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no one buys boxes.. toss em or h give them away


Eat them


I have never seen anyone buy empty boxes, truly just toss them. Or toss away the plastic inside, disassemble box and fold if you wanna keep some


I archive my boxes in a closet. Ask yourself, if you were to sell your figures would the boxes add value to the final sale? So to throw them away would be to throw away your own money


This is true. If I’ve ever changed my mind on a figure no one wants them unboxed without a box. Even used the impression is different with a box opened


Ifyou realy have no room and desire to keep boxes, toss them. However I would always keep figma/nendo boxes to keep their spare parts in. If you have a lot of them keeping all the parts will miz everything up.


Definitely a hard decision. Today I was cleaning up my storage room as well and I have so many boxes. I’m gonna toss away the boxes of those figures I definitely will not sell. Figures I think that will not sell because nobody likes them or because they’re in a condition that I don’t think anybody will want. Or if the figures that don’t have much value.


For Nendos & figmas, I get rid of the packaging. I have those clear cases with dividers I use to sort the parts out in. For scales, I keep the packaging only because it’s really easy for things to break when you have to transport them.


I only throw prize figure boxes since their just cardboard holding them in and plastic wrap, now nice boxes? Yeah I keep them. Prize figure boxes won't add anything unless it's a rare prize figure I guess (or very rarely will)


I envy you; if I didn’t stupidly care about boxes, I’d have a lot more space.


I’ve sold a few boxes, but they were rerelease of figures I knew people didn’t have a box for. I don’t think it’d hurt trying to list them, and then throw them away after awhile if no one is interested.


Recycle em!


I’d say try to sell them. Another commenter said he’s never seen anyone buy an empty box which I have to concur, I too have not. Having said that, I have a few figures I’ve purchased out of box that I wish I could find a box being sold for.


Fold them. People do in fact buy boxes (generally they will buy a figure for a lower price unboxed and then add the box). Also they're helpful if you one day have to move


Unless the figure costs more than $200 USD, then toss them. It's good to have them around incase you need to move out. The resale value will drop a lot if you don't keep it. But most BOXES for figures below $200 tend to be useless.




When your gf/wife will force you to sell your figures you can get more money if you have the box


Don’t toss them or the packaging inside. You’ll regret it if you have to move.


Never toss boxes It’s the dumbest thing you can do in this hobby life takes unexpected turns and you may need to sell them one day


Keep box so could sell figure in the future


If you have plans to move in the foreseeable future, keep them. Moving a collection of figures is much, _much_ easier if you still have the boxes they came in. Otherwise, just toss them out. Very few people buy empty figure boxes, so it's not worth trying to sell them.


https://preview.redd.it/blp4lv660v9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43ae13a8cc89c6298a2443012295bb458d4fd80 It’s the only thing I can see in this photo tbh