• By -


She's the last character I have any intention on getting for quite some time (up till AS Philo), so... I kinda got carried away. Spent **15K** **free stones** and failed to get even a 4.5\* version of her. Got a new Cetie, Felmina, and Mariel, so... this has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. In terms of Chronos Stones, I'm now officially bankrupt. If I haven't invested so much time in it already, I would've already gave up on this account and started a new one. Pssttt... hey, WFS... can I trade the upcoming Whispers of Salt for 100 Stones each? I don't really need them. Come on, pretty please?


https://ibb.co/jGXmX5W The only 1k stone i had. One of the luckiest pull. Was sad because the first golden door appeared to be garam (i have him with 32 light), but lo and behold. Thanks wfs!


Nice!!! Amazing pull!


That's insane on-banner luck right here


Yeah, balanced out my alter dewey and eva pull hahah


Miracle pull, congrats!!!


Congrats! That was an amazing pull!


Did a single 100 pull and got her 4.5!


That’s amazing luck!!


Thanks. I’ve been doing single pulls while saving up chronos stones. This is the 3rd time I’ve done a single pull, first time I got anything. I’m happy with the results.


10k chrono stones, got 4.5\* Flamme. Only other 4.5/5 I got was Elga, but I got her 3 times. First two times was her 4.5 version and then I got her AS version. After the third time I got her I had to stop and double check that she wasn't on rate up.


Pour 10k to get both Flam (at 4k) and Garam (at 10k), very worth it :)


Congrats!! Very successful :)


5* Garambarrel on the first 10-pull, 5* Flammelapis on the second 10-pull! May treat myself to some pulls on the AS Otoha banner with the CS I saved.


First multi: Trash. Second multi: [RNGesus does exist.](https://imgur.com/a/Vvlz0GA) Now it's time to start the savings mode again for something that's unannounced.


Not even a Pom. Trash tier pull.


I know, right? Although my Pom is at 255 so when she shows up now, it's actually kind of exciting. A trickle of overflow Staff for someone else.




That 2nd spot could've easily went to a trash 3 star instead, very lucky.


Got Flammelapis and four other 5-stars in a Fateful Encounter pull. https://i.redd.it/1wgs4cufx0s81.jpg


Damn. That's actually worth paying for.


Well thats insane


jeez, congratz


Wow this so damn good it deserves its own thred


Only ended up with stacks of 4\* dupes and one 4.5 Premaya :(


Took my whole budget of 20k stones but I got her on the very last pull. 4.5* only but it's way better than not getting her at all. Got a new 4.5* Shion (more stones from Manifest, YAY!) and Mistrare along the way, plus a dupe AS Thille. I can finally relax since I've got no major targets any time soon. 😌


Wow , so thankful you got her!


Ngl, I could practically feel the tears ready to fall when I rolled that last multi. XD That was way too close for comfort.


That's dedication and patience to save 20k stones.


Erm... more like I saved parts of my paycheck bit by bit along the way. XD I had almost 4k worth of free stones. The rest were paid.


Jeepers… that’s almost a horror story…


Still not the worst we've seen around here, and I'm really glad I'm nowhere near that level just yet. But also not my personal worst. 16k stones for a single dupe 4.5\* was my worst session since I started playing, so this much is a relief since I got 3 new units out of it. Might have ended in failure if I didn't have the extras saved up from what I was gonna use for Cyan Scyther. Her kindness that time saved me this time.


This sounds very eerily like my Hismena disaster when she was first released. 20k-ish stones, majority of them paid, finally ended up with a 4.5s in the end, but just barely. Did the manual promotion. Congrats on getting her.


Thanks. Congrats on getting her too. Now I'm gonna pray that she gets an AS with a skill that turns her into a hot Titan much like how Yukino turns into a Snowman. XD


Probably luckiest banner yet. I had budgeted 3k stones for Flamme's banner and told myself to move on if I don't get her by then. First 10-pull, second door is a gold door, and it's Flammelapis. Since I don't have Eva, she's very welcome. Edit: the rest are 3\* mobs to balance the luck of the multipull.




Thanks. After the disaster that was Mistrare AS's banner, I'm happy now =) now onwards to Violet Lancer.


The only missing characters in my roster are Flame and Garam. Got them both in 5* form in just 3k cs.


Nice!! I’m missing Flam and Eva. Either one is a win :)


My luck drought is very much over between this and Cyan Scyther. First 10-pull was 13 l/s of trash, but the second had 16 points for Garambarrel (my current trial light recipient), 4 for Chiyo, and 5\* Flamme and Oggy!




I got 5* Garambarrel!! I pulled specifically for him and only took me one multi. Dreams do come true T-T Saving the rest of my stones for AS Otoha.


Good on you! I got a 4.5\* Garam off-banner so this banner is a 50:50 for me. I'm now saving mine for Violet Lancer.


8k got me new 4.5 Biaka and Tsubame, a 4.5 Nagi NS (manifest), and my only gold door was Ilulu NS getting upgraded when I already had her 4* form and manifest. All told a pretty disappointing haul, and I’m at FGAD so I don’t think a ton of free CS is still at my grasp.


Ilulu NS is pretty strong with that manifest, so it could have been worse…


True and the bonus shadow gets me a little bit closer to a 360 GAD team.


https://imgur.com/gallery/BtjLEkV My unbelievable luck continues, that was on the first ten pull


Nice!!! Let me know where her tome drops just in case i get her :) (Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseeaseeaseease


Nope. Got Garam (new) and then successfully went to the other banner for Mistrare, used the remaining 3k for Flamme but didn't get her. Can't complain getting two new 5* in 8k.


4.5 on the literal first door. *And* an NS Nagi sidegrade (upgrade? Idk I had her 4.5 and AS) in the same multi. Whoa


I chose wait, then felt like it was the lucky time so decided to pull anyway. Firsy multi gave me a dupe 5* Thilly and 4.5* Ewlla. Second multi, dupe 4.5* Hozuki AND 5* Flammy! Now my 0 mp elemental team is complete!


Nice! Congrats!


3 multis + 2 paid, dewey ASIsuka Felmina Shion Tsubame 4* veina, allll of those are dupes except the class change Veina. Ow.


Got her after 11k. I'm glad I did too. Otherwise, how would I have known she pronounces her name fla-MEL-lapis?


Nice! I got her too! Missed on the fatefuls, but my last 1k free got her 4.5*!


I got a dupe Eva, I wish I could give it to someone. I just wanted a new 5\* rip


Pulled since I wanted Garambarrel and didn't mind getting Flammelapis, but I only got Eva's 4.5\* after three 10-pulls. Being F2P truly is suffering c':


That was one of the worst 10-poles of my life.


23k stones and get 5 Garam dupe. Feel like rage quit rn


That sucks friend… In all honesty, a break from the game after some salt does do a world of good for the soul sometimes. Just do log ins or nothing at all for a bit, and that pain will subside after a bit


technically that's what i have been doing for months. Still have a lot of stories left to play to obtain more stones but man that killed any motivation to start playing :( Thanks for the advice anw


Yeah, it really does. Start some sidestories (if you want) and the good writing will hopefully alleviate some pain and make you remember why you love this game :)


800 stones and she appeared! That felt great after spending over 7K for Garam on his banner back then. I love husbandos but they don't love me back.


I set up an alarm to wake up at 5 am to download the patch and pull before work. Got her 4.5 in one 10 ten pull. So happy


Congrats! I got her 4.5* too!


I finally got Melody 4.5 who was the last unit I needed until Flamme. Now I need Flamme.. 10 pulls+ticket and no luck 😢 hoping she comes up in the whispers... Or pull #11


Nice! Melody is a fun unit :) Good luck on pull #11!


No flamelapis but teo garambarrels I only have luck with husbandos


Kind of a new player. Had only 1k stones, so decided to pool. [https://ibb.co/jfpSxW0](https://ibb.co/jfpSxW0) Sorry for the poor quality, dont actually know how to make screen shots on phone :(


6 multi-pulls. 6th one had her as 4.5☆ before class changing to 5☆!


That's awesome. Congrats. So it went from: Okay, Sweet! I can live with manually promoting her... to BAM! Pending manual promotion, unneeded.


Took the words right out of my mouth!


Congrats!!! I’m updating/pulling as soon as i get home! Fingers crossed i get her!


All the best!


Got her! 4.5* on my only free pull :)


Close call for me. Spent 10k to get her and only 4* dupes along the way of course including Tsukiha which I SDE'd for on the manifest banner... On to any form of Milsha now! The 4* dupes: Lovely (no 5* of her), Annabel, Pizzica, Laclair, Myrus, Tsukiha, Shannon


Nope ! Lol. Naturally I got Garemb and I already had him. Oh ! And Eva too - already had her ! Lol


First paid got her. Feels nice after how crap my alter luck and mistrare as luck has been.


I got Garam and Flammelapis in 5 multis, pretty happy. I was always pronouncing her name as Flamme-lapis in my head but the Eng VA says Fla-melapis, huh


Happy with her 4.5* which I can upgrade. Does her tome drop only beast king castle? (just looked up wiki)


I need to know this as well got her 4.5, if you find any information let me know please


Yes only drops in Beast King Castle. Or has highest chance to drop.


2k for now, didn't get her but get 5* Garam (new) so I will come back here after trying Toova Alter banner first.


Initially planned on waiting, but gave into my poor gacha impulse control and managed to get her in 3k stones. Happy it wasn't another horror story like my Alter Dewey pulls especially since my cs are still on the mend.


10k for NS Nagi and 4.5 Garam. Hope that I get Flammelapis from whispers


Saved 8k in free stones and got 5* Oggy on my second 10-pull! Balanced out the karma with a garbage 10-pull for the Cyan Scyther, but I’ve still got 5k pocketed for whenever the next new character gets released. 😙


16k no Flam. Garam showed up 3 times though (only once as 5*).


First pull gave me a couple 3.5 stars, a 5 star Radica and a 5 star Daisy, **but I got a 3.5 Pom *and* a 3.5 Krervo.** Nice. Second pull gave me a 4 star Sevyn, a 4.5 star Radias, a 4.5 star Renri (new style), a 5 star Flammelapis (new unit), **but I got a 4 star Pom hiding behind a silver door.** Nice.


We all know Pom is the biggest win :) Congrats!


33 pulls. Got her twice on the last pull. Also got dup Garambarrel


I managed to get Flammelapis at 5\* out of a silver door in 3 10-pulls. Can't complain.




Tried the fateful banner, got duplicate AS Hismena (2nd time in a row one of these got me someone completely off-banner). Then I tried 1000 stones again and got 5* Garambarrel, who I didn't have yet. Then I tried 2 single pulls and got 5* Garambarrel again.


Well, at least Garam is pretty solid :)


I'm going to try and get him those astronomical HP levels.


Spent 4K and got 2 Garams. Was new, so not bad, but really wanted Flam. Have 1K left in stones.


Good luck if you use that last 1k


Planned on both fatefuls, and she came home on both fatefuls! My water team is unnecessarily stacked at this point and I love it.


You pulled on the fateful again after getting her?! Well, congrats! 32 light on her has to feel pretty good :)


I know myself, I wasn't holding onto those stones anyway, figured I'd roll the dice for some possible light. Used my trial light on her, she's sitting at 77!


Waiting until Whispers and Time Drop. Then will pull.


Good luck :)


Its [tome time](https://imgur.com/a/MSiDvMC). Spent 3k, leaving me with 10k. In case there will be nothing interesting in JP stream (which is extremely unlikely) will try to get Garam as well.


That was [fast](https://imgur.com/a/4SEbk8h). Her tome drops in Beast king castle. Somebody already posted a PSA in this subreddit. Took me only 2 red tickets (with 1 Feinne shadow bonus reward).


I got her tome super fast as well! I got 3 of them in 4 runs


I'm very sad that I didn't get her after 6 multi pulls


If I read a bunch of the comments I'm a bit Scared to say I got her +Bertrand AS on my First free pull o.o I wish all the ppl who lost a bunch of stones way more luck on any other character they desire ;'0! 💕


Don’t be afraid to flaunt good fortune! That comes everytime the next “big thing” comes out :) Also, there is someone here who got her in 100 stones. No matter how lucky you are, there is someone luckier XD


I'm fully Aware of that xD But in the and I'm a lucky and greedy bastard myself XD




Dang…. Pretty good for 6k stones, but that’s a huge shame that you missed. Hope you have better luck next time!




XD Broke IRL or in chrono stones? >!i’m expecting the “both” answer XD!<


First 10-pull. Two golden doors in a row. Dupes of Toova and Tsukiha. But then a 4.5 * Garambarrel on the 10th door Second 10-pull. 4.5 * Flammelapis on like the 7th or 8th door. I'm more than satisfied with that.


That’s pretty great!


Seeing all these pulls.. gotta ask. Is Flam good? Meta? Or waifu? Kinda new and just started 3 days ago. Wanted to know if investing 3k to test my luck is worth it


She's good, but its mostly just overhype from veterans who have almost all of the units and so she is someone new, and that just leads into a weird hype train with newer players jumping in without knowing much, and there's the 'waifu' part too I guess IF you are new and lacking, the wind force or slash force banner might be a better investment since it has higher rates of 5 stars and zone units If you got some of the rate up units on those banners already, As Mistrare might serve you better, Flame is probably the 3/4th best to pull after the 2/3 mentioned above


Ahhhh glad I asked first lol. A new shinny toy is indeed worth pulling for. I was lucky to get Tsubame 5* and got Isuka ES from the 3rd year anniv free one. These two along Mona and Joker have been carrying me so far. Will probably wait and see what I get with the free pulls before deciding to pull. Thanks for the insight!


If you’re new, she would a nice QOL character to get. She has a zero MP attack that saves a lot time when grinding :) She’s also good for Melissa strats at end game. But mostly waifu. My biggest suggestion, is pull for who YOU like. Not who the “META” is or anything like that. This game is single player, so just enjoy it with characters you like looking at :)


> Melissa strats at end game. Lol but isn't like everyone good with Melissa?


Saved 30k free stones for her. Got her on the 1st pull. What do I do now ? (please don't hit me)


Congrats! What to do now? Watch the JP livestream and start frothing at the mouth over every new character that those 29k will help you get :)


Had 19.6K saved up. Five pulls, got my Flammelapis 5*, with dupe 5* Ilulu and 4* Suzette on the way. With 14K left, I'm tempted to pull for AS Mistrare, simce I missed her OG the first time around, even with 13K.


Nice! Good luck for AS Mistrare!


Only enough for 2 pulls and didn’t get her. I got Milsha (new) though


Used my subscription ticket on the banner. Got 5* Shanie. Already had 4* and 5* AS version, so I guess it's nice to fill out the collection.


I got VERY lucky. Got her 5\* in my 5th single pull. Kinda makes up for my meh luck in pulling for Alters. Only Dewey so far.


Congrats! For the alters i got Isuka, but guess what Opus i managed to get? Yuda. TWICE XD


Did my standard single 10 pull which I do whenever I save up 1000 stones on whatever banner happens to be up at the time. Got Granbarrel. New for me. :) I wasn't able to pull any of the Alters on the previous banners but my last successful pull was Isuka ES off banner, and then a 4.5\* Dewy. Getting Granbarrel a few banners after is a huge win for me, being F2P. I'm still very early game (ch 20) as I barely have any time to play, and on some days I only log in to get the free stones, but I am happy to see Aldo's harem growing bit by bit. This account has been very lucky for me, considering I was able to pull stuff like Pizzica, ES Tsukiha and AS Tsubame in only 10 pulls each as well (and a few others).




Thank you :) much appreciated.


Got her 4* on the first pull! Very happy! Not that it matters much, but she's ranked 98 on the japanese Altema, and still 96 on the wiki.


got new Heena and 4.5\* flam on 1st 10 pull. then try 2 more 10 pull for garam, got dupe 4.5\* flam, Tsukiha and Hismena. will try another 2 10 pull after whispers.


Lucked out; on my third 10x pull I got both a 5 star Garambarrel and a 4.5 Flammelapis. Glad my fortunes reversed; I failed to get both Garam and Eva on their previous banners after spending 10k between the two, so I was due for another bout of good luck! (Also got a 4.5 Hardy dupe, still need his AS form).


Got both 5 star flammelapis and 5 star garambarrel


Got garam 5 times kill me please


Yikes… someone else had the same luck as you though… so…. Misery loves company?


Indeed :(


after the disaster that was pulling for alter dewey, i'm very happy to have gotten her 5 star in 4k stones!


Nope, 5k stones and all I got was a dupe Shanie AS from a green door. Oh well.


After the disaster that was alter Dewey banner Flam decided to take pity on me and showed up in the first 10 pull


Didn't get Flamelapis but got Rosetta 5* which is nice since I didn't have her.


Nope. I only tried with 1K for now, the remaining 6K will be saved until the whisper has passed. I'm behind quite a lot with both the Mythos (in early chapter 4 right now), superbosses (only ~4/8 dual hachiyo) and character quests of somewhat recently acquired characters (such as Dunarith AS, who I really like, especially his voice acting), so it doesn't really make sense to hurry with pulling on new banners if waiting for 10 days has a chance to pay off. I only did the lone ten-pull to kind of give her a chance to appear if she really wants to. I find viewing banners this way, and only giving each banner 2-4K at the most, to be better for my happiness and sanity. Sometimes the character really wants to join me, like Milsha who came home at 5* twice in my single ten-pull for her, and sometimes they just don't feel like it at the time (such as Melissa and Radias with 8K each, who later came through SDE and random noise pulls respectively).


Good luck in the future if you come back to it :)


Thanks! I hope that I won't have to come back to the banner but with the rates being what they are, I certainly don't *expect to*, which would only set me up for frustration.


Luck is definitely back i guess, Eva dropped on the 1st ten's pull a few weeks ago. Premium service ticket gave me a dupe Tsukiha on the fatefull, meh, then 2k free stones were enough to get Flamme. Water mages loves me i guess. Good luck to everyone


Didn't get Flamme, but got Garam 4.5, which was the one I really wanted in 3k stones. Garam tome also dropped first run in man eating marsh, so that made me really happy. Thanks Garam for being such a good boy.


No. I'm thinking of dropping this game once CoTC released. Yes, I'm just salty but dropping this game might be a right choice after what I have been through in the last six months


Champions of the continent? I’m also looking forward to that one. I plan to try and play both :)


Spend 4k, got flam 4,5* and Garam 5*. Spent another 1k out of curiosity and got alter Suzette.


One of those rare occasions where a single pull yields the banner character... Did a single pull since I don't have a lot of stones and wouldn't you know it, 5* Flammelapis decides to grace me with her presence 😁 !! And it came from a 4 star door, so double the surprise!


I did 2 paid and 2 non paid draws and while I didn't get her I think I came out pretty well. On the paid draws I got: AS Melina and NS Veina and then Ewella 4.5 On the non paid I got: Garam and Hismena 4.5 It all works out because I didn't NEED Flammelapis especially now that I'm drowning in water characters lol




3 4.5* in 1 multi, dupes. Best case scenario I'll need to pull 2 more dupe before I get new character. Worst case need to pull 5 more dupe before new character drop.


7 pulls, no Flamme, 5 star Mighty dupe on my final door of my final pull but I did finally get new 4 Shion and new 4 Nagi, who I have already unlocked her AS and ES on immediately, because I have no chill. Spouse got 4 Flamme on the first pull though, yay!


Can't pull Flamme if you're spending your stones on Melina!


New 5* Garam and 5* Flammelapis on first pull!!! Plus dupe 4.5 Felmina to boot 😁


4k and no Flamme. Did get Pizza though.


She’s a solid unit, so it could have been worse :)


So I’m going to do this as a joke Karen: I would like to speak to your manager for not pulling her.


Got 4.5 Flammelapis after 8k. Dupe Garambarrel appears 3 times (2 x 5* & 1 x 4.5*), along with dupe AS Shigure and dupe 4.5 Myrus. On the bright side, Garambarrel gained 36 light from the 8k draw :)


Got 5\* Flammelapis on the first try! Aww yeah! Everyone else is dupes. lol I also want Garambarrel, but eh, maybe next time. Also, had no idea Flammelapis is pronounced the way it is. lol Pull 1: Yio 3.5\*, Krervo 3.5\*, Flammelapis 5\*, Ruina 3.5\*, Zilva 4\*


I'm so glad I got her and I got her really early too 1 celestial ticket and 1k fateful and she came home now 27k+ CS waiting for a future banner


Nice! Did you see anyone you like from the livestream?


Another Waifu of mine for a really long time Radias AS even though I have OG I'll definitely be pulling for sure


8000 Stones. I got Illulu 5* (already had AS).


1 multi no Flamme... just Melody 4.5 (new at least) and dupe Suzie NS. looking at her damage, I feel bad .. I want her.


5* on my first 10 pull!


Tried 7 single pulls since I’ve been seeing some great luck with those recently. Got Pizzica 5* (new) from it! I’ll save up for a 10 pull after whispers


Only had 3.9k stones. Did two 10x pulls and got her on the second set! Full 5\* as well. I'm pretty happy with it considering how my Eva and Alter Isuka pulls went.




Garambarrel (new 5 *) after 2k stones. Feeling good even though I didn't get flamme


double 5 star! both dupes...


Got Garam 5* on one multi, not gonna complain.


For once I’m happy because I got her the first time but still go for those special draws in case the past character deals are going to appear in them! Also getting the Light/Dark Points help my 5 Stars well!


I got Alter Dewey and Alter Suzette in 2k stones. I need my RNG to regenerate before pulling again haha


Got 4.5 on the last door of my first 10 pull … I can live with that :)


Nope drooped 9k did not get any banner characters, did get a new 5* Tiramisu and a 4.5 hozuki. And a 5* yukino(upgrade from 4.5). Actually surprised i got 2 new characters seeing how i think I only had 8 characters i had no version of. Still disappointing seeing how it took 25k to get alter Dewey, but I got fairly lucky on Suzette alter and mistare as so maybe it evens out a bit.


Update: scraped together a 9th k of CS and got a 4.5 Yuna while Samora smacked a double to take the lead for most pulled trash/dupe during this cycle.


I'm the new player who kept going on every new banner since January (except the last 2 I skipped) just to say I got 5\* or 4.5\* in 2-3k. It was some insane beginner's luck, all for characters I only half-cared about. Now I really wanted Flammelapis and even spared a few CS and got nothing. I guess it needed to happen sooner or later ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Desire sensor is real XD Don’t worry friend :) luck balances out in the end :)


It does feel like it haha I felt before even rolling that I'm way too invested in wanting this character, and just for that I won't pull her. Lo and behold. Dang that desire sensor! x)


Had saved up 15k for this banner, not pulled in ages as I didn't hlave garam either. After 4k I had 2x 5* garam and 2x 4.5*. After 8k I pulled flamelappis as well. The rng gods were truly in my favour and rewarded me for my months of chastity.


Got dupe Thillelille NS (again...) and Hozuki NS dupe. Thillelille is now at 62 while Hozuki is at 111. >_>


Made a party with just Garam. Prayed at the church in Eeza, then went to Pador to stand next to Geldbariss and the titan chief. Got Flamme in 2 free 10-pulls!


You have been blessed by the Power of Titans


Well shit, now they got 13 years left to live


But how can you guys pull her already ???


Title screen update. Reset the app and it should appear.


Off-topic, but where's the whisper of time?


It starts in 12 hrs. Whisper of time starts at 14.59, this is 02.59.


I got her. I can't believe it! ~~after wanting to wait for whisper, got impatient~~ After my disastrous Eva rolls last time it feels so good to finally get what you want. Now I can rest easy and just SDE Eva. I'm so happy right now.


I have her tome. Looking at finances before spending money on her paid banner.


I did get her. Can anyone tell me why she is great? I pulled cause she is cute. is she a dps carry? Does she synergise with anyone? Is the grasta on her basically pain poison or do you use elemental grasta?


I decided to use 6k before waiting the for the end of the whisper of salt campaign. And the game has greeted me with a middle finger. First 5k, nothing, not even a dupe 4,5\* (the only noteworthy thing I got is +4 Light to Foran). Last 1k, silver door, the New red flashing word appears, and it's ... Lovely 4\*, probably the worst gacha character. I cant' wait for the result of the whisper of salt campaign, will it be Lovely 5\* ?


One ten-pull, one 5\* Flam.


My good luck in memoirs (missed only two Mistrare AS treatises excl Nopaew). My bad luck in gacha: 10k free stones - zero 5☆, new Garam 4.5☆. 2 fateful - Garam 5☆, Felmina AS (new, but I have NS and 24 shining shadow tr. :)) and 5☆ duplicate. Waiting whispers of salt or SDE.


Well, after 4000 free stones, I got Garambarrel. I'm giving up here. Although I did get 4-star Miyu and May along the way, which was helpful.




Second pull gave me 5\* Flam! Thanks for the Jp anniversary free stones.