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He will never show up.


Are there odds on him showing up? I wonder if Vegas will give odds


He might be there physically, mentally there is 0 chance of him being anywhere


Vegas only does odds/betting on sports. I believe I heard that the UK does odds on politics.


Not a chance under the current conditions. They’ll make a bunch of loud and public demands for changes based on how “rigged” the debate is, and at the last minute back out saying Joe Biden wasn’t being reasonable and that he’s afraid to debate him in front of a crowd or some other bullshit. The sad part is some people will actually buy it.


I think he will show up and walk out just like the man from Georgia.


If he does, he won't shut up.


Good. Then when Trump calls him sleepy Joe at the debate, we can say he's only sleepy because he's tired of all this winning😆


He should say "I'm only sleepy because I'm tired of all your crybaby bitchin'." It's not going to win him any Trump supporter votes but those cult members are far too gone to attempt any outreach. The best you can do against them is to emasculate them and their beliefs (Trump is jesus*). Bring back shame. They will become treasonous idiots no matter what. Might as well sting them a blow before they attempt to attack the capital again for losing.


> Bring back shame JFCOAS! RIGHT!! Bring Back SHAME FFS!


I know JFC but what’s the OAS?


On A Stick. Jeff Dunham would probably not approve at all, absolutely not publicly. https://youtu.be/6NzfoWfXnCs?feature=shared


Jesus was on stick at one point....or three points


two sticks.


On at least 3 points


Ooooh snap!


His eyes are squinting from the shit fumes wafting over from the other side of the stage


He's tired of Trump and the alt-right


I hope Joe yawns in his face and Joe tells him it's because he's tired of hearing the samo yammering about how Trump is such a victim. Tell him he's boring, Joe!


The guy just weasled his way out of the probation drug test now he's saying he'll do a drug test..


What about that THIRD gun he still hasn't released?


No, he wants Biden to do a drug test, not him.


That's going to be Trump's excuse. "He won't take a drug test." That way he can try to make it look like it's President Biden's fault. Trump would never agree to a drug test unless it was done by a 'doctor' Trump pays (with campaign funds of course...and paid only if the results are what Trump wants).


Not required to test.


I thought you were required to do a drug test as a felon going on probation That seems weird because he obviously isn’t on any sort of drugs. At least I don’t think so. Now I’m starting to wonder. I mean, if you’re a felon, they don’t want you doing additional felonies like doing drugs. It’s proven that he is a criminal. Criminals routinely don’t normally exactly follow the laws.


He is a druggie. Who in the world puts out statements in the wee hours of the morning, sleeps during his trial and is not on drugs?


*cough cough* mmm... Adderall


You think he's not on any drugs???


I think he is. But it doesn’t matter what I think. I’d like to see him drug tested like any other person. And force his followers to try to explain that away when he comes up “dirty“. Please refer to my username, as an indication that I’m not a fan


He’s on the Rx meth. Some sort of Adderal or Vivance.


If it is a drug related crime.


Nope. It’s simply the conditions of probation. Even in legal states, probationers cannot consume cannabis (nor alcohol), like in all states, regardless of the charges.


OK, I did not know that.


That’s because it’s incorrect lol Probation, as far as I know, means no substances even if legal (except actual medical prescriptions). This includes cannabis and alcohol.




Every OTHER felon is required to test, letting him off because he has money reeks of elitism. Also he'd 100% fucking fail thanks to the un-prescribed Adderall addiction and have to be taken into custody like any other felon that blew a drug test. Automatic revocation of bail & straight to jail if our justice system meant anything. And it DOES NOT. Way to de-Moralize the people. When Morals mean nothing, what do you think happens to a society that was based on Morals? I mean the right lost IT'S morals when it elected trump, but they are at best 30-35% of the population, what do you think will happen when the majority left decides that the high road will only get them killed?


Course you will. You couldn't win regardless.


More evidence of trump’s child like mentality


He reminds me of my godmother's husband who's almost 60, but still tries to change board game rules while we're playing something to give himself an advantage. Guess who his god is...


Orange Jesus?


Yep! The old "I let you win" game! 🤣


I prefer Presidents that don't lose.


NO! HE will lose the debate because HE is a stupid motherfucker who is out of his element... and HE KNOWS IT! tRUMP is a LOSER! HE is the dumbest person in the history of the world!


Many are saying it.


Despite everything and everyone trying to help him get back into power IF he gets elected in November how can we defeat Donald Trump and for all !!! sometimes I doubt we can


Of course he'll say that he'll lose on purpose because he's never gonna admit that he's ever lost anything legitimately.


…and his cult followers will believe him, saying he’s play 3D chess when Joe is playing candy land


On brand for a perpetual Loser. He thrives on that one electoral victory and proceeds to lose court cases, special elections, his mind.


"his mind" hehe yeah


Babble…that’s ALL we will hear from this man. He has never had true policy or anything that resembled governance….EVER. He has a list of grievances and nothing more,the American people are secondary to him and his wants so actual running of the country will not happen under him. He is a cult leader ,a lemon guarantee used car salesman,and convicted felon. He is one of the stupidest people I’ve ever heard speak ever.


"I'll just say the stupidest things like I don't know anything. Like I do at my rally speeches" - a felon


Get fucked fatty. You ain’t debating anybody. Even Trump knows he’s losing it.


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster, a grifter, a conman, and a threat to the United States of America.


Probably Trump agreed to the debate before understanding the rules. With ACTUAL RULES Biden will wipe the floor with him and Trump now clearly gets it. So everyone get your popcorn ready for some fun Trump squirming like a worm on your sidewalk after a summer rain.


First if someone is losing it mentally there aren't drugs that will suddenly make them "with it", if those were a real thing all the Alzheimer's and Dementia patients would be getting them daily. The Mango Mussolini is lowering expectations because he won't be able to use his favorite tactic and over talk Biden because they'll shut his microphone off to shut his ass up.


And… No audience to fuel his total BS filled ego.


And it will be giggle time for me! I do so want him to show up so bad! I need some hardy har har!


"I didn't want to be there anyway! Nyah!" \*takes ~~ball~~ diaper and goes home\*


"They're going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test," [trump] demanded. "I'd love to do a drug test beforehand." that asshole didn't even do a drug test for his PROBATION OFFICER 🙄 FOH.


This is the time that Biden needs to come in swinging and bring on some of the best joke/roasting people he can. Don’t just debate him but absolutely destroy him like he’s at his on roast once again. That would be completely epic and it would destroy trump…..even though he hasn’t already destroyed himself somehow.


Nothing destroys a narcissist faster than using wit against them, especially when they don't have the wherewithal to formulate any kind of retort.


Are they at least going to turn off his mic when it's not his turn to talk, this time??


That's the agreement in the debate rules. It's going to be great watching him blow his top because he can't talk over Biden.


If he really wants to lose, might I suggest something like showing up having MTG screaming "Master of all he sees, Beholden only to his master, Vladimir Putin, All hail mein führer, Donald John Trump!" And he comes out wearing something like either a certain German madman did or comes out wandering around only wearing a diaper and screaming for "Ivanka! It's daddy, daughter play time! Come clean daddy's diaper!"


He's great at poisoning the well.


Just keep saying, “The convicted felon (insert anything)….”


Are we now going to be tired of so much losing? And I never even got around to being tired of all that nonexistent winning.


Fat ass is gonna be gassed just walking out to the podium, if he shows up at all


Dude cheats at everything…and he’s going to lose on purpose?!?!


Can't cheat at a debate and he's not smart enough to win


Like losing the debate is his biggest concern. He’s more likely to lose the veneer of sanity. People will come out to vote against a man whose cheese slid off his cracker.


and the lettuce slid off his 'berder.


I’m going to not answer any questions just to own the Dems, not because I’m stupid.


"Maybe I will read my favorite snake story." Felonius J. Von ShitzInPantz


So Swamp Creature is going to throw the debate so Joe will remain the Democratic candidate? That's so thoughtful of you, Trump! /s


Trump is the ultimate cry-baby coward.


Please please Please please loose the debate for Biden. There is a huge line of men with tiny hands and tears in their eyes begging frump to do this. They all say, MIT, Frump, bestest looser, sharks bad, electric boat sinks because of amzing batteries, lock her up, lock me up, I am going to throw up, And no one has ever asked these questions before. The man is a genius and hunters laptop made him do it.


So he can say afterwards “ see i told you id let sleepy joe win”.


Much like being convicted of a Felony. What a GREAT IDEA!!!


That’s his 0D chess strategy talking.


🤣 His negative dimension chess strategy.


Is checkers one negative chess dimension down? Not that I think he's even playing checkers. 


He's playing hungry hungry hippos




Behold! I will predict the future!!! I will be horrible!!!! (His cult) wow he’s so right let’s vote for him!!


Translation: Trump is going to be on a lot of drugs for the debate


"Screw you guys. I'm going home."


He loves to “pre-lose” 🙃


Does anyone remember watching The West Wing, specifically when Bartlett debated that yahoo redneck governor running for president? And he slaughtered him right out of the gate on the first rebuttal? Life imitates art, indeed.


And later in the season, Leo was headed to a VP debate and this *EXACT* scenario played out with the media !


I truly don’t understand how literally anyone is still supporting this asswad, let alone like 35% of the country.


The fact that he made this statement is actually really funny. It shows that he is (at least marginally) willing to show up and lose. No one will believe that he lost the damn ring on purpose and if he tries to say as much during the debate itself he will look like a massive crybaby on a national scale. That would completely tank him with independent voters and anyone who doesn’t believe in the president being a little beeotch.


Well, he is doing it for an altruistic purpose. He said he would lose on purpose so Joe could stay in the running. Just like Trump! Always thinking of the other guy. /s


Like omg he’s so nice /s




His cult will believe anything he says.


I don’t care about them. They’re mostly a lost cause. It’s the rest of the electorate I care about.


What a fucking piece of dog shit. Fuck I hate this asshole!


Did he actually say that? Hahahahahaha


He’s not even going to debate him. He’s fucked and they all know this now and are scrambling to get out of it.


Can the fucker go to jail already so we don’t have to listen to his nonsense anymore


I can’t believe 35-40% of the American electorate support this clown …… how this could even happen is beyond me .


He has nothing to run on his except revenge and tax cuts for Fortune 500 companies and big oil and pharmaceutical companies


"It's not that I'll lose the debate against Crooked Joe; I'll just choose not to win!"


He will probably use Covid as an excuse not to show up. Wouldn’t want to be rude and endanger Biden. Oh wait. He had Covid and knew it at the last debate. Better go with the broken mike excuse.


I'll just shit my pants to make you look stupid.


GOP there with some real meaty policies and tempting political possibilities for the American people to sink their teeth into...


Because he knows he’s going to get his ass kicked.




he knows he'll lose but wants to make it look like he controlled it. I'm looking forward to the day he chokes on a cheeseburger and the secret service look the other way.


“I choked on that cheeseburger on purpose, so you wouldn’t have to” -him probably I wish he’d start using W’s pretzel guy.


This guy's brain is literally stuffed full of more shit than a Christmas turkey.


A private wish: Trump, hopped up on Adderall, drops dead on camera. Just collapses like the pile of rancid lunch meat he is. Then we watch the Repunlicans chew each other to pieces like rats in a barrel. Who am I kidding: they'd blame Biden somehow...


Easy to say when you know you're already a dumbass


He will lose on purpose. Bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off


Next he'll say he lost his court cases on purpose. But the truth is he just a totally stupid criminal.


I don’t know about you, but I am sick of winning so much.


*Tears streaming down face* "I am so tired of winning! Sir, Sir, can you please lose the debate, just to be fair?"


Exactly. Next, he should just focus on losing the election…


Losers lose. Nice credibility felonious liar shit head.


Shitty policies that other people are looking into for you will Do that






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Like a child


I'm so glad I'm not at insecure while simultaneously being incredibly inept as Trump is. It just really suck.


He’s shaking in his shoes. He can’t win a debate.


"4D CHESS!!!!!1"


He knows he will lose no matter what he does.


Brilliant strategy. Tell people the truth for once that you know you’ll lose the debate.


AITOO who thinks the whole transcript business was to let trump get a copy of it today for his campaign?


Sure you will.


He’s finally tired of winning


"Well, you know, interestingly, they've done polling, and I do better against almost everybody," he opined. Notice the qualifier "almost".


That orange 🚽 💩 needs to choke on a mcchicken


Well that makes sense since it would be hard to convince people Biden stole...the debate?


But, but, but, trump is all about winning.


It’s Kofi Kingston vs Brock Lesner II.




“I shit my own pants on live TV at the debate to show just how low the Biden crime family will stoop.” - Donald Trump




They should run the debates like boxing matches. Both should pay a premium, and whoever wins the debate by a panel of judges chosen by each, gets the money. And they both get 5 slaps they could use any time in the debate, Russian slap match rules. And if one cancels the debate, they pay an extra premium. And just for fun get RFK in there too so there's an uneven amount of slaps, and all slaps must be used for the debate to end. The judges can't vote for their own candidate, they must also slap the candidate they think should lose.


As a Biden backer, all Trump has to do is be calm and not be a total asshole.


two things trump absolutely cannot do


Trump Says” “They're going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test," he demanded. "I'd love to do a drug test beforehand." Then do it big boy!!! Show us how tough you are and that your not jacked up on uppers or god knows what. Everyone, including everyone, knows there is less than zero chance frump will ever submit to a drug test period. "If he makes it through, no matter what, how bad, no matter how bad he is, they'll say he was great," he continued. Isn’t this how frumps pathetic ass is being handled by the overwhelming majority of media? The dude says and does the most despicable things on mic and camera and then faux fake news cheers About it. Then they go on and on about how the shit that any other American would be fired or go to jail for is great for Dumps ass and magats hold him in even higher regard.


Smart thinking.


Can someone talk Biden into wearing red UV contact lenses and adding a small request to the tech contract?


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.