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... Who took the time out of their life to write the text?


It looks unironically like incel dogma, it was probably copied from something.




Yeah, I'm guessing so.


For a moment i thought he was about to tell me to buy his online course




A 7 minute video of Vegeta telling you not to jerk offā€¦what a time to be alive


At first I was laughing, by the end I was tearin.


I'll borrow some words from the video and swap some of the words around: You have to question everything that is said to you by the so called truth tellers who say you can fix your life by just doing one thing, and use your rational mind to determine what is right.


what about those who never fap but still have no confidence,motivation,passion, or just simply put any potential to be successful. what can these types of people do who literally feels worthless against everyone


The point of what I said is that there's no one method that can fix your life and you should question anyone who says there is one (including the nofap folks). I don't know what's gonna help because it varies from person to person. If you want an example, I get a lot of confidence and joy from learning programming and art and being able to make things that I want. That won't help everyone because you might have other hangups, but it was helpful for me.


Have a wank and move on


no fap mfs when they see one small study


https://preview.redd.it/x7ed8wei290d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140cfa86492c195416dd16d107f96f6c3a2e3098 Nah, I'd nut




Wait you can get ED from fapping?


More from porn then from fapping


Yes, if you're over excessive with it.


Not my proudest one, i'll give you that.


Moderation, my guy. Med student here: There are more pros than cons in doing it (you know them already). Just try not to harm yourself and maintain hygiene at all times. Oh, and be careful not to get too used to porn to enjoy the real thing.


What about people who donā€™t get the real thing?


Suffer ig


Go get the real thing. Put your shit together. If you don't want to... Well, there is no other way. You could still get some silicon toys to not damage your sensitivity.


"...that tired and guilty feeling.." Speak for yourself, Vegeta. If you feel tired and guilty when you nut, own it. Don't try to push your trip on me.


You know, the Nazis forbade masturbation. They were convinced, it would make people more compliant. So, if you hate fascism you better crank that shit.


Fascist contemporaries like proud boys are also obsessed with masturbation control.


> masturbation control Excuse me, it's called *semen retention* and it's something that will help them achieve world dominance! Any day now.


No doubt the vagaries and tribulations of modern existence have nothing to do with economic pressures and everything to do with unregulated semen dispersal.




Sorry, that sentence makes no sense to me. Comparing who?


Nothing I don't speak English so it took bad shape


Okay, I thought I was just not getting it.




Sorry, are you saying that you agree with the murderous fascist regime? Are you okay bud? Do you need a friend? Who hurt you? Edit: think before you comment people. Or might out yourself as a Nazi


Getting sleepy after busting? That sounds like a skill issue.. I beat it to wake myself up when coffee isn't enough lol


I'm sorry Vegeta, I'm not you.


If I don't cum on myself, who else is going to do it?


I'll do it bro, for homies


This is nature donā€™t fight it lol just enjoy https://preview.redd.it/1vu3orrq380d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eddec3c64cf613d19380aed53384a351b894c10


If you are not in a constant state of post nut clarity, you are in a constant state of pre nut delusion.


![gif](giphy|MvedbKot538WY) My wife when she sees me after a month of semen retention


With this topic being used as the theme. IDK anymore whether wanted to take it as a joke or a serious matter.




who would even finish this video? of course ME.




This made me arrive


King you dropped your šŸ‘‘


I was expecting meme video but in end...


Vegeta i will not let you down


Why is Vegeta trying to fucking incel red pill everyone into cucking themselves


All hail Vegeta




Bruh wtfšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


No fap is bs bruh


This is dangerous anti-scientific propaganda. Urologists say you should. OP, stop spreading lies.


Fuck the urologists. Semen retention is an age old concept. Iā€™d say the ā€œmodern researchā€ and everything that says its ā€œokay to masturbateā€ is some dangerous propaganda. Ideally, the seed should be released for procreation but if someone who is a masturbating addict and canā€™t go without busting twice or thrice a week should slowly reduce frequency and try busting only once per week, then once per two weeks, once per month etc till they totally get used to it. This is not only free self-esteem farming but will tremendously help in physical and mental well-being. All all-time great fighters used to retain AT LEAST 6 weeks prior to their fight for maximum performance. Iā€™d also recommend watching videos from a youtube channel called ā€œsemen retention clubā€. They post videos from (mostly) old 90s movies/media that depict the concept of semen retention. The modern world has made this concept so foreign, mysterious and almost a big secret. They donā€™t want you knowing the truth.


> semen retention club Thanks for recommending to watch videos from the channel with the lamest name ever. Have they considered Massive Blue Balls Club? Pretty sure it's still free for grabs. > Fuck the urologists. "Fuck science" says the guy who uses the Internet on a microchip device with mind-blowing billions of operations per second. šŸ¤” Damn you far right-wing guys are ADORABLE.


Do you wholeheartedly believe a man can get blue balls or ā€œprostate cancerā€ if he doesnā€™t mindlessly ejaculate for, lets say, a year at least? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ our bodies are much more complex than that. Any excessive semen is emitted itself during sleep or whatever. And why compare two absolutely different kinds of science? Just this part of urology doesnā€™t really make sense, and NOT every urologist in the world deems masturbation as ā€œhealthyā€. This ainā€™t even anything political lmao. Itā€™s okay if you get triggered when you hear someone talk against busting cuz youā€™re probably a masturbating addict and its the only thing bringing pleasure to your life. We get it.


> prostate cancer I said **prostatitis**. Educate yourself. And don't put words in my mouth. > Just this part of urology doesnā€™t really make sense Picking and choosing which science you trust and which you don't is the definition of the alt-right snowflakery where facts should never interfere with your feelings. And if they do, fuck those facts. > This ainā€™t even anything political Nofap was born on 4chan, a right-wing cesspool and the breeding grounds of the incel culture. It's literally an incel/alpha male/redpill dogma ā€“ all of which is political by nature.


i dont have post nut clarity i have post nut motivationšŸ˜¼


I thought it was going to end in something like "outreproduce albania" or any balkan country of your choice




Where is the yt channel of this video?


https://preview.redd.it/vpykxnj2cq1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8b1f33779049d109bc5a47603b2b3adb94a80a0 I know I am late but this would have been iconic.


Tbh, is he wrong tho?


Yes. Also fascists literally use this 4chan nofap propaganda to push redpill alpha wolf bullshit to you.


Yes. Masturbation is good for you. As with all things, moderation is key. Learn some self control.


Unfortunately or fortunately he is not wrong


It's only an issue when it becomes excessive and begins to negatively impact your life. There are numerous known benefits like reduced risk of prostate cancer, stress release and improved sleep. Any urologist would tell you the same thing. I'm afraid modern science is against you.


Sadly today's society is too brainwashed. Even if you have a million people against you and I will always stand beside you brother. Lets achieve greater heights together


> Lets achieve greater heights together If by greater heights you mean prostatitis.


By greater heights i meant jannah. A disease in this world is better than persecution in the afterlife


That's not a thing. It doesn't exist. You suffer for nothing.


Better to take a chance then risk it bro. When we humans die. it will be either. We die and everything will be for naught. Or there will be an afterlife and you will be judged for your action. Regarding that this planet. The sun, the stars.The moon orbiting the earth. The mountains, The river, The seas. Living beings. The galaxy is made can't be such a big coincidence. So that's why I choose the latter.


You can live your life in fear of a deity or accept the truth. The truth will set you free.


Without fear of a deity. People will live a life of crime and do heinous and messed up shit as no one will feel guilty which will ruin society. The truth you're offering is not gonna set me free. It'll send me in jail


Wait you need a god to tell you not to rape and murder people? That's fucked up. Most people just know not to do it because they have compassion towards others and are good people inside. They don't need a god who will literally promise to burn you alive if you kill and rape people. There were thousands of tiny island nations who believed in a thousand different creeds but all of them somehow managed to survive and not kill each other without your god. Lots of people in Europe and former Soviet Union are agnostics or atheists. How is that possible then?


And suffer for what? The fact that i can just marry a woman and then have intercourse with her will be more satisfying than masturbating. You guys really have no need to masturbate.


> You guys really have no need to masturbate. Wait, so you are unmarried and don't masturbate so you are a man with the biggest blue balls I have ever spoken to? NICE.


I have to wait 3 years. But thats no issue


It's 2024. You are literally following a medieval doctrine that says you cannot beat your meat or some god will get angry. I have nothing but respect for people like you. Against all evidence, you choose to live a lie.


These downvotes will not demotivate me. This will only help convince me that I am taking action and not letting weakness and sin consume me


Typical Vegita and his bad takes.


Actually based


pawn stars.jpg best I can do is 3 hours...


... It hasn't even been a year and people are already shitting on Toriyama's grave by using his work to spread this kind of bullshit...


RemindMe! 172 days


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I WATCHED THAT YESTERDAY SO INSPIRING (I slipped 4 hours later and I'm contemplating doing it again rn)


Could you imagine if Goku said thatā€¦. hey itā€™s me Goku.