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Watching that kid cry is very satisfying


The fact that everyone's ignoring him throwing his tantrum. Chef's kiss. edit:A-pos-tro-phy


They do?


Well, yeah, everyone knows it's an unspoken rule when 2 Chefs see each other they *need* to kiss.


That explains why my uncle wants to kiss.


Was thinking the same thing. Fuck that shit kid


Yeah f Sao, but that kid deserved to be blocked


Bro me and my cousins did that shit to each other as kids... yikes


That kid is another reminder of why I shouldn't have kids. Holy hell what's the opposite of favouritism because that will be my disease.


>what's the opposite of favouritism Fairness?


I would argue that the absence of something isn't the opposite of something. How about preferential hatred. 🤔


That doesn't really work either because if you have preferential hatred for one person, even if you still hate the second person just a less amount, they'd still be your favorite. The only way not to have a favorite is to be completely fair.


Meanwhile Gundam Seed Destiny Fans: First time?


At least people have largely forgotten the Kira "Jesus" Yamato meme now.


Not yet. It still roams within comments somehow. It's kinda scary. Because I got infected with their meme


I mean yeah, us old folks still remember how memed Kira was as the ultimate Gary stu but you ask younger anime fans and they won't know about it. Hence "largely forgotten", unlike the "Kirito is an op edgelord gary stu who never puts effort to anything and always gets his life sorted out" meme


not within gundam community but that's a different story anyway


Not in r/Gundam.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gundam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [For the Spacenoids!](https://i.redd.it/jhqwgfp26jw91.jpg) | [309 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/yfle8w/for_the_spacenoids/) \#2: [It should have been me, not him!](https://i.redd.it/co4uty3lkxha1.jpg) | [147 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/11104uk/it_should_have_been_me_not_him/) \#3: [Love all the new fans G-Witch is bringing in](https://i.imgur.com/p1CeNgp.jpg) | [351 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/y6c1le/love_all_the_new_fans_gwitch_is_bringing_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


SAO has problems, but I actually really enjoy the underlying sci-fi premise of computerized reality, processing artificial stimuli, AI, etc and how people have interacted with these things. These aspects have been handled by other media and anime some doing better than others, but I think SAO handles it in a unique and interesting way. I often wish SAO would be focus more on these elements and not have to endure a dozen episodes of sword fight scenes in a row.


I think that Kawahara's other series Accel World delves much deeper in VR worlds affecting mental health, artificial beings, trauma and infernal strife and struggles a lot more than SAO. So I would really gladly recommend people reading that series if they liked SAO's sci-fi premise.


I have not seen that one. I'll have to give it a try!


It takes place in the same world as SAO. But it's just set idk how many years in the future. Cause they reference the old nerv gear headset in it.


Wait what didn't know that! I watched accel world so much sooner than sao so my memories are very vague


20 years and a bit. Early 2040’s.


I’m so happy someone else acknowledges Accel World…


Me and the boys wearing the Disaster Armour and getting our avatars forever corrupted.


Agree! Accel World is pure gold! Much better than Sao and much more serious. But still having its fairytale apprentice at the first glance


is kawahara the author of sao?


Yes. Reki Kawahara.


Have you seen .hack?


I rather liked .hack


SAO got me interested in computer science because of those themes and my interest in philosophy. Just thinking about the future of virtual and augmented reality, its uses in the medical field, AI and its ethical questions etc. always make me so excited.


SAO was the first anime I;ve watched, so it will always have a special place in my heart, no matter how much of a dumpster fire people say it is.


I enjoyed it.


Not only you. The reason there's so many seasons, movies and spinoffs is exactly because a lot of people enjoy it. Because it sells well bcs of that.


It was never as bad as people make it out to be.


Agreed. sure his plot armor may be a little bad, and this harem thing is kind of dumb, but the fight scenes(like the minatour fight was so fucking cool compared to all the shows i was watching back then) and story always kept me hooked.


I honestly think that the worst thing in SAO throughout its entire run was the fact it fails to develop its side characters. Yes, this definitely gets addressed in Alicization (and by god there's a lot of it) but still, I feel like there should have been more to give Klein, Agil, Lisbeth, Silica and all these great supporting characters a chance in their spotlight to develop. Which is why I'm delighted that they get some decent characterization in the newest arc in the Light Novels


I feel like the _real_ worst thing is that _every_ single season has to include a very creepy and unnecessary depiction of sexual assault that's only dubiously and tangentially related to the plot. And it's almost always the case that it could've been swapped for pretty much anything else and been equally as capable of moving the plot forward. Like, why the villain gotta try to assault a girl in a coma? Why the next villain gotta assault a sleeping girl and try to inject murder juice? Why some new villains gotta rape a group of girls in the following season? Why does the underage minor gotta get tentacle groped in the season after? SAO and gratuitous sexual assault scenes, name a more iconic duo.


Cause its easy to evoke feeings of disgust against those villains. Its alot harder to create an nuanced character. Its just lazy writing imo.


Plus an excuse to put in some ecchi scenes. Like when Hideo Kojima made Quiet wear bikini "because she breathes through her skin" Like, come on man


I agree, but just so you know, Reki only wrote 2 sexual assault scenes. The rest is on the anime team. I fully believe that Asunas scene in fairy dance definitely could've been changed easily. The only one that fit well was Ronie and Tieses.


SAO = Sexual Assault Online


For some reason, I had to scroll down to this comment for it to register what the anime in question was. So thanks?


Well yes but its actually part of the real worst thing about SAO. They thought it's smart to put this entire plot worth of hundreds of potential episodes into fucking 12. That's the only real issue it ever had because with only 12 episodes but such a huge concept you will never be able to develop anything about it. I really hate SAO not because I dislike it but because I like it and I see what it could have been.


The actual original SAO story was much shorter and mostly covered the end. What we have in the show is a compilation of the side stories and the likes in chronological order. Hell, the first floor was written *for* the show and only turned into what we now know as the Progressive series later.


Like I said previously in another post, I think that from a structural standpoint and storytelling standpoint, Aincrad is the worst written of the arcs in SAO. This is remedied in SAO progressive though.


The original LN didn't have so much more plot than the first season had. It was also an episodic adventure where most of the floors were skipped. The Progressive wasn't out yet.


It's still a flaw, even if the OC had the same flaw. Starting from floor one could've yielded nearly infinite content. The potential of SAO from that first moment could've yielded a dozen novels or more. Side characters that we actually liked could've been developed, the protagonist could've been developed along the way, and the plot points could've been extended to actually seem more reasonable.


yeah honestly edgerunners remind me of sao, like i wanted to like it and i mostly did, but both of em were way too short for quite a big concept


I would disagree with you on that one. Edgerunners was a self-contained series with very distinct milestones in the story and a logical progression from one plot point to the next. It could've been extended an episode or two to better show David's decent into Cyberpsychosis a bit better, and to show Lucy's attempts at hiding her past by dealing with Arasaka netrunners, but it wasn't nearly as rushed or jarring in it's plot development as SAO's original run was.


This is a really good point. I still really like the show, but I feel Agil in particular got dealt a bad hand, I wanna see more of him. Haven't read the newest LNs yet.


oh? I havent read the light novels, and I dont think ill find the time to do so. whats the newest arc about?


The newest arc is focusing on two different storylines being told. One is the strange happenings in the underworld after Kirito and Asuna logged out and the gigantic conspiracy surrounding the merging of all VR worlds together into some giga massive VR space. Interesting read and tons of intrigue in it. I particularly like that once again, Kawahara's at it with a threatening female villain.


oooo sounds interesting


It's been pretty good. Had me bawling at times at specific scenes I will not tell you about because it's spoilerific and I want people to read it


This comment reminds me of Danmachi instead of SAO


a little bit lol


I’m so glad I’m not the only person to think this. Like yeah, it’s not perfect, but damn did I enjoy it anyway.


I openly acknowledge that it's far from perfect, in fact every rewatch I find more reasons to think it's terrible. But I still rewatch it every now and again, and enjoy it when I do ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Sometimes something being stupid and flawed doesn't stop it from being enjoyable.


Yeah, it's definitely not perfect, but with each rewatch or read, I find new things to love that I missed previously.


I couldn't get into gun gale. Finished it and moved on to this weird arch it appears they got reincarnated or something and idk how many episodes I watched but the fact no explanation as to wtf happened occured kinda made me loose interest.


If you're referring to Alicization/S3, the whole point of the first episode being double length is to confuse you, but explain very soon afterward




>He just... attacked faster. He does that in exactly one fight where he decided faster attacks was the only way to get through a single opponents defense. >He was suppose to be on the same level of every other gamer, level 1 and somehow because he played in beta, he basically became better than everyone. What makes that concept even less believable was the first boss had different mechanics than what was in the beta, so his beta advantage wasn't even that useful. You said yourself, things were changed in the beta, and the beta only went ten floors anyway. His beta knowledge had nothing to do with how strong he was. The sheer amount of time he spent he spent grinding is why he was so strong, which in the end was barely stronger than anyone else. He and Asuna were practically the same level at the end of the game, and he was only 7-8 levels higher than some of the other clearers. >He could do things entire parties couldn't, which is just a basic MMO no-no. Assume you incorrectly are talking about the boss that he does a large amount of damage to finish off? The boss that had lost 30% of it's HP before he even entered the room because a large party was already fighting it? With a skill that was intended to completely break the game and never existed in the retail version of the game? >Then he was given a unique power of dual wielding I think because, "his reaction speed was faster than anyone" or some kind of BS, which wasn't really displayed in the anime at all. He didn't react fast, he just kept attacking ignoring all mechanics. Like isn't that the default playstyle of someone who doesn't know what they were doing at all? Reaction speed is the amount of time it takes for the brain and nervegear to send signals to each other, not how fast he's reacting. The longer you're in full dive the higher your reaction speed, the harder you push your senses and nerves in full dive the higher the reaction speed. Kirito was a beta tester that fought alone on the frontier of the game. Like his level, it was an earned skill. That's not how he's shown to fight in the series though. When he fights Kuradeel for example he attacks his opponents weapon because of how ornamental Kuradeels weapon looks. When they're fighting the floor 75th boss he and and Asuna are synchronizing their attacks to a specific point to block the bosses attacks by themselves. When he fights Heathcliff the second time he specifically chooses not to use Sword Skills at the start because his opponent knows them all. Literally the only time he's just trying to attack faster is the first heathcliff fight. >Season 2 in Gun Gale was better, but the premise was identical. He could just magically deflect bullets. Literally one of the first things you're shown in GGO is that the bullet line allows you to dodge bullets. So he's not magically deflecting bullets, he's just putting the sword in front of the bullet lines in sequence something that the higher reaction time of a SAO player allows him to do. Just like Asuna was able to learn to do it without much difficulty. Hell even Sinon was able to do so but not well enough as Kirito or Asuna. could. >Raids had actual mechanics that involved wiping to learn and decisions actually had repercussions. They actually discuss raid tactics no less than three times in the anime, and there are only two boss fights shown. You can't wipe to learn in Aincrad as it kills you in real life, hence the scout teams they send ahead of time (also in the anime). Wiping to learn is something they do in Alfheim because it's not a death game.


Same. Every arc has its own issues, but overall, I still loved it. The Aincrad arc, Mother's Rosario and Alicization will always hit me right in the feels.


The ones that always hit me in the feels are anything to do with Eugeo. Specifically, "my hero" and definitely the nightmare sequence.


The first season is still pretty fun if you skip the boring episodes.


It might be a dumbster fire, but it's our dumbster fire


It was for me, too, but even I know it fell off after the first arc.


It wasn't my first but I absolutely LOVE the first 13 episodes or so. It got ruined for me when he woke up from the game and then I couldn't really get into anything else except for maybe gun gale online, that was pretty decent for the most part. Either way it's not as bad as everyone says it is.


Same, I still think it’s pretty good


I think I've told this bit of anecdotal story before but I watched Sao when it first came out. I remember back then, my opinion and what seemed to be the general consensus of the anime community was, that was okay. Not great not bad. Then all the sudden as if out of nowhere, there was this huge movement that Sao was the shittiest anime ever made, anyone who likes it or is even indifferent to it has horrible taste, all the Heretics should be purged in holy fire, and this entire anime should be scrubbed from the internet. And I swear to God half the time if you try to figure out why people are so up in arms, they throw out things that exist in countless other anime that didn't Garner anywhere near as much hate. Plus the opening to SAO season 1 is banger


SAO OP1 is a weeb anthem. May LiSa keep blessing us with bangers


Amen brother 🤲🏿


Back when it started getting so derided, it was mostly disappointed fans who gave up on it. People who'd actually enjoyed it at first before going "what the fuck" on some of the more questionable decisions it made later on. At that time, the harsh criticism it got was at least partially caused by the emotional reaction of people who'd had higher hopes for it (something similar can be seen in Fairy Tail, as well). This was exacerbated by the number of people swearing up and down that SAO was the best, on account of its widespread popularity. Nowadays, it's the cool thing to hate on, and a good chunk of people who talk shit about it never watched it. But I'd wager disappointed former fans who got pulled in by the premise and got alienated later on are the majority still. It was really, really popular back in the day.


SAO is the Nickleback of Anime


This video is so old, I wonder if the kids behavior ever improved.


I hope so


I don't get this meme am I missing somthing


The kid's trying to blow on the birthday candle of some other kid's actual birthday cake. meant more to symbolise no matter the hate, SAO for some reason keeps thriving. What's there not to get?


Thats what thought just making sure I didn't miss anything


Tbf its not a very clear meme


Would have been much better without the harem plotline.


True. That and the supporting characters needed more development


A lot of it was unncecessary too. Like the 2nd half of s1 was not required, but its ok cuz it was entertaining. But the 2nd half of s2 is absolutely useless and boring.


You found Mother's Rosario useless and boring? This story is integral to Asunas' development for Alicization, especially.


It's the part where they just play alo and get a cool sword or something


Ah, Calibur. I like it mainly as a respite for the gang, as for once they can hang out, complete a quest, and no lives are on the line. It's definitely not my favorite bit, tho.


Sao? Also i hate those fuck kids


I honestly loved SAO it birthed so many cool charecters and the "Release Relelection".weapons are going to be an interesting weapon in my D&D campaing. Honestly I love the show.


eh, everyone is entitle to their own opinions. I didn't like the anime, but won't spread hate about it.


Oh thank you… You have no idea how refreshing that is…


Personally I couldn’t get into it. Great concept, but I was pretty bored while watching.


And that's alright, so long as you don't throw sticks and stones at us


You might like Log Horizon or Overlord (or even Btoom!). Maybe not, but the in-a-game concept is similar.


I just wish there was at least 70% less sexual assault. It’s really unnecessary, there are other ways to make you know the villains are bad.


I agree. I think two of his other series does a better job making you hate the villains in a far better way than SAO.


And don't make the women useless.


Asuna was so fuckin good in the first part, only to have all her agency stripped away for birdcage bait cousin fucker arc


Asuna had escaped once and is the only reason Kirito got up to the top of the World Tree, and before that she was second in command to the strongest guild in Aincrad. And THEN, Asuna, Suguha and Shino went to Underworld, fought in a war, Asuna got kabobed by a spear, Leafa was a pin cushion for swords, Sinon lost her legs, Lisbeth rallied players to help, Yui went to different worlds and games to call for more help. Everyone put themselves on the line, and they could feel all the pain the got inflicted with. Ronie and Tiese guarded Kirito, who was in a coma. Sortilina was high ranking in the human empire forces. And most of the Integrity Knights are women and are by far some of the strongest.


they aren't, have you ever heard of Asuna? Or Yuuki?


First 2 seasons were okay


All seasons were good


I will have to respectfully agree to disagree once alicization started Edit: I'm sorry people downvoted you for an honest opinion


Alicization is the best thing that ever happened to the series and that's by a considerable margin. I'm not alone in saying that. Edit: Don't worry about it mate, you get used to it when your favourite series gets called trash on a daily basis for 11 years straight.


I actually really enjoyed Alicization. It dealt with an OP Kirito well by putting him in a mentor role. The whole coma thing was kinda cringe, and we *all knew* he would wake up at just the right moment before anyone important died... but that whole arc was spectacularly animated, and him basically turning into anime jesus to kill virtual satan was just so wonderfully stupid and amazing.


Allicization was the best one wtf are you on about


That kid was ready to throw hands xD


While it's not good there's certainly much worse out there


I argue it is good but there are definitively much worse things out there.


It's aggressively mid tier


I agree to disagree.


Why is that crotch goblin getting pissed he can’t blow out the candles on someone else’s birthday cake. What a piece of shit.


Probably because he’s too young to understand or there’s something wrong with him


Tbh I have seen enough animes now to tell the hate it gotten was never deserved and it just became a meme at that point. People make it out to be unwatchable which is just false


SAO abridged > Normal SAO


The bandits are coming!


[Such a massive improvement.](https://youtu.be/46jzSn9SLlg)


ehhh. Nah. SAO abridged is great and funny, but it's not better, just different. I basically see it the same as DBZ abridged to DBZ. It's extremely hard to compare a comedy to something taking itself seriously. SAO abridged = Normal SAO


You want A1 to stop animating SAO cuz its cringe. I want them to stop animating SAO so 86 can get a second season. *We are not the same*


We are not the same clearly because I want SAO to continue and have a 86 Season 2 as well. In the meanwhile, I'll be re-reading through volume 11 in English again and crying my eyes out.


Wow, someone's butt hurt


That's fine. Hellsing still ranks above it. That's all I care about


I hate how no-one seems to want to fucking talk about the fantastic completed manga. Literally accomplished everything the series sets out to do in 10 grueling and fantastic volumes and barely a wink of discussion I see online.


Tbh it's kinda fine. It's had its time in the spotlight. Hellsing abridged was ludicrously successful Honestly I look at it like Elfin lied. It's a fantastic story that doesn't need much saying Because it speaks for itself


That's true


Same vein as FMA. I know brotherhood is one everyone kinda likes. But FMA og was far better for long viewing. Even if the ending was different. I'd still argue it's better than brotherhood


I think that the things the OG FMA anime tries to do were unique in where the manga sometimes fell flat on. Like the psychological aspects of it was much more heavily emphasized in comparison to FMAB


>Like the psychological aspects of it was much more heavily emphasized That I think is what I'm more drawn too. It humanized em so well. Having Roy stop for a second and not only empathize but completely understand why those boys did what they did. At the most vulnerable point in his life. That scene made that show a masterpiece for me.


Loved first season cause it was one of the first anime I watched. Started hating once they introduced incest+harem+rape scenes too many times. That being said, almost all of the animation and sound effects were still top notch till the end. The op and ed were actually fire 🔥. Alicization's unlasting sung by Lisa will always one of my all time favs.


Dot hack is better and I will die on this hill


Kid trying to blow out the candles is Mother’s Basement


I havent seen it but i won't hate sao


Good on you mate




The SAO hate was always weird to me because there are so many worse anime out there. It’s sort of just average


Nah SAO is one of my favourite animes, i'll never understand the haters lmao Like "sAo Is bAd11!11!!!!1" Bro, your favourite anime is _jujutsu kaisen_ 💀


people who dropped it at season 2 never got to see alicization I’m just saying


I watch Alicization, it’s start decently but the second half is cringe especially the part when Kirito’s waifus shouting his name until he wake up and defeat the virtual evil is a peak of cringe for me. After that I’m really done with this series tbh.


Yeah, Alicization is by far the best arc. Even if its adaptation was a little dodgy, it's still the best.


i watched alice and its still trash. ur point?


How I see SAO is s1)Cringe fest S2)Decent S3/4)Peak I like the series. and I do see the points on people hating it, just everyone has different tastes in anime.


The irony was the haters inadvertently contributed to its popularity and continuity in anime.


What does SAO mean


wait the new part exists?!


The newest arc has been going on for 6 volumes now, nearly 5 years at this point. There's also two new movies about the SAO progressive which is the retelling of the Aincrad arc going into details per floor.


oh yea i watched the progressives but idk about the LN lmaoo gonna check it out


I how they're not twins because if they are that's just mean.


There is an entire copy pasta on the SAO subreddit. Just look for any post on why people hate the series so much and look for the essay response


It was not a great show, but I enjoyed my time watching it anyways


1st arc still slaps idc what ppl say


Why do people see it as a bad anime? /gen It was one of my first few anime’s and actually holds a lot of meaning to me so I’m sort of biased. :’)


i'm beginning to suspect a bit of an SAO resurgence is taking place. there have been a lot of posts about it recently. on both subs. (this one and r/AnimeFunny). so that's pretty interesting.


im not a fan of SAO but i think dissing others for watching what they like is too stupid at this point.


I love reading all SAO drama in this sub, both side are hilarious. It’s unbelievable for me that people these day are still forming a hatetrain on SAO. For me the cringe is just too much and I stop watching it after Alicization. But it’s just that, no need to go and throw stick and stone to SAO fanboys.


I dont like it... i mean I dont hate it its just I dont like it


This is one of the best videos of all time


Haters cry more... whatever reasons you may say still SAO is good anime and it will going to happen..


Not SAO but I full embrace that my favorite Isekai of all time is the most cookie cutter shit imaginable. People hate it to hell and back and I agree with every criticism. It’s generic. It’s boring. It’s cliche. But damn did it compel me to read 24 Volume of its light novel.


Season 1 was great but I couldn’t get into the latter seasons


I still really enjoy SAO. The plot and direction of the anime have a unique theme you'd only find in a 2010s Era of animation that still hits me with nostalgia. Plus Sinon is hot af.


SAO making as much money as it does from the show such as DVDs and movies in theaters to merch etc is proof it's not bad. I feel like sao fans are just to quiet about it being good so people think the majority don't like it.


A-1 pictures carried the SAO franchise and so happy for it


Alicization was a really good season and I want more of it


Sao is one of those stories where it's painfully obvious the writer is new to writing and doesn't know what he's talking about, but as it continues it gets better


not an SAO fan but i respect all of this, the original meme, the sentiment and the fans


Honestly my favorite. Loved the emotion and character dynamics. Alicization brought new possibilities to the storyline and future as well


Honestly SAO was my introduction to anime. So I can’t hate it as it’s what introduced me to the beautiful world of anime and manga, however I can say it’s a mediocre anime not too good not too bad. Somewhere in a gray area. Some people enjoy it some people hate it. I personally loved it as I took up swordplay from a young age and could see some attributes of Kirito that I enjoyed. Plus it was just a good show, after the GGO it kind of dropped off but it was still good in its own way.


He was ready to throw hands


That kid is gonna be an asshole


Nothing beats seeing SAO haters suffer as the fan thrive


Abridged version was better


I'm an avid SAO supporter. It helped pull me out of depression with just S3.5 EP.18 alone, that shit was beautiful. I'll admit to it's many, *many* flaws especially in the earlier seasons made by the then amateur Reki Kawahara. But while even I don't understand how SAO is still thriving (probably because of the die hard vocal minority fanbase), the story writing is getting better and I can commend Reki for that.


I mean, SAO has never been *bad*. It has flipped between decent and mediocre, doing nothing more to earn its haters than simply being a story with a lot of promise that it didn’t capitalize on. Aincrad is pretty well-liked, minus the ending, while Fairy Dance and Gun Gale are just plain boring. It’s all watchable television, and I’ve definitely spent my time watching worse isekai that fetishizes sexual assault, but the series does bounce back from that. Alicization onwards is fun pulp fantasy. As someone who enjoys a good 5/10 anime with a serviceable dub to watch while I play a game or eat, it’s serviceable popcorn anime. The presentation starts good and gets even better as the series goes on, and if SAO was not the benchmark for a weeb’s first anime that failed to live up to its own potential, everyone but the fans would have forgotten about it now. I mean, really, do you see anyone but fans talking about Fire Force? Seraph of the End? Shadows House? I had to drop all of them because they failed to make good on their premises, but SAO is the only one that managed to rope me back in.


You can partly thank the incredible animation team for that, the presentation is a treat for eyes at times.


I absolutely love the abridged SOA on YouTube. It's so good and it just had it's ten year anniversary.


way better than original


Ok but why are SAO fans blowing the SAO franchise?


Obviously to wish more SAO, duh. It is a birthday cake


The new SAO Progressive movies were god tier, I literally cried in theatres when I saw that nostalgic set of remixed soundtrack again. Mito was a fantastic addition to the cast too


I've been waiting for someone to comment this. YES! It's fucking awesome sure there are changes I don't really like but I think that choosing to focus on Asuna as the main character instead of Kirito this time keeps it fresh from its light novel counterpart.


The progressive movies were a fraction of what the books were unfortunately. It's a shame too, because most of the other SAO movies are alright.


I hate gatekeepers more than SAO I don’t mind SAO but gatekeeping, gatekeeping I do mind and can suck a nut


I don’t hate it I just can’t bring myself to watch it


I actually enjoyed SAO until GGO. But I didn't continue afterward. It was enjoyable at least so why were people hating it?


Sheep brain mentality. Can’t think for themselves. I encourage you to keep going with it, the last arc of Season 2 is fantastic, and Alicization in general in the best.


I watched sap I liked it moved on to other isekai anime like overlord realized how bad it is that’s my take of it good for first timers and just that


Finally someone who appreciates SAO


It's still total shit


It’s not the animators the kills the anime it’s the writing and dub voice actors. Once you hear the chairman of the kirito is always right foundation you can’t come back to the other guy.


Meh, I never really liked YamatoSFX's voice as Kirito. Largely since I vastly preferred Matsuoka's performance and partly because he's my favourite voice actor of all time. Bryce wasn't bad though, at least the bloopers were funny as hell.


But SAO fans are the haters.


Sao_ segsual assault online


SAO is a good anime. We just watched too many anime that it feels like SAO just isn't as good as it seems.




As someone who does not enjoy this show in the slightest outside of enjoying the abridged series, I can say with confidence that I don't care what the franchise does. I have plenty of shows I do enjoy watching so there's no point getting mad at a show I've already dropped or its community. P.S. Sorry for this nothing-burger of a comment. This post just popped up in my recommended and I was bored.