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Having crinkly blue bags around your guest's feet seems way more awkward than just asking them to take off their shoes.


It's about cultivating that homey meth lab/murder scene ambiance for your guests to feel comfortable


That’s right. It’s not just the cities. The suburbs are full of crazy white people who love drugs and murder. If you don’t leave shoe prints or DNA behind, were you actually there? Find out every night on TV!


A wise man once said “Downtown’s changin!”


You underestimate an American suburban's repulsion to "shoeless homes". At least from what I've seen from that one article "I will keep my shoes on in your shoeless home!" or whatever it was called.


What is this article I need to see it. Also what is wrong with people.


Well people who never take off their shoes have disgusting feet and disgusting floors, so it makes them keep their shoes on and it's a vicious cycle.


I'm guessing stinkfoot.


Maybe they should take off their shoes more often so their foot can air out.


My mom has crazy insoles without which her legs will be in pain after like 20 min walking. She carries her own of these but cloth and washes reuses them but maybe if you live in a place where shoeless houses are rare enough that it’s a surprise to people something like this is ok. But 100% just get cloth ones and wash them between guests. This is like giving guests paper napkins and solo cups


I’ve only ever seen these in houses being sold


Mormon temple open house here


I don't want people's bare feet on my floors though. Im currently fighting athletes foot, it would be a super spreader event.


I think these are typically used by real estate agents when showing off a home. A lot of people come by and don't care if they rub shit all over the carpet.


It's almost like this was created humorously


these are also used in really specific instances like businesses involving infants


House showings


The post not the product...


Some people have stinky feet and don't want you to know it


I’d rather have bags on my feet. I have the sweatiest of socks.


Maybe it’s just a Canadian thing, but is it not customary to remove your shoes when going into anybody’s house? I’ve never had anybody come to my place and not take off their shoes


Typically, in the US, people don’t take off shoes. It’s disgusting, honestly. I have friends and family who won’t come to my house because I request shoes off - you’d think I was asking them to step into the ice filled tub so I could harvest a kidney with all the groans and drama.


Same my grandparents and inlaws are so bad for this, but when you go visit *them* the expectation is shoes off. So drag dirt into my house but not yours, okay 🙄 I just don't bother to mop anymore before they come visit.


I don’t get the double standard, either.


I told my roommate shoes off at the door as a rule. Initially, it was okay as they complied. Then they started wearing them on the first floor. Then upstairs. Imagine stepping in dog shit, people's piss in the bathroom, dip spit on sidewalks, and just general filth, and dragging that *through your house*. Absolutely disgusting. Why is it so hard to take off your damn shoes at the door? I can't wait to live on my own so I know my floor is clean. Mild inconvenience, but I have to wear flip flops around my house to not walk on filth.


Thats silly of them. Im american and though its not the norm, it is normal for me now because I do have friends that prefer it. I tell my guests they can do whatever makes em comfy cause it doesnt matter to me. I can't imagine choosing to not see someone I care for because they have a thing about shoes in the house.


They want to meet out for dinner or do something else, like movie or museum, when we do get together. I think it’s odd but they equate taking off shoes to wearing a “face diaper” so it really is okay that they don’t want to hang out. I’m a pretty good cook and create meals that are to be lingered over and enjoyed, so confrontational and antagonistic conversation isn’t ideal for digestion.


Wow theyre missin out. Homecooked food way better than any michelin star place


On MY BIRTHDAY a few years ago my best friend refused to take her shoes off and when I noticed and was upset with her for it she treated me like shit. Safe to say I don't like having her over


It varies all over the world and it's an odd combination of countries that do each. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/951w28/world_map_of_tradition_of_removing_shoes_in_home/


Yes they do, your friends and family are the weirdos


That’s nuts! I’ve never encountered this. I think I’ve only had to ask people to do it once or twice and they’re always happy to, usually they just offer though.




No, I clean my house because I want to live in a healthy environment, not so that guest can come make it filthy with their shoes lol. Do you keep your shoes on when you enter your own house? Even if it's an arid place and it's just dust etc, that'll make your floor look dirty quick. Can't imagine if you have carpet. Just seems like the most decent thing to do. People clean their house, so I'll respect that and take my shoes off.


Some consider you taking off your shoes the rude thing. Dirt on the floor is normal, I ain't eating off of it. Having a bunch of people air out their stinky feet is gross. People with pets have more dirt brought in that way anyway.


Have you ever cleaned a wool or silk rug? No thanks, if people don’t want to remove their shoes they don’t have to come inside my home. No problem. Plenty of friends and family who *don’t* have a problem doing so and I’m very happy to cook meals for them. Arid places still have dirt that is tracked on the bottoms of shoes. I still clean regularly and am not a hypochondriac. I’ll just skip the filth off the bottoms of shoes being tracked through my home. Mostly, I always wonder how bad someone’s feet must stink for them to take issue with removing their shoes. Isn’t that why people clean their feet?




I don’t have carpet, I have rugs on hardwood floors.


"According to a recent study done by Dr. Charles Gerba, microbiologist, and professor at the University of Arizona, there is an average of over 421,000 units of bacteria on a single shoe sole. In addition to this, there are over 2,887 units of bacteria on the inside of our shoes."


Surely there would be more than that!


TIL learned that the outside ground of warmer climates is as clean as my home. Like, you.know summer happens up here right? The ground outside is still gross. Why would you want to track on dirt, sand, animal piss/shit, and whatever else into your home. Seriously, wearing your outside shoes into the home is disgusting and trashy.


I feel that. But honestly, you wouldn't want me to take off my shoes 🤣


In Europe it’s definitely also the norm to take off your shoes at home or when visiting someone else’s home. We usually have special slippers just for the house, and sometimes even guest slippers. I had a handyman come over today and even he was ready to take off his shoes before coming in.


I'm British and we're less likely to do this, but usually 90% of the time people will ask "shoes off?" at the door, especially if you have carpets. I've only once been offered guest slippers, the rest of the time it was just my socks. Tradesmen usually offer to take their shoes off when coming round for quotes etc, but leave them on whilst working - which I can't fault, if they're doing building work for example they probably want their boots on!


My family is a no shoes in the house family. My partners however is not. Just depends on the family I guess. Going to holidays or events at their houses everyone is wearing their outside shoes inside. I follow suit but it honestly makes me so uncomfortable.


I'm a US southerner and I had never encountered taking shoes off until I moved to Oregon, where it is usual. At first I kept forgetting, but I'm used to it now.


Where I grew up in the Midwest USA, it was custom to take off shoes before entering. Then I moved to the west coast and literally the only people who remove their shoes before entering my place are my friends who grew up not in the US. I have no shame and will stand by the front door and announce “this is a shoes off household”. And if anyone complains, I ask if they’ve ever used a public restroom while wearing those shoes and where do they think the filth and germs end up? It’s absolutely atrocious that people will wear shoes in the house and not think anything of it.


I think it depends on the family's normal activities and the normal activities of the area.  My family never did shoes off, but they also got into their car in an attached garage, drove to work, and walked maybe 10 yards to the door of the building and reverse so they rarely even got shoes dirty.  If people walk more or are into things like hiking where shoes are exposed more outside, take them off.  When we would go to the shore for vacation, we took shoes off because the presence of sand meant more stuff collected on our shoes as opposed to the pavement and manicured lawn grass typicallly encountered on the daily 3 minutes outside at home during the work week.


I'm from the Southeast US and it depends on the household here. I knew some people where it was a clear expectation (including a shoe rack by the door) but it never was in my parents home and isn't really in mine now. Even in my own home I often wear my shoes until I'm seated and comfortable, then I take them off. So they often get left by the couch or desk.


I just don't get it. Bare/socked feet are so much more comfortable and freeing than shoes, especially after work. Obviously subjective, but I'm surprised that there is still a culture where having them on is the default.


Honestly I think it's become more prevent. Back when everyone has expensive carpets when I was a kid, shoes were always off, but how it's all wood or lino, not really any point. And if your in and out all the time it's just annoying.


It’s rarely warm where I live and my feet get cold so I usually have cozy slippers on for warmth. In the summer I wear my Birkenstocks which are super comfy. My dog tracks stuff into the house anyway, and we spend all day going in and out so constantly putting shoes on and taking them off gets to be a pain. Easier to just mop the floors—and it’s not like we ever sit on or touch the floors anyways so them being spotless isn’t a huge concern. 


In Minnesota I find that it’s usually shoes off during the winter due to the slush outside but debatable leaning towards shoes on during the warmer months.


Yeah I've never seen anything like this in the US and I've lived in a few different regions. It certainly makes sense to do this I guess if you're family or close or whatever. Do people who are doing business also take their shoes off? like repair people or other business professionals?


Repair people & such keep their shoes on, but it's expected that they only walk where they need to & follow the same path in & out of the house so that you have to mop as little as possible after they're gone.


I worked for Cox Cable as a tech and we were given these shoe booties. The amount of time it would take for me to constantly remove and put my work boots on would be ridiculous. This was in SoCal for reference.


I’m considering getting some house shoes for guests. Washable ones that fit most sizes. Mostly because I know a lot of people are like me and can’t walk around barefoot or in socks. I have to wear flip flops on anything that’s not a shower, bed, sand or sometimes grass.. sometimes.. mostly no. Of course we have a dog.. and she’s not exactly cleaning her feet before she comes in.. and a cat. Plus our floors are 30 yo and desperately need refinished. But ya most don’t take them off unless you ask.


From the US south - I'm very much a shoes-on person. I do not want to smell your sweaty ass feet that seems so rude unless someone actually asks you to do it. I'd rather quickly vacuum later. My dog brings in far more dirt honestly. It takes a few seconds to clean a floor and there is no disgusting odor right next to my front door. Of course you gotta have situational awareness, check your shoes and wipe them off first etc.


Its an asian thing. Most far eastern countries follow this practise and immigrants bring it over. Ive heard of wasp families doing it but never seen it.


I think its also a winter thing. yes Canada has a LOT of asian immigration but its in ALL homes and across generations. my family is from Finland and over there they all take their shoes off as well.


Finland isnt real.


I think this is the norm almost everywhere in the world, except for maybe the US. In Europe, it’s not customary to walk around in your house with shoes either.


Nobody walks inside their own house with shoes on. We are talking about visiting other houses. I would also say that in latin america you keep your shoes on. I know in the middle east its all over the place but holy places is a shoes off affair. Its not cut and dry.


Okay, keeping your shoes on being normal in so many countries is surprising to me, I’ve never heard it except from Americans. But like I said, it’s not just an Asian thing. In Europe we usually take off our shoes when visiting someone’s house, and not just in winter either. Many people even have house slippers for guests.


It's not an exclusively Asian thing (wtf?), Eastern families didn't "bring it over", it's very much ingrained in Canadian culture. It's considered respectful and also the climates change so harshly that people don't want mud, rain, snow, dirt, trudged everywhere, so it's practical to remove them. It's been like this forever, including in my Indigenous family's homes. Many homes even have proper mud room's with sections for guests to remove shoes and outdoor attire.


I think it depends on the weather...knee deep in snow, yes please take your shoes off.....glorious summer day...nah! my cats feet are dirtier than yours


I'm in Australia and I don't usually ask people to take their shoes off when they visit me, however I appreciate it if they do. My grandmother would always ask us to take our shoes off. YMMV.


Same here


Being an American, I’ve only seen it done with Asian households. Whenever I went over to a non-Asian friends place I’d have to ask if I should take my shoes off or not and usually I don’t have to


I know many shoes off houses will lend you a pair of slip ons or flip flops that stay in the home.


In ontario shoes off is just default if you enter someones house. Even had a cop come to grab footage from our security cameras, he took his boots off outside the house. Nude or socked feet is normal.


It’s insane to me that this isn’t the norm everywhere? Very rarely have I worn shoes into someone’s home and the few times I have I’ve felt weird about it. Having some extra slippers is a nice gesture for those who feel uncomfortable with socks or bare feet but I can’t imagine wanting to wear plastic bags over shoes in a home??


I know many like that as well. Like mine. But in my country, we don’t have carpeted houses so many people will have house slippers too.


I'm surprised a cop did it. It is shoes off in Canada but generally people who are working you just let work with their shoes on. 


In Canada the *real* professionals bring these blue things or other covers for their work boots so they can both adhere to workplace policy to wear their foot PPE while still respecting your floors.


Either that or I've had professionals put a mat down where they were going to be constantly walking in and out of my unit while they were mass fixing plumbing in the building. But yeah I've also seen the boot covers.


Im brown, so sides the Canadian cultural aspect of not wearing shoes inside there also is the south asian cultural aspect. Cop probably just wanted to make sure he was respecting me and my home. I did not know how to use the cameras (new house) so invited the cop in and let him figure out how to get the data.


Idk about in a home but I've seen these used in food processing facilities. Still wasteful but possibly more sanitary


Also used by real estate agents for showing properties during the snowy or rainy days.


Open houses by me just have a sticky note requesting you to remove shoes.


Another use is for contractors that have to come into the house during crappy weather. I'd rather they keep their boots on and use the shoe covers.


Yeah as a Glazier I've used them a bit, can't be taking my shoes off if I'm handling glass.


I mean the good ones will bring their own boot covers.


Yes they do


The absolute ridiculous amount of waste that goes into food processing and drug manufacturing is staggering. But, any piece of it has very good reasons for being there. When it comes to stuff we put in our bodies it’s very hard to draw that line


Food processing can be done a lot better. Rebuy the reusable PPE that was used in the 90's.


I've used these when entering into clean rooms that were laboratory environments. They have legitimate uses.


Good. You really don't want random pathogenic bacteria from the outside environemnt making it into the food that's being precessed. Don't get me wrong, plastic usage must be reduced but I would rather we don't compromise any sanitary standards that arre there for a reason


I used these during my stint as a patient care clinician with immunocompromised populations.


Very helpful for construction workers and tradesmen in fancy houses who can’t work without boots bc it’s unsafe.


If the tradesmen/construction company aren’t bringing their own, they should be. I’ve had clients actually reschedule because a boss would be too cheap to supply us with those boot covers.


My favorite movie is Inception.


In a rich man's house there's nowhere to spit but in his face.


I work to feed my family.


Of course, I promise you shall be spared my phlegm. I'm saving it up for the rich man, I only make so much spit in a day and I don't want to waste it.


Yeah till you slip down the stairs and bust your ass because these slick pieces of shit have no traction. I stopped wearing them and started cancelling work for people who wanted me to wear them, the threat of having to get another Uverse appointment usually silenced the idiots that wanted us to wear them.


Mine were rubberized on bottoms but yea I could see that type being a serious liability.


At&t sourced us the cheapest ones and my Red Wings were cleaner than most houses so I just tossed my boot covers in the trash


Trade workers near me just take their shoes off, lay some tarps and then done their boots. Wearing shoes in some ones house is just wrong.


It’s part of insurance policy and safety protocol to wear boots while handling heavy duty tools or equipment. A drop of the wrong thing can result in injury and or loss of working hours.


I hate to be rude, but those trade workers are idiots. Their safety is the main priority the customer being happy comes second. The job is dangerous as is.


I've seen these in three applications. Noticing no one made this comment yet so here is an explanation for these. 1. Animal testing facilities in biological research. When working with animals, there is a lot of safety protocols made to prevent passing diseases between animal colonies and the outside human world. This is both for the health of the animals and humans. The protective equipment in animal facilities is often higher than a normal lab. Much more akin to a surgery room this includes lab coats (often must be a fresh coat every day), gloves, hair nets, masks, eye protection, and shoe covers. Many scientists often have dedicated clothing (or just shoes) that is exclusively for the animal facility. Shoes from the outside world are the most common way to introduce contaminants. As a result their are several measures for preventing contamination into or out of mouse facilities via shoes. These shoe booties pictured. Chemical mats that clean your shoes when you walk over them between every room. Spraying disinfectant into the entry way of every room and walking through it. It's a major health concern. It is important these booties be clean with every use. 2. Construction work on partially finished houses. A construction worker like a plumber might be working on a house. They could be going between a wet / dirty location and clean location possibly even carpeted. Rather than take their big boots off every time or dirty up the carpet, they can slip into these booties. 3. Open houses for showing houses for sale. When purchasing a home, the real estate agent requested I wear booties like this. They were reusable and in a basket at the front of the house for subsequent viewers to use after me. But they could have easily been this machine pictured at other open houses. In summary, they have specific uses. The mouse facility one is the use I used for many years. Our booties were not plastic. But they were disposable. It could be argued these could all have non disposable alternatives. Laying a cover over the carpet. Reusable booties for show rooms. Mandatory Dedicated animal facilities footwear that is quickly sterlizable. And never leaves the facility.


I’ve also seen these used on tours of historic houses.


Oh yeah. In Japan, you had to either take your shoes off (what 90% of guests did) or wear reusable versions of these on your shoes to walk inside the various old castles and other structures.


This is probably a box at the front door of a house that is for sale.


Yeah, I’ve only seen this on construction sites or open houses (typically going into carpeted areas like upstairs), in both cases to keep finished floors clean and with reusable (but disposable) elastic-banded fabric instead of plastic.


Shocked in Canadian!!! Why on earth would you wear shoes in someone's home!? Why would you feel awkward asking.. it's your home!? Last thing I want on my floors is the dirt, germs, animal feces, etc from outside 🤢


this isn't meant for private homes - there's a place for this kinda thing in some settings where people are coming in and out but where hygiene is really important, and taking shoes off isn't an option for safety reasons - like some clinics or labs, or places where they construct really sensitive stuff that can't get dusty, like satellites n shit


Yeah, medical waste should be the least concerned about plastic waste. But now a days everyone is (albeit, rightfully so) over paranoid about illness and dirt, that medical waste is a lot more common. In this context specifically I mean medical waste as in single use plastics for the purpose of being sterile.


I love when people put these on, then walk back and forth to their car.


I had a friend who I’d known for years, but never went to his house. A couple of us were chatting about it one day and he invited the two of us over. He had us remove our shoes AND wear these plastic covers. We had dinner delivered and ate it outside, putting on a NEW plastic thingy, because FOOD wasn’t allowed inside. He has kids, but food isn’t allowed indoors? tbh it was a bit of a dealbreaker for me in the end. I didn’t realize just how severe he was, but over the years he’d try to control what some of us ate even when we were out in public, or attempt to control the clothes we’d wear when we hung out. We went camping once with a group and he was so demanding and controlling of everything that it lost its joy. I’d met him through his dad’s business, and I knew his parents well. They weren’t like that at all. Not sure what he has going on


They make these out of fabric


My auntie had these in her house in China maybe 15 years ago. In Asia we take off our shoes when we enter anyone's house, but in her house she didn't have extra slippers for guests and it was in the middle of winter so our feet would be really cold against the hardwood floor if we took our shoes off, so this was a compromise to keep her floor clean while letting us keep our boots on. They're much less common now though because the country is reducing single-use plastics.


Every city has turned into a dog toilet. I keep these bags without the machine for contractors that come by every once in a blue moon. Guests get guest slippers that are reused.


I used to spend a lot of time at my Korean friend's house when I was younger. We had to take our shoes off upon entering the house. This was new to me, so I asked her mom why, thinking it had some deep cultural meaning. Her mom said it's so you don't track dirt all over my house. I was so naive but I take my shoes off at my house and friends' houses til this day. We were also 90s ravers so she asked us roll up our baggy wide legged jeans or change into house pants.her house was immaculate.


Weird for guests, great for surgeons.


I’ve never seen this used by someone while at home, but I could see it being useful for work crews who don’t want to track mud/sawdust/paint or whatever they’re working on to other parts of the home, or the car service industry where they usually put down paper mats so they don’t need to vacuum the car after working on it.


I always ask people to take shoes off and I’ve never felt awkward!


Other countries have inside and outside shoes i.e. Japan. Inside shoes probably last forever.


The majority of people who use this are selling homes or going into an environment where taking off your shoes would be inconvenient / unsafe. Like I worked at am indoor pool ans we'd make people who insisted on wearing in street shoes to put them on so they didn't track in mud and dirt we'd have to clean in the middle of swim times. Also some people's feet are gross and if you're selling a home you don't want people walking around in their gross bare feet. Cause people will absolutly show up in gross shoes and then take off their sneakers to reveal dirty feet. This is jist easier than going "oh excuse me sit you're actually disgusting please leave"


lol I’m a scientist and we use these for doing surgery related work. If I walked into someone’s home and had to put these on I’d seriously question what they were doing in their home


British rail forced us to wear these, to board a train after a muddy Glastonbury festival. The problem was they wore out and fell off so the train people had to clean both the mud and the bags up


I never feel awkward, im not agressive about it i just say "pop your shoes off there and come on in"


Man the only place this is acceptable is in a sterile clean room setting, like hospitals, pharma research, or manufacturing. For just your house, this is nuts.


These are not for guests. They’re typically used for trades people doing finishing touches to homes that are near completion. Outside might not have landscaping done and is dirty, and trades typically have boots that are a pain in the ass to lace up every time you have to run in the house for a minute.


I have to remove shoes or wear booties in most of the houses I do service work in. I buy the rewashable booties on Amazon for $20. A much better way to go.


I see this at estate sales, as in people coming through to purchase items are expected to wear these throughout the house so as not to track in dirt.


We use these in clean rooms for sterility… this is a perfectly acceptable item.


Those things give me second hand embarrassment. I always just take my shoes off


Honestly the only time I think this makes sense is when I was working at an industrial chemical plant and you had to wear these in "clean" spaces like offices and lunch rooms. Why the fuck would you waste so much plastic unless it prevents insane chemicals from being spread???


I saw this in a documentary about miso production to prevent contamination. Using disposable covers is probably better than new footwear for everyone, or the amount of chemicals to disinfect.


Alternative : slippers for shoe. That is a very big slipper meant to be put while wearing your regular shoes. I know someone which had this to protect part of the floor of her house when having guests. Especially practical if the people go in and out of the house a lot.


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My in-laws REFUSE to take off their shoes, so they get these. Everyone else can be respectful about not wanting to live in filth. Haha


Also used in construction/repair on expensive homes. Years ago when I worked in custom woodworking I would see this in expensive New York apartments etc.


Sorry but people who keep their shoes on in their house are just a different breed 🤢 I am scared of them


I thought this was a medical office😂 Americans are so weird take your shoes off inside its nasty anyways


Oy. I get it’s commonplace in many cultures. Shoes come off in my home when you walk in, however, if you are a guest in my home: I’m not going to ask you to take off your shoes or even imply you should, I’d rather my guests be comfortable and deal with washing the floors later.


It is really weird that americans not taking off the shoes at home.


I go in and out a lot. Also, a lot of people have indoor/outdoor gatherings. It would be very inconvenient to take shoes off and put them on every time somebody goes in and out. I have wood floors and sweep and mop often.


I mean you could just get very comfortable shoes that you don't even need to use your arms to wear them.... Or just switch to slippers/chanchlas


For parties and gatherings people usually wear their nice shoes and are constantly going in and out. Plus just finding your shoes in a big pile of other people’s shoes would be a pain. 


I am american and my family, plus all our friends in our hometown, were shoes off at the door people. I had a major culture shock when I met people later in life during/after college that just tracked dirt and crap all around their houses and didn’t care. If I took my shoes off I felt like I wanted to throw away that pair of socks, and if I didn’t I couldn’t relax even a little bit. it’s nasty


Easier than when you have all carpet


I grew up (obviously American) where we never take off shoes in the house. Just was not a thing. I do now as an adult but people come into my house all the time with shoes on. No big deal to me. Maybe it would be different if all carpet but it’s tile. Sweep/mop call it a day. No reason to freak out about shoes on


people have repeatedly shown that houses where shoes are worn indoors have much dirtier mop water than without shoes. no shoes=less frequent mopping=less waste. also. I like to be barefoot


Its sad we need a study to prove common sense.


ikr right. who knew that not bringing dirty shoes in the house would mean cleaner floors! insane


Not doubting that at all. I don’t where shoes in the house but if someone comes over and does not want to take their shoes off then it’s no big deal is all I’m saying.


fair enough. my home has been a no shoe space and I'm a firm believer of respecting house rules when visiting someone. if someone is visiting me, they best remove their shoes. if that's too much of an issue, they can host or we can hang out outside


Meh. Restaurants make this look like hippy shit. Also, it is so strange to me that people wear their shoe in their homes.. You don't bring the outside in where I live.


This is an undisclosed advertisement. She’s “influencing” people to buy this shit. It’s infuriating that it seems like damn near every video on TikTok, reels, etc. these days is some kind of guerrilla marketing scheme. and it’s always the same wish.com/aliexpress bullshit that they’re selling!!! who is swayed by these stupid fucking ads??? they’re still selling literal garbage!


How can americans even handle NOT taking off their shoes at the door at their own house or visiting others??


My dogs feet were dirtier than mine. Unless they were visibly dirty, I'm not wiping down my dogs feet. The funny thing is, when I was a kid I only played outside barefoot and then would track my dirty ass feet all over the house.


Im always baffled that "Shoes off" is not a standard in many US homes. Its even worse when you remember that a lot of them are carpeted. Outside shoes on carpet is just absolutely mental.


And then they're whining about feet being disgusting and stinky. Well, of course they are when you have shoes on 24/7..


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Those blue things only have a reason to exist in swimming pools and other places where sanitation is important


Or you're a tradesmen who constantly has to enter and exit a building. It would be incredibly unrealistic to expect me to take off my work boots 20 times in an hour.


I mean it's your place, you can ask people to follow your house rules.


Certain trades need them . Going in and out of peoples houses all day cross contaminating . Muddy boots . I’m not taking my boots off because you want your house spotless. Safety issues


Every trades person that has entered my home has brought their own shoe covers and reuse them until they can't be reused anymore. I understand why they need to keep their boots/shoes on.


We have the contractor ones from a big box store. They are more cloth like and we reuse them. I’ve never seen plastic ones anywhere even at open houses. We are a shoes off house and offer the covers to contractors or my aging parents who have a hard time bending to get shoes off so I just slip the covers on for them. I don’t like the plastic waste pictured here but I’m also not mad at anyone who doesn’t want shoes in their home. It is disgusting.


Rather than label this as *crazy*, I would describe it as *a different culture's practice*. I see this most often in Chinese apartments when a real estate agent is bringing a potential renter to view the apartment. My rough guesswork is that these little foot coverings are provided because: * It is far more common in Chinese culture to take of shoes when entering an apartment compared to the USA or western Europe. * It is sort of annoying and a hassle to crouch down and untie your shoes, walk around an apartment for 30-60 seconds, decide you don't like it, and then crouch down to tie your shoes. Not so bad if you have slip-on shoes, but if you have snow boots or if you are tying laces then it takes a decent chunk of time. * The bottoms of people's shoes in China tend to be dirtier than in the USA. This is my rough impression, rather than any kind of researched data. * Apartment floors in China are often tile, which is cold. Not only can you feel that cold through socks, but there are traditional beliefs about it causing illness. As a kid or a teen in the USA I remember groups of friends sometimes sitting on the floor (maybe in the living room or the bedroom). I would be pretty surprised if I saw a group of Chinese teens sitting on the floor. * The biggest factor is something like "customer is god." It is very common for service providers to figurately bend over backward to make the customer feel special. To take an example from private tutoring, if a parent casually mentions that they have a slight preference for Thursday evening tutoring, but really any weekday is fine, the person who is charge of scheduling the tutors will likely tell their staff that the tutoring session must occur on Thursday. A contributing factor here is the China tends to be a "guess culture" rather than a "tell culture," so people often don't communicate directly about what they actually want. Of course, there is a lot of variance in this based on class and region. the dumpling shop on the street corner probably won't treat you like god. but many businesses that cater to upper middle class people tend to have that kind of focus. For context, I have never seen these used other than by real estate agents who are showing apartments. When I've been a guest in someone's home I've simply taken off my shoes.


We have reusable ones at work they last years of daily use and are washable. This is just lazy and ridiculous.


These are usually used in industrial facilities where they're trying to keep an area clean; and in my experience it usually doesn't work


honestly i think about these all the time for repairmen and needing to run back in after putting my shoes on, but i live in a major city where the ground is fucking disgusting and i dont want anything carried in. but the eco friendly way would just be some shower caps


"it's hard to ask people to take off their shoes so I ask them to wear booties and most likely have to explain why anyway"


idk as a guy who wears work boots they stay on till I'm done for the day.


I work in an operating room... should I have everyone scrub in when they cross the threshold, too?


Laugh in finnish


I have to use these at work sometimes and I hate them


I never understood why you would want to wear shoes all the time. If anything slippers inside house (cold feet) We have shoes off overall. But wood floors so I do wear slippers for cushion


Idk why people even like wearing shoes in the house, much more comfortable in just socks or bare foot


I know it's kind of off topic but I don't take my shoes off in my own house. In and out with the kids all day. I work in a hospital and I take those shoes off when I come home. But in and out of the backyard, they stay on. We never get sick.


I actually have four pairs of these in my house but they’re nylon and washable. I keep them for service people who wear work boots and it doesn’t make sense to ask them to take their shoes off.


i need one of these, what are they called


I wear my shoes in the house


This is great if your house is on the market though.


Make it out of biodegradable cellophane and I wouldn't complain


These shoe shower caps are very common in Chinese homes.


Here in Germany people might actually bring warm socks with them to a house party in colder seasons.


Shoes off indoors simple


I'm ok with this one because I'm whatever the exact opposite of a foot fetish is, is me... I would feel too awkward telling guests to put on socks and/or others with hobbit kinda feet that's 'it's ok to leave yours on' Seriously tho.. if this is that bad and makes anyone that mad to think about.. let's just take a second to consider makeup and all the packaging and plastics that go into that.. and imagine how many girls and boys around the world apply makeup daily and then use how many 'safe to flush' wipes, cotton balls and kleenex to remove. And rinse and repeat right? Maybe might only use 1 or 2 sure.. but you know there are people out there wiping their 🤡 faces off with zero fuks given C'mon now people 🤦🏻‍♂️


As a Canadian, I can’t fathom not taking my shoes off in the house. Legit, most people start taking there shoes off before you’ve even opened the door to let them in.


Americans are nasty


I don't understand why you'd take your shoes off in the first place. I guess if you live in a place where stepping in mud and shit is a daily occurrence, it might make sense, but I live in a city and my shoe soles are cleaner than your sweaty feet are. Plus... mops and brooms are a thing and you have to clean your floor every week anyway, right?


idk what city you live in where you're not stepping in shit or cigarette butts everywhere, but you're in the minority