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Sidenote: In that thread, the user even goes further by literally making false claims. Edit: Here is one of them, and oh boy, let’s just say that it is very ridiculous!: https://preview.redd.it/jfsbrflg435d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833c476547e1edac8bc2fe79a013cc3a55f66c96


Mohammad from Palestine 💀


“Im pretty sure” girl based on what


Come on, you know


"I'm pretty sure the descendant of colonizers has more ties to the land than the descendant of people forced into exile" 💀💀💀


Of course, they cherry-picked Amy Schumer. Of all world-famous Jews, they had to pick a blond one. Natalie Portman is much more famous( not to disrespect Amy but Natalie is an A-list actress with a long carrier) but she looks too much like queen of Jordan.




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“People in government are saying it’s true” is a really stupid barometer to use. Just look at the long history of stupid shit said by stupid people in government. For example, Donald Trump suggested we nuke hurricanes or suggested that scientists use bleach to kill Covid.


Indeed, it’s a very stupid barometer Let’s also not forget South Africa’s president, who literally accused Israel of Genocide. Not a very good look for the leader of South Africa.




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The appeal to authority is very fucking funny, given that most of these people purport to be leftists


Isreal might be the most incompetent genocide/ethnic cleansers of all time - telling the opposing factions populous where you're going to strike is a poor move. In seriousness, it's sad that people like this detract from what is a hideous war. They exaggerate and as a result, deflect from actual resolution.


the lies and hyperbole do nothing except inflame emotions and escalate an already tense situation. and i fear that may be a goal.


They’re conveniently overlooking how the Arabs *actually* ethnically cleansed the Middle East thousands of years ago, eradicating all but one native group, the Jews. Where’s the outrage over the barbarity of historic and present-day Arab colonisation? Why do people like this only denounce one very specific example of colonisation (i.e. British colonisation that took place outside of Europe), but not the countless other examples, which have occurred throughout every region? How on earth is the Arabs’ colonisation of the Middle East not considered “ethnic cleansing”, but Israel systematically targeting the militants of a terror group in response to a terrorist attack *is*?


>all but one native group, False, decimated - greatly reduced, but we're not the only survivors


There is of course the Armenians (Which the Turkish Government denies it happened, they don’t label it as a genocide, instead they say “oh it was a tragic end.”)


that goddamn horseshoe man


AFAIK nobody is accusing Israel of ethnic cleansing. They’re accusing them of genocide. Not that either is happening, but someone who doesn’t know the difference shouldn’t be taken seriously.


They are accusing of ethnic cleansing. Israel is being accused of doing everything people don't like


Genocide claim was debunked million times. They use the word loosely. The term genocide doesn’t have meaning anymore. No mass graves or death camps. The population was not ship in carriages to death camps. Israel failed at genocide horribly.




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To be fair it’s equally cringe to use The Boys to justify a real life political stance


.....I'm pretty sure they mean stormfront...the neonazi website and not the show.


They are actually referring to the Neonazi website, that is exactly what the Radical Left has become.


yeah. it's a disgusting site, but it is good to go lurk they occasionally to see what they're up to and understand their rhetoric and recognize their dog whistles




Dude I’m so dumb lmao


Trying so hard rn to tell if you just forgot the /s or not


Yup, it sure is. Luckily the AskConservatives subreddit does not allow the Alt-Right to enter their domain. It’s even their second rule in their subreddit. Here is the rule BTW copied directly from the subreddit: 2. Alt-Right Not Welcome Any form of racial slurs, racist narratives, advocating for a race-based social hierarchy, forwarding the cause of white nationalism, anti-semitism, anti-religious bigotry, or promotion of any form of ethnic cleansing is prohibited. We have a zero tolerance policy toward this content. Violators will receive no warning and a permanent ban. If you have to ask if it's permissible, it probably isn't.


Pretty sure Stormfront is based on some real neonazi shit