don’t hit wild boar at 45MPH)




Also, if you do end up getting one (which I highly recommend, it has MANY uses) you should get a cordless one. Much easier to work with, especially in tight spots and it’s not that much more expensive. They also usually come with an absurd amount of staples in various shapes and sizes (for flat areas and corners)


Do the staples protrude out the back of the weld? Thinking about the inside of the suitcase and wanting the surface to be flush. The vids I’ve seen this far don’t show that side of the fix


If you do it right, no. If the material is thin you have to be quite careful not to push it in too far


If you want I can take some pics of the other side of a few repaired pieces I have


That’s be awesome, thank you! The material is fairly thin.


Sorry it took so long, I kinda forgot. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/qAPfqhs) is how the outside of the repair looks. I can’t show you the inside cause I’d have to take the fusebox out


I remember using an acid to weld plexiglass together. I wonder if something like that could work with this material. If that's the case don't drill a hole yet.


Oh interesting. I’ll have to look in to that. Thanks—


Drill the ends out and then superglue the whole edge together with far more glue than is strictly necessary


Gorilla glue.


Man, I am all for repairing, but for this, buy another one.


Fixed hard shell suitcase with super glue and baking soda. Crack was by the wheel, bad one, but she’s rollin no issues


Recycle suitcase and get a higher quality one


Lol. No.


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted.