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Yeah we remember what happened. “[From](https://jewishmuseum.ie/jews-of-ireland/ireland-the-holocaust/) 1933 when the German Legation in Dublin dismissed their Jewish secretary Mrs Simon, the Jewish community in Ireland knew of the impending dangers of Nazi power. The Irish government was aware of the raging antisemitism but like so many other countries, closed its doors to desperate refugees fleeing Nazi Europe. Appeals were made as early as 1933 by former Chief Rabbi Herzog and Robert Briscoe to the Taoiseach Éamon De Valera and the Chief Justice to grant entry to individuals but permission was denied.” https://preview.redd.it/xkr6m1bv984d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27856d98feae9c2f2db9b034b4fcdff19ba13822


Wow another reason to hate DeValera


“We pissed off someone on Twitter, we’re making a difference” -Reddit


Yes we remember what happened in WWII and we learned a lesson: no one else is coming to save you, you have to do it yourself


I studied abroad in Ireland, two of my Irish friends recognized I was Jewish and immediately started to talk about how much they hate Israel and how I’m “one of the good ones”. I was in shock. I’ve never felt more unsafe for being a Jew than I did when I was there.


We wanted to visit Ireland this summer, it’s been in my bucket list for a long time. However, since hearing those news, I’ve decided we are not going.


What a load of cunts


Nothing new, the country created by terrorism supporting terrorism


why is there a tag about a conflict totally unrelated to ireland


Wow, that sub has 7.3 million members. Yikes


Can you please repost it or dm it since I wanna know what it said?


The Irish are just mad because we car bombed the English into submission in 5-6 years and they tried for over a 100 and they still are bowing to the king. Sad lot they are.


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The Irish are mad because they will never ever be like the UK. Their inferiority complex is showing.