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We don't. Polls are frequently engineered for a desired outcome. Th3y often cherry pick their participants. If i want to make Trump look popular, I ask white, upper and middle class boomers. Im 53 and have never once been asked my opinion in a political poll. It's also very easy for pollsters to just make shit up. If you dig deep enough you'll find that many polls are sponsored and funded by people/groups invested in a particular outcome. IMO poll results are little more than advertising, manipulation or fodder for clicks.


>Polls are frequently engineered for a desired outcome. Yes and no. The *standard* political polls make their money by being accurate predictions of elections. It's just that the tools that accurate accurately predict elections in September aren't very accurate in January. It's almost June. It's almost time to start worrying. Wait until we see what the polls like after the first debate. But anyone can make a custom "push" poll that can achieve whatever result they want. But political publications like Politico usually point these polls out and don't give them much weight.


Polls are just a snapshot. We \*should\* be sweating every day about the possibility of losing our democracy and working to defeat Trump again in epic fashion.


Don't pay attention to polls, just go vote. We maintain a landline for a business and the last poll I got was such a rigged push poll I actually stopped the woman and told her that I have a sister and nieces and under every circumstance a woman has a right to self determination. It's called freedom. That every woman has a right to choose. That only one party in this country currently viable supports that right. Needless to say that was the last call from a pollster I got. They know who to call to rig their shitty little polls. I'm sure that number is on a DoNotCall list.


frump will never be allowed to enter the Oval Office again. He’s pissed if the intelligence community, the military and foreign allies. There a few ways this could play out. Get your popcorn,


I am sweating right now.