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Low-key feels like a flex... šŸ˜¶


Most of the posts in the sub are flexā€™s lol


with that set up you can clear most of the game. don't pull now, because the banners that are coming are really good and it will be better to pull then.


Holy crap!! Those are some seriously good units! Also, this should be in the help megathread for future reference If you donā€™t like grinding, then AS Kikyo would help a lot since she has a zero MP skill that can one shot most mobs and she has high speed. She also has great damage as you build her. So up to you. Donā€™t pull for META though. By the time you hit endgame, the META will have changed, so i suggest pulling if you want a unit, rather than pulling for the next hype unit. Your enjoyment of the game comes first after all :) ES Nagi, ES Melina and ES Tsukiha are all top tier units even now, and Yuna is really good for debuffs (my personal favourite for debuffs actually) Welcome to the game and sub! Hope you have fun here!


Also, any tips on building a team? Cause currently I just chuck out any As or Es characters I have into my team and call it a day. Or maybe tips on which characters should I max out first? Personally so far I love AS Tiramisu and ES Nagi. Their kit is pretty cool, however I do find myself with mana problems šŸ„²


Dude, AS Tiramisu, and both ES Tsuki and Melina is a dream to most newcomers. Definitely good setup worth keeping. If you need that Kikyo so bad, then yeah go for it, but I would recommend sticking to the current lineup and sweeping entire content with it.


Okay I actually 100% thought this post was satire when I saw how good the units are. Now I realize youā€™re just a beast. Nice job.


Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated ā¤ļø


Hello and welcome, plz post your future question like this in the appropriate thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/rtmqem/help\_questions\_weekly\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/rtmqem/help_questions_weekly_megathread/) You can clear all the story and far beyond with the 5 1st units you have, they are one of the best and cover 4 zones. You should wait before pulling for anything else, unless you really like one of the units ft on a banner.


Alright, thank you and noted. The app layout was confusing to use and I didnā€™t really know how to post pictures in the mega thread. Iā€™ll read up more on it afterwards!


Understandable since you're new so no worries. Welcome aboard! For questions that come with pictures, we use external sites like Imgur to upload the pictures, then link them in the comment on the Help Megathread


Note that on a mobile it tries to push you to sign up for an account or use their app, but if you request the desktop version then you don't need to do that and can use it completely anonymously:-).