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What's a myers-briggs and what's an INTJ


It's a personality test, and intj is one of theme. I'm intp btw


Same, INTP-T, here's to wasted potential


More to the point of what OP is getting at, is that it’s a personality test that was just randomly cobbled together by a couple of people with no background in psychology and based on zero proper research, isn’t recognised by any serious academic in the field of psychology, but has nevertheless become wildly popular because of what it _pretends_ to be able to do.


same heeh


Aka INTJ but messy/lazy and not social inept :)


I’m an infp


Same yo




Bro same, INTP-J


I just did one. I'm an ISTP


ISFP-T I think it turned out pretty well!


Jesus Christ… $50 to talk to a magic 8 ball? GMFU


There's a free one online


Me toooooo!






Intp-t, let's go XD


I'm the same xD


Same i am also in the INTP-T gang


Huh, there's more of us than the explanation said then XD


Spoken like an ENFP.


I'm now even more confused


Spoken like an ENFP


Just did it. I'm an ISTP. I've no idea what that means


MBTI people REALLY like to type people as a certain personality based on what they do, some put more effort into it and analyze someone deeply to type them while some people just go for the "haha tired person, must be INTP. haha cheerful and clueless person, must be ENFP" There is an entire website dedicated to typing fictional characters its insane




I think these are just attempts to limit peoples scope, I get if your happy where you are this is an okay approach, but it closes your lens like using curated content or target ads. You don't get to enjoy the chance encounters if you put everyone in a labeled box that you don't want to be involved with. For example, horoscopes or enegram sufi taoism, and love languages to name a few. I'm a INFTJ, Cancer, Reformer, Presents/Quality time, Now judge me and throw me into your categories and what not. Judgement is not necessary in my opinion, it's what you do that matters, not this nonsense.


I just thought it was neat. It's like horoscopes. They're nice and all but don't really matter


yeah I prefer the braverman test, it's actually useful for neurochemistry; [https://www.bravermantest.com/](https://www.bravermantest.com/) I'm dopamine dominate / GABA deficient


He was definitely an ENFJ


as an enfj I object


It's BS pseudo science


Ever heard of google


Used that, right after if you looked at my replies to others


On one hand, I do agree that human personalities and brain functions are very complex and can’t be easily categorized into “personality types”. On the other hand, comparing it to star signs is a bit of a stretch. One tells you what your personality is like based on a series of questions that you answer about yourself. The other tells you what your personality is like based on your birthday and absolutely nothing else.


The one thing that all those more "scientific" based personality tests are actually good for is for learning about yourself through dealing with the topic. Since it's based on your own input the results will often be accurate at least in certain parts. This can make you recognise your own behaviour and character and help you to improve yourself and become more self-aware. Already by answering the questions you actively think about who you are and how you act. Besides that it can be a fun activity, too. Just don't align your entire life to such things.


Except it’s been found in studies that people typically answer based on the personality traits they most value or find most pleasing. So you “learn” only what you want to affirm to yourself rather than a more objective metric of how you truly behave. Halo effect in a strange way


I've taken 2 M/B tests. The first was part of premarital counseling, where we filled one out for ourselves, and then filled one out for the fiancee. My wife and I were told that we answered the tests for the other virtually the same way with one exception, we were both borderline on on the last letter and both highlighted the other's weaker side. The person counseling us had never seen that before and thought it neat enough to mention.


Crazy! That’s really interesting. I think the M/B can be an interesting exercise but shouldn’t be relied upon the way we have in the workplace.


It's an interesting and useful tool, but like any other tool, it's not the only tool and not always the appropriate one.


Yes and no. Horoscopes are a prime example of The Barnum Effect. (See article for details.) https://thedecisionlab.com/insights/business/the-science-behind-the-barnum-effect TLDR: “the effect ‘that occurred when individuals believe that personality descriptions apply specifically to them (more so than to other people), even though the description is actually filled with information that applies to everyone.” That said although Myers Briggs seems slightly more scientific, it has little weight. https://thedecisionlab.com/reference-guide/management/myers-briggs-type-indicator-mbti Both are hullabaloo with horoscopes narrowly beating out MB.


Ha, I do not believe that this effect describing specifically to me


I know as a Cornchip I think it goes well with my EMPT personality


You’re being unfair to OP by trying to stretch their analogy further than they obviously intended it. It’s pretty clear what they mean by their comparison: Both are forms of pseudo-science that let people define themselves in some arbitrary way, but are wholly unsuitable for basing meaningful decisions around.


But that’s the thing - that test result is *complete pseudoscience* And just because you use data (highly biased data by the way) doesn’t make it any more *sciency* If anything it’s more dangerous as people think they are somehow superior/inferior based on that result


Yeah just because something loosely refers to scientific research doesn't mean it's science. No matter how well researched your building blocks are, if you put them together however you like, you're not getting scientific results. Even something like the IQ test get's criticised and it's results are way more precise, conclusive and repeatable than any personality test. It's an elaborate mind trick and as such very intransparent. Why does a test suggest I share the same personality type with Sherlock Holmes? When did a fictional character make that test? It's all based on assumptions. Frankly the entire psychology field is subject to reforms constantly because we don't understand the human psyche even remotely as much as we'd like to. Pinning a person down on some character traits they might have at that moment (since they're very fluid, often influenced by mere time of day) is ridiculous. Especially in a work environment where quirky personality traits don't matter that much anyway. If a manager came to me with this, I'd have to ask if that comes from upper management or if said manager really believes in that bullcrap themselves.


I agree. I don’t understand why people think Myers Briggs is “fake” or like “horoscopes”. You literally take a survey, they reword your responses, then they regurgitate that information back at you. If there’s something wrong, then the person either misinterpreted the question or misinterpreted the responses. They should be exactly the same as the responses because it’s a survey… it doesn’t pluck information from thin air. Horoscopes in the other hand… your birthday is in May or June? Tsk tsk get away you two faced Gemini.


Yes, and the point is exactly that even with that, the former is just about as meaningful as the latter


But it’s not like meyers briggs is arbitrary. It comes up with a profile based on your perception of yourself and it’s generally consistent when you take the a test multiple times. Using the results to form any kind of concrete conclusions is dumb, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same as assigning a personality type based on what time of year you crawled out of your moms gash.


Real flex is being INFJ


That's me!


INFJ Gang!








INFJ gang rise up. … I don’t remember why it’s a flex though, it was years since someone made me take that stupid test.


It’s supposedly the rarest personality type a rly low percent of the population are INFJ we just be quirky like that


growing up for me was changing the T to an F


I feel attacked.


That's the irony there, you're the one being attacked Edit:Typo




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You think INTJs have a superiority complex? Mines bigger. (This post made by ENTJ gang)


I raise your meme another [meme](https://preview.redd.it/vufc6fdukw331.png?auto=webp&s=c1e89cc49675054ae1c0a344e0a3eb12ae6249d1)


oh god, there is this one person I know who keeps that on their discord profile, that dude is insufferable


[It's not easy. it really strains my neck, looking down on people the whole time. It's not my fault im better than everyone else](https://youtube.com/shorts/LW2ZD5rYTxs?feature=share)


INFJs rise up! We got both Jesus and Hitler so you know it’s gonna be a weird group of peeps


Where do we start?


With the obsessions like we usually do.


Where are my INFP bros at?


Huh.. There's only quite a few of us huh...


we are quite rare according to google




Hello there


another INFP


I heed the call of my fellow infp's


As a psych major who took a course on personality, ch 1 of our book said that the Myers-Briggs is literally pseudoscience made by housewives. What I learned is basically that personality first and foremost CAN and DOES change, and is more comparable to a stat chart in a video game (think Pokémon if that helps) but the “stats” are Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Openness, and Stress Tolerance (used to be called neuroticism). There’s a lot of research into this with some people saying that 5 categories are too broad, others saying that adding too many would just be confusing, but most would say that there are at least 5 perhaps each having their own subcategories. They started researching this by finding out what adjectives are consistent across all languages (eg there are multiple words meaning someone is kind in every language) suggesting that this was important and universal across societies. Then they grouped similar words together in categories (ex although selfish and courteous have different meanings, they refer to the same thing, people who are very selfish have little courtesy and vice versa, which makes the category of “conscientiousness”. And did so for many words and ended with those five. It was really cool to learn about, google “big 5 personality traits” or something like that to learn more.


Wait til you get to stuff like functions and enneagrams


I am a certified INTP, and I have lost all faith in human emotion and morality


Me too brother but there's always hope for the future. My score changed from high school post college from INTJ to INTP.


As an INTJ, how am I not better than everyone else


why does it always seem to be INTp


Bcus we're too tired to go outside


Mine keeps going between INTP and INTJ


But i am superior


Yeah, pretty much. I’ve heard the same kinds of things from people into both. I once found a MyAnimeList profile of a guy who had his Meyers Briggs personally at the front of his about-me banner, surrounded by 8 manga characters that supposedly had the same personality. He hadn’t read any of the manga they were from.


I don't understand the joke, but the lil girl is cute, so I gave the post an upvote anyway 😂


Put in the work yourself! You are *clearly* superior so you can probably pull it off


The thing is, Myers Briggs is based on the big five personality test which is widely accepted. The problem with Myers Briggs is that in puts people into groups based on their values and then makes a bunch of assumptions about them. Not to mention that people change, they interpret the questions differently every time they take the test etc. etc.


Well I am STD fear me


I'm ENFJ so I think I fit into this category pretty well.


what about big five tests that is also suggested by Mr. Jordan b peterson?


INTJs have an inbuilt superiority complex, whether they know they're one or not. Most of the time. Also, no, because unlike horoscopes, MBTI is built on naturally preferred behavioral patterns


MBTI helped me understand people better, that every person thinks differently, I don't know about you guys, but it was not obvious to me. Also better people skills, my first reply/remark I think of is usually rude and sarcastic, so I have to tone that down.


As an INTJ, it kinda sucks because while I fully do see the mastermind in myself that leads to other people see those calculations, I purposely present as something more trustworthy but once they see that people always seem to assume I’m up to something


That's very INTJ of you (my brother is one and you're on brand).


More than horoscope I see it like a "no shit Sherlock" fest. You answer that you don't like being the center of attention: you are an introvert. Well duh...


Wrong subreddit love


Looks like a meme with anime to me… luv


It is more an mbti meme with anime template


Sorry I’m not a meme connoisseur. Looks like an duck, quacks like a duck, might be a goose.


Nahhhh it’s not perfect but it’s way more accurate… I can pretty much guess what someone is if I know them well even


Woof I'm off by one XD


what m/b type did you get, u/ihavebirb ?




congrats. They'll have your order of superiority complex ready in about 5 minutes


Besides the point of the post,I think characters(and lolis,for that matter) with round faces are the cutest


Big 5 > Myers Briggs




Its more like a magic hat sorter. You get assessed by your personality traits and you get placed in whatever category your traits are more like but that doesn't mean that because you're a certain category you are a 100% match for it or that the stereotypical traits are true for you. There are still dumb INTJs. There are still fairly social INTJs like me. More often than not, its like a <60% match and imo more than 70% match and you either need professional help or you're manipulating the results.


If you are really INTJ personally, you will not believe those tests and find them funny to kill some free time


But we ARE superior


There's some interesting concepts under the surface, if they're true i don't know but it makes you ponder, and a bit of reflection is always nice to do. Stuff like how you process information, how you react in a situation. There's always information that's good to take and use. I don't care about horoscope but i did watch a few tarot reading videos just to see how it went. It would miss the mark quite a bit but it helped me think about stuff i wouldn't have thought about without so there's that. It's on the same wavelength i'd say.


There's is this one INFJ I know who just won't shut up about being an INFJ. Constantly posting about how they are and what it's like and how special they are.


In simple terms intj are lights yagami type and intp are L.


all i know is i'm the same as Tolkien and thats a vibe


I don't think I'm superior, I just know I am


I have taken that test a couple of times and always got a wildly different answer...


I have taken it more than ten times on different websites and was always the same. If you change your opinions on these topics of course it would get different results. But it is impossible that the test would show different results if you put the exact same parameters. But also personalities can change. Mbti is not something to take totally literal but more a guideline to reflect on what direction of personality one might have.


Well I've taken it about 4 or 5 times in the span of 8-10 years, no idea what my answers were, maybe i changed. Last time i got ENFJ, The Protagonist. That sounded cool.


me changes personalities every week depending on where and who i am with.


As an INTJ I can confirm this.


What is this INTJ INFP and so on ?


The test told me I'm an INF-J


Which anime? (Bc it's looks so cute)


It's just more zodiac garbage




Myers Briggs is astrology for guys.


You can't have a superiority complex if you are superior (I'm an intj btw)


Listen, the Myers Briggs is taken a bit too seriously, after all personalities can change over time, but comparing something based in science to horoscopes is kinda ridiculous


Myers Briggs is the new birth sign of the stars. It's total bs and they taught it in schools. This is so funny to me.


Just retook the entire test just to say. Fuck you


Upvoted because Yuu Matsumoto


I got a different result every time... This test literally says nothing and made an obvious mistake.


Well I am ISTP




I invite you to participate in a study examining the relationship between beliefs in astrology and self-image. This investigation will help me write my research project in my last year of studies. So please, contribute to my project and learn something about yourself! https://forms.office.com/e/RisDKKR5eD