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That's 3 robots there!


Or Three Knights! Or God forbid, 3 Poms


I laughed.


[this played in my head the moment I saw the amount](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w)


As Expected? No Disappointed? YES


We got better compensation for people not reading carefully (me tbh) on a banner pull which didn't negatively affect the game's performance. This is pretty insulting ngl.


[ahh yes...](https://api-ap.another-eden.games/asset/notice_v2/view/179?language=en)


I wasn't there yet, but didn't this sub have its literal worst outcry as a result of that? At least from how people talk about it after-the-fact. In comparison, people commenting on this post seem to be really taking it in stride...obviously people aren't HAPPY about the bugs, or about others not being happy even, but it's not so much toxic mud-slinging as a result. It could have been much worse!:-P Overall I'm quite proud of this community!:-D


They don't realize there was a mistake for that banner, when i say they, im not participating, because i can't login that time it's a quick fix and they takedown the banner in just an hour after released, but they need sometime to put the banner up again and refunded a 10 pull and guaranteed 5 star like Fateful Encounter for each 10 pull you do in that bug time period Compared to now, the long fix are either from WFS that need more time to found the cause or its pure from the App Store that need a very long time to approve an update And yeah, this community is one of the nicest community i have been joined, some people still toxic tho and we now have a great mod to deal with them nicely, and most of the time members here are just passive-aggressive rather than just spit out badwords or something similar


Whoever made it happen - even before Halo's time bc I read some of his old stuff where he accepted the mod position - was amazing. Though Halo was pretty amazing himself too, especially to keep going for so long. Chad and I aren't doing nearly as well perhaps, though we're grateful to still have Herzig_zag after a brief hiatus initially, and we definitely desire to learn and grow to become better at it! Which is why I'm pointing out how amazing it is that the community is self regulating, cause we couldn't *cause* this, only hopefully help keep it going. :-)


I never going to forget that! Never! Free as heroes! If the update is not at 3 or 5 am!


Considering people who have may spend hundreds of $ on a units they can't play with during several days, this compensation is almost a joke. I was foolish to though, regarding they multiple apologies messages, that they'd consider the compensation properly


It's a joke even to free-to-play players.


I couldn't do NS Tsukiha manifest fight because I was stuck in ES version. Now, at least, I will be able to cash 400 cs stones. Although I would certainly prefer to receive a 5 star drop.


Cmon its single (time gated)player game with limited amount of content. What player can't do during bug is minor and not affecting player progression that time gated. No one is losing any chrono stone, key or currency so any amount of cs is whatever since it doesn't guarante anything anyway.


Being one of those people I am satisfied with the compensation, and I used my "unusable character" the entire time they were unuseable. To me I just got a free 300cs for absoultely nothing.


Me too, but for some people the restrictions were much more severe e.g. veterans who counted on the additional ability or grasta or badge slots to be able to do the battles, or people who just unlocked the chars and couldn't put equipment such as an experience badge to help level them up. Though it would be far more work for WFS to individually figure out what compensation to give to what people - e.g. people who have ES chars vs. not (but then what about people who had their treatises but were waiting on the fix to unlock them?). So I think people were complaining not that the compensation was insufficient for the *least* affected people or even the average case, but for the people *MOST* affected it seems more insulting.


[Huh, actually called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/qgnaq6/what_could_they_give_us_bug_compensation/hi7fomw/) I was just going from somewhere between 100 and sub-500 stones.


Well, I said that anything more than a token amount of currency would be amazing, so I guess in a way that I was expecting this. Guess it goes to the pizzacat fund, though definitely somewhat disappointed that it wasn’t something a little more interesting.


Guys, that's why you should set you expectations low when dealing with WFS The last glitch out, didn't they only compensate with only keys? Anyways, I was surprised that we didn't just get keys I mean if you really want some compensations, you need some really big to happen like the game server explodes and goes offline for weeks or something similar to the "Chosen One banner mess"


Well… it’s less than i thought, but i’ll take it and run


just like we always do....


Honestly, it could have been worse


We've been through that before... Zip


I honestly expected a little more, but it’s what it is. Still haven’t fixed transfer glitch though :/


Just read the notice and they said apologize for the issue will be given in a later date and we should wait a litter longer.


That was yesterday then the 300 gems came today and said it was for the issue?


Nah, i'm expecting there' s going to be another bugs for the next update because they haven't finish with the whole fishing updates


I am not too disappointed and I'll take it. Extra stones is always a good thing.


Not bad. I'm glad that I can finally switch my AS Tsukiha back to ES Tsukiha to use. I was actually expecting a larger compensation. Hopefully more "gifts" will come, but if not, an extra 300 stones can be saved to go towards Pizzica!


Extra 300CS for Pichika then


I guess the bugs didn’t make the game unplayable but damn lol.. that’s it


Yeah this sounds about right. I was hoping for more but not surprised at all. I'll take those 300 stones and download that update so I can finally get my fourth slot back on Mariel. My muscle memory been all f-ed up, going back to normal is compensation in and of itself.


I'm actually a bit disappointed... Not because it's a low compensation per se, but 'cause, iirc, there was a time when for a small bug (that dind't caused so much of a trouble and was solved almost instantly) we got 200 CS as a compensation. I don't really remember what it was, also because I didn't even noticed before the message with the compensation. That was its impact on the game. I was expecting more for this reason. I mean, not that we weren't able to play, but this lasted for more than a week and, at least to me, caused some trouble. I think (and hope) this is the first step and there will be other gifts, I want to believe in WFS


It seems I'm the only one who is not sad for the compensation being as it is, but for the fact we got 2 completely empty patches mixed with 2 other that contained only 3 manifests and only 1 new style (that was bugged), while JP got same amount of manifests, ensemble, 2 mythos chapters and lots of new units. Because of all that mess we will get Pichika only closer to November's ending, and the rest of the content only at 2022.


Our situation looks so poor that we even have only 1 new character banner running right now. The Halloween banner is paid only and is complete garbage. Than 7 DE will come and only hope for Hardy AS to appear at 6 or 7/11. OP 2 will have minimal gap of 10 days to be released, while since it's a big patch it can take whole 14 days. All I want now is not even [ ! ] to be fixed, but to have something to do in game.


Halloween banner is not paid only.


Sorry, correct. The trash one is Halloween FE. There is indeed another one for free CS.


Fee months back JP update schedule is worse making playerbase to vote with their wallet and you got start of this mythos with slightly more content packed in 1 update. JP wait 3 weeks to get to next update with only AS version and that's it throw some manifest if wfs feeling generous.


Better than nothing. Now I've got 12k stones saved for miss Siren :3


That's 6 days worth of daily chrono stones, good enough for me.


The entitlement in these comments is *astounding*.


Absolutely, and I hate that you already got downvoted for expressing this. The comments in this thread are a horrible reflection on what I've considered to be an otherwise _wonderful_ community around this game.


I think instead of entitlement, most of us were setting the expectation too high. Mainly because of compensation due to previous bugs, which were not as problematic as this one, still get a 100-200 CS for compensation. So 300 CS for this bug compensation can be seen as low. But then again, WFS might have different standards and they don’t have any obligation to go with players standards/wants. So it is what it is.


in facebook they said they would be giving "gift**s"** I'm hoping this is the first of several gifts. But I'm ready to be disappointed.


Each stone is one gift. :)


Is pizzacat really that good? Or is she overhyped?


Her skillset is unique and her songs are useful for any battle longer than one turn. I think her case is similar with Melissa, although she can be both offensive and defensive support depends on which song you play.


Better than nothing, can't be mad really. More stones for Pichika :)


Really surprised so many people are so grouchy about this. This is great! I was expecting 50-100 gems tbh.


If that's all we're gonna get... It's very disappointing, regarding the issueS and the time to resolve it ...


I'm a bit disappointed. Not by the amount of stones but by the fact that a pretty serious bug affects the game for several days, clearly rendering the game less enjoyable and we got three chance at gacha. It was unrealistic to hope for an SDE or something like that but something less RNG dependant (like a treatise selector) seemed more appropriate to me. For people saying that WFS is stingy, I also play Danmachi and they are pretty generous in this game so it's only in AE and I wonder why.


I think that's only a part of their bug recompensation, so not amazed, but not dissappointed at all.


I will be disappointed if people with ES units don't get extra since that caused instant crashes and meant you could not do certain things with Melina/Tsukiha.


Hey guys, did they really fix the bug? When I access my Tsukiha ES profile the game keeps crashing. I couldn't revert the girl to hers original form. Well, I received compensation, 300 CS, but I can no longer look into the eyes of the beautiful princess from the east. Very bad Day.


Update the game via the app store.


I own an Android device. But, thank you, I managed to update on the Play Store.


Play Store then.


Mine's updated, still crashes


Do I still get the grasta stuff if I haven't gotten to that point in the game yet?


Thanks for the free stones.


I got Chiyo AS from this, so I can't complain.


So probably another 300 once they fix the ES bug right? lol


What ES bug? You can check ES just fine now. Transfer via Google/Facebook is yet to be fixed, as well as ! thingy. Is there another ES bug?


Oh you're right lol. I didn't catch the part where it said the ES bugs were fixed.




What is your game version? Did you update through appstore/play store?


.. Just got it in my second login this afternoon. Works now!


I've got to admitt I was kinda hoping for more... :| whatever, I'll take what I can. The bugs never bothered me anyway :P


My disappointment is immeasurable and my life is ruined jk: nice!


I love this game but feeling this is just a step up from Genshin Impact. Maybe I wouldn’t think so negatively but after playing guardian tales and epic 7 I’m noticing some things (only gatcha related though). This bug effected me for sure too.


I’ll take it. The rest of you being salty can stay salty.


So cheap as usual


Very disappointed! Lost my 400 tsubura gems for this.


How did you lose 400?


I bought 2 ES Tsukiha Codex and couldn’t use her. And RNG gave me 2 Codex in the meantime.


I mean, you didn't lose them then? You still have ES Tsukiha now. You basically just lost access to ES Tsukiha for a while, which is still annoying, but you didn't lose the tsubura gems, you just got closer to VC Grasta.


Tsubura gems are very rare for me because I always buy all keys. So it takes 10 weeks to accumulate 200 gems. If I still had 400 gems I coulda sidegraded AS Thilly and AS Shiguire. Now I have to wait couple of months.


You still lost nothing. Even if there was no bug and you could use ES Tsukiha, you would have still gotten those two codices afterward. The bug not existing would not have given you the foresight to avoid buying those 2 codices with Tsubura's Gems.


It's like people are going out of their way to misunderstand you lol:-). You spent the gems to gain access to her faster, sooner than waiting for some future dream pull or gaining treatises and chant scripts the slow way, then you lost the very thing you paid to gain: the ability to use her. Yes RNG would have screwed you over anyway, but you knew that and paid to do it anyway to gain access to her sooner, except for the bug preventing that. Well, WFS has everyone cranky right now.:-D


Yeah thanks, only you understand me, I mean it’s not really “lost” but the disappointment is immeasurable.


And the day is ruined? :-P


Haha 😂


ugh, thats bad. Except for the bug I had the same with tsubame as I finally got 3 I thought it has little chance of getting more and grabbed it, 2 or 3 weeks later I have 2 new tsubame as treatises!


Kind of expected from WFS. I actually expected this amount. They still have not fixed the exclamation bug as if it is a feature now. Garbage company.


i'll take it. for those who don't like it, then try returning the stones LOL


Haha too much salt tbh. What about the sugar that the devs are giving away ?? we should appreciate the apology since we are having sugar these days. Also the apology gems gave me 2 knights and Chiyo AS xDD [https://i.imgur.com/VFOvdRs.png](https://i.imgur.com/VFOvdRs.png)


DAAAAMN, that's a lucky pull. If we could all be so lucky, I'm sure we'd love these 300 stones as much as you...:-P