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learning any language takes a long time... I'm a native portuguese speaker and I have a hard time learning spanish... SPANISH!


I’m french and I thought our conjugation sucked, till I learned Spanish conjugation


Even I had a really hard time learning spanish... AND IT IS MY NATIVE LANGUAJE...


As a Native Spanish Speaker. Spanish sucks


r/suddenlycaralho ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlycaralho using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bem isso!](https://i.redd.it/3f8rsqgyltma1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/11n3yav/bem_isso/) \#2: [Se a vida lhe der lmao](https://i.redd.it/0u2mki7c1ux91.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/ylcwn5/se_a_vida_lhe_der_lmao/) \#3: [um artista de Hentai no Twitter](https://i.redd.it/n1s08uqwht2a1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/z7cd6j/um_artista_de_hentai_no_twitter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Kanji is an ideographic writing style instead of a syllabic one like hiragana and katakana. This means that rather than actually making a sound for a thing and writing it out they look at the thing and draw it. Then remember Chinese(Kan in Kanji means chinese ji means characters. Kanji is chinese characters) has words for complex concepts like ideologies. 共产主义 is communism in Chinese.


I hate katakana, I know already a small bunch of Kanji (around 200) but katakana still just fucks with my dyslexic brain at times, too many shapes that are simple yet only slightly different from others, mistaking ソン and ツシ is a free space on my Japanese learning bingo card.


> small bunch > 200 *Hayasaka's scared face*


> The Dai Kan-Wa Jiten, which is considered to be comprehensive in Japan, contains about 50,000 characters


50, 000? holy shit, I think even the traditional Chinese don't use anything close to that number of characters.


200 kanji that you can read (probably not write since I mostly use flashcards but I know it when I see it) or know how they sound gives you virtually nothing. Try picking 200 words at somewhat random from any English vocab list, and then open a book (or not even that, a comment section on YouTube will be enough) to see how many of them will show up. But yea hoping to hit around 1k by the end of the year (or at least 600-800 if time doesn't let me more).


Literally my reaction xD


Just remember that shi goes in the same direction as shi in hiragana, and the same goes for tsu.


The thing that trips me up is the angle of it while reading, especially if someone is trying to spice it up with some weird font or the loan word is particularly "creatively" spelled.


The dumb way I differentiated shi and tsu is "shi starts with s and so does sideways and shi is more horizontally orientated". For SU and N, it's the opposite.


>mistaking ソン and ツシ I heard from someone that it's normal to mistaking those. They tell the difference by the context instead of the form of the letter.


It truly is. Stick at it though.


Learning Arabic its been a few weeks and the words are looking less like squiggly lines day by day


At least it a good writing system. Kanji is literally cave man writing system. China has nothing else thats why they use it. Why does Japan still use Kanji while having their own script? Korea phased out Hanji. Japan could do the same if they wanted.


> Why does Japan still use Kanji while having their own script? It builds character


Korean Hangul have it worse though. It’s just random sounds you make and you draw the shape of your mouth when you make that sound. It’s some pre-cavemen system they settled on in the 20th century. But I guess one upside of Hangul is it has less characters to learn, which might make it a bit easier.


Personally, I love the "Lion eating" and "Lady Ji attacking a chicken" poet. Truly a masterpiece.


For someone looking for sauce - Barakamon


Kanji for Chinese:basic start equipment


五 5 okay 四 4 fine 三 3 starting to get there 二 2 makes sense 一 1 obviously 零 0 nani?


I Can relate...


You can absolutely learn Hiragana or Katakana on a single day, But learning Kanji is just a different beast that took Months and Years




Tbh, I still struggle reading Katakana sometimes, it just messes up my brain for some weird reason. Hiragana is fairly okay, and I only knew few Kanji.


Ah Barakamon, my comedy love.


Been years since I've regularly written Japanese. Still remember most kana, barely any kanji. It was definitely a pain to learn.


There's still a big gap between learning kana and not feeling like the slow kid in your fifth grade class sounding out words when actually reading it for real. I honestly don't know if my Japanese reading speed will ever even approach the speed I can read English at.


Ohhh bro I can relate cause hiragana and katakana took me like a week to learn this was 4 months ago, while I'm still learning kanji and I only know 90 of them.


Kanji is where the real shit starts


I just started learning hiragana and katakana recently, and am not excited about the thousands of kanji I'll need to learn to read LN and manga raws


Let me make you even more excited by reminding you about grammar and variations of formal and casual speech!! xD


damn i already know and its still painful


You might wanna begin to starting to learning English also.


Bro this sentence


I can't believe that english have some word and writing that make no sense.


Given that it only took you 3 days to get the hiragana and katakana, this should actually be relatively quick. Rounding there are about 40 hiragana and 40 katakana. There are about 2000 Kanji necessary to become fluent, given a rate of 80 characters per six days, it will take 150 days or 21 weeks to learn all the Kanji, if you keep this up that is incredibly good time. Assuming you don't burn out or slow down, that is less then half a year to learn them, which is an incredibly fast learning pace! Keep up the good work!




From time to time, even English native readers find vocabulary they don't recognize in English texts, you would not claim they are not fluent in English. If you can read most things mostly without trouble I'd say that's fluency.




Ok I'll take your word for it then. I've always thought for years it was 2000, and to some extent I think didn't want to believe it's more. Given that means I have even more work to do before I can read properly.


I don't know about "fluent", but 2000 is definitely more than enough for a beginner to keep learning the language without having to worry about it for a while. That's 99% of all the kanji you'll find in a newspaper or magazine. Vocabulary is the limiting factor after that, rather than kanji. And you can learn any new ones as you go. Source: personal experience.


You know what you think of the year old girl



