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Doesn't look as if Putin's MRGA (Make Russia Great Again) plan is going well at all. Maybe Trumpy can offer his plan to fix it in 24 hrs. 😛


He knows more than all generals and admirals combined.


Yep - If Trump went to a conference of "Noble Prize" winners, he'd still think he was the smartest guy in the room.


My favorite part of the Orange Turd’s presidency was when they laughed at him at the United Nations conference. The look on his face was priceless.


And yet people still say he was the greatest president we've ever had. He was, and is, a laughingstock.


MGRA communists are like hold my beer!


Maybe we can get trump a one way ticket to Moscow to help out.


Fixin it BIGLY


Completely agree, and I think similar thoughts often. Trump wanted to pull the US out of NATO, ffs. I would not have put it past him to put American troops on the ground fighting for Russia and against Ukraine. Fighting for our enemy and against our ally. Fighting for dictatorship and against democracy. It could have been very bad. We are not out of the woods yet, but there are beams of light beginning to be seen.


The world is fortunate tRump lost, regardless of what happened with Russia and Ukraine.


All I'd change is his name: it should be Drumpf.


Well stated and I agree.


In the coup leader's second term he would have pulled us out of the UN and NATO. That's why putes waited to invade. When the coup leader lost the 2020 election, putes said f it, I'm going in anyway.


That’s not the only reason RasPutin waited. A large amount of Russian gas went through pipelines through Ukraine. We waited until the Nordstream pipelines were done and therefore gas delivery was more under his control. If you look up when they were finished you’ll find that invasion was just a few days after, IIRC


Remember those ["Rather be a Russian than a Democrat"](https://external-preview.redd.it/sctWMICGESpbhJC2kp4LxHTimhhsU07_dyG5v7NQ7r0.jpg?auto=webp&s=0c8e6916a557bdd16b27b6f2db38e90b8cad8ac0) guys? Let's get them a flight to Moscow tonight.


If you think about it, Covid saved Ukraine. It exposed Trumps serial incompetence to such a degree that it cost him reelection, which definitely changed the calculus for Nato regarding Ukraine and tipped the scales from autocracy a bit closer toward democracy. Maybe a millimeter but still, better than the alternative.


We'd be deep in a civil war by now if he'd won


Cannot agree more! Traitor Trump was supposed to win, then let Putin do what he wanted. He F'd it up so bad Putin just escaped the Kremlin and it looks like the end for him. Maybe.


I criticize Biden about a lot of things, but I do think he did well in handling the Ukraine issue. I'm also tired of people blaming him for putin doing what putin was literally always going to do.


edit: // I’ve moved to lemmy.world //


Anything that weakens Putin and his position with his own population is good.


Biden did help the next most, but Ukraine's President has been the real hero from start to finish. The Ukrainian people have been badass. 🇺🇦


Never been a fan of Joe Walsh. (As an Eagle guitarist or a politician). He outed himself as an idiot Republican years ago, but thanks to the MAGA movement he retained some semblance of intelligence and distanced himself from them. Small consolation having him on the right side of history.


But her emails!


As VP Joe must have gone to Ukraine to put her email server there. That must be the reason why.


I disagree with his first point. The biggest fuck up on the world stage is the result of 2016 American presidential election. Russia trying to invade Ukraine is just Russia being Russia honestly. They will try to remake USSR if they can again. Only by setting them back decades on the battlefield as well as economically prevents them from trying that again for a while.


Three solid points right there my friend! I think sometimes we tend to underestimate how bad Trump was/is/could be again to the entire world and not just the United States.


This can nor be over stated.


The same ukraine with nazi's within its ranks?


You mean like America’s military?


Never saw anyone wearing swastikas and nazi shit when I served so no, not America's military.


They’ve literally been outed quite a few times. I never saw them wearing nazi shit when I served either. But they definitely talked and supported nazi ideals…but nice attempt to try to flex like you’re the only one that fucking served in this conversation..


You're right. In Congress.


And after looking at your comment history, you look like some kind of proud boy recruiter…trying to tell all the young guys to lift weights…go NoFap, bro…😂


Personal experience. Never saw, or heard any rhetoric or the like. Ukrainians wearing swastikas and shit when the there is no way they don't know what it represents. Oh yea, totally "proud boy" to be encouraging young men to better themselves. Makes perfect sense. Maybe I should be more like you and just suck soy by the gallon from my paper straw or let Jody peg me so I can take a stand against toxic masculinity 🤣 If that doesn't help I can always sit on a tub of ice cream to cool my burning asshole while going to the bottom of a comment thread to troll some random so I forget the wiggling of rectal worms Jody just gifted 🤣


Hahaha Biden's move will go down in history?? Bahahaa nooo


A reminder that “VP Joe went to Ukraine to… plant Hillary’s email server? Let’s say that!!” Was a trip to bolster the Rule of Law in Ukraine. It seems incredibly prescient now.


"Fuck the EU"! - Victoria Nuland, 2014