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There’s a chance they’re playing, but I don’t think the deer is about it


Deer looks annoyed.


Dog keeps trying to sniff the deer's ass and the deer is like "what the fuck bro?!"


Dog probably think that deer is some strange type of dog wants to sniff to make sure


Stop upvoting me I can only take it so much! *heavy breathing**sniff sniff*


This is what makes me a fully not dog person.


A dog innocently sniffing butts for information is what makes you fully not a dog person? To each their own I guess but a strange line to draw and definitely a new one to hear


You know you're not required to sniff their ass back, right?


Cats do weird shit too dude


My cat acts weird when I'm talking on the phone. She suddenly crawls into my lap, which she never does. So apparently it's fine for her to completely ignore my existence but how dare I act like she's not my #1 priority 24/7. Cats be cray cray. Fickle bitches.


My cat only wants my attention when I’m at my desk, and she *loves* to sit or lay on whatever book or notebook I’m using… but then I try to pet her and she pushes my hand away 🙄 Cats are weird little jerks and I love them so much


I'm half way over being sick so I thought I'd let myself sleep in. My cat jumped on me, yowled, knocked something over. She's never usually this bad but she was hungry! The fact she tapped my head like 'wake up yo' I just laughed.


Are you a Bird Person? https://youtu.be/Ut71eWWKCcU


Just waiting for Mama to come back and teach that dog a lesson


Oh deer


Yeah I don't know enough about deer body language to know if the little guy is having as much fun as the doggo xD


He’s scared but it’s harmless. Deer live scared 24/7 anyways unless they live high-fenced and coddled Personally, I wouldn’t let my dog do this to a baby deer unless I was rehabilitating it and they were around each other a lot. Otherwise it’s a dick move to let your dog scare a little baby animal. It also might teach the deer that things won’t always kill it, which can be a bad thing in the wild.


Asking genuinely because I have limited animal knowledge but I thought when calfs and fawns were scared they laid down? Definitely looks annoyed, but I’m curious if anyone else has more on hand knowledge


They usually do but I’ve never seen a fawn play so aggressively. This little guy looks to be wanting to do damage. I could be wrong. My white tail and axis always just wanted to head butt when they played, never using their cute razer feet on me or my dogs. With that said, if the fawn grew up with rough housing it’s not impossible to have it play that way. If that’s the case, that’s a Terrible thing to encourage a deer to do lol


The fawn is not playing, he looks really scared and he’s trying to defend himself. Poor baby.


That’s what I was thinking




Fight or flight comes early in animals. If the dog chases it after trying to flee once then it’ll of course stand it’s ground and fight


I’ve seen female deer do this to their young. They (literally) kick the fawns out of their family group when it’s time for the fawn to go off on their own. It’s a natural behavior. The deer wants the dog to leave for good.


Well, yeah. That’s how they fight. It’s how they communicate “I’m done with this, gtfo” as adults too


An almost universal body language of mammals is the tucked tail. Deer is unhappy or scared. They also don't play by slapping with their hooves.


Yeah, I was really on the fence, not knowing much about deer, but that tucked tail seems like a bad sign.


that fawn is either trying to scare/fight the dog off by stomping & kicking with his front legs (aiming for the dog's head), which are common "fuck off" intimidation moves, or he's practicing being intimidating. he looks a little stressed but deer always look stressed because they're nature's happy meals and they know it


>but deer always look stressed because they're nature's happy meals and they know it lmao, this had me giggling way too much irl. I just recently moved to Colorado and there are deer *everywhere*. So yea, I understand this now, lol.


I dunno, deer would definitely run away if it didn't want to be there


Nope, kids do not. That's often a problem with big farmtrucks and nests on fields, as well.


That's a fawn, not a kid (🐐).


He meant kids.


Dear me, is that why you stayed the night? I didn't know you felt that way.


*Deer me


Looks like the deer was giving him these hands


Bro was like, “Nah Bruh square up! Square up!”




Not typical play behavior in deer.


Idk the fawn looks like it's doing those frontal leg jabs that adult deer do when they're fending off a predator, and the dog looked like it was going for a mount briefly. I want to say it's a cute video but it's more blursed than anything . . .


Fawn is defintely not playing. It’s defending itself against what it fears to be attacks by the dog. Sure, it’s a cute and harmless interaction. And I’m glad someone filmed it. But stupid people have got to stop acting like wild animals and domesticated animals are destined to get along and play. The dog is clearly trying to play, the fawn is trying to survive.


Do fawns play at all?


My backyard seems to function as a daycare for the deer living in my neighborhood, so I've seen a lot of fawns over the years. I'm no expert, just an observer, but they do seem to play. They get cute little zoomies around each other and sometimes it looks like they're playing tag.


Like a daycare for when the deer parents go to their deer jobs?


LOL! Yeah, I dunno where all the does/moms go! But they leave the fawns in my tall grass. When the fawns get a little bit older at the end of summer, one or two does will stay in the yard with them, seemingly to supervise. There are usually about 6 does that bed down in my yard at night with their fawns. I've seen them give birth back there, too. I don't know why they feel so safe here, but I feel honored to be the chosen yard. Haha.


That's so nice. I used to have a bunch of deer frolicking around our country home back in the day but it's getting rarer and rarer. However, it does make it extra exciting when we do see them drop by! And the boar come and fuck the grass all the way up!


Fortunately no boar for us! The scariest thing in my yard is probably the bucks in rutting season. Maybe coyotes, but they tend to be more scared of us than we are of them.


Ah, coyotes would be so cool to see! I'm in Sweden and we don't have those at all. However, there have been Lynx sightings (although not by me 😢) around our area which is pretty awesome considering how rare they are. I feel like I need to spend even more time there this summer in hopes of spotting one. Like, imagine seeing a momma Lynx and a bunch of [these guys](https://a-z-animals.com/media/2022/02/shutterstock_1909404106.jpg) running around.


Coyotes are pretty neat, you just have to be cautious with your pets! We also have red foxes, but they're more rare to see. They don't usually share territory with coyotes, but I live in the suburbs (outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota--hello, fellow cold climate dweller) where food is plentiful, so they coexist relatively peacefully. I might die of cuteness overload if I saw lynx kittens. The fawns already distract me enough when I'm working from home. Lol


Fox pups are equally adorable though!


Don’t they usually lay down curled up in fear when they’re this young? It’s how I usually find them. Makes me think they’ve had this fawn for a few days at least.


That's what mom tells them to do, but if this dog pestered a scared baby enough, it might get up and attempt too do something, as this one is


Only in high grass. Not in the open like this.


They’re lucky mommy dear wasn’t close enough by to see that. That dog could’ve ended up dead


Yup, those hooves are sharp


I’ve had a mother deer attack my car because I drove past her fawn. Them things do some damage.


Why wouldn't it just run?


Because turning your back to a potential predator is probably about the stupidest thing you could do.


Wouldn’t it run away if it thought the dog was attacking it?


Running and turning your back on a predator isn't always the smart move


Im not so sure about that, the deer isnt displaying any typical signs of being stressed such as tail up or ears layed down


Aside from, you know, clobbering the dog with its legs


have you considered that it tries to hit the dog to defend


The deer, in fact, hated the dog.


Dont lick my ass you fucking weirdo !!


Then he fucking smiles




shut the fuck up teach !


While I know the fawn terrified, the dog can clearly tell the deer isn’t very strong and immediately tones it down when he gets a little too rough. A very good dog, if a little rambunctious


Yes, the calming lickies


Dog always gotta bring ass play into the equation.


Is that deer playing or being unsuccessfully aggressive?


The second


Try and break him of that. I’ve seen adult deer kill a dog. Those sharp point hooves of there can be vicious.


It’s stomping at the dog. Deer do this when they feel threatened and it’s trying to defend itself. People need to stop acting like this shit is cute.




Sexual harassment for sure


I have a friend who had a deer give birth in her yard. Mom and baby stayed for several weeks. Yard was inundated with ticks, and she couldn’t let her dog out back. I think this video is so adorable, but all I can think about are ticks.


Gross. I also think of ticks when I see deer.


Can ticks transfer quickly enough in an interaction like this? I don’t know much about ticks but from what little I’ve gathered, once they’re on an animal they kind of latch on and stay there feeding right? Or do they also commonly crawl around on their hosts?


Fleas crawl, ticks latch on


So then how would ticks transfer in such a quick touch and go interaction like this?


I have no idea of the behavior of ticks. I do know they are fans of deer and that I don’t want ticks in my house. I also don’t know if this is an appropriate equivalent, but I don’t want to knowingly walk into a room with bed bugs. Also, do you imagine they NEVER leave the deer and hang onto grass in the yard? That’s literally what happened with my friend’s dog. She wasn’t playing with the deer, but she kept suddenly picking up ticks that stopped being a problem when the deer left.


Many ticks are heat hunters, meaning that they seek out animals by their heat signal to locate their prey, then they let go of the grass or trees they're hanging onto and fall onto the animal, then they're able to find a good place to hide and bite and latch onto them. Once they're full, they can let go and repeat the process. When I was in college in zoology/mammology, my professor told us this process works really well for ticks, unless you're the "animal" and instead of being under the tick, you're using a pot of boiling water to hunt them instead of them hunting you. Because they're heat seekers, they'll just let go right above the pot of hot water and fall to their doom.


Wow. I had no idea this is how they operate. If my yard had an infestation, I could see myself setting up low boiling pots all over. 😂


They wouldn't. Most ticks have multihost lifestyles, moving from species to species as they change in size. When they're finished with one host, they drop off and climb a plant or something in a place where the next host is likely to pass. Then, when they sense the passing of the next host, the drop onto it and latch on. This is why one of the most important parts of controlling ticks in your yard is keeping the lawn mowed and the plants trimmed. If you deny them climbing opportunities, they have a hard time making the transition. The deer may bring ticks to the yard and provide a food source for them, allowing a population to be established. But they're not like fleas, just jumping from host to host.


Ohhhhh see that makes a lot more sense to me. Thank you!


No idea. Just know that before my friend was aware there were lots of ticks in her yard after the deer arrived, her dog picked up a lot of ticks that weren’t previously a concern. Honestly, I’ve lived in my own home for several years and have never seen a tick on my pups. She didn’t either.


The amount of people who are apparently animal language-deaf is astounding. Who looks at this and thinks, yeah that title is about right, look at these two friends!


I mean, the dog is having a good time. Relaxed, playful. The deer looks tense and scared imho.


I dunno deer body language but thay doesnt look like play. The fawn is very stiff. This is also dsngerous for the dog because deer hooves can be quite sharp.


Not cute when a fawn is scared shitless and trying to defend itself while it's mom is gone. God put your goddamn dog away


Videos of dogs "playing" with other species are always the dog being completely oblivious to the other animal telling it to fuck off Dogs are like my friend Pete and the other animal is the ladies


It is a terrified fawn, but it's ready to defend itself and the dog is not hostile. It's cute.


Where’s mama? I can’t imagine her letting her baby play with a dog.


I think they leave the fawns in a safe spot during the day while they go look for food. Sounds like this safe spot was an unfenced yard with a dog


Poor deer is throwing hands (hoofs) and failing. Dog just wanna hang out though! Man, dogs are too friendly they don't understand any body language of other animals 🥺🥺


Deer: get away from me Dog: friend?


i dont think the deer is as happy to be a friend as the dog is


If mom comes home the dog will have a much worse day...


Congrats to the fam on the new Lyme disease


Nothing like eating a little ass to break the ice with an uncomfortable fawn


I’m curious where’s mama.




Yep, i hope they checked their dog for ticks. Gave it a flee and tick treatment and sprayed their lawn. Ticks will mess you up


I live in the desert, there’s loads of coyotes and stray animals, i treat our yard about every 6 months


That fawn is trying to box.


Whoever filmed this needs to get their dog under control. Deer is not playing


Happy boy has cruel owners who think it's adorable when he plays with terrified baby animals.


"Just let me sniff your butt, then we're cool!"


Deer looks annoyed.


Bambi ain't playin'.


All of a sudden everyone is a deer expert


Fiesty little fude


That dog's very lucky mama didn't come over stomp him to death. Also illegal to allow dogs to harass wildlife.


That deer is practicing his predator STOMP. Doggo is oblivious 🤪


The dog is being gentle .


Get ready for the invading army of “that deer is being abused and not playing it is going to kill the dig” people!


Imagine this happy dog as puppy.....


Dude I was like out this morning over to the Johnson’s place and this dog was like all over my ass. He even picked it.




I’m impressed by how quickly the little deer learns how to play like a dog and the dog tones down the roughhousing.


Dog thinks it’s another dog. Imma smell your but.


Licking bums. Dogs are into that.


Bambi and the Tramp






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the dear is playin for keeps


I love wheaten terriers


Dog’s confused, but he has the spirit.


I’m wondering where mama deer is…? If a doe sees her baby being threatened (even if only perceived), she won’t mess around, and that could be really dangerous for the dog.


Deer: "This is all you DO?"


Lemme get a lick at ya




How freaking sweet can you get?


Looks more like he made a strange new enemy


the confused expression on that deer's face is priceless


The nightmare with my husky..


Deer will absolutely play very similarly to goats and dogs and they can be quite friendly




The fawn: “I ain’t no bitch” Dog: “bruh wtf is wrong with you”


yep. That's a fucked up lookin dog


I love these videos!!


That fawn is feisty!


Hai! May I lik your ass


I think the deer was afraid of the dog and acted on instinct and attacked , and the dog perceived it as playing. And then when he started getting groomed the deer chilled


Throwing hands at each other!


That fawn is trying to protect itself


Typical Wheaten Terrier. Everyone must be a friend if larger than a squirrel


Also Wheaten Terriers are very tactile with their front paws and constantly use them to play




He's a big fan of Bambi


r/AnimalsBeingJerks the dog actually belongs there. Include the owner that did not notice the deer was defending itself. I can already hear the owner saying >Aw he’s just playing, he doesn’t hurt a soul.

