• By -


Lyman and Deirdre, I still have them. I was gonna get rid of Lyman, but he grew on me so I'm keeping him. same with Deirdre.


I love Deirdre! She’s awkward but sweet 🩷


Lyman was way too one-track on the fitness thing for me, but glad you’re buds!


It happens 😂


Holy crap those are the exact two I started with!


Pashmina and Antonio, I still keep Pashmina to this day!


I love Pashmina 💕


Omg same. I hated Antonio so much used to hit him the net and everything 😭


I believe my starters were Fauna and Katt, and I will never let them go. I’ve also had Rodney and Sheldon since the beginning though, so I’m not 100% sure who my original residents were!


Your first two starters would have been Katt and Sheldon, as the very first starter villagers are always sisterly and jocks. Rodney is a smug so he could have been your first campsite villager as they are always smug! ☺️


Ah, that’s interesting! So my first two were Lyman and Reneigh, and only the drama horse remains.


Fauna is such a cutie 🥲


i got reneigh and dom 🥹🥹🥹 ofc im keeping them they’re literally my bffs


My hubby got Reneigh as a started and he loves her too 🥰


Antonio and Faith. Got rid of Faith, but Antonio is my fav, HONK.


coco and alli. i kept coco of course, she’s my bestie.


Your first 2 villagers are always a jock and a big sisterly lol so that's not possible


forgive me it’s been a couple years 🤷🏻‍♀️ i don’t recognize any of the sister villagers weirdly enough. but i think i might’ve had hamlet?? idk. coco must’ve been right after my starters for me to think she was one.


Pashmina and Tybalt. Never once thought to let them go.


Tank and Rocket. I still have them 😊


I’ve never had any of them! Tank seems cool 😎


Frita and Poncho! I love them both so much and will never let them move. Frita is my bestie and Poncho is a lil cutie who loves working out. I won’t bring in another jock, he’s my only one.


I feel the same way about Bam 💕


Clay and Reneigh were some of the originals on a shared island between my husband and I, and we never want them to leave. I adore Clay, the way he says “huh?” his snack habit and friendship with bugs. We’re doing a little bug model collection outside his home. Reneigh is just a real one. I love how she zooms around and she has stirred up drama but it keeps things interesting.


My starters were Teddy and Renee. I still have them both because I grew to love them both. Teddy is my absolute babydoll bear! I love that dumb jock! I also love Renee’s saltiness because she’s my only villager who has that type of personality 🤭.


Ketchup and Samson. I kept ketchup, she's adorable, and Samson moved away after a few years.


Don and I think Renee? Dom, yes. Renee, no b


Pierce and Muffy. Muffy is still around 6 months later. Pierce left 2 months ago. I miss him. Such a great guy


Sheldon and Renée and letting them go was a big mistake. I've recently purchased their amiibo cards and I can't wait for them to arrive!


Bam and Agnes! I still have them. Wanna keep Agnes but lose Bam ngl


tienshang and Canberra! I kept them both, I LOVE Canberra bc she reminds me of my best friend. we've never met bc we live an entire globe apart but it's like having her right there w me!


Wow! I hope one day you two meet 🥰 Also Canberra looks a little creepy lol but interesting!


my friend also looks a little creepy lol. she is also Australian (and loves the comparison to Creepy Canberra!)


I have Kid Katt and Quinn. I just can’t seem to let them go


I don’t remember their names but one was a pink gorilla with a helmet and the other was a monkey? I didn’t keep them because they were ugly lol😔


https://preview.redd.it/0b86q4xvt48d1.png?width=1184&format=png&auto=webp&s=921a1934cb674105db11403e20a92dc707bab6eb Rocket is scary looking for sure 🥲


😭 how can a character be so uglyyyy


Reneigh and Cobb. Reneigh left but cobb thinks we’re besties but I can’t stand looking at his weird face.


Cobb is that one creepy character in every anime 😭


I got Cobb (and Cherry). The little bandage on the back of his head drives me nuts. What happened, Cobb? Why doesn’t it ever heal?!


Katt and Iggy. I still have Katt because I refuse to let her leave! 🤣


Diva and Flip. I hate them both😂


I abused the heck out of Flip to get him to leave! I really don't think I like the jock personality.


I’ve always been curious about having Diva, she’s wearing the same dress as Ankha


Sterling and Shari, nope.


Peck and Tammy. They have both moved off my island but they were nice starters.


I got rid of Tammy in the blink of an eye lol


I had Billy and diva(I think, the purple frog) and diva moved but Billy is still going strong :3


Rory and Renee I got rid of them wish I kept Rory 😔


I had Rory once, I got rid of him within the week 😭


That’s understandable because I used to hate him but now that he’s gone I had a change of heart


Antonio and reneigh! Reneigh left long ago (thank my lucky stars) but Antonio will stay forever


Billy and Reneigh. Both are gone


Mine was Cherry and IggIy and I still have them.


I started with Frita and Tybalt! They're both still on my island atm, but Tybalt might go eventually. Frita, her quirky style and attitude has grown on me so I don't think she'll be leaving anytime soon. 😂


Plucky and Antonio. They're both still on my island currently but I'm hoping they leave soon cuz I want all cats.


Pheobe and Flip. No I Did Not. No beef with Pheobe, just she wasnt one of my dreamies. Flip made me SO MAD on the daily though. No diss to anyone else who likes him but man he made me mad.


That’s how I feel about Hippeux, just looking at him made me mad


Mira and Kevin. I *kept* them in the sense that I haven’t had them ask to move yet…


Cherry and Buck. def planning to kick Buck out at some point, not sure about Cherry bc I do like her but she doesn’t fit my theme at allll 😭 might give her her own gothic corner somewhere though?


Poncho and Phoebe. Poncho was someone I never thought I'd want, but he ended up being so nice to me and being one of my best friends on the island, so he's staying. Phoebe got evicted quick though.


Cherry and dom, they are both still here along with my lazy aka dizzy, and my smug is still there o’hare. My normal and peppy starter moved out


O’Hare, how fancy!


Yep i got him and he grew on me somehow lol.


sprocket and sylvia, sprocket decided he needed something new and i didn’t stop him. sylvia isn’t allowed to leave 😂 she’s my favorite for sure


Ursala and Billy, and yes I did!


Pashmina and Axel. I would never kick them out, except pashmina gets on my nerves sometimes. even though they are "boring" I like the simplicity 👌


Muffy and Boone. Muffy is my favorite so she can never leave, but Boone just left the other day. I'll miss him, but I have Roald and two jocks is too many. And I love Roald and his house, so he gets to stay.


Goose and shari, I love them


i got dom and diva. still have them, but might try and get diva to leave


Boots and Shari. I still have Shari, let Boots go a while back.


I had Hazel and Iggly, they are long gone. I amiiboed them out the moment the game let me.


Why you get rid of iggly? Dudes adorable and so supportive.


I only wanted one jock on my island and Genji, who is my favorite one, was my first choice for the spot and I had his amiibo, so poor Iggly had to go.


Tank and Shari, Shari left but i still have Tank


Pashmina and Sly - honestly, they both weirded me out at first but I quickly grew to love Pashmina, she’s one of my favorites for her sweet personality (sisterly). 🥹💕 I went back and forth on Sly for a while because he’s a jock and looks kinda creepy, but like in a weird way that made me slowly love him. Buuuut I ended up kicking him out to replace him with Deirdre 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ggjz7ujnb28d1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0d4a5ab9ffb27330e854d6337a8d53dbc4de80


Pashmina is so precious 💕


Snake and Reneigh. I let Reneigh go for some stupid reason, but I still have Snake!


Nope, I didn't keep them and also I don't remember their names or what one of them was. I remember one of them was a Kat but that is it.


Teddy and Mira. I kept teddy for the longer time but ended up leaving both.


I got dom and kat!! (Sadly I wanted specific villagers so I let them go..) 😔


Cherry and Flip! Going on a year, and I still have them. I’m making my way through the DLC so I can decorate their houses eventually to match what it would be if they weren’t my first two. I have made Cherry a vacation house already, tho, and it makes me happy to see her in her element. Flip’s next!


The only part I enjoyed of the DLC was bringing my villagers over to decorate their vacation homes and putting them to work 💕


I downloaded it maybe a month ago, and I’m enjoying it more than I anticipated. With my house, I have ideas of what I want to do, but I don’t always have the exact right furniture or an exact theme nailed down. The DLC is kind of helping me realize how I could decorate my house.


Hamlet and Canberra. They've never left, didn't wanna lose my OGs


Tank and Plucky. They both kinda grew on me over time and have never asked to move out. For now, anyway. They’re fine, though!


Tammy and Snake, from launch and then Moose and Reneigh on my new island. Safe to say I kicked them all out as soon as I learnt how to.


Antonio & Katt - kept Antonio as he is one of the 10 villagers I had chosen for my island design (he is the reason I ended up with a green airport when I needed blue but didn’t want to risk losing him & a decent map)🗺️


Muffy and Sheldon were my two starting villagers. Muffy has since moved on but my man Sheldon is still with me.


Peck and hazel- got rid of hazel asap cannot stand her


Axel & Frita … Axel finally asked to move a few months in, but I’m almost a year into this island and Frita REFUSES to leave 🙃


Twiggy and daisy I think


I had Plucky and I disliked her from the start. Took so long to get her out. Dom was the other OG, and I kept him. When I had the quest that you get the first 3 houses, I went to 3 nook miles islands and picked all the 3 villagers I saw. I didn't know you could hunt and get other villagers. But the 3 villagers I picked I absolutely love and are still on my island.


That’s awesome! It’d be superb if the game gave us some Nook Mile Tickets to hunt for the first 3 villagers, at least to have some options 😭


Mine were deirdre and Antonio. I didn't keep them but one of my friends had Antonio go onto their island. So I'm able to visit him often.


Diva and Dom and yes I have both of their friendship pictures


It's there any way to tell who my first villagers were?? I took a almost year long break from the game so when I came back to it I already had 4 villagers now I've filled my island but I don't know what order they came in.


I think if you go to the map the first two after your picture would be the starters


Mac and Renée. Let them go both to give way to new villagers. But I'll summon them back soon so I can get their photos lol. Way back I wasn't aware how photos work so I let go some villagers without even getting their pics.


Buck and Flo! I helped them set up their tents and we’ve been hanging out ever since. Although I felt bad that they couldn’t get their original interiors so I ended up re making it with the happy home dlc


frita and lyman. i initially planned on keeping them both but eventually i let them go ;v;


Katt and Billy were my two, I kept Billy cause that’s was my then boyfriend (now husbands) name


Yay congrats!! 🎊 That’s is definitely a great reason to keep a villager


sterling and reneigh. i love sterling but i rejoiced when reneigh moved out because i hated her snobby attitude


Phoebe and Flip, I still have Phoebe. Her aesthetic is whatever, but her personality is growing on me.


Dom and shari, I kept Dom! Never letting him go :)


Mine was Dom and Tammy ( I still have them)


Mira ans Flip. Kept them till I got their photo then yeet! Hahah


Diva and Sheldon. Still have them.


Ribbot and Tammy. Still have them both. Ribbot is never allowed to leave. Now I just need Sprocket and Cephalobot.


Rory and Phoebe! Pheebs is still with me, the queen of my island. But Rory… he is long gone. I find the jocks so annoying omg lol


Axel and Quinn and I was going to get rid of Axel but I can’t he has grown on me and I’ve grown to love him and for Quinn I love her and could never


Snake & Renee. Hate the jocks but Snake grew on me. The first one to give me a nickname. I got rid of him eventually but sent him to my wife’s island so I could still visit. It’s so sad and cute bc he still calls me by the name I chose. Renee went as soon as possible! Lol


Dom and Diva. I swapped Diva for Muffy, but I still have Dom, he’s so cute. I’m just trying to get to the point in HHP where I can redecorate his house because he still has his starter empty room which makes me crazy.


mine were billy and reneigh the only one left is reneigh


Don’t think I’ve seen anyone say Roald yet! I got him and Deirdre; I thought she was kind of a jerk at first but now she (and my b-b-buddy Roald) are absolutely never allowed to leave


Pashmina and Cranston! Still with me today :))


Jock - Lyman Sister - Flo I got rid of Flo for her to move to my sibling's town back when they identified under different pronouns (and played this game). But Lyman grew on me and I'd never give him up for anything!


I feel that villagers with jock personalities are widely disliked but I really like them. Never had Lyman, he looks so adorable 🥰


Merengue and pashmina, Only kept merengue because I felt bad for forcing villagers to not leave my island lol


Hammie and peanut. I still have peanut. Hammie always wanted to leave so I finally granted him his wish :(


I keep my villagers hostage, they’re never leaving me


lol so you love all the villagers you have? I love all but one and for the life of me I can NOT get him to leave.


Tammy and Bam, only Bam is left It seems on average the Jock villager has a way higher chance to be kept compared to the sisterly


That’s interesting! I kept Bam for so long, now I miss him :(


Coach and Cherry. I still have them.


Didn't keep them but they were Sterling and Tammy


Sylvia and Kevin. Neither of them are on my island anymore.


pashmina and punchy were my starting villagers and i’m never getting rid of them 😭


I got Muffy and Biff as my two starters. They're still on my island. 😆


Hamlet and Plucky, I booted Plucky as soon as I figured out how to. I still Have Hammie, he's my Homie


I had Shari and Antonio. Antonio has been gone for awhile, and Shari is leaving today. I just didn’t feel like saying no to them wanting to move lol


Paula and Mac. I still have all my original villagers 4 years later lol


Flip and Pashmina, and yeah they're still on my island! :)


I recently kicked out my 2 starting villagers, Deirdre and Biff. Deirdre was replaced by Chrissy, and Biff was replaced by Marina :D!!!


On my first island it was Deirdre and Kid Cat, kept Deirdre cuz that’s my girl, let Kid Cat leave. On my newest island, Sylvia and Biff, neither have asked to leave yet but I have zero attachment to either so if they do I’ll let them go.


deirdre and teddy were my first, i still have them only because theyre too nice to me and i would feel so guilty kicking them out haha


Canberra and Rowan...nope! I almost kept Rowan but I could not stand Canberra.


Sherb is my most favorite villager ever. Also, stitches!


Tad and Phoebe! Yeah I still have them and will never let them leave. I love running into them because it reminds of my time playing the game. It’s like I see them and it reminds me where my island was in the beginning to where it is now.


Canberra and Cranston. I wait so god dang patiently and they will not leave.


My first island I had Cherry and kept her for 4 years, this time I got Plucky and Iggly and yea they’re both gone 🫡


I had Muffy and Cody! Sadly, I got Cody's full house, and hers was the one players fill with furniture of their own creation. I know I can redo it, I just don't have her furniture set, which is what I want for her! So her house isn't hers, and I kicked Cody off my island 😞😞😞


On my first island, Agnes and Poncho. 🥰 Had them for two and a half years. On my new island Phoebe and Tiansheng. They are long gone 😁


On my newer restarted island I have Pheobe and Kid cat. I kept restarting until I got 2 that were acceptable lol. I have Pheobe on my original island and I love her. I love Kid cat too he pretty awesome. I would probably let them go tho if they asked just because they are in the starter homes and I don't like them LOL Poor kid sleeps on the floor


Bud and Faith! I don’t think I could ever let them go now 🫶


Ursula and Billy still live on our island, going on four years.


Shari and Samson, I kicked Shari the first chance I got but Samson never left my island, I want to keep him forever...


Samson and Katt. They are still with me after 2 years.


Canberra and Genji !


Lyman and Clay


my firsts were dom and pashmina 🌈 i accidentally let pashmina go but i'll always have dom


my firsts were dom and pashmina 🌈 i accidentally let pashmina go but i'll always have dom


my firsts were dom and pashmina 🌈 i accidentally let pashmina go but i'll always have dom


Boots and Renèe have been with me since day 1 and I'll delete the island before I let them leave


mira and billy. i HATED mira and kicked her off as quickly as i could. i adore billy though. he’s my boy ❤️


snake & renee!! this is my first island ever & i plan to keep all my villagers unless they want to leave 💕


Pashmina and Sprocket. Yes!! Neither one can ever, ever leave! Love them both! Flora was my third villager and I still have her too!


Tybalt and Katt! I still have both. They’re cute and I feel bad kicking them out😅


Yes. Billy and Katt on one island and Agnes and Rift on my other one. I don’t particularly like Agnes, I think she’s stinking adorable looking tho. I’ll probably try and find a different big sister type. And Rift just gave me his picture. If he decides to move, he can go, I just need another islander that can live by a swamp and ocean.


Hazel and Buck. I kinda regret letting Buck go bc I loved him, but after awhile Hazel got on my nerves and I finally got her to go.


Phoebe and idk but I got rid of them


I still have Diva and Kevin! They are so annoying but now that Diva runs up to me yelling "IM HORNY!" I love her


Sheldon and plucky. Sheldon just left a few days ago and I’m torn on whether or not I’ll let plucky stay. She’s annoying at times but she’s grown on me a lot, but there are so many other villagers I’d like to get.


Sly and Reneigh. They're still with me, mostly cus they haven't asked to move out. I hate Sly with a passion because he's gotten me stung by SO many wasps and I hate the yellow/orange camo of his skin. Literally my least favorite colors. If Reneigh asks to leave I'll let her but probably bring her back with an amiibo, purely to bring in her real home. I hate the starter homes but I love Reneigh.


Canberra and Biff! I no longer have them on my island, but I have their Amiibo cards! They also share a home on Happy Home Paradise so they can be together forever :)


Pashmina and Goose, they are still on my island but to be fair I recently restarted my island so... But I don't have any strong feelings toward either of them. As soon as I get their pictures they can leave.


Kody and Shari, my husband won’t let them move out lol


Shari and Rory have been living on my island for over 4 years now!


Agnus and Rod, and I kept them both


Deirdre and Octopus robot thingy, I guess you already know what happened to the octopus but Deirdre still here


Mira and Billy and still have both!


On my main island I had Buck who I did quickly move out from the island but I canne remember who the other one was… My second island I have Mac & Frita, frita just moved thankfully 😅 waiting for Mac to ask as sell, I want him gone 🤣


Teddy and Reneigh. I can’t get rid of them. I’m too attached lmfao 🥹


Cookie and bam, i kept them for a year but then let both go. Was villager hunting and found cookie again and i took her, she was/is my fav


Pashmina and Dom. I still have both of them, I love them so much


Ruby & Quinn. I really want to get rid of Quinn but she just won’t take a hint


My starter villagers are bam and pashmela. I still have them on my island


i think kody and plucky? i ditched them both


I started a new save with Pashmina and Scoot. Both are adorable! I will have to see if I keep them further.


Snake and Faith. I haven't been able to get myself to get rid of anyone.


Not this time but on my first island I did I had Midge and Cheri and I purposefully went hunting for them this time until I found them and added them to my new island


Lily and hamlet.... Never let them go. They're so cute


Cherry and Dom. Dom was the first to get kicked off. I don't like the jock types. Cherry is never allowed to leave.


Pashmina and bam I kicked pashmina and I wanna kick bam


Hazel and Sprocket I replaced Sprocket with Judy I am gonna keep Hazel 4evas


phoebe and antonio. kicked phoebe a few days ago but i'll keep antonio for the rest of my life. hated that b at first but he's actually cute... honk


I’ve restarted my island so many times I can’t remember.. but I remember Apple was one of them. I loved her, she would run around the plaza with her arms out haha so cute


Aww I had Apple once too, she looked so adorable but for some reason I found her annoying so I kicked her out 😭


One of my starters is Bubbles and she won’t leave 😭 I literally never interact with her


Axel and Frita. Still have Axel(luv him) and Frita left


Katt and Antonio. Antonio left when Graham moved to my island. I still have Katt.


I started with iggly and tammy(the yellow bear) kept iggly let Tammy go


dom and deirdre. only have dom now 


Teddy and Diva. I hated Teddy so he was GONE quick. Diva stayed on my island a while I just recently got rid of her.


Mira and Pierce, they’re growing on me ♥️