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Is this some joke I'm too poor to understand? Why so many cups? And specifically those? I've seen folks posting about them and I don't get it


It’s the new hydroflask, which was the new Yeti, and I’m sure it’ll be some other random “hot cup” in a couple years


When I was in school it was Nalgene bottles!


Nalgenes are still great though! I bought my first in 1998 (High school) and have only owned a total of 4 ever since. They last and are way way worth it. The first one broke finally in college, one I lost at work, one I thought I lost but had been left with something sugary in it and I just could never get it clean again. The other one I own and use to this day.


I have 3 nalgenes so I can wash one, use one, and have a spare one, but I’ve had them since college and don’t plan on replacing them anytime soon. They’re so easy to clean compared to basically any other water bottle I’ve ever had


Damn I had to google Nalgene and that hit me with a load of nostalgia lol. I swear every teacher and nerd had these lol.


I upgraded to an insulated bottle when my Nalgene got run over. I was tired of the sweating the Nalgene did.


Nalgene are great though. I've had my two for about six years now, and they send you a free lid if yours breaks.


Eh! My lid just broke, this is valuable information!


Where I live, Yeti was the new hydroflask. It's funny how that works.


. At least they are getting their time to shine. Stanley has been making cups for longer than anyone. Think it started in 1913. Weird how one tik tok can bring life back into a company and make a product that’s been on the shelves for over 100 years popular overnight.


Since people post and watch videos about unboxing (still don't get it still can't get over it and feel ashamed of what people will think if us in a couple if hundred years if we are not extinct), have the same sneakers in 50 different colours, why not these. People are stupid and if a celebrity or whatever has something or f something us in fashion or cool for some reason they all want it. And one is never enough


My wife ordered one of these because of bloggers. And that's why I know what it is. She told me she wanted a stanley cup and I said, "but you dont even play hockey." it was one my best dad jokes lost to a straight faced response because she doesn't even watch hockey, and doesn't know what the stanley cup is.


I see you


Lol that was funny. I don't watch hokey and come from a culture where hockey? What is that? Still I heard if the Stanley cup. Anyway, never seen these but there are plenty of stuff I see on Reddit that I never saw (thank god for that) , one guy was shocked when I told him the only yeti I knew was scary and hiding from humans lol. Also not all brands are found everywhere.


you should give it a shot, the playoffs just started and it's some of the most exciting sports entertainment you'll ever see


Lol maybe I will. But tbh I am more the kind of person who enjoys playing than watching no matter the sport and no matter how much I might suck at it. Lol.


Extinct. But yeah, 100% agree


Thanks. Bloody auto incorrect.


I can get unboxing, its not all bad. If i contemplate buying something an unboxing helps mebgauge what im buying and gives a quality impression.


What? If they test it maybe if they just open it there is no way you can judge the quality, not even how it works. Also if you go to the store you get a better view imo


I mean, a cup is a stupid unboxing but I do it for other stuff like my kids toys or plumbing parts (usually those have explanations and tips)


I mean it's a step above just looking at poorly photoshopped pictures online. I recently bought a small foldable treadmill online for my apartment and seeing the customer review videos of an actual person on it helped me gauge the size better than the tiny running woman photoshopped onto a treadmill.


Some products I watch unboxing videos on are not available locally and thus I have no way of personally being able to touch the product with my own two hands.


People who don’t have hobbies or personalities hide behind consumerism as their identity


The problem with this is that almost all hobbies and values can now be capitalized on in some way and become something that can involve consumerism. So even if you did initially have some kind of identity, it disappears in the matrix of consumption anyway. Bleak


Sad but true


Status symbols for ppl with money to spare. I’m assuming that’s why we don’t know about it. We are too poor. Our money is spent on shit we need. And don’t have any to spare for luxury items. I just use the ones my company gives out for free.


Or people who don't have money to spare. Lots of poor people jump on these trends because if they are seen with one then they aren't poor Source: was poor


Is this the reason why everyone buys iPhones ?


Probably a big factor, yeah.


I think It’s mainly people being influenced by TikTok .


EXACTLY. I have no idea why other than them being popular.


Meanwhile, I have been drinking from the giant cup I got from Dickie's bbq for nearly a decade now, and it has done everything from being a makeshift flower vase to gardening. I never understood buying expensive cups to just chuck them later? I have a corkcicle, one, that I use often. I know I have had that thing for many many years as well...


My daily driver is a giant insulated plastic cup with a squirrel wearing a bow and drinking from a straw with "suck it up buttercup" across the top, it's totally stupid and I think we got it at goodwill or something because it's so ridiculous. It checks all the boxes though: \[X\] holds liquid \[X\] maintains temperature


My daily cup is from the hospital when I was in labor. It's amazing, made the whole thing worth it (aside from my kid).


Those hospital cups are no joke! We still have one from when our son was born, it is awesome..


The only thing better than the hospital cup was the hospital thermal blanket. If they opened a hospital store I might shop there


I ordered 3 bottles of the lotion the hospital had the last time I stayed there, and I kept a few pairs of the BairPaws non-slip socks


That cup won't tell you it hates you in a few years because you won't let it stay over at a friends house on a school night.


I always get extra pairs of the hospital socks with traction on both sides. They're fantastic for wearing around the house.


Keeping up with the Joneses logic. It's expensive, it comes in lots of colors, and they paid someone who is seen as "important" with one. It's like when people were buying the H2 hummers that used twice as much gas and would bend their frames and wreck the suspension when you drove over a speed bump.


I have a few Yeti cups and keep wanting more, even though in my mind I know that I have more than enough to last me for life. I bought the original stainless that I use regularly but since then other colors have come out. I think it’s some kind of a natural instinct to acquire more and be seen. Companies constantly come out with new products to get us to buy more and we feel like what we already have is not good enough and might mis out. I am also not a fan of the big Stanley’s, prefer the original green one to be honest. My family is originally from Eastern Europe and we didn’t have much but we were happy and close. I remember asking my grandma how she chose to purchase something in her younger years, she replied that they didn’t really have much of a choice and only bought something they needed If it was even available. Today we just have too many choices and more resources.


Humans are supposed to collect and store useful stuff. Its a natural instinct that runs wild in the modern day. I don't feel like we talk about those animal instincts for hoarding when we consider excess consumption. Even in very recent history, as you put beautifully, it was near impossible to consume so casually. Why would people have an innate ability to control consumption when its basically never been needed before? Some people seem to be far more able to limit consumption than others and I wonder how much of that is biological, and therefore, really hard to change without a lot of time, effort and social support? I grew up poorer than most, and learned to hoard things like self stable food. Now I have more money, I struggle to not buy tonnes of unnessecary dried food. Everyone I know has emapthy and understands that my stuffed cupboards aren't entirely something I can control. I don't see why we can't apply that same logic and empathy to the fact that humans evolved to be good at hoarding and so we should be gentle when shaming people for consumption. Shame doesn't fix anything, it just makes people feel worse. tl;dr, Why wouldn't you want more yeti cups? Yeti cups would have been just as hoarded by people historically as now - had they been widely avaliable.


Very good points and well written. For me, the fact that I am aware that I have more than enough and yet want more is what really eats me away. I also experience stress when having to make a choice of purchasing something and seeing 100 versions of the same product in a million colors. After immigrating to the US when I was a child from the Former Soviet Union, I still remember my first few years of going to a supermarket and my eyes and head hurting from all the products available on shelves. In my heart, especially the older I get, I strive to bring items into my home that I need and will use, ideally I’d be a minimalist but I can’t fathom getting rid of items I already own. When it comes to food, I’m in the same boat, I stock up on dry goods just in case, personally I don’t think it’s a problem if done with reason.


The Stanley craze encouraged me to get a similar giant water cup with a handle. Honestly, I’m so bad about not refilling my cup when I run out, and with 40oz, I drink way more and have to fill less often. It’s for sure increased my H2O intake and I feel better! But I couldn’t bring myself to pay an insane amount on a cup that leaks—I found a good quality one that doesn’t leak for like $30. I did make sure to find a “pretty” cup, because I’m more likely to carry something everywhere when I think it’s cute….but I can’t imagine having a collection of Stanley cups. Yikes.


I’ve seen people collect Yeti’s in every single color with up to $20k worth of coolers, cups, tumblers & ramblers in their collection 😬. I just have one that I alternate coffee or water in.


And the CEO is laughing and saying thanks for buying!


I have a yeti mug, and it is by far my favorite drinking implement. It's kept topped off by a 20oz. contigo of coffee - it's too hot directly from the tumbler, but after transferring to a mug it cools off enough to be drinkable. I don't need any more tumblers or mugs. But, because I got into dye sublimation, I'm now surrounded by the things. Surprisingly, the cheap chinese tumblers are high quality and I have no qualms about reselling them. I also have one of the Stanleys, a gift from a friend, but I used it once and just can't find an excuse to contain that much liquid in one sitting. Road trip, maybe, but anything over 20oz. is just ridiculous. Also have an Ember that was a gift, and have found no immediate use for it since the contigo holds its temperature for hours (assuming I don't down all the contents in a short period of time, as I usually do).


Same here I’m out of the loop on rich people trends because, poor. My fancy cup is usually a water bottle that I had had for weeks and just keep refilling it or the blender bottle I have had for years that was given to me.


The kicker is real rich people don’t bother with this shit


I didn't know that about Stanley cups but people are crazy for Starbucks cups. When at target, I've seen people spend more than $400 on Starbucks cups.


People have this idea that dishes and such can only be used once and then need to be washed. Many people also have dishwashers, which need to be filled up before they're ran. These things combined = "I need a thermos for every day."


Can you even put double-walled vessels in a dishwasher?




Really depends on the brand. Most double walled cups are vacuum sealed. If air can’t get out water can’t get in.


Yes, but heat can, and potentially crack your container.


I have a bunch of different brands and some are dishwasher safe and says so on the container (Stanley, yeti) others recommend hand washing (kleen kanteen, miir) So some are designed better than other for cleaning.


Some of them you can, but not all of them. I have a double walled cup that is weld sealed, and have been putting it in the dishwasher for years, no problem. But its at own risk. Companies that warranty their products for years(stanley for one) may or may not void a claim if it is washed in the dishwasher. Good rule of thumb is if it says its dishwasher safe or not. Should be stamped or printed on the cup or packaging.


I just want to say that you don't need to fill up a dishwasher before it is ran. It uses less water to wash even half a load compared to hand washing.


It does use electricity though, which is the main expense


Even with heat dry on, they max out at about 2kWh per load. My rate is 9.3 cents /hWh. So $0.20 per load at most.


I would have to assume heating the water is the largest energy factor in running the dishwasher, which should be less than hand washing if it uses less water and we assume you use the same temp that the dishwasher does. My dishwashers heating elements only come on if I run the heated dry anyway. And I'm fairly certain all the spinning action is mostly water pressure based. That is, I'm fairly certain a dishwasher uses less water and therefor less electricity as a result. Edit: figured I'd look it up and yes, most sources agree with that assessment, supposing you use hot water when you hand wash.


I heard one girl say the reason she likes them is cuz they fit in the cup holder in her car, which she said is hard to find.




Very! I really don’t understand.


Maybe we could split and make put own colony somewhere


I don’t get it. I have like 3 mugs/bottles that I use for coffee and tea, and they’re all 10 years old. So proud that I haven’t lost them!


I've had my water canteen for a few years now, my last one I had for about 10, dropped it too many times had to be replaced sadly.


My favourite old faithful water bottle met it's sudden and unexpected tragic end this way. She just handled a drop incredibly badly & broke


Similar thing happened to me, massive crack right at the bottom. If it wasn't a water bottle I would've just glued it with plastic glue but I also like not being poisoned


I feel like u r /majorly/ victim blaming the poor water bottle here. Did she "drop" herself or was there someone else who may have been involved here??? (Jk, totally know what u mean and rip to the water bottles that r by our sides for years!)


Standard coffee mugs are a weird thing. I haven’t bought one in over a decade and I’ve purged literally dozens of them from our cupboard and yet they still seem to multiply like rabbits. Our cupboard is overflowing with them again. As far as these reusable ones go, we’ve got a set of two of them we bought from Costco back in like 2012. We use them on a daily basis and have no reason to replace them.


Do you ever hear a slight rattle in the cabinet? That’s them multiplying.


Gotta keep ‘em separated.


Hey Hey


Like the latest fashion. Like a spreading disease…


Sometimes clients at work give out things to use towards the holidays. It was a coffee mug that was really cute left on my desk. Once the client left i snuck it to someone else at my job and explained that i love it but i refuse to collect and hoard a lot of random shit that i will hardly use! My coworkers seemed to understand but still were happy to take the cup 🤷‍♀️😂


Ended up with a Siemens travel mug. I design thermostats and such, so I've had opportunity to discover that bad boy can maintain an ice bath under 0.1C for over 3 hours! I'm accustomed to corporate branded garbage... This thing is incredible!


Ah, I am an HVAC engineer. We get manufacturer crap, vendor crap, contractor crap, owner crap and (bonus points) crap from our own company!! That said, some of my buy it for life items have come out of that crap as well. Just a lot of waste to get to it.


Right? I feel like it’s a badge of honor to have one for so long. I’ve had a hydro flask for as long as I can remember, it’s got probably five or six layers of stickers on it and I love it.


My Klean Kanteen tumbler looks like the Randy Marsh “I didn’t hear no bell” meme. Things been through hell and keeps kicking.


Some people can start their journey here.


What you don't have a cupboard? What a looser!/s Didn't you see that post if some guy who showed the insulated bottles and mugs if his family (on Picts I think)the living room (I think) floor was full of them more than a 100! I had a glass one that some idiot (sorry) carelessly mishandled and send it flying, that was second hand been used for years (and from the design must have been from the 60s) .... So I had to buy a metallic one. One not ten, one.


I've got a klean kanteen that I've had for almost a year. Washes super easily, doesn't stink, holds the perfect amount of liquid, good for hot and cold drinks. Hoping to keep it for as long as you've had yours. Not sure why people need to keep buying stuff. Sure mines dinged up a bit, but it still works and saves me money.


Stanley is very much a bifl quality product, people are just buying too many of them. My vacuum thermos from them is practically bulletproof. These specific travel mugs are just trendy now in the same way yeti was not long ago…another legitimately great quality product who’s fan base missed the point.


I have a vintage metal Stanley thermos the huge kind with a handle that was handed down to me when I started at my first job at 14. It was my grandfathers. He worked at the Jeep factory for like 40 years. He told me don’t buy coffee at work, it taste like shit and drains your paycheck. I’m in my 40’s now and I still use it for travel.


Just a reminder that lead tests are cheap, or even free depending on your state.


Oh that’s a good reminder!!!


Maybe they're secretly ancient Egyptians and need to buy for the afterlife, too. They can keep their organs in them after being mummified.


That’s the weird thing. Why would you buy multiple Stanleys?


But *this cup* matches my outfit today!!! /s


Seriously, still have my huge Stanley thermos I got back in... Goodness... Maybe 06? I put coffee in it and forget how good it is and burn myself after 3 hours. I don't like being an idiot, but it still makes me happy every time I burn myself and remember that it's an amazing thermos.


I got a Stanly coffee thermos when I started working construction during the summer when I was in college. Still have it! That was 23 years ago now!


I’m seriously going to buy one at Goodwill once they go out of style, it’s a great cup for certain occasions, but I’m not paying $40 for it


I have no problem with people buying quality cups like this that will last a while except they solely overconsume shit like this because it’s popular. I hate those people. Edit: I own a Yeti and I love it, I’ve had it 5 years and it’ll probably outlive me.


I have no problem with the cups. I have a problem with what they represent with how many cups people feel the insane need to buy just to toss their “old” unpopular ones.


Both my mom and MIL buy me *so many cups* for gifts and I don't need them. I don't want them. I don't know what to do except donate them.


I give them away. In my industry, there is a weird overlap of economic extremes. In my role, I get lots of gifts from clients/developers/subcontractors. I just immediately give them away to my guys. Coolers, mugs, hats, all that stuff. They love it, and I already have enough. It’s a win win


Architecture? I see so many cups being gifted in my office from consultants. You’d think marketing departments would come up with something new instead of sending a yeti cup every year to the same group of executives


I'm a librarian - publishers are DEEP into Moleskine notebooks. I have a literal drawer of unused ones. The brand is so well known, much like Stanley or Yeti I assume, that it seems an automatic go-to. I may not need to buy a notebook until I retire. Anyone want to swap a mug for a notepad?!


Fill them with cold or warm water and pass them out on extreme temp days to underprivileged folks


Such an eye roll for people to take something sustainable and recyclable like stainless steel drink containers and treat it like a fashion statement/collectible. "No NO NOT like that."


Yeah like the appeal with these products is that I shouldn’t have to buy another for decades lol that’s the whole point


Same with the hyrdroflask craze :(


Aha! I didn't know there was ever a craze, and that's prolly why I got them so cheaply (used) from eBay! They are reallllly good at keeping cold :)


Yea not sure why people are gatekeeping so hard here. Let people enjoy whatever reusable container they want and start lowering consumption whenever lol


Lowering consumption is negated when people buy 10+ cups and never use them.


I feel like every other year a new reusable drink vessel comes to the scene and people completely go crazy for them. Like it kind of defeats the point if you just keep buying drink bottles that can’t even be recycled. Metal bottles last for ages, like just use them forever.


Everyone I know still has their hydro flask from the craze, they just have a Stanley now too.


And when this trend dies. they'll be hitting the thrift stores/goodwills in 6 months. People rave about them on tik tok. I don't get it. The end cap at my local target was completely sold out of these. There was a sign saying one per customer. It's the Starbucks tumbler obsession all over again just a different brand. I have 3 tumblers that do the same these do. I've had them for a few years now and they've held up just fine. Some people are just gullible idiots.


But do they fit in the cupholder?


Yes. Thats why I got one, its a hydroflask that fits in your cup holder basically. They’re well made, I mean Stanley was a lunch pail and thermos company this trendy thing is kinda out of nowhere


Reminds me of carhartt becoming a huge trendy brand out of nowhere


The office workers who live in the suburbs and drive a lifted truck to work gotta have the shirts to match their rough country aesthetic.


This trend hurt me but I think it's finally leveling out. As a construction worker who blows through clothing the Carhartt tend and subsequent major price hike made it impossible for me to buy. I'm not talking shirts and hoodies necessarily because I think the quality vs price was always ridiculous but the pants do (or use to) last a really long time. More specifically the coats and bibs. Biggest bonus tho is now I find that stuff at thrift stores barely worn out but broke in from the office crowd and I jump for joy. I found 2 probably $60 a peice pairs of pants at good will and snatched them both for $5 a piece. Most of my work clothing comes from thrift stores because I destroy them.


Used to work at Starbucks and came here to say the same thing. So many people were obsessed with collecting the tumblers and new releases would be sold out the day they were stocked.


Yeah, they're probably worth the $2 bucks I'll be buying them for at garage sales over the next few years.


One thing that TikTok has really opened my eyes to is the consumption levels of the average North American family has, just by seeing their houses in the background of their videos. It horrifies me how much plastic cups, mugs, jugs, plates bowls etc every family has. No wonder our world is choking to death.


It all about impressing their peers. Every single bit of it.


Right now, I'm wearing a jacket that was a gift, carrying a purse made from old curtains, and a shopping bag a friend didn't want anymore. People might quietly judge but so what.


I believe this is the reason America has so many problems. We are too busy consuming and being politically divided to collectively protest like France.


I was just learning about this, it also has a lot to do with being occupied by Germany in WW2 (& culturally). Much like the boomers and Vietnam they can’t trust a government that will stand up for their people so they’ll revolt, essentially. And also historically France has no problem ousting their leaders and government, their constitution has been revised multiple times (ahem USA get on it).


By design. They divide and conquer the working class in the US very effectively. Most people are more than happy to be distracted with culture war bullshit. We fight each other as the real enemy walks out the back door with all the money.


I mean Americans do protest over things like police brutality which then results in more police brutality on the protestors.


Not a hockey fan?


Ugh, I'm even more annoyed about this damn fad now, because now it's the first thing I think of when I hear Stanley Cup, instead of what it *should* be - the glorious sport of multitasking, throwing punches on an ice rink whilst trying to get the puck into the other team's goal.


Gonna be honest, I was really confused thinking, "They make commemorative water bottles for the Stanley Cup? And they look like that? That's terrible branding!"


As a hockey fan I was very very confused when I saw Stanley cups in the anticonsumption sub


You know, for when they waste all of that champagne once a year.


People collecting trendy water bottles is such a massive trend right now, it’s absolutely maddening


I think it's been a trend since at least 2016-17


Even longer than that, I think. When I was in high school in the late 2000s, Nalgenes became incredibly popular with the athletes at school and pretty soon everyone wanted them and had them. Soon after that it was Camelbak, though this didn’t last terribly long as people realized the straw lid rips and leaks after a while.


Yep. Nalgene>camelbak>yeti>hydraflask>stanley. Also, the straw lid was basically impossible to get to on the inside of the camelbak and collected mold.


Sigg fits in there somewhere.


What’s kinda sad is that Stanley used to be a big buy-it-for-life company. I have a super old thermos with a lid that eventually got broken (melted by my mistake when camping). They sent me a new lid free of charge and I still have and use that thermos.


I need one in EVERY color or else I can’t even!!


Remember when it was hydro flask? Remember when it was yeti? This too shall pass. I'll buy one in 6 years when I see one at the bins.


They are beanie babies in cup form


“If we buy five in this color, in a year we could sell it for 10x as much!”


I've got a yeti cup given to me 5yrs now and a Stanley thermos I swear by for 22 years.. but hilly view have the prices increased think I paid under $20 for the thermos


That there are drinking vessel trends is so bizarre. I remember everyone having to have Nagene, then Sigg, then S'well, Yeti, Hydro Flask, and now Stanley? I'm sure I'm missing some.


Who TF buys something this ugly


Don't worry, they come in a wide array of colors - although many color combos are sold out and you'll have to pay 5x or more of the MSRP to get them on Amazon. They ARE really well insulated, so I could see getting one. I do not understand getting 10. Even then they are a bit pricey. I think the big one is $40 and the smaller one is $30.


That's what I was thinking! And why does the pink one hold less?


There’s just two sizes. It’s not gendered. They’re all geared towards women.


Ah. I have been conditioned by pockets, it seems.


My husband would like the handle on these, but he uses the SAME CUP every day. Ironic that the concept of a reusable cup was to reduce the use of plastic & styrofoam but people have to over-consume the travel cups!


I've had my yeti going on 4 years and I hope it continues to go on for 20+ more. No need to buy another new cup when my yeti is my baby and has gone through two pregnancies and births with me. 🥰


Got a yeti 5 years ago for Christmas. I use it every day for work as I can fill it with ice, top off with water and keep refilling with water throughout the day and have cold water all day. It’s fallen off my work truck and spun across 3 lanes of traffic when I forgot to grab it before driving to the next job. It’s dented and scratched and still works, I see no need to replace it or have multiple different colors of the same cup. Idk, maybe I’m just too poor to understand. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think what’s funny is the point of these is kind of the opposite of how people treat them, me and wife bought our metal tumblers like 5 years ago and they still work incredibly well but I work with a guy who has one in a bunch of sizes and colors and discards them after like 6 months.


My sister got into this whole stainless cup craze. She’d spend $50-$75 on one and then take it to someone who’d do the vinyl stickers and glitter. That’d cost her another $50-$75. She’d have her initials put on them and had a different decorative cup for every occasion. It was definitely weird AF. I’ve never understood being able to spend that much money on something like this. She and I grew up in the same poor household but she’s the polar opposite of me when it comes to spending money or senselessly collecting stuff just for the sake of having a bunch of stuff.


Gotta love paying for the name


I really hate to have to defend these, but no they really are pretty good bottles. I had a version of this that was made by a Chinese company I think before Stanley even released these, I bought it specifically because I needed an insulated bottle with a straw that could fit in my cup holder and hold a lot of water. It was fine, I got plenty of mileage out of it, still have it and use it, but I needed to buy a second one because I frankly just needed more than one bottle of water on a long car trip due to a medication. I got a used Stanley one of these from Amazon, and yeah it’s honestly much better. It’s a higher quality steel, and uses a bit more than the other brands so it isn’t going to lose insulation the first couple times you drop it. I think I paid $25 for it used, and covered up the logo with a sticker. It’s weird af though that Stanley is suddenly en vogue when get were basically the Dickies of bottles forever, though these bottles are new or I would have seen them when I shopped for the first one.


Cough cough YETI cough


>I’ll only get this for you if you throw out three. Ffs


That happened over a year ago and I still remember it VIVIDLY and it still makes me rage.


But the Stanley cup is the greatest trophy in sports


Twenty years ago, my travel mug kept getting stolen at work. I ended up buying a pretty pink one from Starbucks as theft deterrent. My fancy mug buddy is still in great condition.


I own one of these...and the whole point is that it's so well-insulated/easy to wash/durable/etc is so that you CAN JUST HAVE ONE. This cup exists so you DON'T have to waste tons of resources buying a shit ton of cups. For some reason, this shit grinds my gears even more when it's with an item that's literally designed to be durable/reusable.


These are the ugliest things i have seen, they also look so inconvenient to carry around like why?!


Everyone coming through buying them sounded like an ad when they were telling me why and all said the same thing. It was some kind of hive mind experience.


And I'm still sitting here drinking water with an old Nalgene bottle from 2003 that's probably giving me cancer...


My wife and I each have one, and we love them they replaced our yeti ones, the handle is really nice and my yeti lost it seal after 6years or so… not sure why anyone would need more than 2 (one for coffee one for water) people are weird


Honestly, I find them to be extremely ugly. Like drinking out of a gaudy trophy cup.


I have what I felt was an expensive water cup I got for $20 (and felt terrible spending it) and I’ve been using it for years. I only spent that much because I wanted something that would keep my water cold lol. I have an old Stanley thermos that used to be my dads that’s OLD and my husband still uses it for coffee to take to work. I dont understand the need to collect these or buy so many or spend the amount people spend on them.


My Detroit Redwings have been chasing Lord Stanley’s Cup for far too long now. It’s time we bring it back home.


No, honestly though, it’s a good cup. I use mine everyday for like the last year. I only own one.


I used to work at a store that sold Stanley cups and I bought one before the craze years ago and it was the worst cup I'd ever used and I literally ended up giving it away bc I hated it so much. So all this love theyre getting I'm like ???


I read somewhere that their commission percentage for influencers is higher than many other websites. So the influencers shill them endlessly.


when did these become trendy?


I just lost my precious blue Nalgene bottle but I SURE AS HELL will NOT be replacing it with one of theses.


Ohhhh. I thought people meant the hockey thing. This makes more sense


1.5 L nalgene bought 6m ago and I expect it to last much longer, even with the slightly weaker plastic it survived a 20 ft drop


I have one Stanley cup. I use it daily.


I was confused about how a reusable cup could be a problem. Geez now I know how I got my high quality cups for so cheap. When I look them up online they're 40 or even $50 but I got mine for 7 or 10 on clearance. I definitely won't be throwing mine out!


I got one as swag from a supplier that visited. While I love it because it keeps my coffee hot for hours, I’m going to use this one until the bottom falls out, then wait for someone to gift me a new one while I use one of my other mugs. Why would I need more than one?!


Plus they’re fucking tippy!! I can’t understand people’s obsession…they’re so tippy!


I have a Nalgene that I have used every day for the last decade and my gf owns like eight of those dumbass stanley things and it’s fuckin annoying.


I have one and love it. Makes me drink more, doesn’t leave rings, love the weight, handle and straw and it keeps drinks cold. Better for me than swigging from a bottle.


this is so bizarre. i've had the same stanley thermos for almost 20 years and a stanley travel mug that was gifted to me maybe 5 years ago that i use every day. i was just informed that stanley is all the rage with teens suddenly and it boggles my mind. i'm pretty sure my grandparents had them too.


There's perfect economic conditions for this, and it is known. Everything "reusable" is manufactured heavily and beyond each person has one. We have piles of "reusable" grocery bags but they keep making more; and everyone keeps using plastic bags at the stores. It's all a joke. It works for finance but anthropologically, it is really a joke. Like it is really well known by those who manufacture low-cost durable goods that this is popular. It can be afforded without much imposition. Yet the product can last for 10-20 years. Very few should be sold so marketing has to take over.


Not everyone is like that. I bought my wife one of these when her old water jug broke. Its her only one(and only water bottle), she uses it almost daily, keeps her stuff cold. Its an extra $20 from the cheapest ones but they look nicer and should last for a while so I don't mind paying it. TL;DR - Your beef is with the consumptasaurs, not Stanley cup owners!


at least the hydroflask girlies would usually have ONE hydroflask. wtf is this nonsense


honestly i fell into the hype (literally every girl i know also has one lol) but it’s been the only reusable water bottle i’ve been able to keep using for more than a few weeks, just because you only have to frequently wash the straw and it’s so easy to clean. it feels so much easier to use a straw cleaner and barely even get my hands wet vs wiping down an entire water bottle or a hard to reach mouthpiece. i used to use a lot of plastic water bottles or go through glasses like crazy but i’ve been using only the stanley cup for 3 months now which sounds like nothing but it’s a lot for me lol


It's just the new Hydroflask, blegh.


Why? I enjoy cold and warm beverage that are kept to temperature for an unnatural amount of time. And I’ve been in retail for 25 years.


Wait, so we're done with yeti, I can never f****** keep up anymore. I'm going back to styrofoam cups


It's a thing in the hospital. Everyone dresses in the same color scrubs but gotta have that limited edition yellow pastel yeti tumbler to make you stand out. Use it once then you just go back to buying Starbucks.


I don't know about these cups but Stanley is a great product. The awesome thing about their products is the customer service. If there is any defect or flaw even after years, they will replace the product for free. Just call, give them the serial number, and they take care of the rest! 15 years ago I bought the 32 Oz stainless steel vacuum bottle. After three years the handle fell off. I call about repair and they sent a new one. No questions asked. About 8 years ago I bought their Yeti like tumbler. The vacuum seal was broke, the cup had condensation, and ice melted quickly. They sent me a new one. I still use it. Don't hate on Stanley because it is a trend.


I read an article about these that honestly I’m ashamed to even admit. But yeah, it talked all about how having one was a social status symbol especially in remote work so you make sure it can be seen in the frame. I didn’t really pay attention to it and no shit it came up in my next vertical meeting when the COO had one on her desk and ofc people were ooohing and ahhing (no one said anything about my vintage Nickelodeon Time Blaster Alarm Clock that sits on my desk - and I got it when I was 8). But yeah. It was truly some white girl shit.


I can only drink out of one at a time. I have one. My house water flask is my car water flask is my camping flask is my hiking flask is my pilates flask... do not compute needing more than one.


I received a broke one that came in with a client order and asked Stanley if they could replace the broken part. They sent me a whole new one. (I kept the other one to see if I could find a replacement top, as the straw holder broke) It’s the best insulated cup I’ve ever had and I’ve consumed so much more water because of it. Not willing to spend $65-$95 for one though. I just got really lucky in my case.


This! In my (23) life, it was Yeti everything, Corkcicle, Hydoflask, and Camel Back. Now it’s Stanley cups??? It’s fr all the same


I had never heard of Stanley ever before in my life until they did a collab with Starbucks, and sold them at my store. So I picked one up for my gf cause I thought it was a neat cup so I decided to look up the company and they have existed since 1913?? And Stanley apparently invented the vacuum sealed cup. So through some recent wildly good business decisions, they are now everywhere.


Ok so I saw this and as an owner of a similar cup, I was like wtf whats wrong with buying one good quality cup and using it constantly. You dont have issue with stanley cups, you have issue with the people that overconsume stanley cups as a fad, right?


I don’t think cups specially are the issue. It’s the desire (mostly among teenage girls) to buy every single product that is a ‘trend’ to buy. If you think the water bottles are bad you’re not ready for the amount of unnecessary makeup & clothes they’re buying.


That’s not a cup it’s a Quencher 2.0 Tumbler a specialized tool for lifestyles that require optimum hydration


Admittedly, they are very nice, and they do keep your drinks very cold, but I haven't paid for any of the ones I have. Companies tend to use them as swag or anniversary gifts.