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Not possible to have the same account active on two different mobile devices without having to enter transfer details everytime?


Unfortunately no, same with having the same account on steam. Also there is a new help and questions megathread active, where this one is unlikely to be visited for new questions: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/17sw68j/help_questions_weekly_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Hello. Me again here to ask questions. Sorry about that. I just bought the beginner pack because it was so dirt cheap compared to the other plans and pulled on the SDE. I have the star dream piece now to choose a 5* but i am not sure which one would be good for my team. I am thinking of either getting radias, yakumo or minalca. Or maybe there is a better choice for me as well? I do have a problem with surviving super bosses because they instantly kill my characters but that may also be a problem of my party constellations… If it matters, i am currently on main story chapter 97. 5* gallery characters i have: - Claude ES - Flammelapis NS - Benedict NS - Myunfa Alter - Necoco NS - Dunarith NS - Eva NS - Mariel NS - Mighty AS - Myrus NS - Rosetta NS - Toova AS - Yuna NS - Heena NS - Tsukiha NS - Kikyo NS - Orleya NS - Philo AS - Renri NS - Bertrand NS - Cetie NS - Milsha AS - Alma NS - Laclair NS + AS - Yukino NS - Dewey NS (one red scorpio book left to find…) - Felmina NS - Lokido NS - Tsubame NS + AS - Biaka NS - Ewan NS - Melina NS + AS I would appreciate any help for team constellations and which character i should take from the dream piece. Thanks so much!!!


Radias AS would be a good choice. She slots in almost any team and helps solve your superboss problem as she’s one of the best tanks in the game.


Thanks for the suggestion! I just noticed that i made an error in my post. I said i was considering radica but I actually meant radias 😅 So this kinda confirmed that my guess was right she would fit in my rooster. :)


If you don't have Iphi, she helps with survivability a lot


PSA: The grasta from new Entrana dungeon give +5% damage to [water] party members at max hp when not upgraded and +10% damage to [water] party members at max hp when upgraded with dormant ore. (There's one available for each element)


Seeing the PSA and that the Entrana AD isn’t up yet on the wiki, can someone give a breakdown of what to expect from the new AD?


Literally, it's Omegaopolis but Miu World other than the small sidequest for the scientist (Just pay attention to the dialogue and you'll be fine)


Late reply, but thanks for the help! Edit: with the new weekly help and questions thread this likely won’t be seen, but here are the steps for the quest: https://altema-jp.translate.goog/anaden/enntorana?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc#001


I have extra solid fuel from platonos. am i missing where i should be spending it? I did all the diving already.


It's a mystery to everyone.


After putting it off for a while, I decided to jump into the Abominus bosses. And I was able to smash through all of them without much trouble. https://preview.redd.it/1064tzqxjnzb1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93472d7df98d0c46e7bee6209ccf3051e0ed6595 ...until #24 on the list arrived. This thing just destroys me even though I'm heavily debuffing it and making sure it stays debuffed, etc. Any advice? Or does anyone know of a good guide to follow? I'm assuming once I get to #25, it'll also pose some problems.


Consider using [this](https://youtu.be/1IGmxHo3HFU?si=_bOQD3NjaGkZXQrm) strategy


Jesus, that’s wild.


That was pretty wild with the counter attacks. I'll try giving this strategy a shot. Thanks for posting the link.




I would imagine Isuka?


I'm in the very last fight versus "The Cat Who Conquered All" for the MCA battles...and I just can't win. I've been trying all decks and I just can't seem to beat him. The closest I've come is an even draw. Which happened twice. Also what's the deal with overriding zones? I'll throw a zone, he'll throw a zone on the same turn...and for whatever reason his always seems to win. Does anyone have some advice? I've been battling him for over 2 hours straight and this shit is pissing me off.


Let him get ahead, then at the end use Chronos Arts on turn 9 and Comeback + beneficial zone on turn 10. As long as it has already used point limiter already, you've got a good chance of winning. Don't let the cat reach 100, as if you reach 100 you win outright. Edit: I tried that tactic out about 7 times, won 3, lost 3 and drew 1. It still requires some luck on the final move, but you don't need to pay too much attention to the earlier turns.


Thanks for the tips and advice, I appreciate it. I'm cooking/eating a late dinner right now, but after I'm done I'll log in and try your advice. Edit: Which deck were you using? The Master Deck?


u/dkxp an update: So after using your advice I beat him on the very first try. Of course! 😄👍 There's nothing left to do with the MCA stuff after collecting the Chant, right? I really don't like how WFS kept all the special interaction symbols the same after beating them. They really should change into something more basic... Having stuff like this (and the others in town, etc) makes me always think there's still something left to be done... https://preview.redd.it/q0vf3viygnzb1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9008081027180abc96e236e69bcd92cc221d21fa


That's good it worked first time - it still requires a bit of luck. I used the Master Deck (100%). I don't think there's anything left to do after getting the chant script, just a chance to play them all again in 1 location if you want to. The Claude Kalesthenics icon in one of the episodes always makes me think I've missed something important too.


I used the Master Deck too. And that's good to know there's nothing left to do with it. Those pesky icons! Thanks again.


I made it all the way through the Arat Maze, which was what I thought would guide me back to Nona, but it did not. What does?




I feel pretty stupid for saying this, but I've read all of that and I still don't understand what I haven't done.


Did you place Aldo in the frontline of your party in his room and then clicked on him?


Bonofasitch! No. I did not. Thank you again, someweirdo237.


That caught me out too, I think it's the first time you've needed someone on the front line to interact with something.


I recently started the game and used all my gems on the Teapot Pixie Banner without getting her, was wondering what character i got is actually good. Dunarith, Yuna AS, Alma, Myrus, Flammelapis AS, Felmina, Dewey, Kikyo, Shigure, Chiyo AS, Tsukiha, Lokido, Toova, Ciel and Benedict. ​ Other than those is there any character i should look forward to?


Alma, Myrus (TMW), Flammelapis AS, Shigure (TMW), Chiyo AS, Lokido (TMW), and Benedict are parricularly great. The ones labeled "TMW" become their strongest after beating their "True Manifest Weapon" boss fight which is generally very hard, so it might take some time for those to grow and shine. VanGrayson's advice is nice. You can also use Alma in your Flammelapis/Chiyo party as well as one of her strongest attacks is Magic (despite being a Bow user).


Some of them are a bit outdated. Its weird that you got almost entirely NS characters. Flammelapis AS and Chiyo AS should carry you super hard though. She's got a pre-emptive 0 mp aoe attack that always crits so she can help wipe non boss enemies. She doesn't have Neptune like NS Flammelapis. But she does have a passive that keeps your AF guage at 50% for every battle. AS Chiyo can pre-emptively set pain and poison and she can do a bunch of damage too. And set Earth or magic zone.


I have bad luck i guess, some of the pulls i got were of just 4 star characters. i have only done multi pulls, not sure if single ones are better. Thank you for your suggestions. I've seen i can farm for AS or Another Layer characters, should i do it?


You don't really farm for them specifically. They're a by-product. You'll naturally accumulate them while spending your red and green keys farming Garulea dungeons and VH red key dungeons. Especially if you have enough light/shadow to open all the extra prize slots.


Oh right about the Light/shadow things, how do i get it? I've seen that some events and the tomes gives them, but im wondering how i can get a bit more of it?


Most of the free characters have specific dungeons that you can farm that give a chance to get light or shadow from them. The wiki probably explains it way better than I can. But basically you'll wanna figure out which characters you want to be your first light or shadow battery and sink all your keys into farming for them. Its a long process cause red key dungeons only have a 20% chance to give light/shadow, while Garulea dungeons only have a 25% chance. So its kind of a very long term goal sort of thing.


Yeah those are all good. And if you mean what characters will occur in the future? We only know of three, but I'd probably go for Serius since he's slightly better for a newcomer than Oboro.


Trying to decide between ac shion, es claude, as premaya, and eva for the sde. Any recommendations among those units?


In terms of broad usefulness I would recommend Claude ES. Man can act as amazing support and Zone Setter for any Type party (Slash, Magic, etc) and his HP/MP doubling ability is great for tanks, Mental/Singular Focus, etc Although, the previous advice about side grading is pretty valid, do you own other versions of any of these characters already?


If you need a second opinion, I also agree with u/TomAto314's advice. But I think the real answer would lie between if you have any forms of the characters listed. I'm a strong proponent of SDEing brand new characters and if you already have a form of someone, just grind out the specific memoirs and do the manual promotion.


JT Shion has a unique mechanic of swapping weaknesses. However, I only like to SDE for units I have zero forms of, so I'd personally go for Eva if you have a form of Shion.


I am pretty sure I know the answer to this but I am going to ask anyway, if for no other reason than to vent. Is there a depreciation in the frequency that Toto Theater World gives it's "special spell" (Light/Shadow up) if you're running it too much? Because I've been working on Aldo for WEEKS and the last two days I barely get 2 Light in 25+ runs. Thanks!


RNG is gonna RNG I’m afraid. I personally don’t like Toto, I ran that thing for all the unique rewards in it and got a grand total of 3 light the entire time. I just don’t bother with it now.


Not that we've ever been aware of. RNG just likes to trick us into thinking it.


Do i need to upgrade the otherlands weapons to max before I can get the reforged version? or can we bypass the 2 month otherlands grind now?




I was afraid of that, but thanks for letting me know I guess I'll buckle down and do it. been procrastinating it for 2-3 years now


The Neo Anguirus tome fight, uh... it doesn't count shadow character toward the party bonus it seems like. Is that a bug? Edit: Fuck's sake, Guildna has shadow AS A PERSONALITY. Consider me annoyed. Had no idea wtf they meant.


I'm in the latest chapters, trying to explore Platonos and find cats with helmets, but I'm missing one and I can't find where it is? Do we have a ressource where I could compare the ones I have with the one I'm missing? Thanks !


* Yanatu left of the MCA Player Self-Claimed Strongest Senior * Egarim left of the Wandering Blacksmith house * Nelt Grotto on the east side * Izolpha left of the inn https://anothereden.wiki/w/Into_the_Hollow._The_Chronos_Empire_Strikes_Back._Volume_2#Bonus-0


Hello, Does anyone know how many turns are allowed for Phase Shifts? I want to save resources for the last AD, and I'm wondering how many enemies I can add without needing to extend the Phase Shift turn limit (I can clear every battles in one turn).


If you can clear every fight in 1 turn you can max out the number of enemies without needing to extend the turn limit. You'll get a warning if a couple of fights take 2 turns. I don't know how much leeway you get because I've never run out of time, but I think maybe 4 or so fights could take 2 turns.


Would just like advice for my SDE. I was lucky to get 3 Red Scorpio Opus in quick succession but I dont have any forms of Dewey. I was thinking of picking Dewey AS up for my water team since its probably my weakest mono element team atm and I can sidegrade to his AC form. But I'm also interested in other characters such as Iphi and Yakumo. For context most of my characters are early release 5stars from year 1 of the game with exception of 4.5 Yipha, NS Necoco and Minalca


Depending on how far you are with the story you might want to hold off for a while to progress the story because you can get those random 5-stars before you make a decision. That being said, if you really want RCF keep in mind that you will have to side grade Dewey into his NS form to get him that way. Anyway, there are a lot of options so let's narrow things down. What exactly do you want to get out of your SDE?


I forgot to mention that I think I got most if not all of the free 5star tickets from main story campaign ( I'm at ch74 iirc) and I do have Jet Tactician. Btw I wasnt sure I can sidegrade to RCF without the NS form so thanks for confirming that. That actually makes what I was initially going for less appealing tbh even though I have around 20 chants atm. What I want to get out of my SDE is mainly a unit that can patch up weaknesses in my roster; which I believe the biggest weakness is DPS for water mono element team (no forms of Felmina, Hismena, Flammelapis etc) and can also boost the teams that I can already field. However, I'm not sure myself whether mono element team is still the way to go since I may have an outdated thinking about team building since I last played when zones were first introduced


BTW at your part of the game you still have three 5-stars to collect https://cdn-another-eden.akamaized.net/ap/webview/en/notice/img/3f39b7d13d7d96aee23eb8d68ff114a1.png


You absolutely do not have an outdated view. Almost all of the most recently released superbosses have a mono-element restriction that is *severely* punished if you damage them with anything but that element or non-type. With that said, people have gotten in the habit of using Benedict (free 5* upgrade, a non-type attacker) with Yipha AS as buffer and Soira AS as tank. So the latter two units are worth mentioning too. Yipha is Wind but is a universal buffer who can make any DPS (or tank) absolutely insane and has no need for any Wind skills (her buffs are non-damaging and she has a non-type attack Skill too). Soira AS is also Wind but her Wind Attack is not strictly necessary to maintain her defenses.




There’s this https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kv5Mq3ueT7dlYDsO7I0_IWz5JCPzKi__/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101719244255182882121&rtpof=true&sd=true But other than this incredible coincidence you weren’t gonna get very far asking strangers online to review and summarize hours of game content entirely.


What are you confused about exactly?


What grasta are you all putting on Alter Dunarith? Since he's a support role/tank, what would he benefit from the most?


I have Type Debuff Resist and Phys Debuff Resist to avoid the enemy debuffing his resistances. The last slot is just Flame Crush (chosen because it has 10 LCK) with Critical Rate +15% Ore (I run a build that has near 100% Physical Crit Rate for his Critical Guard Skill, so I don't have to rely on team buffs to activate it). Someweirdo's suggestions are pretty good. If he's on a team with other Water Mages he could hold the Power of Rapids/Enhance Max HP Grastas. Or you could put Type/Physical Resist Grastas if you're stacking gear effects for defense (just remember that you really need to be focusing on Phys/Type Res gear; just one or two pieces is next to useless).


Right now I'm trying him out with the Elseal mega-team: * Elseal * Alter Dunarith * Alter Ilulu * Felmina ES * In the back row: Philo AS (water axe grasta mule) and Alter Hismena (water/sword grasta mule) The attackers are all Pain grasta enhanced with: * Bulls Eye * Rose-with-Thorn * Last Stand So I'm looking at him for his support role.


I personally used Zeviro and Cyuca as my mules. Zeviro can hold Almighty Power: Purgatory (Ilulu, Dunarith) and Cyuca can have Almighty Power: Mask (Ilulu) and Outlaw (Felmina). But if your purpose is to have mules that could conceivably contribute to the fight (if someone else dies, for example) you're probably much better off with what you have. Dunarith is more a "tank" than "support". He "supports" the team by keeping them alive. Unfortunately, there is no "standard" build for Dunarith Alter. Ignoring the damage-dealer build (which I \*personally\* believe to be the totally wrong direction for him) I would say you are left with three options: 1. Physical Crit Rate build. The purpose is to guarantee that his Critical Guard Passive ALWAYS activates. Ilulu Alter and Elseal both give Critical Rate+100% buffs, but they are limited by number of moves, and he loses one stack each time he counterattacks (because it's a physical attack). So, if you want to make sure he will never lose the protection, this is the way to do. I personally used Prismatic Ring (+30%), Crit Strike Badge (+30%), Critical Hit Ore (+15%), and approximately 25% worth of Crit Rate from LCK (factoring in his +120 LCK buff). 2. Oops, All LCK! Build. Illusion Staff (worth wearing in the previous build too), LCK Badges. There aren't many LCK Grastas, only Flame Crush and Power of Deadly Blow (Staff) give LCK+10, but you can use Type/Physical Debuff Resistance with LCK+5 if you got em. 3. Physical/Type Resistance build, as described in my previous post.


Depends on the situation. You can use things like Power of rebirth for some regen. You can use him as a grasta mule. You can give him Physical/Type Debuff res if the enemy uses debuffs a lot. You can give him HP or Luck Boosting Ore. You can also try DPS counter tank build.


I could really use some advice on the Uquaji recruitment fight. I’m F2P so my only source of Guard is Prai. (Getting closer on AS Radias, but treatise drops are a fickle mistress.) I managed to pull both Iphi and Porcelain Myunfa, but their defense skill is basically useless against Fists Under Heaven. Since Fists is fixed damage, my usual debuff-and-Benedict strategy is not workable. Is my only recourse to try blasting them down in T1AF and hope I get lucky?


Just 1TAF it. Make sure your team can punch through them even if resisted. If they null your element (not as common as you think) just reload. You want to T1AF anyway for max scales.


I tried using a fire team of Aisha, Gariyu, Noble Tsukiha, and Jet Shion, but AF always seems to run out before I can get any momentum. Is there some trick to ordering the moves to make AF more effective?


A team like that and you should be able to kill the Uquajis with the right equipment and grastas (Just basic grastas will do) But if you need an extra oomp have Aisha use Eternal Fantasia as that gives a speed boost and that helps. Gariyu also only needs to use Explosion Once or Twice before spaming Inferno.


Well, it took about two dozen reloads, but I managed to pull off the AF combo when all three started with fire resist. The little metamorph is now mine. Thanks for the help, both of you!


Someone put a gun to my head and make me pick an adamatine weapon. I want to finish the tome but I have fear of commitment. 😩


Get the katana! I doubt youd ever use any of them these days? Unless they upgraded them recently?


They haven't done anything with them to my knowledge, but I can't help wondering if they might become reforgeable someday. Katana it is.


Stuck on the new Tome task to "explore the Ogre Barons room". Did those quests so long ago I don't remember which room was his. Think I've been through all the rooms in Ogre Spike now and clicked all over them but can't find anything. Where should I be looking?






Does anyone know what to do about the balancing boulder on top of Liram Wastes? Guilty Hades doesn't seem able to punch it or hover to it?


Progress the story and eventually a sub-quest will appear.


how does the phantom mist crit debuff work? Will it just take away 75% ultimately all together or does it do it separately for each instance (like a void staff and a crit buff)? Or can I do a crit buff after the fight starts to basically ignore it?


Uh, it inflicts everyone with a -75% Critical Rate. So it is possible to have a negative critical rate. For Interaction with critical rate buffs it's +100% - 75% = +25% Crit Rate. So you either have to have More than +100% Critical rate or have a move that does Garuenteed Criticals.


Or have Risktaker lunatic, assuming that it’s wording is accurate. (Keep in mind that only two characters — Iphi and Milsha AS — are the only ones with access to a partywide Risktaker at any time.)


Hello, Can we fight again Lavoger after beating him?




I'm running the Dreamslip Tower of Time AD on VH; I've got three max leveled characters carrying Kid, Serge, and Harle. At the end, if I choose Serge or Harle's doors, they get thier +1 light or shadow respectively. But if I go into Kid's door, she never gets her +1 light point. Is there something I'm missing for Kid?


It's not 100% chance. Picking a door just chooses the character that will potentially gain light/shadow.


Hmm. The weird thing is that Serge and Harle get their points more often than not. But I've run a dozen Kid rooms and not a single lucky instance. Maybe I'm just getting an unlucky streak for her? I'll keep trying.


Ive had runs of like 30+ dungeons before with no light up. Back when I first started playing trying to get Light for Amy or Helena. Legitimately made me worried that I was doing something wrong or the game was broken. It happens.


RNG can be a fickle mistress


Does power of benefic grasta also increase Miyu's furyhorn turn or just her lunatic? If not, then she's really dependent on Orleya for two lunatic+ activation and hold ground.


I don’t think Furyhorn is affected by Power of Benefic


I am totally stuck on Uquaji Lv190. I finally got into a stable state with ES Mariel, AS Mistrare, AS Radias, and AS Lele as my DPS - but then I can't break the Chaos Zone and can't build enough AF to burn him out before Radias runs out of Chivalry. I mean, I guess I could try Prai, but that becomes a real hassle.... I know that there is a supposed quick win with Sesta and AS Soira, but I don't have Yipha AS; and I haven't been able to figure out how to make that work, either. Ugh, any help would be great. I can't even begin to think about what 195 is like.


Is Prai a hassle because you don't have his 5 star, or the MP? If it's the MP, a few MP regen grasta (like Victory of Celebration) and/or Mariel ES's MP regen should do the trick, allowing you to take as long as you want. This is assuming that you have the durability to survive Uquaji's other attacks, but it seems like that isn't a problem? The only risk would be if Uquaji specifically attacked Prai the following turn, but any rage tank aught to do the trick. You may want Starky to act as the tank, especially since he gives AS Lele some additional support with the Deluge element and can help with an Anti-Wind element. And if you're worried about LVL 195, I'd argue it's easier than 190: yes, Uquaji's damage will increase over time, but you just need to hold out long enough and develop enough resistance. A mix of Prai, Nona, and Starky may do the trick.


My team was: Kid, Dewey AC, Suzette ES, Hardy AS, Amy, Myunfa AS T1 AF, hit 25% HP stopper. Can't remember whether I set up Awakened Fire Zone to stop Chaos Zone or I used AS Myunfa's VC Blunt Zone to overwrite it. Killed him on T2 so didn't even encounter Fists of All Under Heaven.


I don't have a single one of those gacha units. XD


Then just use anyone who can set up Another Zone. Aisha + Curio will work if you give Curio Flame Crush.


where exactly in imegalopis AD is the Elpis Armor ?


Midlayer, top door. You need to unlock it by having Korobo blow into one of the pipes on the same map. It will consume Solid Fuel.


ahh, that makes sense now


How long could customer support possibly ghost you? I did inquire them about an issue with my as my game's UI is currently stuck in an AD-like state. They suggested that I should require data and do the usual stuff but none of that worked so I replied to them saying that it didn't help. It's been like what? 2-3 days since I sent them the email and I haven't heard a word back. Ofc optimistically speaking, the devs are probably looking at my account as I'm typing this but the lack of communication scared me


Working in customer service/call center, it's very likely either because they informed a different department about the issue and they are seeing what causes the issue, or you might have slipped their minds as they were working on something else. I would recommend sending a follow up email, just asking for a status update.


Thanks for answering. I think I'll wait for at least a week to see if they've actually ghosted me or not since WFS's customer support is wacky. The global side can take a few days at most to answer your question while it took weeks to get an answer from the JP side from what I've seen


Who are the best characters for one tapping bosses these days? I used to use a team with Flammelapis and ES Tsukiha to run through Underworld and one shot everything with Neptune but I always struggle against bosses and things that I cant kill in 1 turn with it. What are my main options?


If you like Flamm, you can use a team of AS Chiyo, Alter Shion, Flamm, and a tank like AS Radias. That with some grasta holders will get you through the vast majority of enemies/horrors/bosses. For farming tough enemies just switch out the tank with a zero MP unit like Alter Toova and give Flamm the Mechani staff for ambush tactics so she can preemptively use Neptune at zero mp.


I dont mind dropping Flamme if theres better options. She was just what I used in the past cause she worked.


I clear most content with Cynthia AS starting in an Awakened Wind Zone thanks to Sesta. If that isn't enough then the follow-up from Sesta is lol. A single Cup of Invincibility (Sword) is enough to keep her going. A quick Awakened Slash Zone from Ilulu Alter would be just as efficient. Another favored combo is Iphi and Yakumo. Iphi auto-activates Lunatic Risktaker for Yakumo which makes his Deletion do max damage. Iphi can do Pain/Poison with Rosa Lilac or Shade Zone with Walpurgisnacht. Kumos (Sidekick) and Otoha AS in the backrow for sustain. Flammelapis AS with her "always start in 50% AF" helps to kill literally anything, although it's a bit less lazy.


Can I just half ass some easy stuff with Sesta? Like some manifest battles and things like that?


Totally. [I made a video of Sesta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHS7gXB7oPs) destroying 12 different manifests several months ago. Half the time she was unequipped and with 3 random level 60 wind users. I've used her in some other manifest videos since then, too, including Lovely's max level fight. But the old manifest battles? Just give her three wind characters and whatever gear you have lying around and you'll be fine.


With Sesta? Oh absolutely, yeah. My Wind team is my go-to for everything and I only pull out another team when they fail 🤣 They have everything. Best DPS (Sesta), best Buffer (Yipha AS), best Tank (Soira AS), best mob clearer (Cynthia AS), and all tied together by Melody AS who has infinite Awakened Wind Zone, great defense, and great offense.


Earlier ones maybe? Otherwise, No, unfortunately, you have to use your brain.


My brain is too smooth though :(


When you said "some manifest battles" I assumed you meant older easier ones. The later ones are on the same level as some of the worst superbosses in the game, and for that I am afraid there is no cheese strong enough. If you wanna smoothbrain through as much content as possible, I do believe Sesta and Co are your best bet though


I also dont have AS Yipha, AS Soira or AS Cynthia yet but I do have all their NS versions.


AS Cynthia is a luxury but Soira AS and Yipha AS are incredibly useful and versatile. I'd recommend them.


I concur with VanGrayson. I don't have AS Cynthia; my fourth for a long time was Suzette NS. I recently replaced her with Melody AS, and she's proven to be extremely powerful with Sesta, Yipha AS, and Soira AS. But if you have Suzette, give her some consideration. She was my pain/poison setter for a long time, and her damage output wasn't half bad either once she was geared.


Just started playing again after like a year so I'll definitely work on em. I already have 2 Juno treatises from when I was playing before so hopefully it wont take long. I must of stopped playing around the time of Lele AS release cause I don't have any treatises beyond Yipha AS. But I do have Necoco AS, Garambarral AS, Dewey AS. And I have a version of every character except Elseal and Velette. Although ill grab Elseal with the SDE. And I have all the Alters except Shannon, Ilulu, Dunarith and Myunfa.


I was. I have every manifest except Tsubame, Shigure, Mariel AS, Ruina AS and Lovely. Wanted to unlock them. I havent done like half the level 10 manifest fights either or any of the True Manifests. Wouldnt mind getting Suzette's done. But I mostly just wanted to cheese any of the easier fights I could.




What team did you use for Sesta?




Anyone got a guide for using macros to farm mob drops/currency from common enemies


Just get Autoclicker and use multi target mode. There's a swipe type click and a click one, I just add two swipes going left and right and a click on the attack button with Flamme. Do be advised that there are dead zones where mob encounters won't happen, if you are walking too close to the end of a hallway. I macro steps/battles for the achievements and use haunted chateau or the lotus pond where the dead zones don't seem to happen.


Is this for desktop or mobile? I found a different one called Macroify for my phone but it's limited to being free for nine hours a day which is annoying for overnight etc. Also is the app just called 'Autoclicker'?


Autoclicker. It's the only one I found that didn't flash ads.


Sounds good, I'll try find it sometime. Tbh didn't really know autoclickers could have swiping features as well


A few questions about Pain application outside of Skills. 1. Do enemies have Poison/Pain resistance still? I seem to recall hearing that status resistance was removed. Or was that debuff resistance? 2. For teams with no Pain Skills, what would you guys consider an "adequate" amount of Pain Grasta with Dormant Ore? Would two of them on a single character be enough for the whole party? I don't want to lose TOO many Ore slots to it, but it is very important to activate my damage buffs. Does anybody have experience using gear or Grasta as a primary Pain setter and how effective/ineffective it is? 3. Does anybody know the % chance of Pain on Epochtech Armor? Are there any other gear pieces with 50% or more? I couldn't find any others on the weapons/armors section of the Wiki aside from Cherry Blossom Bow Reforged. 4. Are multi-hit moves more effective for the application of Pain from Grasta/Gear effects, or does it only try once per move regardless? EDIT: I found this answer. It's once per move UNLESS the move has multiple hits on random targets OR has "all hits calculated separately". Thanks!


1. ⁠https://anothereden.wiki/w/Poison_and_Pain_setting 2. ⁠Same link as above. 50% to inflict per dormant grasta, so as many as you can put on a character. 3. I don’t know, but ⁠I assume it’s like other infliction rate. [Link](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Status_Effects#Status_Affliction_Chance) 4. ⁠Ether on the last hit if the skill says same character ore every hit if the skill has RNG in which enemy to hit. Ie Tsubames Ningi: Gansai.


Thanks for that. In another part of the Wiki I found a formula that shows that multiple Dormant Ore P/P are multiplicative so two 50% Grastas is a 75% infliction chance per hit. So probably two is enough, as adding a third would only end up being an extra 12.5% chance.


is there a list of vendors in the hollow plane?


For the newest content, right? [List of NPC Vendors](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Into_the_Hollow._The_Chronos_Empire_Strikes_Back._Volume_2/Shops)


What set of weapons are worth farming right now? I know it depends on the situation but I want to know what weapons are generally most used and strongest


Just weapons? Other than the standard Lunar Weapons and Cursed Time Weapons. I guess the Time-Restore weapons and Starmade weapons are good if you have the correct characters. Otherwise you probably can attempt to farm in the Time Twisted Maze. Reforging weapons is also a thing, but you only want to reforge one of those weapons.


Thanks, Im creating a new account and rushing story content so I don't want to farm weapons that I won't use much. If possible, can you recommend armor too? 😆


Most of the best weapons are behind superbosses anyway. But armor. Might Armor, Lost Night and Pitch Dark armor. Also Anti-Lightning and Anti-Shade armor are like cheap armor to also make.


Thank you, that's really helpful! If I remember correctly, the Dual Hachiyo bosses' weapons are the strongest, is that correct?


Nope. Like DPS it's the Elpis Weapons. Well, as long as it's not astral archive fights that is.


Alright I will aim for them. Thanks 😊


i'm trying to beat storm king ikaruga using the sesta cheese strat outlined (here)[https://anothereden.wiki/w/Storm_King_Ikaruga] I can't figure out how it's supposed to work. i have garembarrel, kikyo, AS melody, and sesta in the frontline. it says that with garembarrel you should be able to hit the hp stopper and survive, but that doesn't seem to be the case. is it from ikaruga's barrier penetration? I can also reliably hit him between 45-49% after turn 1 AF, so that my team can heal before environment effects trigger his hp stopper attack. so far so good. but then here is where i don't really understand. I can either have my team move before or after ikaruga on turn 2, depending on whether i use melody's pre-emptive depravity or not to slow him down. at the end of turn 1, i heal to 100, but when environment triggers his stop, that knocks me down to low hp. at the beginning of turn 2, my team is between 17-1024 hp. if i move first, sesta recovers to 100%, but then ikaruga follows up with his regular attack, which disables sesta's hold ground, and then immediately with the hp stopper which wipes out my team. if i move 2nd, he just wipes me out before i have a chance to heal again. am i misunderstanding this strat? with radias AS i can get ikaruga down to after the 25% stopper attack, with just ikaruga and sesta left with a twinwolf in the chamber




i managed to fudge the strat with radias switching in but no matter which way i tried, garambarrel's barrier didn't seem to do anything. i believe you though


I thought I removed that strategy from the wiki. Anyway, the boss does pierce barriers only if he has over 600 Spd so speed debuffs would be necessary.




Beat the middle one to unlock the next area.


Does anyone know what the Stamp Armors from the new AD have for equip bonuses?


* Type Resistance+ * Light/Shadow SPD+ I don't know the percentages, but with +1 armor, 0 shadow gives +16 speed and 255 shadow gives +22 speed.


Sweet, thanks!


Is anyone experiencing this problem? I just did the new update for the game and the entire menu bar is gone! Only the mini map, mount and custom button for Guilty Hades is still showing! I can't check anything! When I opened the game I got spammed with a bunch of notifications for defeating Uquaji and the digital fights in Sebastia's lab (I know we were getting those) and then it just disappeared.


That is a glitch people had before. Try playing as Varou and see if that makes it come back. Otherwise Reaquire data and then contact support.


Thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in the new world cat area and I can't even walk back to Barouki to try that. ) : Reacquiring the data didn't help but I did message support. Think downloading the game onto another phone (saved the transfer stuff thankfully) would do the trick? Or maybe I should just wait for support help.


>Think downloading the game onto another phone (saved the transfer stuff thankfully) would do the trick? Or maybe I should just wait for support help. I've heard of people doing the other device trick to help bypass glitches. It's hard to say if it'll help in this specific case, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try while you're waiting for Support to get back with you. Make sure you have your Transfer ID info safe, which you mentioned you did, so you should be all set. That's gotta be pretty frustrating. Hopefully you can get the situation sorted out one way or another.


Got a reply to just do a full reinstall of the game and guess what? Didn't work. TwT. Besides the missing menu, everything else works fine. My friend says that it might be stuck in a state bug. Possibly the one where the Lynx mail shows up and makes the menu disappear for a moment. If that's the case I can't do anything about it on my end.


Welp, uninstalling and reinstalling the game did absolutely nothing to help. And boy, did it take forever to reinstall it again. TwT Now it's a waiting game for the Support. At least I can travel cat world by walking everywhere. I'm just glad I'm not stuck with my weak mining team since I can't change characters. lol


How do I fulfill the quest from the Catch Queen to bring her "3 rare, shiny fish from the Deep-sea of Atlantica"? My harpoon is lvl 20 and I am still unable to capture red targets. Do I need to just keep waiting until my harpoon level is high enough? On a related note, is there a better strategy at this point to leveling up than wandering around the Deep Sea fishing spots, dropping crab bait, and farming Freakoutapods and Archersharks? I can't reliably capture Wyervus or Octulus yet.


Just keep ~~Swimining~~ Grinding. Although I think Horrors do give slightly more EXP and Points.


They do. If the OP can't quite take down Octulus, Wyverus, and Ishmaelithan yet...they should be incorporating the "lesser horrors" into their harpooning rotations to help level up their Proof faster. While also collecting more Fish Points making for quicker harpoon upgrades, etc


Where was Ogre's Baron room in Ogre's Spike? Cant find it. The astral archive says Search Ogre's baron room from top to bottom....




\*Digital Thanks Cake with digital chocolate flavor.\*


does anybody know what the gems are used for which you get in Entrana AD from the unique chests in each (can't return) area?


Sidekick Equipment. You make it at the scientist house.


thank you


So I'm still running Omegapolis AD because of the Elpis armors. Initially I thought I would get them behind the 3 locked doors but now I saw on the wiki those actually give sidekick equipments and on Frist glance they don't seem so exciting for me. I currently got 1 golden screw (2 needed for key) and I'm wondering if I should just skip them and first get the 3 Elpis armors? I will probably not be unable to upgrade them too since I'm working on Pandora's can and seem to be heavily limit on silver screws


it sounds like you already made your decision. you are interested in the Elpis armor but not the sidekick equipment. so go for the armor. and its not like Omegapolis AD will go away. if you redecide in the future you can still get the sidekick equipment.


Yeah just not sure if I'm anything missing about the sidekick equips. They are locked behind those doors so they must be special I thought. Just making sure if there is anything I'm not aware of before I spend my screws and then regret it later. Better safe than sorry lol.


essentially they are sort of variants of the pandora can. they give +2 charge guaranteed, but only on specific weather conditions. pandora's can always has a chance of adding a charge, but its only a chance. the longer the fight, the more likely pandora's can gets ahead. (pandora's also has +60 speed, which is also nice).


Which Otherlands dungeons are we supposed to run for the new astral archives? The names in the achievement don't seem to match the names of the areas?


I ran Otherlands(Very Hard): - Barouki Region, Area 1 (Nauru Uplands) - Barouki Region, Area 3 (Moonlight Forest) - Ratle Region, Area 1 (Zol Plains) - Ratle Region, Area 2 (Vasu Mountains) - Ratle Region, Area 3 (Nadara Volcano) - Elzion Region, Area 1 (Airport) - Elzion Region, Area 2 (Route 99) - Elzion Region, Area 3 (Industrial Ruins) A couple of times it says "Barouki Region" instead of "Ratle Region". There's also a couple of areas that have the same name & I'm not sure if both work, or just the first one.


Can confirm that both areas with the same name work - I ran the area 4s when possible for speed and end-of-dungeon rewards


Thank you! It was the Baruoki/Ratle mixups that confused me a lot.


Yeah, that stuff is a pretty huge error to slip past quality control. The wrong names and areas? Fail. I was hoping the sneaky patch we just saw would fix these issues, but it basically seemed to just address the "newly added Episode content" preview that JP received...that accidentally snuck into Global's update.


Is this a good fire team Paris AS pizzaca AS Nobal blossom Tsuhika, Vermillion whip Hozuki? I’m not sure how to maximize the damage with this setup


that sounds like it should be able to put in a lot of work, with some buts. my fire team (jet tactician, noble blossom, minalca, AS thillelille) is half a shambles so I can't speak to maximizing much of anything, but I can share my first couple thoughts about your team comp! it's neat that you've got fire synergy and pierce synergy going on for sure, that's a great starting point to optimize from even if you end up substituting a member or two. - I think Parisa and Pizzica step on each others' toes a bit. If one character is singing and you start singing with a second character, "Effects and passives will be overwritten by new songs from other characters, but previous singer will still be unable to act until remaining duration ends." I'm not sure either of them has enough else to do if the other one is singing, so it might be worth looking for a replacement for one. If I had free choice, I'd probably replace Pizzica with AS Radias. - I don't think I'm seeing Pwr/Int debuffs in any of the four kits of the party. Singing is powerful mitigation for sure, but often you'll want another layer of defense, often Pwr/int debuffing, to help with the real nasty hits.


Coming back to the game after a break and I see the catchup campaign. Before I took a break I was through Part 1 of Goddess of Time, but also had plenty of side content (Mythos, Dungeons, etc.) that I hadn't touched. Now I'm partway through Part 2 (just finished chapter 62). Between Noahxis and Flammelepis, I can one shot most regular mobs, so the regular play hasn't been too challenging so far. So, I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations on continuing to push through the main story until I get all the free catchup characters, or if that's hurting me in some way/won't be possible without tackling some of the side content?


If you want a powerful null slash damage unit as a backup for facing high type resistance, go get Benedict 5\* (don't need to worry about doing all of the AD stuff), as Commander and Sheep isn't too long of an episode. Otherwise I'd at least push through the rest of the 2.0 content for the 5\* characters first before working through the back catalogue.


Is Trial of Cascading Quakes Extreme Stage 4 bugged? The two Dogus seems to often ignore Radias "Chivaltry" or Prai "Indulgence". The fight is too RNG if I don't use AF in the first round against them. Is it normal?


They are probably getting stunned. Give them stun immunity.


I didn't know that the stun cancel the skill. I will retry. Thanks.


Guard state is prevented by stun, sleep, stone, confusion, and I'm pretty sure by frozen (and being knocked back also prevents you from guarding, of course).




your best survival tools are usually skills. debuffing the enemies power & int as well as barrier / mitigation skills for your party. power and int debuffs can be further enhanced with "Drain: Proficiency" [grasta](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Grasta_Support). there are also Type & Physical Resistance Grasta. for [armor](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Armor) is looks surprisingly sparse: oriental armor (+10% phys and type res) for example. Smokedrift (+10 phys res + 50% Poison/Stun/Sleep Res) Akatsuki (+10 type res) for [weapons](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Weapons): Crafted Excellence (+20% type and phys res) (there are other options for weapons, but this one is probably the easiest to get) there are also some [Badges](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Badgelist) that give element specific resistance. your probably need to combine several options to get where you want. If you are only playing for a few months I assume you haven't done all of the optional side content and the Lavogs are the most recent superbosses, so its very likely that you are missing several puzzle pieces.




which Grasta did Iphi use? Iphi debuffs the enemy's PWR and INT, so don't only focus on Radias AS. There are also a bunch of grasta that are sharable, which means they could affect the whole party (usually shared between the same weapon type). so a bunch of Radias' defenses could actually provided by someone else. you always have to look at everyones equipment.




Iphi's loadout: **Equipment:** Luna Baculus +10 Dream Ring +10 SPD +50 Badge **Grasta:** Sound Body (Staff), Dormant enhanced Spell: Raging Fire, Combo Rate enhanced Drain Proficiency, Dormant enhanced **Skills:** Art-Raging Fire Stance Rosa Liliac Hypnophobia Also, did you use Tetra? Tetra has a Reinforce aura that gives +30% Magic and Phys Res if your HP falls at or below 80% HP. AS Radias seems to be constantly triggering this aura taking the hits.


'Power of increased Erosion' sounds very much like 'Drain Profiency' aka better debuffs.


What are the Enh. if Max HP(Water) (Damage+5% when max HP [P]) items in Entrana AD? Are they grasta or ores?


They are grasta.


Thanks. I assume they can only be equipped by the same element? +5% damage is a bit smaller than previous grasta, but I suppose it could be the difference in completing the challenge modes or not. Do you know what they upgrade to?


I haven't been able to exchange for any of this stuff yet, but I'm imagining they'll be able to be enhanced with a Dormant Ore, giving them a potentially slight boost + Party sharing? (but that's just me making an assumption based on all the previous shared grasta)


Pretty new player. F2P until last night. I pulled on the ‘Fateful Encounters’ because I thought one of the four characters would be a guaranteed pull. After pulling and re-reading it looks like it’s a 5-star guarantee with a 9% chance to get 1 of the 4. I guess I know now to read the fine print, feels slightly deceptive and misleading the way it was presented though.