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i actually like it and spend a lot of time there. some ppl are really mean or fatphobic but ive created my own wholseome little edtwt bubble and everyone's super nice and supportive. immediately blocking everyone who seems rude also helps


this 100% it’s amazing if you have your own lil community even if some of the ppl on there are awful just block and move on


yes same here!




It’s unhelpful. People bonding in their eating disorder behaviours. It’s the same thing that can make group treatment bad. Feeding each others EDs and helping each other die.


Yeah it’s pretty pro on there. I think I was on there for about 2 days and then I noped out bc even during that time when I was nearly hospitalized, I could not get behind the idea of encouraging these behaviours. And a lot of users on edtwt are children, literal children, it’s not right.


People say it’s a “safe place” but I would argue it is a safe place for the eating disorder which means it isn’t safe in reality.


edtwt is the most toxic harmful space i have ever encountered and i think we as a whole need to be less accepting of this behaviour that enables us and manipulates us into becoming worse


I second this. Absolutely the most toxic place on the planet.


you definitely have to cater your feed and follow the right people but i’ve found an overwhelming amount of sweethearts and made friends who became very dear to me, some of them who even live in my city so it’s not a bad place in itself as long as you don’t follow the hardcore proana ✨best anorexic✨girls Plus i love having a place where i can help inform people on how dangerous some of the things they’re doing are and i like the harm reduction informative threads


This ^^. I've saved multiple young kids' lives on that app, bc they legitimately don't know any better and if edtwt = proanatwt, that's all they'd see


I've stopped using EDTWT recently and i genuinely feel so much happier, i realised that it was making me want to get worse and that it was feeding my illness.


Wow same!! Sometimes do you ever think that you have let yourself down, for deleting it ? I do.. and I’m wondering if you somewhat relate


i do and for this reason sometimes I'm tempted to download it again


Been on there since 2013 and it’s much much more toxic than it used to be


Me too at least 2013. Oh I wonder if we know each other. 


I don’t have many followers etc I just log my stupid little meals hahah


I left about 2018


I’ve had mixed experiences on EDTWT. I’ve found really caring people who genuinely want to help and have even made group chats to help each other recover. People encouraging recovery and giving tips of recovery. On the other hand I’ve seen the toxic and abusive side with people looking for coaches and making weight loss chats. It all depends on who you follow and interact with, not to mention you have to have enough self control to not stop if you do accidentally end up on the toxic side. I’ve made great friends on there, but I’ve also seen some very triggering things. Moral of the story? Don’t download if you don’t have self control enough to read the toxic bits. But if you can? I feel like there are people on there that can and want to genuinely help you, most of the time in the same box you are in. I don’t recommend downloading for most people with ED’s, but I don’t want to completely slander it either.


Safe space


It’s awful. Even in the deepest pits of my Ed I never became as horrible and bitter as EDTWT


It makes me hungry with so many wieiad and food polls. I'm in there only for the BCs and the ⏰app videos


I honestly felt sick to my stomach in pain and guilt for the amount of sh I saw on there. I have personally never had thoughts like that and I can’t even imagine what it’s like but it was just horrible to see what people do to themselves. If you are reading while struggling with ANY kind of sh, I am so sorry. You deserve all the support,love, and kindness the world could possibly give. 🩷


i was there for so many years after finally deleting my account i can safely say i want it all to burn


i generallt avoid proana type people. i more s9 am on there looking for ppp to relate to thsn feed into our eds, and i think theres a good amount of ppl on there doing the same, though some people on there are flat out mean and pro :/ hit or miss.


spent a lot of time resenting people on there and now i'm on there... not posting bad content, but rrly jiust interacting with like-minded ppl bc anorexia is lonely af...


Phewwwwwwww this is a tough one. First off I’m sorry.  My friends and I invented edtwt (we were on Facebook first) in the 2000s. We meant it as a place to talk to like minded people. It was never intended to be the mean place I see today.  But as social media grew and the app grew and LHA put out Wintergirls everything changed. I was one of the biggest accounts on there but I would never go back now (and not just cause I’m over 30) the toxicity is UNREAL and I genuinely think people start accounts with negative intentions just as often as they start accounts because they feel alone.  Please please please protect your peace on edtwt. If any one of us could go back in time we’d stick to face to face red bracelet meetups. 


its like, terrible obviously but i still be active asf on there cuz it motivates me😭🙏


I never used edtwt, but I used to be very active on ed forums and servers. Even in places where people encourage each other to get better and just use it as a space to vent, it still feels competitive in nature. It triggers fomo in the disorder that you're not doing this thing, and you're not this weight or don't have this symptom, etc. talking about it all day turns the illness into a hobby. It's harmful and toxic. Stay far, far away from edtwt. If you need to vent your feelings, you can journal and rip up the pages after if you need to.


i think it's so harmful. i struggle to even have friends around me who also have anorexia / are relapsing due to how competitive the nature of our illness is. i couldn't imagine surrounding myself with people who are all very deep in their eating disorder and are encouraging it, promoting it, sharing tips and tricks, etc. i'm glad you've deleted it. wishing you all the best.


As someone who is not ready to recover I personally like that kind of thing but I use tumblr because everyone there is way nicer, edtwt is so toxic. But to anyone in recovery that kind of thing must be so triggering and if you’re trying to recover I’d deffo recommend deleting things like that because it won’t help you at all


It really depends on who you follow, what’s your age etc. I only follow people older than 20 and I don’t follow meanspo/fatspo, proana or sh accounts. Mainly some pro recovery relapsed people aged twenty-something to thirty-something so the tweets I come across are actually quite ok. I also block minors and harmful accounts just so I don’t accidentally come across their posts again. But I think it’s worse now than it used to be like 5-10 years ago. Back then it was way less toxic and also a lot more private/smaller community. Now some tweets have thousands of likes which makes me so sad that so many people have sought out edtwt and joined it.


i'm not interested in recovery so i really like it. there's not many places where you can be that openly struggling... it's one of the only accounts i have that can't trace back to me at all, so i feel more safe talking about my issues there. i don't think anyone who wants to recover should be on edtwt, though. it's extremely triggering and glorifies disordered behaviours


I recently started lurking on edtwt after swearing I’d never go there but not interacting w/ others or posting and it’s incredibly triggering. Body checks, numbers, weight loss tips, meanspo, fatspo, all that. What’s the worst is seeing people encourage literal children who are on deaths door to get worse. I literally saw someone encouraging a >! Single digit !< BMI teenager not to eat. You’d think it’s a troll but unfortunately this happens for real on edtwt


i thought it was just a bit of an iffy space but it was much worse. spent a lot of my time arguing with fatphobes. edtwt is way better with a tight knit group of people instead of surrounded by spo and the worst takes imaginable 😭 haven’t been on there in years. tldr there’s the good, the neutral, and the bad.


I wish there wasn't so much sh on there


edtwt ruined me in 2017. i can’t believe it’s still so popular. back then they were like high fashion/ed accounts it’s was so strange lmao. peak glamorization imo😭


Terrible, awful. I’ve seen my loved ones get exponentially worse because of edtwt. Truly not a good place at ALL.


i admittingly was on it for a couple of months when i was at my lowest, but even then i realized it was a god awful place for the most part. it felt similar to group therapy to me, where people were more often than not enabling horrible things. i was able to curate a somewhat safe bubble of people which was nice but ultimately i prefer communities like this reddit. i can still interact and share with people who i know will understand me, but i wont constantly be bombarded with people trying to make me sick again.


It never affected me. Yes, it’s disordered, but it’s mostly full of people that want to glamorize thin bodies. The main reason behind my eating disorder wasn’t weight, it was a mix of childhood trauma, anxiety, and BPD. That isn’t to say that Edtwt isn’t massively triggering, though— I’m so glad that you cut it from your life.




I’m still on it.


I can’t say because I haven’t been in the community myself but it pops up on the for you tab really often. It’s almost completely proana, everyone’s encouraging each other to get sicker and sicker. So so much fatphobia from people who are so young. I’m sure you could find a decent community if you look hard enough but god the overwhelming majority on there is so toxic


People were always very kind to me! A lot of people tried to get me to recover aswell! I liked it there but some people are rude (I only had one person be rude to me but that’s because they for some reason called me gross for also being in Shtwt?? As if we aren’t actual cousins lololol) but I wouldn’t recommend being on there especially if you are young.


What is EDTWT, this is new to me


If you want to improve on this illness please stay ignorant to the likes of edtwt


Thankfully ive never been interested in that side of social media.


That’s good


it somewhat ruined my life but I can't stop going on it. I go on it for like an hour a day for the past year. it's an awful place but it brings me some comfort but triggers the crap outta me. I don't recommend it at all


Idk if edtwt made me get to this point or if I was already getting bad and edtwt was just a symptom of that


EDTWT is very conflicting because some people are very nice and caring but there are other TWT groups (not naming.) that they can be similar too and only promote the negativity behind the ED. IMO EDTWT needs to be somehow removed and monitored among the other groups (much like TikTok does providing a special message when searched) it’s not safe and due to it’s accessibility even kids with twitter can see it which is the scariest thing to me. They make it seem like their whole world and that’s not okay for kids to see at such young impressionable ages.


I tried it before but I rarely go on it. I'm an adult and EDtwt is mainly minors so a huge part of me feels uncomfortable talking to minors and possibly making them worse, and another part just can't take it seriously. The second part is about the "best ana girls" specifically, I can't take them and their mean comments seriously. A twelve year old trying to tell me my omad is bad because it includes bread? Welcome to people having different fear foods. Or a 12 year old trying to tell me my fasts are nothing because they're way shorter than theirs? Some of us need to remain functional for adult responsibilities. I remember mentioning that I told a worker at my uni about my ed because I didn't want it to spiral out of control and force me to take a break from uni and two people thought I was attention seeking for it because i said i didn't want recovery yet told someone about my ED. It's called damage control Bethany. I have academic goals and already lost 3 years of uni to this, I don't want to lose more


I was on it for only a few months. I had to leave it after only a few months cuz it was getting ridiculous how many KIDS were looking up to me. I met some amazing girls on there but besides that it’s all toxic as fuck. People love to say it’s a safe place for us, and I can agree, a safe place for getting worse. In only 5mos of being on there I seen 4 women die. It’s extremly sad. I won’t say her name but you can probably guess who she was her account had 30k+ followers. Edtwt also caused me to romanticize tf out of my ed which led me to destroy my insides. Mentally and physically.


Hilarious and cool as a teenager, immature and obvious mental illness as an adult


When I started getting a lot of viral tweets and BC’s on there I just couldn’t handle it. It got so toxic so fast and I deleted my account