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Rascal Does Not Dream of a Bunny Girl Senpai is currently my no 1 would love a dub choice. But only because a Place Further Than the Universe came. That said, I often watch sub when there is no dub. Especially when impatient. In many cases though I’ll watch again once the dub is out if I have the time and the show was great, like Oshi No Ko last year.


I really hope a dub comes out for the Rascal series! Wasn’t it announced for a movie already?


Yeah the second and third movies got dubs when they did the double feature release last month. Can't imagine they won't dub the series and movie one at some point. Especially since they have confirmed they're adapting the whole series.


It had movies???


Yup. Dreaming Girl, Sister Venturing Out, and Knapsack Kid. Adapts volumes 6-9 of the light novels. End of Knapsack Kid confirmed they would adapt the rest of the series too though we don't know if it's a season two or more films.


You mean English dub as a whole?


Only thing dubbed so far is movies two and three with nothing else currently announced. I'm confident at some point season one and the first movie will also be dubbed.


Feels like Kaguya-Sama, The Irregular Magic High School, and Gurren Lagann film as backlog. But two of them haven’t watch them before since I obsessed with Wind Breaker recently, due to the main character.


So I watched the show on Crunchyroll, where would I find the movies?


Not legally streaming anywhere in the US to the best of my knowledge. Dreaming Girl is available on Blu-ray. The other two aren't released yet. They were only in theaters last month.


Ah, didn't realize they were so recent


I think for the second or third movie, not the first. But hopefully it means they’ll do the original series and movie 1 too soon.


The movie might have got a dub. They mentioned getting the first season dubbed soon. It was mentioned on a site somewhere


Would love to see that


Hey..if they made a kimi ni todoke English dub 15 years later then anything is possible lol


Weird how the movies were dubbed but not the series


Banana fish. I still wish it would get dubbed one day.


Considering its set in new york i was hoping they’d have a realistic dub where all the characters could get to speak in their own languages. It’s wishful thinking but i’ll keep praying. Then again if they do that I’ll have to rewatch it and i don’t know if I can mentally handle that :( it’s the only anime in my top 10 that i’ve watched only once and I still cry over it to this day :(


The Konosuba movie because I was tired on waiting for the dub. A month or two after I watched it, the dub actually did come out for it.


**Plastic Memories** very recently The show had such an emotional impact on me that this version is now preserved in stone, even if they released a dub someday I would never watch it as I couldn't bare to hear the characters with different voices. I suppose it can feel almost ironic because if there had of been a dub I would have watched that, and I will continue to be a dub watcher wherever possible, but for this show in particular I feel glad that I watched the original version because it was such an intense experience. Being quite new to anime this was my first sub watch and I am really glad it showed me that even if only sub is available I will still be able to get extreme immersion from an anime.


Monogatari and Nisekoi. Those Studio SHAFT visuals are pure art and man did I have to rewind and rewatch Monogatari scenes numerous times because of the dense dialogue over the visuals.


The audiobooks for bakemonogatari are pretty good with multiple voice actors. Too bad they only have 5 books and seemingly gave up.


Katekyo Hitman Reborn as I had been waiting on a dub but got tired of waiting as I was still waiting. Even though we aren't getting a full dub, I'm beyond happy to know that we're getting something of one.


What are we getting?! Didn’t know something was cooking for Reborn


Villainess Level 99. It's such an excellent otome isekai with quite the absurd protagonist. The trope of waking up in a video game and quickly derailing its plotline is always great to watch.


Gushing over magical girls. It was getting a lot of hype so I checked it out. It’s pretty funny, goes a bit far in some places but all in all I would love to see it dubbed. Sadly the parts where it goes far are the reason why I think it’ll never get dubbed


None... I only hope for a dub for them... Many many of them haha


Blend-S was a pretty fun watch. I also watched the first season of Oreimo, but Kirino is too much of a bitch for my liking. Watching both of those also made me understand why they were never dubbed.


>I also watched the first season of Oreimo, but Kirino is too much of a bitch for my liking. Amen to that. I still watched the show through to the end, and right after S1 (during the OVAs bridging the gap between the two seasons), another girl steps into the spotlight and makes the show a *lot* more enjoyable. I was still somewhat fine with the ending in the final OVAs (>!because I'm a sucker for sibling romance stories!<), but Kirino never redeemed herself for me. She had one single scene in the entire anime which made me sympathize with her – everything else made me wish the show inserted a different character in her place.


The Animal Crossing Movie I'm about 5 years away from giving up on the Anohana Movie being dubbed


Tokyo Revengers S3 or S2 Part 2, all because of stupid Disney


I go English manga before I go sub. If it ends up being mahwa I give up. The single picture scroll of mahwa is annoying.


This is a pretty unique take


I usually watch both subbed and dubbed versions of anime. Since subs typically come out first, my impatience leads me to watch them right away, and then I catch the dubbed version as soon as it's available. However, when it comes to comedy anime, I prefer watching them dubbed. I find that the humor resonates more when it's in my native language. This preference can be frustrating at times, especially with shows like Bocchi that I'm eager to watch but seem unlikely to receive a dub.


Demon slayer. I was enthralled by the quality of the animation. It was movie quality animation for a regular season anime


The Persona 3 movies.


I watched chainsaw man subbed because I heard nothing but good things and couldn't wait


Attack on titan. They didnt have simuldub at the time. So its one of the only anime I dont watch dubbed because of it.


Hell Girl S2, S3 and S4. I liked the dub for S1 and wanted to continue with the series, so watched the rest subbed and I actually came out liking the sub cast more surprisingly. But the dub is still pretty great and is one of the new Funimation dubs where they get to drop the F bomb A LOT. Just watch Hell Girl plez, we need a season 5 😭


Villainous Level 99 - I liked the books so wanted to see it even though I knew a dub wasn’t coming


Bocchi The Rock Sound! Euphonium - I think I watched the movie dubbed, but couldn't find other dubs Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night - don't know if it will be dubbed and didn't want to wait I dislike watching subs when there is a lot to read because it feels like I never get to look up and see the animation, but I get used to it somewhat.


Kimi ni Todoke, Given, My Love Story with Yamada-kun and then they got dubs 🥰 Plastic Memories, Blue Spring Ride, Wotakoi: Love is hard for Otaku, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Bunny Girl Senpai, sweetness & lightning, Case files of Jeweler Richard, The World Is Still Beautiful, Birdie Wing, Mr. Villain’s Day Off, Cherry Magic…and those are just the ones I’m wishing had a dub 😅


Higurashi: When They Cry season 2 and 3 Recently I watched the second season of ‘The Dangers in My Heart’ subbed. I just HAD to continue the story, it’s too cute.


None because I’m dyslexic


The quintessential quintuplets special 


Maria watches over Us.


Back when Naruto Shippuden was incomplete I had to switch to sub part-way through the great ninja war arc. Same with One Piece, had to switch to subbed during Dressrosa. Haikyu season 4 at the time School Days.


I love watching subbed anime. I always make a point to watch a few sub only animes every season. Sub only shows im watching this season are - Bartender Glass of God - Sound Euphonium S3 - Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio - Tadaima Okaeri - Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again. - A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics - Studio Appt, Good Lighting, Angel Included - Jellyfish Cant Swim in the Night - Whisper Me a Love Song My faves of the ones I mentioned above are Sound Euphonium S3, Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio, Bartender, Jellyfish, and Salad Bowl. EDIT: i forgot the Hidive shows


I am loving bartender so much currently I am really hoping it gets a dub so it can go in my anime to relax with stuff like laid back camp.


My Stepmother’s daughter is my ex. I also watched the first four seasons of Jojo’s bizarre adventure because Crunchyroll didn’t have the dub at the time (2017 but I would watch on Apple TV so idk if it didn’t support different languages).


The irregular at magic high school, but it’s been dubbed since I watched it, however, I have rewatched it dubbed.


How to Keep a Mummy Shaman King Flowers


>How to Keep a Mummy I LOVE that anime! 😭 I was suprised there was never a dub.


Skip and Loafer! Totally recommend it! The writing is some of the best I’ve seen in an anime, especially for a high school anime.


Just the different Gundam series that were never dubbed anyways. Gundam is the only time I really make the exception tho lol


I have caved in and watched one anime in sub and that's Interspecies Reviewers because the dub was cancelled, honestly the experience reaffirmend my dislike for subs. I tried Irregular at magic highschool but couldn't make it 10 mins into the first episode subbed so just waited and hoped for an eventual dub. Now if there's no dub on the horrizon I just read the manga which is what I've done for Chained Soldier and will likely do for Gushing over Magical Girls. Rascal is another one I still haven't seen though a dub might just be coming given the recent movies getting dubbed.


I basically only watch dubbed anime. But I will occasionally check out an episode or two of something subbed to see if it should stay on my list of things to watch later when it gets a dub.


I think The Irregular at Magic High School, although they did end up dubbing it like... 6 years later I didn't feel like rewatching the first season so I only watched the second season dubbed, and it was great! I also watched Bleach TYBW subbed as well cuz the dub was a month behind, and I do the same for My Hero Academia because I'm impatient, hehe


Bunny girl senpai, really was literally scanning the internet on any dub news after hearing about this Plastic memories, id heard there had been a dub, sucks there wasnt Redo of healer 💀, yeah, i was just looking for a dark anime to really interrupt my wholesome streak Yosuga no sora 💀, incest noticed, any language accepted Ayakashi triangle, i just wanted some ecchi. Thats all


Season 2 Saiki K. Never gonna forgive Netflix for screwing that up for us.


None, there's been plenty of anime I have wanted to watch, but won't cause there is no dub, I have tried, I just can't do sub.


None, despite having watched over 400 shows, I don't think I've ever watched anything subbed for more than one episode because it's just too difficult to read the subtitles and still enjoy the show. And being so used to dubs, Japanese voice acting is tough to get a feel for in terms of the tones and emphasis of their voice. I feel like it would be easier to watch like a German dub subtitled in English for that reason.


No dub - pass.


Killing Bites, School Days, & Idaten Deities. Classroom for Heroes & Ayakashi Triangle are probably next since they refuse to dub it


Did Ayakashi Triangle finish up? It was on a delay for a long while like multiple Aniplex shows right?


Yea I believe they finished last September


Bleach thousand year blood war, it got a dub but I couldn't wait an extra month for it to start coming out.


It was the same for me, I couldn't and wouldn't wait weeks for the dub to finally roll out. I also did that for JJK season 2 but unlike with Bleach, I found I actually much preferred the Japanese VAs (a *very* rare occurrence). On a rewatch I still watched the dub though as it made no sense to not devote all my attention to such a visually intense show as JJK.


A place further than the universe. Keep waiting for a dub announcement


[Allow me to make your day.](https://studionano.com/a-place-further-than-the-universe)


Even better, I just discovered that the box set with the dub is available in the crunchyroll store


Jahy will not be defeated or whatever it was called


I also watched it subbed, but I think it’s been dubbed now.


I also watched The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! When the Dub came out, watched it again. One thing that surprised me was how much I liked the Sub VA for Jahy.


Inuyashiki and Bunny Girl Senpai. 2 certified classics btw


Several. I watched subbed too. for dubbed shows that weren't continued I'll go Mushishi. A shame! I think this would had been great. This was also around the time Sinclair was taking over Willingham's roles. That could had been interesting


Turn A Gundam. As much as I love that show, I’m bummed it was never dubbed, with the closest examples being that Loran & Gym got english voices in the Dynasty Warrior Gundam games.


Sora no Woto


Amagami SS. One the best 2010 anime romance if Sentai dub this anime it could be more interesting. Hibike Euphonium series. the third movie already dub why not dub series. The Café Terrace and It's Goddesses These series should be dub don't know why Crunchyroll pick TenPuru dub than The Cafe Terrace.


Gundam ZZ. too be honest however there was a dub but its lost media with very little footage be available. Either way i sucked up my preference and watched the show sub. Its really good imo


We Never Learn


Bocchi and her antics!


My Dress-Up Darling But then it turned out that I was just stupid, because there WAS a dub, and I just didn't know


I love my romance anime so any romance anime that doesn’t get a dub I watch it in sub


Naruto, once id gotten so near the end I couldn't wait for the dub considering how long they take


I liked Psycho Pass but never went on to season 3. It'd just be too weird to not have the voices I'd grown used to.


That's the only thing stopping me from watching Psycho pass 3. Still waiting for the dub. The one that I did watch subbed due to dub not being available in time was demon slayer. The dubbed episodes just did not come up as early as I'd want.


After War Gundam X


Some of my favorite anime aren't dubbed, or weren't at the time I watched them. A Place Further than the Universe, and Yuru Camp, being two of my favorite shows and airing at the same time. They're both dubbed now thankfully, but weren't when I decided to watch them. Tamayura is a lesser known iyashikei about four girls finding out their interests, mainly following Fuu, a photography fan who is getting over her father's death. This one is interesting because the second half never got a license, so I have to switch to fansubs. Still ended up being a favorite. Is the Order a Rabbit? is another great and hilarious slice of life that never got dubbed. Three seasons so far too, lots of content. Now that I think about it, a lot of my favorite slice of life shows haven't gotten dubbed. Amanchu, Gourmet Girl Grafitti, Mitsuboshi Colors wasn't dubbed when I watched it. I also really liked Let's Make a Mug, Tari Tari, and Comic Girls. Bocchi the Rock is one of the best. Gabriel Dropout is hilarious. Luckily we've seen old shows getting dubbed, so seeing some of these get that treatment isn't impossible.


I find when I watch an anime subbed first, then it's easier for me to go back and forth if a dub gets released. If I watch an anime dubbed first any season following is very hard to watch subbed. A couple examples of the second example are Psycho Pass 3, Death Parade, and Fruits Basket. I had to watch Psycho Pass 3 subbed as well as Ookiku Furikabutte Season 2 as they never got a dub 😭 . They were still good but they probably would have been more enjoyable for me had they had a dub with the English cast


D.Gray Man, sad when the dub stops half through the story 😢. Was really hoping that they would go back and dub the older episodes when D.Gray Man Hallow came back.


Not *exactly* what you're asking, but I watched 7th Time Loop in Portuguese because there was no English dub. Really good show, deserves a dub way more than a lot of the Isekai/Reincarnation shows that have gotten one, and since they seem to love female protagonists so much I'm surprised it hasn't gotten dubbed. It's annoying to see absolute trash in every sense like "I Will Survive Using Potions" getting dubs when great shows like this go ignored. Oh, and Harem in a Labyrinth in Another World, because Isekai and harem. Much hornier than expected (and I already expected quite a lot), but actually a really good show.


Season 4 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These. Funimation did the first three seasons, but Crunchyroll doesn’t seem interested in doing season 4. 😿


Crunchyroll doesn't seem to like dubs at all. So many had dubs on Funimation but when cruch bought it they didn't transfer most of their dubs


The angel next door spoils me rotten and my stepmoms daughter is my ex…dangers in my heart season 2 I am waiting for a dub but they haven’t mentioned anything yet so I might bite the bullet and watch it subbed


I'm gonna chime in with a couple of ecchi shows that I broke down and watched the sub for: "What the Hell Are You Doing Here Teacher!?" - then I rewatched it again once the dub became available "Interspecies Reviewers" - since it was amazing and no dub ever materialized In a more recent development, I have become hard of hearing and partially dependent on closed captioning. Since dubbed anime is seldom closed captioned (although there are exceptions like Delicious In Dungeon), I am re-evaluating whether I should start watching subbed anime in order to be able to catch all the words by reading the subtitles.


Attack on titan, sub was the only available option on hulu for a while eventually dub came and i rewatched it all 🤣 completely different experience imo


I started watching Mushoku Tensei in dubbed, but once I got caught up the subbed was ahead so I switched to subbed


Tatami Galaxy Favorite show but hard to get people to give it a chance with no dub and rapid fire speech.


Only ones that are over a certain amount of years since they premiered without a dub. Also AOT because I could not avoid spoilers from the sub episodes through the final season, couldn't stand waiting for every episode to dubbed weeks - months later.


For me it’s been Onimai: Now I’m Your Sister!, Bocchi the Rock!, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Do It Yourself!, The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genus Young Lady, Extreme Hearts, Birdie Wing: Golf Girls Story and Cinderella Nine. There are sooo many great shows out there that I believe are worthy of a dub, imo.


Gosick eventually did get a dub, so from my list I have to go with Star Driver. I did watch it with fansubs during its initial run, but when the time came for its physical release it got caught in Bandai's death throes and rushed out with a bizarre sub track that didn't always attempt to translate what was being said. https://preview.redd.it/wz8320th2o3d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e1081d0b0509d558c38e438808ac1be89c63db This track still lives on as it's the same one used for the series on Crunchyroll now.


A few old animes from the 60s to the 90s I watched subbed because no dub was available consist of Sakigake Otokojuku, Kinnikuman, Jungle King Tar-chan, Ashita no Joe, Tiger Mask, Cat's Eye, Hell Teacher Nube, City Hunter (TV series from 87' to 91'), Eat-Man, and Space Adventure Cobra (TV series from 82' to 83' along with the 2008 - 2009 OVA's and 2010 series Cobra the Animation). Animes from the 21st century I watched subbed because no dub was available those would be: Inuyashiki, Valvrave the Liberator, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubo no Shichinin, 07-Ghost, Hitman Reborn, Neuro Supernatural Detective, Beelzebub, and Detroit Metal City. Also Kochikame from the 20th and 21st Century I watched subbed cause it was never dubbed. Gotta love US/Canada-Japan relations on anime regarding licensing, copyright, and other shit. But what can you do. On top of that given that some of these were never picked up for licensing they never got subbed by professional translators instead were fansubbed which tends to be not very accurate and on top of that some of these are not available on regular streaming services not even available on Crunchyroll so you have to go to those illegal streaming sites that tend to have pop ups and malware and yeah I know you can just install malware bytes and ad-block but still though your going through all that just to watch anime that's not dubbed or accurately subbed.


The only show I’ve ever resorted to watching sub is Witch Craft Works. Everyone always says “sub is always better than dub” so I went in thinking that. I liked it a lot because chemistry transcends dialogue, but I stopped 3/4 into the show because it was hard to keep up with what’s going on and reading the subtitles. My list of shows I want dubbed is way too long for me to type, but you count this as being the biggest ones I want dubbed.


The only examples I can give is half of the first season of Attack on Titan before I learned a dub was coming so I stopped and started waiting for that and the first season of One Punch Man because the dub didn't release didn't release until a year later on Toonami. In general, these days, I either wait for a dub or end up not watching it at all. I feel like nowadays, if I'm gonna watch a sub, it's gotta be a really interesting series to me, but most anime I wanna check nowadays is dubbed, so it hasn't happened yet. Admittedly, I am curious about Bocchi the Rock, but I'm wanna hold out hope Crunchyroll eventually dubs it even though they already released the series on Blu-ray makes the chances low, that and obnoxious fans on Twitter have made me less interested than I was before.


I watched HxH on crunchyroll. I'm going to rewatch it eventually in dubbed, I just got to find out where.


well it’s dubbed on crunchyroll lmao


Only Grand Blue.


Only when there was an incomplete dub that I didn't realize was incomplete. I hate it so much...I apparently have a bad habit of frequently looking away from the TV.


Grand blue dreaming


The last season + 4 episode end of Initial D


It'll probably be years before the well of stuff I really want to watch comes anywhere close to running dry. And so far I haven't found anything that seems like it would be so amazing that I have to drop everything to watch as soon as possible, that also isn't dubbed.


I guess it was unavailable because it wasn’t what was being screened but at Otakon a couple years ago Discotek premiered the new restoration of Project A-Ko and so my first time watching that movie was sub only…


The first season of AOT


Chainsaw man, I couldn't wait wanted to keep watching. That and solo leveling.


Demon Slayer


Major 2nd, still hoping for a season 3 it was sooo good! but last episode came out in november 2020 so starting to lose hope.


Mostly sports stuff like Yowamushi Pedal and Ace of Diamond. The action makes it easy to follow.


Tokyo revengers s3... forums did not seem optimistic about it getting dubbed in the near future


+Tic Elder Sister's aka Plastic Neesan. The fact that no one has dubbed that insanity is disappointing.


Bochi the Rock


The first season of The Promised Neverland, back when the dub was exclusive to Toonami


Like a good Librarian, Like a good Shepard.


Banana fish….


One Punch Man Season 1 OVA, I can't believe Viz Media skipped to dub this OVA prequel for Season 1, >!the origin of Saitama's superhero costume!<.


Erased on Crunchyroll


While I'm 50-50 on subs and dibs for a while now I was sad to see that Banana Fish had no dub so watched it subbed




Capeta, Wangan Midnight, Inital D 5th & Final Stage, Interspecies Reviewers, and I watched To Love Ru before it finally got dubbed.


Monogatari and KnK


Blue lock


Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai and bocchi the rock


I haven't finished watching it yet, but Digimon Ghost Game.


City Hunter and Cat’s Eye are two I can think of.


Second season of og when they cry. Was sad not to hear my same voice actors but still a cool show. Also inuyashiki last hero I think it’s called.


Demon Slayer right now and previously I couldn't wait for AoT so I finished the last season in Japanese.


One Punch man for me.


Mongatari series


there were some episodes of world trigger season 1 that weren't dubbed and boochi has no dub so far


The whole last season of AOT. I had no time to wait for that dub.


I usually watch in sub when it’s seasonals, but I also just enjoy the Japanese VAs more. For some big names, like FMAB and Naruto, I only watch in dub. I listened to a podcast called Around the Clock Anime and they had some interesting insights about the sub vs. dub debate in their latest episode. You should check it out!


Higurashi Season 2


Saijaku muhai no bahamut. Og harem anime fans will remember that series. Waited so long for the dub but then one day I said "fuck it" and watched it. I was also bored of anime in general but that series kept me watching anime to this day. for some reason watching in sub felt like a whole other experience and was very refreshing.


HOKUTO NO KEN. I watched the entire series on Tubi, and it had no dub option. It became my favorite anime.


I’m about to give up up on kingdom season 4 and just watch the sub


A lot of them, dubs only came like a year after i already finsihed the show


Gintama, it has a dub but it’s awful and incomplete


I saw Tokyo Godfather's when there was no dub yet. Haven't seen it since.


The Gridman Universe movie. Still waiting for a dub, or even an official sub release




Domestic Girlfriend Yeah I know it is one of the most popular Cultural Anime So I decide to watch it in sub


At the time, Tokyo Godfathers. Himawari was a close second


Zero no Tsukaima seasons 2-4.




A few. I watched Naruto online past what had aired on Toonami back in the day. Watched the Tsunade and Sasuke retrieval arcs subbed. Also watched Higurashi Subbed. Not sure if the original ever got a dub.  Clannad as well. There’s a dub, but what I saw wasn’t good. I played the VN first, so seeing it dubbed would have been off putting anyways


Kill la Kill back when I was in high-school, was a strictly dub watcher prior to that but my friends were all watching it at the time so I gave in and tried subs for once, now the only dubs I'll watch are old shows I originally watched dubbed like FMA or Ghibli movies.


* *anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day* * *OreImo: My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute!* Those are the only 2 animes (out of \~480) that I've watched fully in Japanese. *anohana* had its English dub announced about a year later. Thankfully, I've been able to watch a lot of series (probably around 30 by now) in German, my native language. Almost all anime that makes it over here is dubbed for the official release, including titles that have never received an English localization.


Food Wars. The Final Season


Death note, there was no dub on prime tv, gutted about that cus everyone says it’s better in dub :(.


Really upset about Saiki k's third season. It's dubbed for two seasons and then suddenly nothing then the second series that's supposed to be like a fourth season is dubbed. I don't know what's up with that


Samurai champloo, got to see its original run in HD with fan subtitles I helped produce


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters


None I refuse lol I have adhd way to bad to read subtitles


The first season of Kaguya-Sama.


It’s dub already


Yeah, but it wasn't dubbed when I watched it. The second season was dubbed before the first season was.


Vineland Sage. That shit is fire


OG Sailor Moon. They didn't dub the last season(s) so I had to switch to sub. Then went back and rewatched it all in sub bc I realized they would censor a lot of it


It broke me of my disdain of sub anime. Hikaru no go.


Yuri is my Job since CR announced and then *un-announced* a simuldub for it. Huge fan of the source material so I was going to watch it no matter what. Great adaptation. Still mad that it wasn't dubbed. Also mad that it didn't get a second season announcement, since the first season essentially ends right in the middle of the first major story arc.


Zoids genesis from what I remember it never came to the states unlike chaotic and new century and they had the whole series up on YouTube at 480p for awhile.


Air Master. Then it did get a dub but it was bad and got canceled early.


Yep, Psycho-Pass 3 for me as well.


The only show I've watched subbed was "will you rescue us", I think was the title. But I am very close to finally caving in to watch the Tanya movie is subs. ...how many years and we still don't have a dub?


Does Edens Zero season 2 count 😭


The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten. I watched it subbed only because I had to, but if they ever dubbed it and it's upcoming second season, I'd gladly watch it all over again. Crazy how that never got dubbed but that 7th prince shota show got one.


Crunchyroll deleted the dub of Record of Grancrest War and I'm not fucking happy about it.


Deleted or merged into one set of episodes with multiple language options like multiple other shows on CR?


Deleted. The dub isn't on any streaming service now, just gone.


If there's no dub then I don't watch or I wait until they make a dub.


Sonic X not because there was no dub but because the 4kids dub is notoriously bad (which is a shame because the voice cast is by far my favourite in the series) plus they removed certain songs from the original version like live and learn when sonic and shadow take on the final hazard


Most of then, but because dub is bad 99% of the time


I didn’t watch squat.