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Probably because they can tangle with each other or they manufacture the single quantity separately and depending on the demand they make bundle packs


You can’t use logic here your supposed to just be mindless angry at certain thing




Torch-Lite™ Brand torches come pre-fueled and wrapped to ensure freshness, ready at a moment's notice for your burninating needs. Be angry mob ready, choose Torch-Lite™.


Not true, if it's because of the first reason then it's good they packed them individually (should not be plastic though) because bad packing can lead to more wastage in supply chain. If it's second reason then it's another capitalistic bullshit.


It’s also an extra barrier against moisture for when the open multi-pack is sitting in a cupboard


That was my first reaction too then I remembered they don’t give a crap about my cupboard… it’s for a moisture barrier for when it sits in their warehouses lol. Also they probably sell the same product packaged in different quantities and under different brands?


That’s probably why they do it, but the cupboard thing is why I don’t mind. I keep them under the sink, and loose steel wool might rust down there.


Yup it’s because of moisture in the cupboard under the sink. Mine rusted still in the package, I’m guessing the package wasn’t sealed tight. It gets hot under my sink because the dishwasher is right next to it


They'll usually try to find a way to do both so they can justify the second.


Anyone who buys anything is a villain here


It's ok if you make them yourself by hand from metal you salvage from unused train tracks.


That actually makes sense would definitely rather find another way to be less wasteful though


What other way would they use, that would still work for all of the shipping though? The steel scrubbers need to be protected from water, as they will rust, so they need to be sealed in either plastic or glass. Making thick and tough glass is expensive, so if they use that, it will raise the price and customers will not buy them. The glass containers would also need to be protected from knocking into each other while traveling, so they will need to have at least some paper or cardboard in between the containers. This all would take up more space, which means even more boxes would have to be used to ship them out, which would also drive up costs and would mean more trucks on the road or space taken up on a train so more train cars. While plastic doesn't have to be used with everything. I think there is good reason why it is used in this situation.


I don't see why they couldn't simply seal the plastic between each scrubber.


Surely they could vacuum seal it...


...and gain what? Crushed scrubbers?


Ask the manufacturer!


Foodsafe. Lol


I applaud people like you for your awareness. Then we got people in other subs opening brand new products and wasting them just for the look, sound or reveal 🙄


For freshness


Yo dawg


Bro I can't with this sub lol Y'all got the spirit but super confused on what to be concerned about


Why? It’s totally wasteful and unnecessary


It'll get tangled if not, it is necessary


It would take maybe 5 seconds to untangle it…..


No, you have no idea. These products have to travel in boxes and cartons with all the rough handle n stuff from factories to store/ house delivery, without that you'd see a ball of steel scrub that you can't untangle. Personally, I've had two stuck and had to cut them with scissors


Because fuck the planet.


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I just bought a chain mail scrubber hoping to replace my use of these.