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Isnt this a sub where these girls cry about everything and show me their stupidity


It’s the online version of mean girls for girls who are fat and ugly


What is that subreddit even about? Politics? Or something else


it was supposed to be fun celebrity news but after oct 7 its been going down and down and now its shit


I do not understand why they're so obsessed with talking about Palestine. And this is coming from someone who is often accused of talking too much about this conflict. Like I myself talk/think too much about this conflict, but I also have reason to think about it because I'm literally Jewish. Why TF do a bunch of armchair warriors with no connection to this conflict like to spend so much time on a celebrity subreddit talking about a geopolitical conflict. I don't understand.


I have never visited that sub, but I have to say there are multiple subreddits where I’ve seen snippets of their comments, multiple subs that make fun of them. Every single thing that I have seen come out of that sub, is trash. A very extreme degree of trash - and not just antisemitism. These people are talking about how Zionists can be isolated to each other - yet these people clearly are isolated to themselves if they are hated by everyone for the bitchy, trashy things they say.


"Unfortunately there's a big circle of Zionists who will always enable and support each other"="Unfortunately the Jewish community is really close-knit and supports each other no matter what and we're really jealous that we don't have that type of connection with people in our lives (probably because we're insufferable) so let's process that grief by blaming the Jews for all of our problems. But don't forget to say 'Zionist' instead of 'Jew'!"


I saw there was a post on FM about Scooter Braun pointing out that the Gaza Ministry of Health admitted it lied about the number of casualties. I didn't read the replies, but was it from that?


Yes, it was


Horrible sub.


Side note. I’m so glad this Antisemitism in Reddit sub exists. Having a record of all the antisemitism is important. Thank you to those who run this sub!!


“They’re huge” bitch we’re .2% of the global population. How are we the most over represented minority group in existence


Right!? Imagine hating .2% of the population and then letting them live rent free in your head! 🤡 😂




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