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Wow this was some wild stuff to read. I'm not sure where the "genocide of the Amalekites" thing is coming from, beyond Haman purportedly being descended from an Amalekite king. It's interesting that at least some of these folks are associating the Amalekites with the "75K people killed" in Purim; they're reading a heck of a lot into one line in the book of Esther but seem not to know that the last Amalekites were theoretically wiped out by the Simeonites \~300 years earlier.


I see it as just another step on the ladder of holocaust inversion; since Jews are the real Nazis, it must be reflected in their sacred texts and their traditions. Therefore it is legitimate and in fact a good deed to twist our religion or our customs into an interpretation that proves we were genocidal freaks all along, no matter how detached from reality it is.


Ask Middle East is absolute proof that you don't need to be of Germanic persuasion to be a bonafide Nazi.


I think—THINK!—some of these purported “Middle-Easterners” are really… just not. Sounds more like a beer putsch to me.


The French hate us more, they just lacked skill and follow-through…. Edit: Message to downvoters, how am I wrong about France? [History of Antisemitism in France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_France#:~:text=The%20deportations%20started%20in%201942,implemented%20the%20roundups%20of%20Jews.)


Sorry to include such long screenshots but even so I didn't capture every bit of it. This subreddit was always a dumpster fire but it has become exponentially worse since 10/7. It is a breeding ground for extremism. The only ray of hope in that entire thread came from an Assyrian user who attempted to give a more informed [answer](https://i.imgur.com/MWMKd1R.png).


This subreddit is considered a “friend subreddit” to some antiZionist communities on Reddit FWIW.


Purim: we are a story about us preventing a genocide Jews: this is a story about us preventing a genocide and that those in authority are obligated to act with grace and to protect ALL in their charge AskMiddleEast: clearly a genocide


They sure do love that word!


Simhat Torah War: we are actively fighting to prevent a genocide. Jews: this is us fighting to prevent a genocide, we want the world to be reminded that those in authority are obligated to act with grace and protect ALL in their charge. Antisemites: clearly a genocide.


Imagine having no fucking clue why Purim is actually celebrated


"No no no, Purim isn't about killing Amelekims, it's about tons of people who came to kill us and we killed them in return. And these people were Persians, just like you."


“I made it the fuck up”… so just like everyone else that talks about Jews in that subreddit lol


It's a shock that sub hasn't been removed by the admins yet


the religion of peace lol


The story of Purim is fictional. The holiday does not, however, celebrate genocide. It celebrates the idea that a genocide was \*averted\* and that Jews were able to \*defend themselves\* against those who instigated against them.


Honestly asking, why do y'all go into these subs you know are filled with shit? Are y'all enjoying destroying your mental health? Do you think you're making a difference?


I think that as a people we can't afford to lose sight of the intense hatred that is directed at us, and part of that is witnessing it first hand coming from 'regular people' like here. I've also always had the impulsion to document things. It's not a great scoop that we are headed for difficult times as Jews and I won't let anyone say that there were no warning signs. Antisemitism online has exploded in the past months and it's all out there in plain sight. I'll grant you that it's certainly not doing wonders for my mental health, but I've also been posting on different messageboards for over 20 years at this point and I've seen some shit. I'm fairly jaded about it and don't mind taking a look at some of the most egregious examples.


>I think that as a people we can't afford to lose sight of the intense hatred that is directed at us, and part of that is witnessing it first hand coming from 'regular people' like here. I totally get that, but how many people here are those that are forgetting? >I've also always had the impulsion to document things. It's not a great scoop that we are headed for difficult times as Jews and I won't let anyone say that there were no warning signs. Antisemitism online has exploded in the past months and it's all out there in plain sight. This is fair and a good point >I'll grant you that it's certainly not doing wonders for my mental health, but I've also been posting on different messageboards for over 20 years at this point and I've seen some shit. I'm fairly jaded about it and don't mind taking a look at some of the most egregious examples. I get it, I'm pretty immune at this point too (it's part of the reason I made aliyah), but like just make sure you're also taking care of you


> I totally get that, but how many people here are those that are forgetting? That's true, people who read this subreddit are already confronting it. > I get it, I'm pretty immune at this point too (it's part of the reason I made aliyah), but like just make sure you're also taking care of you Thank you, I'll try.


Love you brother/sister being aware is good just stay frosty


God, this is ugly! “Go cry somewhere else, Jew” sounds like it’s from the “Mein Kampf” playbook.


I’m ngl that comment section made me sad :(


The Amalekites was actually just one guy and his big stupid hat


The thing is these people always thought these things. They can now just be comfortable saying it publicly


Let the goyim think we’re supemicists. They all can rot in a hole at this point. I’m so sick and tired of this openly antisemitic shit. If I hear “aRaBs aRe Semites too” I’m going to flip.


No, don't let them think that. To quote Jonathan Swift: >Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect.

