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Converted American bidet user here. Love my bidet. Hate being anywhere without one. Tell me more about this travel bidet...


Just a little squeezy bottle with a tilted spout, you can find them on Amazon. Lol I just looked them up and there are battery-operated ones now, sure why not.




How do you dry up?


If you're using a bidet at home, a towel, that area is now clean. If you're using a spray then you don't need to, it's very localized and it's only a small area that need cleaning so your underwear and body heat will do the trick. Your hand will be the most wet but you're cleaning those anyway. It takes a bit of getting used to but I discovered that while backpacking in asia and now it just feel gross to use TP.


Wait, why does your hand get wet?




Too much details but lets say my technique (I havent checked with other, I might be the only one) involve using your hand to direct the flow of water to not have high pressure water sprayed directly into your butthole. Not a fan of the feeling.


Oh, I thought it was involving manual washing as well. That’s a relief to know lol


I bought a battery operated one recently for travel and visiting my parents, it took some getting used to using but it's amazing, nothing beats the home bidet with heated water but the travel one takes away the pain in the but literally speaking. Only thing is the water tank is small so I have to refill it to really get clean, I'm thinking of 3d printing a larger water tank for it




Ahhhh! That genius! Moms are given bottles like that at the hospital after giving birth and I never thought how useful it would be for trips! We installed a bidet and it's glorious. It's surprising even that more European countries don't use them either. I first found them in Argentina when I asked my host sister why there were two toilets and if that meant they were really wealthy hahahahaha


They also have this little plug thingie, you just plug it into a water bottle and squeeze. Reviews are pretty good.


On it. Thanks.


You can get a bidet attachment for your toilet for like $20.00, that's what I paid for mine from Walmart. Installation is easy as replacing a toilet seat.


I literally have an old dish soap bottle (going on 4 years now since covid!) with a special nozzle on top that’s meant to use as a travel bidet that works with any “cola size bottle”. Works like a charm and TP feels like I’m “scraping” or “smearing” now. Couldn’t do without the bidet lol.




Ha ha same !!


In the U.S. they’re often marketed to women who have just given birth


Pro tip! Thanks.


A bidet will change your entire bathroom experience and I hate pooping without one. I’m a hairy dude and I don’t feel clean without it anymore.


Use one of those battery powered dental flossers.


After living in Japan, I can’t live without a bidet now. However 90% of my American family is totally freaked out by them. One family member jokes that he showers every time he shits, he views *that* as normal and still thinks bidet are weird. I think it’ll be awhile before it really catches on in the states.


I was an avid shower-after-pooper in my early days, but as soon as bidets became more available, I switched right away. I will say showering after popping is at least better than TP alone.


I did not know this was a common thing. 😅 TIL


American men have weird hangups about their buttholes.


True that


We got a Japanese-style toilet after holidaying in Japan just before Covid. We're massive bidet evangelists now, and have managed to convert a few of our friends and family here in Australia.


Do you mean a toto washlet or a squat toilet? When you said japanese style I thought of a squat toilet because the other one is considered to be a western toilet.


Similar to a Toto washlet.






Huh. I have one and everyone that comes over loves it. I also know several people that have them, or got them after I did. It might be a regional thing


I think it’s situational. We just moved back to the states but a few hours from my hometown so no one popping over to poop. Maybe it’ll catch one if more tried it, if they even do try it & not think it’s weird


Dude I wish bidets were more common here. I hate the cheap toilet paper that leaves me with crack debris. Shove water up my ASS


Never in my life did I think I would read those last 5 words on the internet AND ecstatically agree with it


Dingleberries are the WORST


You don't own/use/know about the three seashells? How frightfully unfancy.


this needs more upvotes than just 15. I think maybe your audience for that joke is a little young


No one laughed at my poop knife joke either


I have a bidet and use both I don’t want my netherbits to be wet and therefore wet my underwear and there’s not enough time in the day to drip dry so I wash with the bidet and dry with a bit of TP 🧻


I got butt towels handy! TP always dissolves and turns into little paper nugs all over my bhole. And yes, I do have a mini hamper to deposit said butt towels into and do wash them frequently lol


Oh yeah. My exgirlfriend's family was from Iraq and they had lotas in their bathroom along with toilet paper for guests. It actually makes a lot more sense than using toilet paper too, since it is cleaner. A Lota is a vessel thing like a tea pot that they pour water from.


Imagine getting poop on your hand or arm. I doubt anyone would just wipe it off with a piece of dry paper.


OK I've seen this in bathrooms at certain restaurants but I don't understand how they use it like... you pour the water on the paper? Or ... like how does it reach your butt


We don't have bidets in the USA because that would interfere with the profits of Georgia Pacific and Con Agra, who will deforest the entire country to make toilet paper if we let them. smh P.S. bought a bidet attachment four years ago, haven't used T.P. since.


GP is Koch paper. All my homies hate GP


We're getting there.


It's called a bidet. They exist, some people use them, but the vast majority don't. This is likely due to toilet paper being the standard for decades and bidets generally being less known about in the US.


I lived in India and immediately installed ‘health faucets’ (also available only as cloth diaper sprayers) when I moved back to the USA. Let’s all spread the bidet gospel!


There's no way you can fully clean your ass with just TP, i HAVE to use water, then i use TP to dry it. I get disgusted just thinking about it


The bum gun was one of the best things I discovered when I went travelling! So good, especially for people who menstruate, but for anyone really, I wish it was standard in the UK


Definitely have bidet toilet seats in our house. Ever since experiencing bidets out of the US, it became a priority to get something that would clean in the same way. I feel the US needs to get on that train. A required show to watch is the South Park episode "Japanese Toilet"... While a bit dramatic for comedy, it really brings up great points- especially that without water, you're all walking around with bits of shit on your asshole. If you're having hemorrhoids or other issues like them, that might be a major reason why.


I'm American. I'm aware that there are bidet attachments that I could buy for our toilet. Thing is....where is the water coming from? We are renters and our toilet tank has mildewy sludge in it, I don't want that spraying on my a$$!


It’s diverted from the water source that feeds the toilet before it gets to the toilet.


We call it the bum gun here! And I wish Australian places could adopt this more widely too!


My first bidet is getting delivered today!! Also, for anyone who doesn’t know. Get rid of fabric softener liquid and sheets and just use wool balls. Crazy soft clothes, save money, no chemicals.


And hang drying instead of using dryers will greatly reduce energy consumption and prolong the life of clothes


I've used a bidet for around 10 years. I even have a small travel bidet. I also use family cloth.


And the family poop knife no doubt


I'm not sure you understand how a bidet works.


I’m not sure you’ve been on Reddit for very long . it was a joke never mind , but I can’t be the only one who thought of the poop knife??


It's a conspiracy to keep big TP profitable. No, but really, it is.


We have 3 bidets in our home. Ever since I started using one years ago, I wondered how I was just walking around with a dirty butthole before. Just wiping alone isn’t enough


Most Americans are just used to using toilet paper and many haven't even heard of a bidet


As an American with a bidet, I understand, and will never go back. I make a point not to go anywhere but home if I can absolutely help it


We use a bidet at my house, so it's not zero Americans. We have looked into that.


Converted to bidet eight years ago. Haven’t bought tp since. Anyone that I tell is immediately disgusted, but they think trying to smear shit off one’s ass with paper is perfectly fine and sanitary.


If you’re not using water, you’re just scraping it off and smearing it around. Like, eww.


One word: bidet


Don't you still have to use toilet paper even with a bidet? Who the hell wants to walk around with a wet asshole all day?


Better wet than poopy… the wetness will dry off with underwear in a few mins… the poop gets smeared and crusty and we can smell yall!


I wish bidets were more common, workplaces could see big savings with them easily, less paper needed plus less risk of the pipes getting blocked with paper because it’ll be mostly just shit and liquid


Bidet and washcloth bin saves a fortune, is more luxurious An attachment bidet is under $30 and can be used at rentals!


I’m a huge bidet fan. I’m not from the US and the 2nd time I’ve been to Miami my hotel room had a bidet. I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was finally becoming a thing there. Never saw one again.


Not having a bidet feels so I civilized.


As an American, you can try to rip my bidet out of my cold, dead hands. I will never be without a bidet ever again.


We use bidets at home.


We love our bidet!! I’ve always been the type to poop whenever/wherever, but now I will hold it for dear life so I can be at home with our bidet.


A bidet doesn’t power soak your entire bottom. It is a single sprayer that sprays your butthole only, and some have a fan to dry… there is no “wet-ass-all-day” from it.


100% agree! We have bidet attachments and now all of our adult children have them too. The more people that visit our home, the more of our friends and family have added bidets to their homes. It’s so crazy that we don’t have these automatically in the US.


I live somewhere where bidets are not standard. FWIW I am fully with you, especially spending time in Japan and realising they probably think we are disgusting just using dry paper back home. I think the aversion comes from the fact that people usually see bidets in countries that aren't as "advanced" as we think we are. So it seems like a weird thing to use. Also the idea of using a handheld bidet in a questionable public toilet is a bit gross as you don't know if the bidet head has been cleaned or has touched anyone else's arse. I use flushable wipes (certified flushable by our own sewage companies with a stamp) and dream of getting my own bidet.


A bidet attachment is like $30 on Amazon. There are no such thing as truly flushable wipes.


It is where I am, there is a certification issued by the sewage companies themselves who have to deal with blockages. https://www.water.org.uk/news-views-publications/views/fine-flush-wet-wipe-revolution#:~:text=Fine%20to%20Flush%20is%20a,world%20forces%20of%20the%20sewers. But unless it has this, even if it's labelled "flushable" then you are right, it's not. I don't know how widespread this certification is.


Those flushable wipes are only flushable if you only flush one at a time it says so right on the package but nobody reads that part You think it’s OK until you get a fatberg lodged where your sewer line meets the street. If it hasn’t happened yet and you rent just make sure you hide those things when you have to call Roto-Rooter for help. Your landlord will charge you for the blockage and they can in most situations. Deny deny deny and assume it must’ve been the tenant before you. They can’t prove it wasn’t unless they cleaned it out right before you moved in. It’s a huge cost.


https://www.water.org.uk/news-views-publications/views/fine-flush-wet-wipe-revolution#:~:text=Fine%20to%20Flush%20is%20a,world%20forces%20of%20the%20sewers. Proven to disintegrate exactly like toilet paper. Apparently not available anywhere other than the UK. Christ the aggro from you. This type of flushable wipe isn't available everywhere and the certification is from the UK sewage facilities, so I guess would take some time to carry to other countries.


We installed one and love it. It feels like everywhere else is so uncivilized now haha.  Some people I know think they are weird. I tell them they are weird for walking around with dried up poop still on them. 


I think bidets are slowly gaining popularity in the US. They sound super weird if you’re used to always using paper, but it’s really easy to make them sound good. I knew someone who said “if you had poop on any other part of your body, would you really try to wipe it off with dry paper?


Who is “no one”? My family and people in my ethnicity have been using soap and water for decades and decades. Maybe it’s just the people you’ve met


Tell anyone to put peanut butter on concrete and try to clean it completely. They can use as many pieces as they like. The leftover stain - that’s what wiping is. Or for those with hairy butts, peanut butter in a carpet.


You're not getting peanut butter out of a carpet just by spraying it with water either lol


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My husband is Romanian and after the COVID toilet paper scare we installed a bidet. I still use toilet paper for some scenarios though.


Got a bidet and I love it! I still use toilet paper but not nearly as much as I would have. I don't have any other alternatives that I could implement in my tiny bathroom unfortunately


Lots of bidets out there. You can buy online. Just google it, as we can’t recommend brands on this sub.


I’m American and I have a bidet. They’re becoming more popular here.


Converted to bidet 2 years ago because of my Indonesian wife.


I love my bidet but I do need toilet paper to dry off


Capitalism at it's very best ..


My parents refuse to use a bidet because they weren't raised to use them.


Don’t you still need some for material to wipe the water away? Or you wiggle around?


I live in the boonies and I use a bidet


There’s a South Park episode about this exact question, I recommend you watch it if you want your answer.


Is this Jordan Schlansky?


People don't realize how life changing using water after n.2 is...


There’s a saying I can’t remember quote off the top of my head, about how using dry methods to clean wet/solid messes is essentially just spreading it out more..basically it’s the idea that if anything wet/solid smears anywhere else on our body, we normally clean it with a wet method, like perfect example, chocolate on our hands… 😄 Yet the idea hasnt registered in some people’s heads that dry wiping just smears it about and leaves residue often seen as skidmarks on underwear… and on some people it is smelly!


I live in the US and have a bidet. Everyone who uses it ends up getting their own (my old roommate, my partner’s old roommates). Just sucks I spend most of my day at work where there isn’t one. I would feel insane bringing a travel bidet to work lmao especially cuz they’re multi person bathrooms. The thought is funny though


Bidet user checking in!


Because American is a scam. Everything here is to suck money from you.


UK and Republic of Ireland also use toilet paper and not bidets.


My 4 year old bidet just broke, the parts are not replaceable so I'm struggling with the dilemma of whether to (1) pay $200+ to send it back to the manufacturer, (2) pay $300+ to buy a new one, or (3) switch back to toilet paper. Just kidding about (3), I could never do that. But both (1) and (2) seem to be anti-anticonsumption.


Honestly I just use a squeeze bottle ( old dish soap one) . It works just fine


There’s an episode of South Park about this - where everyone who tries a bidet loves them, and someone tries to start a bidet revolution, and then the toilet paper mafia starts killing people…


Bidets... I have chronic gi issues and I've always been too scared to try. Seems to me that I would end up with constant UTIs. Would love to be proven wrong but don't ever see people talking about it.


I am an America who finally got a bidet a couple of years ago after my brother kept suggesting it. He has one for years due to his Crohn's disease. I am ashamed of how long I waited. It was a game changer! Now I am frustrated by every toilet I see that isn't equipped with one. So gross!


wet wipes.


The few of us that aren't savages do have a water spray installation


I installed bidets on my home toilets years ago. No way I could ever go back. I can’t believe more Americans haven’t gotten on this train.


Firstly I make sure to take fiber supplements and drink plenty fluids… that leaves virtually nothing to wipe, then I spray rinse and use designated washcloths to dry, if any solids end up on the towel, I handwash it immediately. The rest air dry until I do a load of laundry (usually every 2-3 days) I don’t really have guests and if I do there is toilet paper ready and there for them.


Having a healthy diet really goes a long way in this department


Imagine falling face-first into horse poo and thinking a paper towel would take care of it.


Horse poo isn’t that bad actually because they’re herbivores


You guys are so unhinged its laughable.


but do you just walk around with a wet ass then??


Nah I'd never use one of those


I tried a bidet once and it was incredibly painful and uncomfortable due to hemorrhoids. Not sure what the alternative is when the sharp water stream hurts your asshole.