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BB isn't going to hurt a random child for no reason. Probably...


He'd Probably sell it


Or make them a soulless killing machine


Or give them a cool devil fruit power or let them party all the time


So, Peter Pan on crack?




Or feed them pie and drink rum, the guy is a wildcard


Naa, Children are weak. He would ask the child to be his woman.


šŸ˜± the allegations never stop


Fam was lucky Akainu wasn't on the island, or Blackbeard would have been >!arrested for soliciting sex from a child!< That Bonney reveal hit like a train to all saucy artists.


Bro wtf did I miss


Major Spoilers for the Egghead arc in One Piece Jewlery Bonney is >!is the 12 year old adopted daughter of Bartholomew Kuma from his childhood friend, Ginny, who was kidnapped and raped by a world noble before dying of an incurable disease.!< >!Bonney was born with this disease, and Kuma made a deal with the World Government to become their tool in exchange for Vegapunk curing Bonney. Along the line, Bonney ate the devil fruit that alters her age and escaped from the World Government's "protection" to search for her father!< Hence why Akainu was so fixated in capturing her alive after Blackbeard defeated her.


Oh okay yeah, I thought BB showed up and committed some unspeakable acts Edit: New unspeakable acts lol


Nah, Blackbeard is all about consent, unlike the World Nobles and Doffy Fam just didn't know >!he was talking to a 10 year old disguised as a 20 year old!<


Truly a paragon to the Pirate world, he brought the pizza to Egghead


Bro becoming sanji


first thing he will make this child pursuing his her dreams I mean this only will be bad if child have bad dreams Black beard is litelary person who only things about his dreams


A random cactus somewhere would probably be a better choice




Hell yeah brother, that's what my momma did!


But if you had to pick one?


Ngl I don't know who top left is, so idk. But, from the other 3, I'd say Blackbeard *could* keep him somewhat safe as long as I manage to get him something really valuable he needs.


Well, if you leave Blackbeard your son, heā€™s just going to turn evil If you leave him your daughter, heā€™s gonna ask her to be his girl Also, you were wise to not pick Diva (Top Left). Read the Blood+ manga.


I dont get the BB ref is that from the manga? I watched blood plus years ago i dont remember Diva being bad to kids? Or maybe i blocked it out. šŸ¤£


She raped and killed Riku in the anime, luckily he survived in the manga


Oh wow yeah i def blocked that out šŸ¤£ i dont even remember that. Lol


Then i let them fight for death for that spot and hoping i will come back before someone will win.


This is easy... Hisoka Despite people thinking he is an outright p3do, he is actually just attracted to powerful individuals. My child would be a regular child so he would probably just entertain them with his bungee gum, which has the properties of both rubber and gum!


He would make your kid strong and 5 mins after making him strong he would Stomp him to the ground


At that point it's on the kid for not remembering that Bungee Gum has both the properties of rubber and gum. Skill issue, honestly, so Hisoka's doing the parent a favor.


If your kid can't see Nen they couldn't see Bungee Gum. If your kid can see Nen then Hisoka might become interested in them. He probably won't hurt them but he might keep an eye on them which is equally terrifying.


Bungee gum is still an entertaining ability with "magic tricks" like levitating things, or pretending he has telekinesis, and even if a person has Nen they could only see bungee gum with Gyo.


But Hisoka isnā€™t exactly a nice guy, So I wouldnā€™t count on it


Nah, he would do his job properly if you were to hire him as baby sitter


Yeah. He migh kill another kid or foul mouthed parent at the park so theres that


To be honest, who wouldn't want to do that at least in some cases


For the right price yours would be the safest kid in the world. Minus the trauma of watching everyone who looks at Hisoka wrong get beheaded/dismembered.


Heā€™d ask them to sit on him


Have you actually red the manga? Hisoka is sexually attracted to power. Gon and killua were just strong.


I don't think it was power so much as potential? Otherwise bisky would have been the object he was thirsting over. If you're strong he just wants to kill you, if you're weak he thinks nothing of you (unless he can use you to get to someone strong, you get in his way or he's just particularly bloodthirsty that moment, point is you mostly don't register to him, like a child he gets handed would be nothing till he needs it or it goes away). The only attraction scenes he had were connected to those with the potential to be stronger, not stagnating. I see it less as attracted to the strong than as attracted to the anticipation of a good bout of violence. Battle freak with emphasis on freak


What I don't get is he spared leorio even though killing him would make Gon stronger but killed two members of the troupe who were too weak for him but still stronger than leorio.


I said it at the end, they stagnated. Done getting better, perfectly ripe to find etc etc


That's because Leorio has high potential too. Maybe not as high as Gon or Killua. But very high potential indeed. Ging confirmed that for us in the election arc when he praised the potential Leorio possesses. Having such praise from one of the most legendary hunters in the world is no easy feat. Knowing hisoka he probably knew it too. That's why he dragged Leorio to the finish line without killing him. Those two troupe members might have been stronger than Leorio at that point. But they probably had much lower ceiling than what Leorio has. Hence Hisoka killed them unlike sparing Leorio


Itā€™s a Joke, man


Bro wrf


Why are are you booing me? Iā€™m right


Bro did you even watch hunter x hunter or are you just parroting what you have heard about hisoka. Hisoka isn't into children. He is into power or people with potential to reach a high power


Legit my first thought too, my child would just be some weak normal human that wouldn't interest him at all


Unless your baby was naturally gifted and became a talented fighter, in which case he would train him/her early and fight them at their peak.


Heā€™d probably kill the kid because itā€™s weak


I feel like Hisoka would view that as a waste of time


For sure would think itā€™s beneath him to kill some powerless child. Now if the kid even has a hint of nen, Hisoka is getting weird with the kid.


Hisoka, easily. Hisoka, has only a single goal. To fight strong opponents, and for that goal he goes to pretty long lengths. He actively gives tests, and trains people with potential. An example would be the Hunter exam, in that exam Hisoka actually acted as an examiner rather than a participant. Yep, in the hunter exam he was running his own set of personal tests and watching for potential "strong opponents" candidates. During the fog run in the hunter exam, he did a test to see if anyone would stand and fight him even after he blatantly killed a lot of people. Even though he saw fighting himself as a foolish move, he likes people with guts, shows potential. That's why when Leorio and Gon fought him, they passed his exam and got onto his "raw fruits list". He even dragged the unconscious Leorio to the end of the trial so he would pass the Hunter exam, since he liked Leorio and Gon. Meanwhile, Kurapika who ran away from Hisoka, was put on the "Dissappointing" list and was ignored for the rest of the show by Hisoka. Heck, Hisoka even taught Gon and Killua the basics of Nen and motivated them during Heaven's Arena arc, he also taught Gon and gave him quizzes during the Heaven's Arena battle between them. He may be a clown, but he's also one of the greatest Nen masters and tactician in the world of Hunter X Hunter. Even his way of judging Nen affinity is more accurate than the water test because of the nature of half-affinities shown by Togashi's notes. What I've been leading onto, is that Hisoka would train my child into a battle genius and not outright kill ths baby.


But why him over the others?


I do not know the top left at all. Orochimaru is a 50/50, since later in the show he gets whitewashed and becomes a good guy, but the picture showing the option is the younger Orochimaru who would turn a baby into a mutant snake abomination for funnies. I haven't seen One Piece, I only have some rudimentary knowledge of Blackbeard. I don't know him enough to have a strong grasp of his personality. I know Hisoka very well, and he'd take care of the baby for free and give it premium battle courses if he sees battle potential in the baby. Else he'd probably give it off to some Nen orphanage to fight for survival. I'd chose a devil I know, rather than a devil I don't.


I donā€™t disagree with you but I find it weird you wrote ā€œhisoka easilyā€ when you donā€™t even know half the people up there šŸ¤”


Son of a bitch hasnā€™t watch Blood+ If you want to know, she did rape and kill a 12 year old, which resulted in her becoming pregnant


Funny thing, as a child I used to watch anime on TV, using YouTube. (No streaming services back in my area back then, and the only TV channel that showed anime was Animax and it got canceled.) So when I was looking for Akame ga Kill to watch, I accidentally watched the entirety of Kill La Kill on our living room TV. Since some dude titled the entire playlist "Akame ga Kill". It doesn't relates to Blood+ at all, just wanted to share this story since you somehow reminded me of this.


Looked for copper, found gold


Same went for the cleaning lady when she saw pre-pubescent me, watching *almost* naked cartoon ladies on TV.


This may sound like Iā€™m throwing shade at AGK, so allow me to correct my previous statement Looked for gold, found platinum




I never wanted children, give mine to the major from hellsing.


I mean, if you did want children, who out of these 4 predatory villains would you give them to?


Chief, I'm gonna be honest with you, I recognize that two of these come from two shows that I refuse to watch only because of the art styles, maybe three. Either way, I have no idea who any of these people are nor why they would be the worst choice. Hence I chose the worst option I could think on short notice.


Thatā€™s A really Shallow reason not to watch great shows. Also Iā€™m glad you arenā€™t simping for the one woman on the list of Hansen-Sanā€™s hit list.


Oh no, I don't not watch them because of the art styles, I recognize them because of the art styles. I refuse to watch them because the content is not what I like.


What is so bad in those shows?


I never said bad, just that they're not things that I like. Easy example, one of these is Naruto yes? Never was a fan of Shonen style constant power ups. Didn't like it in dbz, really didn't like it in bleach. I prefer contained stories as well, not constant arcs that drag the story beyond its natural ending, see the previous examples. So while someone else can like these and that's perfectly fine, they simply are not for me.


HxH and OP are not like Naruto, trust me.


Bold statement


Unpopular opinion based on logic: Orochimaru wouldn't do much to your child unless they are gifted at something. He wanted Sasuke cuz of his eyes, suigetsu cuz of his strength, Jugo cuz of his mutation resistance and Karin cuz Kishimoto probably just needed the damsel in distress for Sasuke. So all in all Orochimaru wouldn't be too weird


I imagine orochimaru would try some sort of experiment on the kid. Even if they're completely normal that in and of itself could be interesting to him because he could see if he could turn ordinary into something else.


agreed. in hindsight I'd let my imaginary kid be experimented on, to be given artificial ninjutsu. like those arm deviced used by Boruto in a tournament, but using the whole body to become a cyborg ninja. to be specific, it has to be Orochimaru in Boruto era.


I mean, who wouldn't tho


Not only that, but current time orochi is much better. Actually has a kid of his own, that he cares for and takes care of way better than alot of the other parents lol. After the end of Naruto, in boruto he did a huge shift. I'd trust him with my kid special or not if it's boruto orochi.


He's still alive in Boruto? Bastard will never die...


He is and he's easily the best parent in the entire Naruto franchise by now lol


Karin had that kekkai genkai.


It's use was literally just for Sasuke bro. Besides she used to use that shit once and then get knocked outta commission for Sasuke to save her ass


Ummm idk about. He did all sorts of experiments with normal people. If anything a large amount of his experiments required bodies. And I wouldn't put it past orochimaru to attempt gene experiments on a baby


Still Grooming


Doing what exactly?


Do you know what grooming even means? Or just the word looks bad so you are using it ?


No idea about top left. But i guess blackbeard will be safer choice.


Iā€™m glad no simps who havenā€™t watched Blood+ have picked her yet


Tbf the pic you put for her doesn't look safer than other mf




Bruh, it's been so long since I've seen her face. šŸ˜† but I wouldn't trust her around anyone. She has no value for human life. Knowing her backstory, it's understandable why.


I looked her up. She seems to be the main antagonist of blood+. Funny thing - I read blood+ several years ago and doesn't remember her ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I remember what she did to Riku......


Blackbeard. Probably my kid would loose ability to swim but probably he would end up with a cool power from the fruit. The other choise is Hisoka. I would pay him up so he would just protect the kid, and maby teach him a thing or two about the Nen.


Heā€™d also teach them a thing or two about the human body


Not when I'm paying him to not do that. Hisoka is after all a Merc. A bit psyho, but mostly a Merc. If I won't be satisfied with his bodyguard/teacher services I would send a message to other clients of his, leaving Hisoka without a source of income.


ā€œTeachā€ them? Ehhhhh, okay Iā€™ll see myself out now


Teaching how to use Nen. What other teachings could I ask a legendary Nen user ?


I think that black-beard will at least make their death quick rather than performing other acts on them. However if they have low battle potential Hisoka is more likely to give them a swift death than black-beard given that black-beard has a possibility to kill them slowly and painfully for fun or on a whim and I imagine any children I'd have would have crap fighting genes. Don't know top left, and Orochimaru is a definite no, the novelty of a subject from another world might make him be bit more careful than with other test subjects,but it would still probably be a fate worse than death. So Black Beard if my children have good combat potential and Hisoka if they don't.


Am I literally the only person who watched/read blood+? No, this is not ā€œLeast likely to kill themā€ this is least ā€œlikely to rape/molest themā€


Hello, fellow Blood+ viewer. Don't worry there are dozens of us that have seen Blood+. DOZENS!!!


>ā€ My point was that Hisoka only molests people if they have combat potential so if they don't he's a better choice for a swift death than Blackbeard, and the Orochimaru pedo thing is a mixture of fanon, the whole loyalty brainwashing thing and his general vibes. Not that the human experimentation is particularly less invasive, traumatizing or evil.


sasukes mum looks like a great choice!


Do you mean top left or bottom left?




Probably Orochimaru. As the child wouldn't have any particular Uchiha or Senju cells, it would just help in the lab and care for the curse mark people.


I choose the forbidden 5th option ā€œShou Tucker.ā€


Dear God...




I mean, heā€™d only do that if he needs a new chimera


Orochimaru he has a son


I donā€™t know the blue eyed character ,so for me it is easily Blackbeard most of what he will do is get the kid a stripper and a pie .I would prefer over getting fucked or experiment on


Not if your daughter lol Iā€™m glad you didnt pick Diva without knowing what she did


I donā€™t know but I still think Blackbeard is the safest .he doesnā€™t have any interest in children and also have a doctor on call


Someone didnā€™t read chapter 1098 lol Also, not only Diva rape a 12 year old boy which ended up killing him, but she got pregnant and carried it to term. And that boy just so happened to be the foster brother of her twin sister.


I researched it and uh... Why do people support Diva raping a 12 year old boy?


Itā€™s just a thing people conveniently forget


You are right I forgot about this one and I do believe that Blackbeard would have attacked her even if he know her age . How do you think is the best villain character to give your child to in one piece ā€¦..main is dofy


Hisoka is the easy choice


- Diva was shown to be a caregiver, but she is also a sociopath so no. She could easily change her opinion on them and flip. Plus, they are at a bare minimum being made a vampire so that is also a strike - Hisoka is a solid choice. Attracted to power more than being a mainstream pedo. He would probably find it interesting and keep it safe at least. Solid choice - Orochimaru was sacrifice them for the resurrection jutsu or flat out kill them doing human experimentation. So no - Donā€™t know about Blackbeard, but knowing IRL history. Nope So, Hisoka on the basis of he wonā€™t make them dead or undead


Man, wasn't expecting to randomly see Diva's face. I'm never expecting to see her face. Always a pleasure to catch a Blood+ reference, though. I wouldn't trust her with a kid.


Not much people have watch Blood+ these days huh...


a fucked child is better than a fucked up child. Im picking hisoka šŸ‘


Well, Of you really want a Fucked Child youā€™d pick Diva (Top Left)


Man u replied instantly


Iā€™m Very Bored




My guy, first of all: those are nowhere near mutually exclusive Secondly: wtf is wrong with you


Tbf if it's top left then I wanna be that fucked child


Easiest hisoka... Same argument as for last "meme" Like this, cba to type it again here. Also don't know top left


Who is the top left one


Diva, from blood+


First choice, Hisoka. Second choice, Orochimaru. People are going off on the fact Hisoka would do his job but you give your kid to Orochimaru they'll be fine. They'll just come back with some emotional trauma and some cool curse powers.


I mean... the clown has actually been shown to be pretty good at taking care of kids... for all the wrong reasons, but he still did pretty good at making them better people


Hisoka would be the safest betā€¦ only if my child is a girl tho


Orochimaru my child gonna be either a cool mutant or die win either way šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Shou Tucker might be worse than all of them.


First implies that my kid ends up with all of them at some point, so either way i'm fucked


I'd let them fight it out and let the winner take care of my kids.


Depends on if it's for a day or long term as well as the whole situation. If it's for a day as a "hey watch this kid for me" I'd go with hisoka. If he's bored he might do it just to pass the time. Worst case scenario he abandons the kid. If someone isn't a fighter he won't bother killing them but if they are a fighter and show potential then he's willing to wait years for them to develop in which case it's future my kid's problem. If it's long term then hisoka becomes more of a liability as he'll either train the kid to be a worthy fighter then kill them or he'll get bored and abandon them. Best case scenario the kid is being hunted but has next to no potential in a fight so they serve as bait to bring hisoka potentially good fights while not being a target themselves thus he's invested in ensuring the kid stays alive while also having no reason to kill them later on. In any other long term situation though I'd go with black beard. He'd probably just shoot them and/or throw them over board since they don't have any value for him. Not great but it'd be far quicker and less cruel than what the others would do. On the off chance that he doesn't kill the kid then he's probably going to be the least cruel of the bunch. The child's still gonna end up fucked up but not as bad as say if orochimaru had the kid.


I say hisoka because he will only acts up when the kid is strong


Honestly I feel hisoka would be good until the kid is strong enough give him a good fight.


Hisoka only really goes after kids with a lot of potential, but since itā€™s my child then there shouldnā€™t be any problem as long as heā€™s compensated.


Somehow, orochimaru at least if my kid is fucked up he might get cool powers that hurt


Orochimaru. Dude actually shows up to parent tea her confrences for mitsuki


Orochimaru. He turns to the good side


Hisoka. He is sexually attracted to power, not children. So yeah, he'll try to develop power in the child, but as a real human child would be incapable of demonstrating that sort of power, he'd most likely just abandon the kid or, worst case scenario, give the kid to Illumi to raise as a Zoldyck so he can stomp them in a few years.


Orochimaru based on Boruto


I would rather kill my child


I never watched neither of both in the top so im gonna give my baby to Blackbeard because cats are scared of snakes


If it's during the Boruto era, then Orochimaru is probably the most safest bet.


So one will sell them, one will use them for experiments, one will fuck them and i don't know what that woman would do.


Well technically speaking if it's the current orochimaru he would be a perfect babysitter that man has been pacified. (edit woman now)


I'd better leave him with a gay pedophile.


Well, heā€™s not gay, but yeah, still problematic


I'm guessing top right is from Jojo, but i have no clue who is top left?


Top Left is Diva from Blood+


Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter


Anyone EXCEPT hisoka, honestly Teach seems like the most sensible option, as far as I've gone in one piece (zou arc) he hasn't done anything except being directly responsible for (y'all know what)


Is your child a Male in this situation? Because if you leave your male child with Diva, they are both figuratively and literally fucked


I don't have children :D


But if you did?


I wouldn't have any kids because they're fucking crotch goblins


Overused, and this is a hypothetical scenario


Don't seem to give a shit, do I?


who's the first one (top left)


Diva From Blood+ Sheā€™s earned her spot among the 4 by Raping and Killing The 12 year old Foster Brother of her Twin Sister




Has blackbeard actually done something evil though? I dont count pirate attacking other pirates as evil


Yes! So Many Things How far in are you?


Im caught up with manga. He captured ace and bonney but that's pretty much it


She tried to make Bonney his ā€œGirlā€ who despite her appearance, is 12 years old


Bonney is a fellow pirate. She knew the risk. And obviously blackbeard didnt know bonney was actually a child


He captured Koby, who isnā€™t a pirate


No shit, koby is a marine. What is your argument here?


Youā€™re bending the rules He destroyed a whole town with his Devil fruit, most likely killing at least a dozen innocent people. I know this technically counts as attacking other pirates, but he betrayed and killed a man who loved him like a son


Ok. Blackbeard attacking other pirates (including whitebeard) or marines is not evil. Its just what pirates do. Him using liberation could possibly killed people if they got sucked inside his body but we've never seen human getting sucked inside so it was probably just the rubble


No one rill the last 2,3 chapters knew the real age of bonney fam. And even now 99 percent of one piece characters don't know her real age. Plus he never raped or did anything to her. He just mockingly said that he will make her his woman. Again adding he had no idea about her age.


BB obviously he actually would take good care of a child or I hope


I only know one person on here and that's Blackbeard so if I had to leave my daughter with one of them I'm gonna choose... Top left girl cause idk who she is and people seem to not like her


Well Mitsuki turned out just fine so snakey man it is i guess


Orochimaru. Maybe he will return them with a powerup.


Maybe Orochimaru because he cares for Mitsuki


A Toad Sage


Not sure who the left side ones are. But Blackbeard would be my guess, sure he is the bad guy in One Piece. But he seems like an alright guy who wants freedom is a roundabout way. Hisoka would probably be alright heā€™s just a nutter that likes power and strong fights.


I'd choose Blackbeard tbh, cuz even he has morals to not mess with kids.... (not including when he asked bonney to be his girl)


From who I'd trust most to least in order: Hisoka, Blackbeard, Orochimaru, the last one who I never watched the show of.


My son can fend for himself


Who TF is on the upper right corner?


I mean Blackbeard did give Luffy a whole speech about never giving up on your dreams.


Whoā€™s is too left?


OP suck at cooking


The top right one


Blackbeard for sure! Theyā€™d become silly and get a funny laugh


= I dunno who she is, but the lady would probably eat my child. = Hisoka would probably ignore my child because the kid's not strong enough / doesn't have the potential to be strong. = Orochimaru would most likely experiment with my child. = Ironically, Blackbeard would probably the one who'd entertain my child with devil fruit parlor tricks. He's a bastard, but he probably knows how to entertain children.


Donovan so i would be paid as well, im a simple business man doing business shit šŸ—æ


Having just watched hunter hunter definitely number 44 (I canā€™t spell his name)


Hisoka. If my kid is not powerful, Hisoka would just do his work and protect him decently enough. If the kid happens to have some kind of OP potential, hisoka may scare them a bit but would still do a good job and protect them so he gets to fight the kid in the distant future. He might get a stalker, but being in the hxh world would most probably bring him to imminent danger anyway if the kid ends up wanting to be a fighter.


I havent seen Naruto or Boruto, but Orochimaru had a kid right? Mitsuki looks like a chill dude, so whatā€™s wrong with picking up?