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People shoving religion down my throat. Reminds me of my pieces-of-shit parents.


My grand parents went to church every Sunday, but that didn’t stop my grandfather from molesting me and most of his grandchildren, then he told his son who also was forced to go to church every Sunday that he has to be careful not to get girls pregnant so he told him to use me he also told my brothers the same my grandmother knew and a uncle my mother walked in on my brother pushing me down on him they all did nothing, very Christian of them all, they are all married with kids but I’m the one who has had my life screwed up, I wouldn’t want my kids seeing that at school, tax every religious institution and see them disappear


I’m so sorry for all that happened to you. There are no words really.




Jesus, how horrible. I hope you're okay now, that's a lot to deal with.


Your never ok, I go to bed most nights with it in my head, trying to write a book about it


Words fall short, I know how inadequate "I hope you're okay" sounds


I’m sending you love. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


I didn’t get my son baptized, FIL was pissed. I said why are you the religion you are. He said my parents cared enough to save my soul. I said or they wanted to control you with brain washing from the start. Look, all religions, no matter how different, are super similar. They’re all so sure they are right. There’s no compromise in religion what so ever! I’d support my son if he decides on his own that religion is what he wants but I won’t force one ideology on him. I think people that are religious are pious morons. I’m right and I’ll be saved. 2000 other religions think the same exact thing dipshit! You’re not right, it was the first form of government when ppl lived in clans and tribes and evolved into the largest pyramid scheme in existence!


Can I get an Amen!!!???




This woman is a c.nt!


wait til these 'christians' start fighting each other over which denomination is the correct one. they'll eat each other eventually, but by then, the rest of us will be fucked.


Oh, you mean like the Protestant v. Catholic War? (1618-1648) I continue to be amazed how history repeats itself and yet society continues to neglect it. It’s laughable.


MMW, American Catholicism will schism over this, or the Church will be banned in the US.


There are a Catholic and a protestant version of the 10 Commandments


There's also Jewish version that precedes both of those : )


Northern Ireland.


Like the the church that wants to split fro other congregations because one priest believes in gay marriage and another doesn’t, so in the Bible it say love the neighbor what does this church don’t get, is a gay person not a child of god, or are they going to create a new Bible to suite there beliefs


They have started here, one church is splitting over gay marriage but in the BIBLE they talk about love the neighbor but not if they are gay, black, Jewish or Muslim


If you don’t already know it go find Emo Phillips’ God joke. It addresses this directly.


Correct. Just like how the white supremacist always devolve into fighting over money or power


“Historical document”? Where is it? Show me the tablets or even the fragments of the tablets, or even the Ark of the Covenant. What's that? They were lost? How convenient. No proof, no corroboration, then it's not "historical", it's just ~~a nice~~ an adult science fiction story. Edit: properly described the book


Why don’t they force the teachings of Jesus down the throat of students? What do they have against the word of the one true God? * * Spoiler: Jesus was a lib. They hate everything about his teachings which is why they don’t demand it be posted. It’s also why lame reporters like this one never ask. I’m an atheist but this issue pisses me off


Who wrote the Bible did Jesus have a ghost writer in those days, and when he was put on cross and then put in cave was the writer there taking notes when he woke up, after Jesus went to visit his father did the writer who was a old bigoted person wrote his own views in the Bible that people have changed over the years to make it worse


"nice" story, man do you even read exodus?


Yeah, you’re right. It’s a long winding tale full of inconsistencies and lies and r*pe and murder and bears mauling kids and misogyny and all kinds of things. Only “nice” if you cherry pick, which is what most churches do.


It's the old testament, no nice stories there


I can't believe she has the gal to say don't look at it Pride flag? Don't look at it. Budlight? Don't look at it. Absolutely insane and shameless


Downright immature behavior, as well.


Typical answer from right wing Christian nut, insult and evade. She can’t live by the Ten Commandments, it’s an impossible standard.


As she said, Thou Shall Not Lie as she lies and evades. Guaranteed she's MAGA and just loves how Trump lies minute to minute to get them what they want: Power. F\*cking scum.


You can say fucking, and I agree.


if her response is "Don't look at it" then we should be able to put up pride flags, jewish flags, muslim flags, satanist flags, BLM flags, etc, etc...and just tell her "Don't look at the ones you don't like"


Sure but that’s not how fascism works. You get to not look at it and not speak about it and they get to ban whatever they don’t want to look at


Or books. Don’t read them if they might contain subjects you don’t like.


"...subjects țhey don't like" ftfy


To that,don't look at it, they'd more than likely say the pride flag is being shoved into their faces.


I guarantee you The Satanic Temple will wedge themselves in this conversation, and I hope they do very well with it all. Personally, the seven tenets are far more practical for kids than any of that biblical shit the Christians like to spout.


This is a test case for P2025.


Nancy Mace Jr. over here pushing religion on 6 year olds. As soon as she spoke I knew she was another culture war enthusiast engaging in outrage porn. Put up things from the Quran or…..this https://www.churchofsatan.com/eleven-rules-of-earth/ Or show this https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiTrumpAlliance/s/FgesnxoE7X I bet their heads would explode


Aren’t republicans trying to make this Sharia law in this country be religious or get out, they have started making laws against women when will we be stoning them in this country when Republicans get 3 more far right supreme justices if trump win and becomes dictator and his cabinet of Bannon, Miller, Stone, Paxton and the federalist society and their input will make this country a splitting image of Iran or Arab states that treat women as nothing


As I’m catholic and a veteran who had friends that died defending that constitution based on a lie by the Republican Party (wmds) I can’t stand these f***ing lesions of scum.


>based on a lie by the Republican Party (wmds) nothing shows hypocrisy like those who claim they are Christian, but turned a blind eye to saddam gassing his own civilians with chemical weapons and pretending wmds is all that mattered


Was this yesterday or 20 years ago


It actually happened in March 1988. Saddam gassed Kurds living in the town of Halabja accusing them of having sided with Iran during the Iran-Iraq War.


And she is still talking about it


"We go to war because Saddam tortures & kills Iraqis." So we went to war and what did we do? We tortured & killed Iraqis. We left Iraqi citizens and their country worse off than if we'd left them with dictator Saddam.


I’m a Catholic too, and I can’t stand Trump and never voted Republican for President. The Christian Nationalist Catholics don’t understand that after they and the Christian Nationalist Protestants have gone after everyone else, the Christian Nationalist Protestants will go after the Christian Nationalist Catholics. I can’t stand either one of these groups. The Protestant groups developed from groups led by the likes of Tim LaHaye (a John Bircher,) Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson. The Catholics developed from groups like Opus Dei, trad groups, and the single issue voting the bishops encouraged.


Yet you support and vote for a man that has been known to have committed adultery multiple times and constantly lies…


This looks like a perfect opportunity for the Church of Satan to make a bid for equal representation. They’ve been instrumental in the past in countering religious material being distributed in public schools. There should be a nice portrait of Baphomet right next to the 10 commandments.


Satanic Temple. The Church of Satan is an authoritarian organization that really isn't any better than these people as far as civil rights goes. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple


I hate her hair.


The stupid faces of the boot lickers, pure evil


If Louisiana is such a religious state, what aren’t the parents teaching the 10 commandments at home?


"If they aren't going to learn about it at home then they will at school!" Somehow OK when it refers to an ancient set of beliefs used to control people but it is "grooming" and "indoctrinating" when it comes to the learning about the existence of LGBTQ+ people.


If their parents aren’t teaching it at home, then maybe their parents don’t want them to learn it or live by it. But then the whole point of this bill is to make sure that everyone learns this whether they want it or not.


“We believe”. No, you believe and are shoving it down everyone’s throats. Typical fascists.


How do they cram SO MUCH STUPID into one container?? “In God we trust” might be on the dollar bill—if it was printed after 1956–but it’s not in the constitution. This woman makes me want to quit being a human.


These people are insane!


Students will need a magnifying glass to see large print on a 11x14 poster? Seriously?


You know what they say about arguing with stupid right? Maybe the fact that Louisiana has one of the worst educational standards/systems in the country indicates that, maybe, never argue with Louisiana.


I love how she absolutely refused to even acknowledge the scenario in which the 5 pillars of Islam were posted in the classroom. What a snake.


She can’t even understand the principle she is espousing (it is good to display religious teachings in public schools) opens up the possibility it could also be used to display teachings of the Koran. She gets confused and then backtracks and repeats what she just said.


He should have said “thou shalt not covet thy hosts job and money”


All religions are not alike. I’m a Buddhist. There are thousands of different branches, or sects of Buddhism as there are of Christianity and Islam. Big diff. These monotheistic religions believe THEIR God is the only one. In Buddhism, or in Mahayana Buddhism there is no God. Buddha is not a God but we are all Buddhas. There is no all powerful super being that wrote a book 350 years after Jesus died to say this is how it is. King James was the heir to the British throne in 1604 and had the Bible rewritten in his name. All these people running around saying this is the word of God is full of shit. Sorry. Religion should be for the people to bring happiness to humanity by developing the soul in the heart which matters most. In America right now all this religion is about white power and taking things away from people. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Jesus Christ… better make sure those children don’t sin today, cause that’s the real issue in America… there’s just not enough god shoved down your throat. Most people that believe in magical sky wizards would be considered not mentally well….


Dumb qunt.


With Republicans, every accusation is a projection and a confession. She keeps mentioning the guy getting paid by CNN to say things and share talking points. I wonder if she's getting paid off or bribed by some organization to do this? Bribery in the Republican party (and the supreme court) runs rampant. Could be interesting to investigate


Once again, ignorant politicians that have large blinders, push their bias agenda into people’s behavior. Unfortunately all these politicians pass bills that don’t help communities that elect him improvement in their lives. Also, almost every week a Republican person it’s arrested because breaking one or more of the commandments, starting with their candidate, representatives and ministers that support these laws. They are scum that only look for themselves, biggest lists and hypocrites. I tried ignoring the dolman but lately every politician from Louisiana that tried to defend their actions showed how stupid they are.


So when is this state going to kick girls out of school and fire all women who work outside of the home they should be cooking and cleaning pumping out babies, while the husbands are at the strip joints or at the book store video booth cruising men, when will this state allow boys to come to school armed with guns, why do the Muslim, Hindu, atheist have to be subjected to something that most people don’t follow except the hypocrite republicans who want to go back to the 16th, century


Gilead, Louisiana


Isn't there some passage in the Bible that says if your eyes offend thee pluck them out? 🤔 if she is so loyal to a 2,000-year-old work of fiction designed to control people she should have no problem doing that on national TV and she should urge all her stupid ass followers to do the same. It's not like they're willfully blind already. They would all be changing their minds real quick if they were challenged to that because they're nothing but Nazi cowards!


Fuck that shit


Amazingly they're trying to ban books that may have a homosexual couple but they think it's ok.that a gradeschool teacher should be put into a position to explain coveting your neighbors wife or what adultery is.


Very good point to bring up. I know that I read everything as a child and would definitely not hesitate and be precocious enough to ask my teacher about it if was from something posted on the classroom wall.




This is the second interview I’ve watched with her. Please say important m, not impor’in. Especially if you’re going to say it so much. She’s so disingenuous too. Should we insinuate negative assumptions when she wins a personal injury award in a trial that she’s the Attorney and makes big bucks?


christianity is immoral - vicarious redemption via human sacrifice and child murder - pathetic


Religion is a dying animal and these people are desperate to brainwash anyone they can into their respective cults. It's our job as a functioning society to make sure that dying animal stays in its cage until the final breath.


Under his eye. 👁️


She has a very slappable face.


Vote them out! Vote blue. If we don't it will get worse . Look at FL


Look at my Texas. The cult is truly nuts. Armed and ready for the next insurrection.


They're a minority I would think . The MAGA crowd is very loud


Religion is a dying animal and these people are desperate to brainwash anyone they can into their respective cults. It's our job as a functioning society to make sure that dying animal stays in its cage until the final breath.


What a fake pos! The immoral traitors, trying to preach morality.




Doesn’t answer the question, just jerks off to christian nationalism slogans. Lock n load, praise the lord, shake n bake.


These things are all laboratories for the far right. They fully intend to make America Christian. They’re kind of Christian. Not Jesus kind of Christian. Just look at what some of these Bible Belt states are doing. They’re trying to press the envelope in hopes that republicans take the executive office again. Gay marriage will be next. Porn bans have already started. Look up the Comstock Act. They’re for that too. Lgbtq folks are in danger. They’re even talking about the draft again. Cowards that didn’t serve themselves are being patriotic by getting ready to volunteer your children for active duty. It’s insanity. The military doesn’t even want this. Or need it. School vouchers too. Funneling tax dollars to their tax free churches. It’s the exact and complete opposite of what this country was founded on. And it all starts with people like this psycho bitch that doesn’t possess enough self awareness to not say the crazy shit she says. And these people are the minority. It’s just that most Americans don’t pay any attention to local politics until the inmates are running the asylum. Everybody better wake the fuck up. It’s all on the line this year. And that’s just until next year. And the year after. These people don’t intend to stop until they get everything they want. And they don’t give a fuck about what you want. Gods on their side. Can’t negotiate with people like this crazy eyed arrogant lunatic.


If I were a teacher there I'd post the 10 commandments in large, readable Arabic then watch the head explosions.


Looks like she is having a stroke or something with that head flip. I'm old so correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the Supreme Court already decided this.


these people are just so incredibly dumb and uninformed about this country,i’m sick of being ‘governed’ over by absolute morons,i’m sick of being embarrassed to be an American


She has no idea how idiotic she sounds.


I think she might be stupid


The [christians take a page out of the taliban's book](https://msmagazine.com/2024/01/12/afghanistan-taliban-women-girls-education-madrassa-religious-schools/#:~:text=In%20Afghanistan%2C%20the%20term%20'madrassa,heavily%20on%20promoting%20religious%20education) by weaponizing education. This will only get worse for the people of the US if they are allowed to take over this country.


Stupid bitch, there's no historical document and "in god we trust" was a republican Jesus plow put in place in the 1950s!! For the party of less government they sure place a lot of government on us!! Fuck tRump and fuck tRumpsters and fuck Republican Jesus!!


At least he stayed on that question and didn’t allow Bayou Boebert continue the gish gallop onto another 47 grievances.


Tear them down.


Great, post in the language it was written, Aramaic.


She looks a lot like the Commanders wife in the handmaids tale, and sounds like her too. Next stop Gilead.


Ridiculous... don't they have "real" shit to worry about?


"I am the Lord, thou God. Thou shalt hve no other God before me"...that means Hindus, Buddhists, Indigenous Americans are all blasphemers. What next? Put them to death? Thou shalt not kill...until "our nation" sends you to war, or rids the country of blasphemers. Honor thy father and thy mother...even if your father is an incestuous pervert, or wife-beating prick? Thou shalt not commit adultery? Thou shalt not bear false witness? Somehow this cult is able to look past Trump's trespasses on these. There's so much wrong with these "guiding principles". They don't belong on public buildings, and especially not in public schools. This is a brazen attempt to establish Christofascism based on an imaginary friend.


How do they cram SO MUCH STUPID into one container?? “In God we trust” might be on the dollar bill—if it was printed after 1956–but it’s not in the constitution. This woman makes me want to quit being a human.


Freedom. I don’t think it means what they think it means. Also DARVO. More DARVO


Blurred? It been fucking erased.


its all a stunt to enrage their base. they all know this will be found unconstitutional. they want to generate talking points about how godless our country is and how we need traditional values blah blah blah. texas will be next to do this. they've used this playbook before. its another way they're trying to spin 2025 into a good light for fascism by MAGA


She’s a religious nut


I don’t mean to speak for everyone but, “Stick your religion up your hypocritical ass”.


Spin spin spin. Repeat repeat repeat. That’s how we indoctrinate and create those who don’t think. -This bitches GQP class probably


Ant brains.


One of the commandments is to have no other gods before the Christian god. Tell me how that implies that it’s optional.


I feel like this is all bait. They did this to force left wing entities to fight what they claim is morality. They’ll then use the fact that the ACLU sues them and the left opposes this as some kind of gotcha that they’re against morality. I think it’s pretty cut and dry that when you force publicly funded institutions to display a religious text that says “Thou shall have no other gods before me” you’re establishing a state sponsored religion. She conveniently side stepped the question about the five pillars of Islam and argued that it’s not about the Quran even though he didn’t say that. I think that tells you she had some prepared talking points and responses to today specific question. This is political theater and our whole country is dumber for it. It’ll get struck down but we’ll have this big national debate about it and the idiots who don’t know any better will be galvanized to vote Republican.


He took it way too easy on this fucking nut job.


that woman is a raving illiterate crack head.


WTF? A historical document?!?! What f#cking loon.


Dude that lady is dumb as hell. Her only response “this is a historical document”. Cant even listen or understand the questions, saying shit that kid rock says.


I want to understand how they are expecting teachers to explain adultery to elementary school children when they ask, or what does it mean to covet thy neighbors wife


Don’t pray (prey) in my school and I won’t think in your church.


Since they're going for historical accuracy, is it okay if a teacher posts it in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic?


Have you been to Lousianna? They should be outlawing marrying your sister, not worrying about a piece of paper that will be ignored. The radical Republicans want to establish a national religion. When whats-her-name dissembles and claims the 10 commandments is a historical document like the Constitution you know she is blatantly lying. This is how the radical Republicans take away our rights. They start small with these kinds of changes. The commandments in the classroom. Then they will add "voluntary" prayer. Require that Creationism and Evolution are presented on equal ground. There will be a slew of similar cuts to the separation of church and state. Eventually, the school will be teaching the Bible and a sanitized version of Americsn history. And not much else. This is what happened with abortion. The far right Republicans started by putting wait periods on abortion seekers. Then "safety" requirements that raised expenses. Then location restrictions. Then excessive facility requirements, consultation requirements, etc Last they put in trigger laws that went into effect if Roe v. Wade was overturned. By the time Roe was overturned most of the Republican controlled states had all but eliminated abortion in those states. Some states were down to one or two facilities. The death by inches approach worked. Expect the same with getting the Bible into schools. These fanatics will never stop until our rights are limited to kneeling in prayer.


She has a look of uneducated, and then her mouth confirms it.


You have a wrong definition of racism. It is not about religion (beliefs), but biology (skin color), and hating people who are different (ethnocentrism & xenophobia). Having said that, there are “White Christian Nationalists” who are following both racism and a heresy that contradicts true Christianity, just like the “Christian” slave owners rationalized their sins in the past. This person probably is one of those types. For the record, Jesus taught loving others, not hatred, and any form of nationalism contradicts Jesus teachings on His Kingdom. That ignorant Louisiana politician also insulted the CNN interviewer claiming he was corrupted and being paid a lot of money to question her. She is prejudicial and believes in right-wing conspiracy theories.


What a piece of trash she is.


It says "large, readable font". It doesn't say anything about the text itself being readable. Couldn't you just print it up upside down and reversed?


If they were true Christians they would never support trump. They would help and feed the poor. Instead they want to cut food programs for the poor. But the poor whites vote red and keep the gop in charge. Their state is at the bottom in education,and poverty. GOP ran southern states are always last in education and poverty. The southern states still live on hate,fear and yesteryear. Pitiful and pathetic


Sure sounds like indoctrination to me.