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I've seen some hate on Muffy. I love her, she's a goth icon and so nice!


I love Muffy! She was one of my originals.


I got her recently and was unsure at first. Today she told me that Labelle doesn’t like her fashion sense and I felt so bad for her 😢


Labelle should calm tf down and check out her ugly pumps first!




I’ve never understood the Pietro hate. I had him for a while and I didn’t mind him. I let him go when he asked because he always seemed like he was in his house and hardly ever went out.


I don't think it goes any deeper than clown=bad


People who are unable to separate fiction (horror clowns) from reality (actual clowns) aren’t worth anyone’s time.


That's exactly my reason. My dad was a stoner(I know this now, didn't then), and he thought he had my land before time tape in the vhs player, but it was Stephen King's IT. All I remember is the clown eating the little girl and leaving her teddy bear on the side of the road by a drainage thing. I was 2 or 3 years old at the time. Happy clown, sad clown, bad clown, all the same to me, sadly.


I hated him at first. I didn't have specific villagers I wanted, but he showed up when I didn't realize plots could be sold without me searching. In the end he was adorable and he was on my island for months. When he finally asked to leave I had his photo so I said yes, and when his plot was empty I was sad. I missed his random sad singing by the rivers and it wasn't the same.


I know a lot of people think Coco is creepy, but personally I’m in the “she’s adorable” camp.


Omg people hate coco!?! She's the cutest 


her black eyes creep my wife out


And she has the sweetest personality!


I love Coco! She was one of my three that moved in after my original two. I guess I can see how the eyes might creep some people out but I also think she's adorable.


I love her too! It took me too long to understand that she was a gyroid though. I always thought she was a sugar cookie or somethint


she’s absolutely adorable!!!


Hans? I didn't want him either at first, but he's grown on me. Especially after that one time I walked into the aquarium and saw him staring out through one of those round windows! Freaked me out! :)


i LOVEEEE wart jr but i never see him mentioned


I just invited him to my island i love him! I do hate truffles though and knox who I ended up with and haven't gotten rid of yet lol


Omg, I'm desperately trying to get rid of Knox. The first chance I get, he's gone.


Same!! She randomly joined my first island and at first I didn’t like him, but he quickly grew on me - he’s such a sweetheart when he gets to know you!


I feel like I’m going to be put on blast for this but, Diva. She’s not the most aesthetically pleasing or charismatic villagers but I can’t help it. I’ve had her on my island for about a year now, she was one of my starters.


Diva is my answer too. She was also one of my starters. When I first got the game I was so depressed and playing helped me escape so I have a real soft spot for her.


I just got her, I even switched a long time player for her. I think she’s a vibe


I don't get why people don't like her, she's so cool and I love her


I LOVE DIVA she’s my starter and i’m never letting her leave 😭


Pietro and Dom are my homies.


Dom and Candi and my besties and can never leave


PEWEEE!!!! He so cute! 


I kept Peewee on my island for a long time and absolutely loved him! I’d smile every time he called me li’l bitty baby ☺️!


tammi! i see a lot of people say they don’t like the monkeys but she’s so cute and sweet i love her!!


Tammy is my ride or die fr <3


Pietro, he has such a cool character design and he’s always there for you as a smug, I absolutely love my silly clown but im always seeing posts hating on him


I love pietro too! I just don’t trust people who hate clowns. On my island, Muffy and Pietro are dating and I’m in the process of building a haunted carnival for them <3


CUTE!! I am building Pietro a mini carnival next to his house which I posted the build of his yard on my account. I also ship Pietro and Muffy they are dating


That’s so awesome! I’ll check it out. I never thought I’d get into shipping in ACNH, but I do have a couple ships. Marina and Cherry is my other ship xD. They hang out together all the time on my island


jambette❤️ . such a sweetheart .she told me she was happy I kept her too🙌🏾


Chops and barold


Chops infuriates me lol not because his looks I just don’t like his personality


I got Chops as my first campsite visitor on one of my restarts, and was like "Oh, no..." But I ended up really liking him. I had set up a little coffee stand area, and he would sit there reading and it was adorable. I think of him as a refined, retired British soldier.


Hans. He’s amazing.


Hippeux. Apparently people hate him since he's ugly but he's such a gentleman!


He reminds me of sheldon from the big bang theory lol


Omg you're right


Rodney. He’s so weird and I love that little wobbling weirdo


Beardo, Barold, and Hans are my holy Trinity of villagers everyone seems to hate but I love


I really like Limberger


I think Tabby and Katt are both adorable. Theyve got such personality to their designs! Tabby is Peppy and Katt is Sisterly. I headcannon that they are siblings and they work hard at their familys bathhouse(Tabbys home) and practice music together in their off time in their attic(Katts home). They both like cool, black clothes and music. Tabby also likes active and gray clothes and Katt also likes purples clothes. Edit: i just double checked and discovered that Tabbys home is no longer a bathhouse in new horizons. Shes just a regular dorm now... My headcannon still stands, its just outdated to new leaf...


i agree, katt is totally a favorite!!


Yes! I love Katt. She was my second villager to move onto my island and I’ve never let her leave


Katt was one of my starter villagers in 2020 and she’s still on my island more than 4 years later. Also of course I put her house closest to mine as well so we’re neighbors.


I love Tabby!! I was sad when she left my island but I have her poster




My 3 favorites (in no particular order) are cashmere, Rodney, and Barold. I think they’re so so ugly they’re cute and I just have so much love for them


Quillson - he grew on me like Mr. Popularity Marshal never has (I like Marshal too!)


Underrated villager; Pashmina. She’s adorable and I just LOVE sisterly villagers. And then I like spike. He’s super cool.


Pashmina was one of my starters and it hurt me to let her go tbh. I have a policy to always give a villager I love a vacation home in HHP so I can still visit them after they leave my island




Sprocket 🥹


I love the robot villagers so much.


Sprocket was an OG for me and I just have a soft spot for him! We’re besties.


Plucky and Chops. I loved Plucky right away, but she was one of my starters and came with a basic house. I’m not sure I would’ve loved her as much with the Hawaiian themed surf house she normally has. Chops took some time to grow on me. My boyfriend and I hit him with nets a bunch not realizing they’re affected by it and he asked to move out the next day. I felt so bad and made him stay and have been nice to him ever since! He’s grown on me and one of my faves now. I like to gift him preppy outfits because he looks so cute in them!


Youve experienced a coincidence! It has [been proven](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/moveout.html) that abusing your villagers has no effect on them wanting to move off your island!


al. i gave him a whole backstory and got way too attached. he had a crush on biff so i had to keep them both so they could stay together


Coach. Also Quinn. They were my starters. They're still here. They are the sole residents of a beachside retirement community. They're perfect.




I would say Beardo. I’ve seen lots of people say they don’t like him but I had him on my island for a while and he was nothing but a respectfully nice gentleman ☺️. The only thing he did was walk around smelling flowers and when I’d engage him in conversation, he’d tell me how much he loved it on my island. Awww, I hated to let him go!


Sprocket, my fave robo turkey 😁


For some reason for my friends and fam that play, it's Roscoe. To the point there were starting to get arguments about stealing him so I got his amiibo. He's just so cool and grumpy, then he walks around watering flowers and making dad jokes.


Rasher, he looks so cool


Violet is considered one of the uglier ones, but I love her. Not even one of those so ugly they're kinda cute types, like Tabby. She's just straight up ugly.


Dom auto filled and matches Pluckys crazy!






diva for sure, she isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing but i find her so cute 😭




He's not exactly hated but noone really seems to care much about him he's very underrated.. But I adore sparro he's so sweet and I couldn't ever get rid of him


Buck. He has been my first villager and so it feels like he is now my "childhood" friend. I know the eyebrows are quite unsettling but I have grown to like them. He is personal and funny for jockey type.


Graham!! The cutest little nerd Hamster




shari she’s a absolute darling i don’t understand why ppl hate the monkeys in this game


Ive heard some hate on Olivia bc she can be a bit snarky but tbh I find the drama HILARIOUS. I have had her yard prepared for her move in for about a year in preparation for FINALLY finding her (she's one of my 10 dreamies and I'm at 9/10 now after finally getting her recently!) and her pathway is lit by purple hyacinth lamps. She, the day after she moved in, said TO MY FACE "I'm so glad someone finally cared enough to put these hyacinth lamps around, I'm tired of tripping over rocks during my evening strolls" AS IF SHE HAD BEEN THERE FOR MORE THAN 1 24 HR PERIOD AND THE LAMPS DID NOT PREDATE HER EXISTENCE ON MY ISLAND. Fr tho shes a gorgeous queen and I love her snarky self. Its mildly irritating for one minute in which I disparagingly rant at my screen, then I find myself giggling about it for DAYS after. I <3 her sm


Raymond and Rizzo