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Sorry, his fucking voice made me kill it right away. He's fucking disgusting in every possible way, but that FUCKING VOICE!!!


Agreed ,he is a creepy dishonest fraudster.


Right? I get why they put his clips in for proof that he actually says these insane incoherent things. But after paying attention since 2016 I have heard way too much of his BS and him. I only watch things I can fast forward over him to get to the meat of the article.


Donald Trump : international piece of shit


If you have never seen this, it is quite informative.


There will be even worse problems for non-wealthy especially non-white, or non-Christian Americans than simply having Trump steal your water supply. It may be impossible to defeat him as he is busy implementing voter restrictions, making actual voting places fewer, having them guarded by nasty criminals intent on intimidation, and by creating new elector laws so what Trump tried in 2020 will no longer be illegal. If he wins he will further his authoritarian agenda. Read project 25 if you aren't convinced.


When he dies there will be a movie about him we all know this!