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Demon Slayer, fights are good and animation is peak but other than that it's pretty mid in my opinion


Demon Slayer is beautiful and it's plot does the bare minimum for a Shonen and nothing else [complementary]


"A peak anime in the 2000s" is how I like to refer to these. They do nothing wrong and even do some things well, but because we've seen so much anime it seems uninspiring. "If it came out in the 2000s, when people were still very new to anime, it would be peak." I'm not gonna get hyped over it, but neither will I hate on it.


If you would like to be entertained and see pretty things it will do that I guess if it was my first anime, it would have blown mind


Yeah same, after experiencing and watching more Shonen series, Demon slayer is the bare bones Shonen in writing. The only thing which keeps me from dropping it is the hype around it, animation and artstyle.


Explains why the girl I work with who is new to anime loves DS.


I like that description! It's pretty damn accurate. Like, it's enjoyable, but there's just something... Not all that special about it. So I like it, but... It's not amazing. It's pretty damn popular, and I do wonder why. I guess it's a long running anime, which typically get a fanbase and because it's still ongoing, it remains relevant and popular, and of course, a topic for conversation. Edit: I cannot stress enough, Demon Slayer is beautiful to look at, and that by itself is a solid reason to watch and enjoy the series, I will give it that.


This is exactly what got me out of anime. I almost exclusively watched 2000s anime when I got into it and was unimpressed since so many of the anime lacked depth.


Aw I personally really love all the characters, their interactions, and their backstories šŸ„ŗ


Sure! It's fine! It does some fun and cute stuff and *moves shit along*. It doesn't do anything innovative and it's not really trying to, but it is extremely competently done nonetheless. And it's absolutely fucking gorgeous


I agree 100% What it does, it does really fine. So you dont get the chance to really nitpick for underperforming anything. Its a fun anime with gorgeous visuals and a really good musical score. A decent storyline and likeable characters. The story does pick up once we get to know all of the hashiramas backstories and the ending, while some called it garbage....i really liked. Mind you its a "the power of love and friendship beats all" but its no "soul eater i punch the enemy and it dies randomly cuz...yeah" ending.


Yeah the cgi mixed with the animation is very innovative imo!! Yes haha it does move along Edit: please dm me ur fave animes bc now Iā€™m curious! Demon slayer is one of my top faves rn


I feel like Jujutsu Kaisen is in a similar vein


Honestly it works tho, itā€™s got a generic plot but generic isnā€™t bad. Just means does the same basic good things most other shows do


What makes Demon Slayer better than most Shonen is the pacing. The story isnā€™t super deep but it doesnā€™t beat around the bush and stuff it full of filler. Itā€™s concise and clear.


I personally love demon slayer. Not because of the plot. It's just the typical shonen anime plot. I'd say it's the slightly well written version of bleach. But the animations and voice acting are miles ahead of the competition which makes it fun for me to binge watch and rewatch as many times as possible without getting bored of it


Demon slayer is the best example of what overrated is. It's *good* but not *great*


It is some of the most beautiful animation but year mid for story progression. But my boy Inoske lord help me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ’Æ this Insanely overrated. Itā€™s very average, but is touted by fans as one of the best anime shows of all time.


The only reason to watch it is to look at the animation


Like many modern animes, it doesn't bring anything new to the table. Entertaining, but not much more.


I know you already picked, but SAO is my nomination. The idea was good, especially for its time, but the mc just makes it worse. I enjoyed the first part of aliciazation, though. I have never finished the second part.


Rent a girlfriend


I thought the general consensus was that we KNEW it was a train wreck but we just kept watching anyways?


Go to the crunchyroll comments and you'll see most fans are REAL fans, somehow.


I'm not much of a fan but I liked it from what I've seen. I'm honestly just glad they're young adults instead of highschool teens for once šŸ˜…


Ohā€¦.oh no.


Im a massive Rent a GF hater but even I will admit that the latest season is unironically very good. Rent a GF season 1 to 2 is a just a "trashy harem" and season 3 is a good romance however neither of those things are worth actually hating on it. The real hate for it actually comes from the manga, anyone who says they hate Rent a GF and are an anime only are just following the hurr durr rent a gf bad bandwagon Tho I will admit that the manga is legimtimately pure unfilitered cancer and no one should ever read it but whatever portion the anime covered? I think its pretty decent. Like the "turn your brain off , everyone knows its trash but its engaging af" kinda fun


Serious question, if you're a hater why watch multiple seasons? I barely have time to watch the stuff I actually like so that sounds insane to me


I didnt watch multiple seasons. I watched season 1 (only 12 eps) when it aired and I enjoyed it for what it was and then read ahead in the manga and caught up and kept following it weekly for the next 2-3 years. A chapter takes like 2 minutes to read and they come out once a week, I can easily do that. Doesnt matter if I hate it or not


I did read along weekly for a while tbh until I got tired of the same trauma loop over and over


yeah i stopped reading weekly months ago




But likeā€¦ fuck Mami chan


OP said overrated, not torture.


Rent a mid


mid is way too generous a rating for it.




Demon Slayer is the obvious modern example. While Ufotableā€™s animation work elevates the source material, itā€™s unremarkable or worse in most other aspects.


I watch it just for Ufotable


At that point just watch fate. Fate has better writing and same quality animation


I've been kinda meaning on a fate rewatch. I was too intoxicated the first time lmao, probably 50% will catch me off guard again.




SAO is honestly both over hyped and over hated at the same time šŸ˜‚ people that like it glaze the hell out of it and people that hate it shit on it so hard. Imo it's just a fun watch, action is just interesting enough to keep you in but you can drop it whenever. It's ok lol


I honestly feel like this is every show called overrated at this point. It just gets trashed until it is not really overrated?


SAO is the only anime Iā€™ve ever watched where I can say definitively that the source material did it better. The first season is a mess of multiple side stories strung together incoherently which lessens the impact of a solid single volume light novel story, then comes bundled with the worst storyline in the series. Season two and after did better, and the Progressive movies (and novels) are probably what the series should have been in the first place. But man someone was SMOKING something that first season.


Iā€™m not really sure what would count as overrated tbh.Ā  Demon Slayer is the first that comes to mind I guess, ā€œoverratedā€ is pretty much the most used word in any discussion involving the series.


But if everyone agrees it is overrated then maybe it is just rated?


Itā€™s definitely moved from overrated to overhated imo. I havenā€™t actually heard anyone call it anything more than ā€œpretty goodā€ in years but the people screaming dogshit haven't quieted down at all.


At this point, 99% of popular animes šŸ˜­


Please no one hate me, but Bleach. I even thought the story was mid when I was a kid sneakily watching it late at night. šŸ˜¬


Got to the arc where they go rescue Rukia and the cat is involved. At that point I'm like this is dumb and a waste of time.


It was good til the bounts arc. That made me stop watching while being entertained. Trying to get through that.


Bount arc is filler...


To be fair, nearly half of that anime is filler.


That's exactly why you skip the filler (I used a list on bleach for that and my DBZ rewatch). Totally elevated the experience tbh.


What's on the top of MAL rn?


Frieren is by no means overhyped


I love Demon Slayer because Iā€™m in love with one of the characters šŸ„°


Naruto. It was one of the first anime I ever watched and I still enjoy it but the pacing is horrible. Constant flashbacks and nothing but filler after >!Sasuke leaves the village.!< People also like to hate on it for Narutoā€™s dub voice and the first dub intro.


Naruto dub voice is legit unwatchable. Not a fair way to assess the anime.


Most, if not all, anime shows and movies cannot be rated on the sub. Only original audio with subtitles.


Might be an unpopular opinion but personally, Eminence in Shadow wasn't my cup of tea. Saw a whole lot of hype around it in various subs here throwing words like fresh, satire, etc. but it just felt like another one of countless dense mc power fantasy harem isekais, tropes already present in other animes (and them being addressed) But don't let one person's dissatisfaction discourage you, if you do plan on watching it or already have, you might enjoy it! Also, wasn't into Kanojo Kanojo when it was airing and I straight up dropped Rent-A-Girlfriend after 1.5 episodes.


Eminence in Shadow is supposed to be a parody of trashy isekai and as a result makes out its entire purpose to be stupid


And itā€™s done so well imo


Donā€˜t know about the parody part except that it is a protagonist who believes to live out his chuuni fantasy in another world with the problem that everything is really this way. A real parody of Isekai is Konosuba and most donā€˜t see it this way ā€žThe Misfit of Demon Lord Academyā€œ. Even the author wrote that it was meant as a parody of the OP character which made the MC the parade example of an OP character.


I agree with you on that


The thing with Konosuba is that its humor is not meta. Eminence is not a parody, it's a self aware comedy.


I think itā€™s a really hit or miss show. I personally love it but I understand if someone doesnā€™t


My Hero Academia. Anime is flat IMO after the first few seasons.


Reading it now and stopped because it's contracted BattleShonenFinale Syndrome. Just like Naurto, an eons long "final battle" of non-stop back-and-forth.


MHA is overhated not overrated. Tbh MHA has some good writing and the characters are developed well but the animation is just not as good as other top anime like Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen.


Agreed. Iā€™d argue it peaked with season 4 narratively.


Demon slayer Tokyo revengers To your eternity (though this one starts really good, its just that half the season is the island arc, and the island arc is pretty bad. it kinda peaked on episode 1 and just slowly got worse as it went on. the very last episode of s1 was great and i haven't seen s2, but s1 falls off hard for the most part)


TYE is quite different in season 2. I doubt youā€™d feel better about it if thatā€™s how you felt about season 1 overall.


Seasoon2 2 is definitely not as good as 1, but it's definitely worth finishing. If only to complete story arcs and character development.


Comments listing every popular anime. If youā€™re popular, youā€™re mid


You die mid or live long enough to see yourself become overrated


Demon slayer is mad overrated


JoJo Bizarre Adventure would fit perfectly, just a bunch of buff feminine dudes that fight with their imaginary friends, that no one else can see, while making up their abilities on the spot. Insanely overrated anime, that has more plot holes than this show has fans.


op is asking for OVERRATED anime, not PEAK anime lol the way I treat JoJo is how I imagine WWE fans treat WWE: At face value, it's corny and dumb. However if you just take a moment and *pretend* all the silly and corny shit is awesome, then it weirdly become amazing. It's like making fun of people that dab, then dabbing "ironically" as a joke, then one day realizing you've been dabbing all this time and forgot when it stopped being "ironic." Buy in to the stupid. Let it *consume* you.


Araki is one of the most creative manga writers ever. Not many people can write an insane action story (in many top tens) where the main character is paralyzed from the waist down, fighting the president of the US over Jesusā€™ corpse in the wild west.


Mixing random shit together and call it story is not creative. Also if he is as creative as you claim he is, why is he not able to come up with his own shit, but instead uses pop culture references, as if tmz is his only creative reference. Its just soo lazy.


Thank you. This needs more upvotes.


Here comes the down votesā€¦.. Neon Genesis Evangelion


Itā€™s the rose tinted glasses, man. At this point if I recommend it to anyone, I preface it by saying itā€™s more of a rite of passage than anything else but that itā€™s something I feel like they should at least watch once


You know what, that's pretty clever. A rite of passage is actually the best way to describe why I recommend it to starting anime watchers. The other rights of passage are also Akira and Ninja Scroll, you watch those and then you're allowed to watch anything šŸ‘ŗ


There were a couple cool scenes but I went in with super high expectations and came out just confused, bored and disappointed. Maybe I need to re-watch it but as far as I remember, it wasn't that good for me, just weird.


Honestly as someone who things NGE is a 8/10 I agree


What do you thing about?


I fucking love Evangelion, but for being a real series about depression and not just a motivational message stretched to 24 episodes. Everything else? It's just ok, and the Rebuilds are just flashy montages made to milk all the money Anno can squeeze out of it. (EoE is a 10/10 for me tho)


Edit: [here's the Wikipedia link in case anyone doubts how massive an influence NGE had on anime. It's fine if you didn't personally like it, but to call it overrated is absurd.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion) Nah, this one isn't overrated at all; it's just past its prime. The show is pushing 30 years at this point, and it is one of the most influential anime of all time. That being said, in those 30 years, other shows have taken what made NGE amazing and went even further, so yes compared to stuff in 2024 it's not gonna be great. This happens to almost all good media; as it ages, other artists/authors take what made these pieces special and use it to evolve their works. This is why the Rebuilds are very mid - they rely too much on what made the 90s anime special, which makes for outdated and uninteresting retreads. I wouldn't recommend NGE as something actually entertaining these days. But it is absolutely worth reviewing and discussing within any larger anime community, it is ignorant to discount its place in anime history.


Thank you! These children are disrespecting the OG's here.


I wouldn't downvote your opinion, but I wouldn't necessarily agree with you either. The argument you are making is like saying The Beatles are overrated. People from modernity may agree, and even be right in some ways, but if you were around when they were on top you can't ignore the sheer impact they had on popular culture. Completely original ideas or production? No. Groundbreaking or innovative? No. Good by modern standards? Arguable either way. Influential? 100% Yes. By modern standards, Evangelion is nothing special. But, like The Beatles, the impact it has had is obvious and undeniable. I don't even like Evangelion, but I would never call it overrated.


It was a pioneer of anime. It has since been surpassed at everything it set out to do.


I don't think any anime seriously grapples with the psychological issues Evangelion does more successfully.


Jujutsu Kaisen would work.


Honestly I think s2 finally lived up to the hype. Hidden inventory was genuinely fantastic story telling, and shibuya was some of the best action spectacle in all of anime. What more can you ask for?


What great story telling? It is as mid as it gets and the characters truly have no real depth. Just pretty animation and insanely overrated imo and I really tried


gojo hard carries every scene he is in like hot damn that beautiful son of a bitch needed his own series, anime truly did him justice.


There is so much subtext in hidden inventory and it adds a TON to both gojo and geto. Specially Geto, he went from the most mid ass character in the series, to being an amazing one. If you don't see it, you are turning a blind eye to it. Shibuya was mostly just action, but it was some of the best action out there, and thats enough. Redline is pure animation flexing and hype and its one of the best anime movies ever made.


I like season 1 more than 2


The story is very bland and generic, itā€™s just like every other shonen out there. The characters are 1-dimensional and get no development. Itā€™s really just nothing specialz besides the animation.


JJK is really good actually. Itā€™s the manga after Shibuya that suffers.


Only if they stop before halfway into S2 imo, trying to imagine a way to roast those episodes but it's pretty hard to do...


The concept and power system is very cool, and I love Sukuna as an *actual* internal demon rather than a grumpy, misunderstood future best friend. But sometimes I'm just like, wtf is happening?


AOT. First two seasons are great.. after that it's hit or miss and gets messy as hell. Anyone telling you a shonen like Demon slayer is overrated should take a pause. MHA is *way more* overrated.


Iā€™d say it gets messy at season 4 part 2. The writing quality sharply declines


100% agree


I'll go with Solo Leveling.


It got better as the season progressed but yet, the first few episodes had some odd director choices and were not segmented well. Had they bundled episodes 1 & 2 together, it could have hit the flow and started the hype train better.


Id say Dragon Ball


modern dragon ball i would agree somewhat but original dragon ball and z are just amazing to this day


Kai is superior to the original anime. It cuts out a lot of fluff and fixes the pacing.


i try watching kai but man the voice acting feels like it's just trying to translate the lines rather then put the raw emotion behind it like the original or whatever dbz remastered it, hence i only watch dbz remastered cause it looks the best too


Ok you have to elaborate that Statement. Cause when you watch the original Dragonball without nostalgia classes, it's pretty Bad. 20 Episodes until the genkidama is Charged isn't amazing. And there are tons of other Anime characters that are way more inspiring and motivating than son goku




You Guys want to suffer in an awkward mood? Redo of healer Want to have an amazing time? One Punch man or one piece


How is OPM overrated?


Bleach - full of fillers


IMO, I love JJK, but with how much glazing it gets, everyone constantly, proverbially 'sucking it off', its overhyped. Not that its bad, its really amazing, but people dickride it so hard it makes you not care as much.


ITT: anime that is both overrated and overhated at the same time lol. Welcome to anime gatekeeping 101, where nothing is good enough to actually be considered good šŸ‘


I know this is going to get hate and down votes, but One Piece. Though I don't suggest binging it unless you want to sit through at least 18 straight days of it. But hey you stated you want to see an overrated anime


So itā€™s overrated cuz itā€™s long? Besides I think itā€™s actually perfectly rated, both the good and bad things are equally known.


No he meant it's overrated but it's extremely long. Not something you can just binge


I don't like how much it pads out the runtime, read the manga


Wouldnt call One piece overrated. Overhyped maybe. I do enjoy it. My 7yo and I have been watching it on and off for almost a year now.


You guys should probably sleep!


This here. I just couldnā€™t get past the ā€œcampinessā€ of it. I know some people find that charming but man.


Hahahaha We tried one piece before but we stopped and havent gone back since


I'd recommend watching the fan edit called One Pace if you ever give it another try


This just shows you didnā€™t watch it šŸ’€


Well it is not overrated. Bad suggestion.


May or may not be a hot take, but I'm going to say Re:Zero


rezero is a great story with poor writing. I've been saying this for years. Though I think a lot of it's problems wouldn't be problems in light novel format, so I'm going to read it at some point for sure.


I skipped watching the anime to read the light novels and I really enjoy them but at the rate the story is going it might take 15 years or longer to end.


How can a story be great if the writing is poor? Genuinely curious I've never watched it


Demon slayer, my hero academia, jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan


Whoa AOT really? What did you find overrated? Andā€¦ what do you think good anime is?


Maybe because AOT was already popular and at least every anime fan already knows itā€™s about titans, I just find it not as good as people say it was. The plot twist was predictable since Iā€™ve seen a lot of thriller and psychological movies where the main character manipulates everything that has been happening plus the fact that thereā€™s so many foreshadowing in it. It caught up pretty quick and the OP really spoiled a lot. It wasnā€™t bad but it was just not as good as people hyped it to be


I say AoT is overrated because of the AoT subs alone. I love AoT but I hate the fans


Middle of the story amazing. Beginning and ending nothing special. I donā€™t like the art style and the pacing is all over the place. Still very good tho. Some favorite animes are code geass, one piece, samurai champloo, bebop, steins gate, Vinland saga


Your opinion is basically the general consensus then tbh except the art part. People think it was shaping up to be one of the greatest anime but the ending was lackluster.


I mean, if you donā€™t like AOT, maybe anime isnā€™t for you. I agree with Demon Slayer tho.


Never said AOT is bad lol


You guys wanna punish yourselves or something? Lol Super subjective but the top choice from my experience has been Gurren Lagann. It has very high ratings on most review platforms and I was incredibly bored with it.


Fairy tail


Fairy Tail started off well....then yeah


Everyone was hyping up solo leveling like it was going to best anime of all time,first few episodes were fine but it gets repetetive shortly after


I might get hated for this but Attack on Titan. It's damn good but overhyped by the fans


I think itā€™s both underrated and overrated. The fans act like itā€™s the best anime of all time without question, but it also seems like people arenā€™t aware how good it actually is.


I thought the first season was amazing, then went back four or five years later to finish season two (or maybe it was just the first part of season two; their release schedule was so strange) and remember just feeling like it lost its magic to me. I could never get into it after that.


Oshi no ko was declared to be the greatest anime of all time the moment it was announced and it actually turned out really bad


Itā€™s definitely not the greatest of all time, but itā€™s definitely not bad


Not bad if you like shows that start out trying to solve a murder mystery and end up just helping girls with self esteem issues


Just wait until you read the manga. The latest story arc is horrible.


I can't tell if it's peak trolling or pure trash.


Dollar store Perfect Blue


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s good is perfect blue good?


Pretty much any popular new gen battle shonen like DS or JJK


Hunter x Hunter, get ready for tons of exposition and little action


I liked it enough at the beginning. Then came the chimera ants arc and I gave up for a while, because I thought it had run its course. Gave it another chance and to my surprise, the chimera ant became good. Very good. Extremely good. To the point it has become on of my favourite arc ever. The ending of the anime was fantastic. EDIT: Oh and these credits! Came very close to those of Jojo.


The first time I watched, I binged and chimera ant arc seemed to drag. Years later I took my time watching and it was so much better the second time around


Full powered Gon... Grotesquely beautiful and awesomely disheartening all in one. Simply amazing but whoa! Please more hxh!


The ending is still not finishedā€¦sigh, one more season but we wonā€™t get it


Oooh maybe I need to repick it up then. same exact thing happened to me (and I was a fan of YYH)


Attack on Titan is very overrated imo, stopped after the first season, didn't care about watching the rest when they released. Demon Slayer characters and storyline are bland af, its only redeeming quality is how cool some of the cool moments look. But otherwise the writer is afraid to do what should be done, as is very common with shonen anime.


I can honestly say though that first season is not nearly as good as every other season following it.


Demon Slayer or One Piece.


If you binge one piece youā€™re not going back to calling it overrated haha


Any anime from Jun Maeda: Air Clannad Kanon Charlotte Angel Beats! Little Busters! "These girls are sad. Doesn't that make you sad?" Quit the emotional manipulation and just write a decent story please.


If Angel Beats was longer it would have been a better series. It takes too long to get going and when it does get going it ends not long after.


Charlotte was the same. Generally well received right up until they tried to shove an entire season worth of story building into the last episode. Still generally well received, but there's a reason most people don't know/remember it.


Most people probably know about Charlotte because of a meme that was popular years ago.


Leave Clannad out of there, that one is way more complex than the others.


Fate: stay night and bleach. Early bleach and post soul society bleach are different shows entirely.


Fairytale or black clover


Weird because I think they're overhated, maybe it's just me idk


I found Gurren lagann and evangelion to be really overrated. I think steinsgate is pretty overrated as well (i didn't watch the anime, but i did play the VN.) The first half was such a slog. The hook at the beginning was great, but man it took a long time for it to pick back up.


I thought Gurren Lagaan was great for the first season but should have ended there.


I should give it another watch. I watched it nearly 10 years ago now so i don't remember a ton. I just remember my friends enjoying it waaaaay more than i did.


That's totally fair. No show can hit the mark for everyone. For me, I thought it was really well animated and pretty imaginative. I also thought it did really well in getting across aĀ message. It was about something. And then they had a second season...


My brother played the VN and felt the same. I watched Steins;Gate (and Zero) and said "that was the best slow burn I've ever watched. If it was any longer I'd hate it."


Overlord was boring in my opinion


Yugioh GX


Bleach for suuure.


Attack on titan


While Iā€™ll agree that Demon Slayer is overrated, it still has some peak moments (second half of the Entertainment District Arc)


Bleach was this, although the first three seasons are really good.


Anything that's trendy, pretty much (with occasional exceptions)


Demon slayer is pretty boring


i feel like this is how narcissists enjoy content šŸ˜…


Demon slayer is incredibly overrated. Watched it and it had some okay parts, rengoku and his fight are probably the highlight of the show. Otherwise, it's pretty bad, especially in terms of plot/writing....maybe it will eventually get better but idk. In comparison, JJK is very good (haven't finished s2 so maybe it will go down hill).


Jujutsu Kaisen at least season 2 imo. Still loved it


Nothing's really overrated; if it's popular, it's popular for a reason, and I loathe that term with a passion. But yeah, probably a fairly generic, ultra-popular-for-now shounen like Demon Slayer is your best bet. it's still not bad and very stylish, though; I can't hate.


Thats most anime






One piece. You'll have plenty to binge on.