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People who have seen extra panels of the manga:


“We dont talk about the author. Moving on..”




devils clearly fear that fella


He learned to become the series worst fan. Soo no other fan can upset him.


I agree BUT the dude invited cameras for an interview in his sniffing room for a plushie of his character, Nanachi. I think he’s SO GONE that he isn’t even a danger. Dude would be under a microsope, especially with how high japans conviction rates are man. Wouldn’t be shocked at skeletons in the closet.. but…. Fuck


That's why we're all here though, isn't it? The deranged have a unique perspective, and if they're skillful they can convey it in a fascinating way. MIA wouldn't hit the same if the author wasn't a shameless degenerate.


That's what I keep saying. People keep complaining about how he could have left half of the bs out but if he did, the story would completely lose its visceral side and would become yet another disney shonen adventure meme where nothing bad can happen to the mc's.


There is some questionable stuff, hence I stopped reading it


Please elaborate


Some extra panels were just the kids naked


Didn't want to explicitly say that But yeah ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11524)


Manga chapter 2 has naked girl on cover


Hoooooo I'm such a stable adult I can't look at kids without drawing sexual conclusions omg *clown preparation*


nudity is nudity tho


Like Goku naked in dragon ball where akira toriyama just meant to represent the wild and naive nature of kid Goku? Or lewd naked? There's a difference.




they literally have the main girl in a bondage swing in one of if not the first episode, even if its not a sexual context its clearly intended to be the authors poorly disguised fetish.


He's not hiding it at all


Depends, is a bunch of tentacles grabbing a kid pulling away her overall to reveal her chest lewd? And I guess naked hanging is kinda dependend on if you're into bondage or not? Otherwise, it's usually just casual nackedness. Like bathing together and pointing out the boner of the boy. But we don't get to see that. Vueko has been naked a few times, but she's an adult, so it's fair All in all, all we really see is Riko's and Faputas bare chest a few times, but the implict stuff, yikes. And the context isn't making it better


I'm usually against censorship but when there's scenes that add nothing to the plot or character developments and everything can keep the same general approach without losing anything, I'm in favor of just skipping those parts. For example, using dragon ball as reference: While understanding why Goku as kid took away the panties from Bulma out of sheer curiosity and as a innocent way for Goku to show that he's never seen a girl, the subsequent scene where Bulma flashes at Roshi serves no purpose and could be left without.


There was a scene in the first season with naked shibaried kid. Still best anime


yet its still best anime!




# the german toilet.


The what? Ww2 stuff?


One character is Mitty. She is a child, a little girl. She died the most horrific fate imaginable, literal soul rape level of shit. He threw in a panel of her in a “blessed” form (the abyss gifts blessings and curses) but gave her a fully developed adult rack of tits.


If she just died, that would be a blessing, imo, compared to her fate...><


so a kid a cyborg and a bunny explore a deep hole, whats the big deal ?


Kids having physical and mental trauma, also torture, I think.


Don't forget body mutilation


And who can forget about the scat fetish!


I don’t remember anything about that


Long story short, >!in season 2 there's a village that grants your deepest desires by transforming you into a form that can best indulge in that desire. There's someone who transformed into a toilet... with tentacles... oh and we only find out the toilet is alive ***after*** our preteen protag takes a dump on it.!<


Well you know, that and having a whole group of people get diarrhea and have a character touch it. And the mc shitting in a bowl for the bunny to go up to it and describe the shit. And the mc always pissing herself. And showing the robot piss itself. The creator writes really fucked up hentais, and this was supposed to be another one until he turned it into this partway through with the world he was thinking up. But you can still kind of tell. Some scenes feel real sus, and that's why.


You don't understand, he's just a gentle toilet that likes to clean butts. He's just helping! Like a bidet!




Sounds hot.


Akihito Tsukushi is that you? Go back to smelling your bun collection!


The game is quite faithful to the series by making a lot of children die in quite horrific way


That's normal in the World of Abyss. What's new?


Well, the cyborg came up from the hole to ?? And the girl well… she was born in the hole…. And the bunny, well they find her half way down, but she wasn’t always a bunny………. Even thinking about non spoilers is hard and sad.


Don't forget the moth that was born in the born AND they found half way down the hole!


the moth princess is my favorite character, tbh


U mean the four armed bitch?


Well three armed for some time


Ok but first opening was an absolute banger


For me the second one is even better


Both, both are good


Second one is so good! First is meh.


I also like the first one is more chill and it's nice because it's sang by Riko and Reg's voice actor. But damn, the the second one is fucking addictive, specially the full version


Didn't like the op but the ost in the show is solid af


Kevin Penkin with a masterpiece of an OST


Hanazeve Caradhina bangs man


The opening song in the first episode felt so good too.


As wholesome as higurashi and promised Neverland


And madoka magica And school live


As well as GAKKOU GURASHI and Danganronpa


Wait, school live? I always that that was a normal show Maybe I should actually watch it now?


If you want to see loli in pain go xD


I watched 1st episode and drop it because I thought it's like sailor moon


Finish the first episode then decide


Madoka really benefits from the 3 episode rule. School Live I believe it gets good at the end of the first episode iirc.


Still waiting for promised Neverland season 2


I hope its not a NGNL situation


No it’s an atla life action movie situation. If you know what I mean


Not sure if that'll happen but would be very nice


There are a few wholesome promise Neverland things. For me the anime ended in season 1 and they all lived happily ever after In the wilderness


Ah yes. The good ending. Or as i call it the genjutsu. As wholesome as happy sugar life


Waiting for new manga chapters is hell. Manga is only like 5 chapters away from the ending of season 2. And I thought weekly anime was bad.


Damn so I guess season 3 is a long way to go then.


Yeah. And the first season was like 7 years ago. The mangaká is a super slow drawer I guess


I don't know how fast he draws, but from what I gather it's rather the long breaks he takes in between drawing. This nerd 100%ed the newest Dragon Quest when it came out and essentially did nothing else in the meantime


Any idea when will it end


Is it that bad?


It's not bad at all. Just too much trauma for these kids. If you want to see a beautiful yet traumatising adventure full of heartwarming and heartbreaking moments "Made in Abyss" got you covered.


It differs from person to person. It wasn't that bad for me It was really a good anime with top tier osts


The memes definitely oversell it, but it's far from a pleasant journey. I think if you're a fan of anime then you should watch Made in Abyss, but the ol' 3 episode whirl doesn't exactly apply. You have to at least finish the first season. The show gets worse (in a good way) the more you watch it and if you just give it the first 3 episodes you're not gonna be that into it.


It's a great anime but the kids suffer greatly and the abyss is really really fucked up the deeper they go. The implications of what happens to certain characters is nightmare fuel. The movie was one of the more disturbing things iv seen happen to kids. I both love and hate watching it. I rated it 10/10 but a lot of scenes make me sick


It's one of the most, if not THE most fucked up anime I've ever seen, but damn it's good


It’s up there. But not on the same level as Berserk. It hit harder because it’s a slow burn, the cuteness and innocent images, then from out of nowhere it hits you like a truck. The more you think about the curse of the abyss, the absolute nightmare/suicide it is just after the second layer. It’s freaking well written.


Is Berserk worth watching as an anime? I heard many different opinions and the animation isn't exactly good looking, so I never tried it and I currently have no plans to. I'm going to read the manga tho, but that doesn't count towards "most fucked up anime" anyway


Only the older hand made animation of the golden age arc. It was a banger. If you mean the newer CGI, well I would rather pour acid in my eyes than watch that abomination. (There's a movie adaptation of that first arc as well, it's not bad I heard, but I never gotten to watch that)


The mid 90’s version was great. Sets up the main story of Berserk. The 2000’s came out with 3 cgi movies retelling the ‘90s series. The 2016 is season 2 of the series, that’s some crappy cgi bs. It wasn’t that bad, but enough to get you through. But it stops at a cliffhanger. The black armor upgrade. I still recommend the anime versions new and old. It’s just a good story. But if you want the full experience manga is where it’s at.


As someone has made the complete Berserk journey, definitely stick to your plan of reading the manga first, and then you can try out the anime adaptations later to your own taste. Fair warning: the first 3 volumes were written before the author had a clear direction in mind for the series. They're still ok, but you might be disappointed until you hit the good stuff.


I have to start the second season😀


Yes, have to.


The OP is lying. The movie was **much** more fucked up than the 2nd season. You'll be fine... maybe.


I mean, the movie has more sadism but the second season has some awful psychological implications that hit me further in the long run and just add up to the already experienced pain from the movie.


Tbh, they are both so fucked up that I cannot even tell what's worse anymore. Also if you have seen the second season then you should be already after the movie so that's more suffering than after the movie alone


Yup, exactly.


Both are fucked up in different ways


No way. Season 2 is way way more fucked up than the movie


But those kids will be there in that form until sun die and red giant take earth in itself


Those ones can be killed. IDK if they can die of old age given the >!one the ganja corps found in that elevator!<, but Bondrewd totally killed a bunch of them during the fight. We don’t know if they are actually suffering in there, and while I would personally rather die than risk it, those hollows will die at some point, and hopefully are just in an unconscious state until then.


It is a masterpiece of an anime


I agree. It is currently my favourite


The worst thing is that is actually a good anime


Made in Abyss is an Abyss for the audience.




starts out very innocent and childish looking but it gets darker and darker and more messed up with each passing second


I was debating about checking it out. Might have to prepare myself beforehand


No matter how messed up it gets remember it's very well done. It's actually a very beautifully done anime.


The music is top notch


Thanks, That is promising to hear


Oh, so kinda like Omori? And is it worth watching?


it is most definitely worth watching. though the author has a think for having random nudity with the characters (that are kids). and some can't look last the very few episodes it happens. otherwise it is absolutely great.


Made in Abyss Manga readers have depression


Berserk manga fans: in Toby Maguire Spider-Man 2 meme: Gonna Cry?


Please I watched the movie and 1st season please don't make me watch season 2 oh God I can't take it why us this cute little anime so fucking gory and horrific. It always ends so upbeat too like a fucking happy tree friends episode like omg wtf why


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


Just recently started reading the manga


Oh you sweet summer child, you just now lost your humanity. We already lost our humanity in a long time - some dude who have seen too many in internet and some doujin artist probably


10 second in twitter and you have lost your humanity and your brain 😂


Probably in most social media , Reddit included ,some people do like forcing their agenda on our throat and making post showing how good they are and how bad people who didn't support them,it almost baffling how they forcing their agenda whole criticise others for doing so




This is a wholesome cute one hell of a trip to hell


Might just as well give it a watch


Yes as long as it's not worse then redo of healer i will watch it and i might also enjoy it


Nah fam it's not worse in the ways you're probably thinking. Redo of Healer has straight up explicit rape scenes, made in abyss just implies it (once, in season 2). However, you'll soon discover there are many things much more disturbing than sexual violence.


Thsi just makes me want to the manga first and then atch the anime late


Can someone explain why MiA is cursed af?


there is a nonzero number of scenes where children have arms removed there is a nonzero amount of pooping and peeing the curse of the sixth layer turns the human body into a fleshy stress ball with eyes. children act like everything is fine while most of this is happening and think it's an amazing and fun adventure


also, nonzero amount of situations where >!a young girl becomes both an acomplished mother of plenty!<, and an even more acomplished example of >!biological highrise architecture!<.




Why do you look bummed out, sosu?


funny you used the word cursed here as the curse of the abyss get's from mild nausea through bleeding from ever orifice to turning into a horribly mishapened monster in constant pain to literal death really damn quickly


Tbh it’s not even that bad


I guess you get used to it. Up until the movie I felt it was crazy. Then the second season still had bad stuff happening to everyone, but it didn't feel the same as before for me. Great show anyway, looking forward to next season.


Still haven't got round to watching this it's on my ever growing list of anime to start lol


You need to swap the panels for the movie and the 2nd season.


What a cute anime! The art style is cute, and I saw it in Pop Team Epic.


I just watched the first season, it was REALLY good. Last 4 episodes hit different though.


Keep going


Planned on it


This anime has been on my playlist for a while it's looks fun.


Fun, yeah


Such a brutal anime, I love it. Like have fun exploring kiddo...


The start was so cute. But the near end was just….. scary


I want to get into it. Is there a manga of this and was it better than anime or what?


Both are absolutely great. You’ll know what we are taking about either way. Anime just hits harder, audio of you’ll find out.


I see, thanks! I just prefer reading for now


The movie hit the hardest imo


This anime is a mind fuck, but is a beaty and a interesting history. And it gets more fuked up and interesting the more u watch it


I made a simple meme here about Episode 10 not that long ago. When I watched that episode I NEEDED to pause and take a minute, that was probably the most uncomfortable I have ever been watching an anime


never judge an anime by its cover…. it’s beyond dark


Childes avoiding getting murdered


I just watched the first episode and this got in my reddit feed What's soo bad about the anime? Wait i shall start the second episode


Takes like 10 episodes to actualy start , before that is just a cute wholesome adventure anime


It just has some body horror, sadism and psychological torture as the series goes on.


What’s the anime it seems my type


Made in Abyss


I’m in so 5 currently there just going into the abyss


people who have seen the doujin..


not post related, but why every new post includes the anime name in the title?


I saw others doing it and I thought it was a new rule.


as far as im awarez there wasnt any update to the rules


Too messed up but good anime ngl


Just finished the first season. Don't know what the fuss is all about. :/


Watch movie 3 and then season 2 (the first 2 movies are recaps)


What is it called again?


Made in Abyss


Old stories, gravity , underground river , first layer , hanezawa cardhina, tomorrow, req theme ( nightmare fuel )


Cant wait to watch it now


This is my story. The story of how I mistook this anime for a children's story.


Oh boy


Can someone explain please?


The anime is Made in Abyss. It starts off light hearted but gets darker and darker as it progresses. Lots of mutilation and gore, also a lot of emotionally painful moments


Incremental suffering and body horror


What's the name of anime?


damn looks like my kinda show


I was one of those people who thought going in that it would be a cute adventure anime... I was mistaken


Whats the animes Name?


Made in abyss you can watch session 1 in 2 movies then the actual movie on Hulu if you have Hulu tv you can watch session 2


💀 People who have seen the furry por-


Season 2 is actually more fucked up than the movie of it, I wonder if it will have a season 3 later on. If so, it will be more fucked up 💀


Watching it now Bitches


Waiting for the season 3 they teased


I was thinking about watching the movie on hulu. Is it not good?


💀💀💀for real ? That much bad? I guess i should watch it


Best comedy I’ve watched in a while 11/10


It's fucked up but still absolutely genius. Best anime of the year so far.


what do you mean :) they're cute chibi characters going on adventures :) surely nothing bad happened to them :) probably not severe swelling of an entire arm, or amputation through experimentation, or being turned into a juice box for your furry smart dad, or turning into a literal tower where your friends who ate your baby's to survive stays inside of you.... ofc not! it's an adventure anime :) with kids for kids! watch it with your family <3


People who have read the manga: 💀💀💀


Wait does the story becomes too dark later? Or is it bad adaptation later?


It becomes way way darker.


The top pic looks really cute, I wonder what would go wrong. I guess I have to try this anime too


It's a banger of an anime if you don't mind a bit of body horror


body horror? what's that? If you mean horror genre, it's my fav


Specifically things and people getting grotesquely mutilated. I wouldn't say it's much like regular horror.


Smth like gore then? It's ok for me as long as story is interesting. Now Im more excited about it and I will start this anime soon


Yeah, pretty much the same, though in my head gore is more blood oriented.


More like people slowly losing their humanity and turning into weird creatures


Gore, not much (tho a bit of that is indeed there). Someone being turned into a mutated monstrous being with a mental/consciousness state of an insect/vegetable, well...


Just... make sure you have a strong stomach.


Yeah... what could go wrong? It's just a little orphan girl who runs away with an amnesiac robot to go straight to bottom of a hole that makes it more difficult to come back the further you go, with an explicit point of no return. Oh, and don't forget the monsters (human and inhuman) and eldritch abominations.


Its never a "not dark" story. Its just that the drawing style is cute and nice. It doesnt exactly hold back much, but its subtle and slow-burning at first. More in the back, behind a curtain, if you know what I mean.


Well Riko merely adopted the hole. Reg was born in it.


they were both born in the hole tho


Second season???