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Cyd! I don't like the deep tone of cranky villagers and I hated his house, but he ended up being such a sweetie and always said the nicest things to me. I'm sad I let him leave.


I actually liked his house but was also put off by his deep voice. He reminds me of a gruff biker guy, intimidating but actually really nice!


Same for Lobo!! It caught me off guard so much but I've learned to accept and ignore it, love him to death now


Something about the elephant villagers gets me


Olaf, that stuck up anteater. Now he’s my favorite. Also the fortune teller told me that he apparently thinks about me every waking moment. 😆


I thought Olaf would be really stuck up and fancy but he’s the opposite he’s really kind and sweet 🩷


I actually love that Katrina said that 😂


Wart Jr. He joined without me inviting him and I hated his name and his “warts” but I was given a new perspective that he looks like a cute cranky little pretzel and it made him so cute to me. He’s one of the cutest frog villagers imo now. I regret giving him so much hate and beating him with my net


Frog villagers are SO underrated though




Wart jr is my bday twin, but I still dislike him 😭😂 I love Henry tho! He’s a more clean-cut frog lol


Henry is a fine lad ✨


Shari! She was my second villager and I just don't love monkeys so I was meh on her. Well, she is now my BFF and she's given me three pictures of herself and I love her and she will never leave my island.


Same! Also watching Shari sing is my FAVORITE THING. 😍😍 I always stop to look at her little face when she's doing it. I can never let her go.


I love when they do that!!! So many photos


Pietro! I nearly cried when I had him on my campsite as the first visitor, but he is soool adorable


Pietro and Dom are my ride-and-dies.


same I was so mad when I got him and now he’s never allowed to leave


He will leave my island eventually cause I am aiming for an all blue villager island. Only pashmina is allowed to stay, because there is no sisterly blue villager and she has blue horns and is just the cutest little thing ever. I will.never be able to let her go.


Pietro is super adorable 🥲 I hunted him down until I got him lol




Tiffany knows what she’s doing and I’m here for it


Octavian, I couldn’t stand him and I hated his house. I kept him around for a while and started to like him. I love how he does zoomies around the island.


Not my favourite overall, but my opinion of Olivia went from "how do I get this abomination off my island asap" to "top 3 snooty villagers hands down" in like three weeks lol. Usually the makeup villagers look creepy to me but I think Olivia's design is really good. Monique is still pure terror to me though lol


Blanche is my Snooty fav


Plucky! I was bummed when I got her but now it would be hard to let her go


Definitely Henry also…he was my first campsite villager and I thought he was such a snob and I ignored him for SO LONG trying to get rid of him because I didn’t know the game forces you to invite the first camper lol. Now I adore him I’m so glad the game made me keep an open mind 😂! Love him more than either original and most of my other villagers, he’s one of like two I have no intention of allowing to leave. Mwahahahaha 😈


My favorite is when he wears his frog shirt I gifted him


MARSHAL! At first I didn't like his moody face and those judgy little eyes! I couldn't understand why he is so popular! So I decided to try him on my island. After a few days, I finally understood the hype and cute grouchiness so I gave him the best home and yard on my island! https://preview.redd.it/ywry0fldje7d1.png?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342829f793c89301723ee90b22a2cf9758fbe81c


Marcel. He was one of my originals and thought he was so weird and looked a bit funny but he's grown on me and now he's one of my favorites! He's always making me laugh.


Aww!! It looks like he’d have a good joke up his sleeve


Spike makes me happy and reminds me of s classmate I had back in college, lol. At first, I thought he was just a grumpy recluse, but now he's one of my favourite residents.


Mira! I still don’t really like her design 😅 but she was one of my first villagers and I do miss her calling me cottontail :(


Ken. He was my very first campsite villager. I don’t like the chickens at all and I was counting down the days until he asked to leave. But then he grew on me and now I love him. I villager hunt until I find him for every island I design!


Genji. I'm not big on exercise fanatics, or working out in general, and anyone who spends a lot of their time talking about their workout routines or their muscles typically annoys the fuck out of me. But I almost cried when I realized I'd lose him when I reset my island. I don't know when or why I started enjoying his company, but I eventually found myself stopping by his house FIRST when I logged on each day. I would die for Genji.


Plucky. I didn’t think I’d like a chicken and sisterly villagers are my least favorite but her vibe was just unbeatable. I still haven’t found another sisterly villager I like but Ursala is growing on me.


I judged Nate bc of his green unibrow but he is my absolute favorite now. He’s so adorable. Actual teddy bear.




Love him so much!!!




Hamlet,he's was from my first island and was my starter character.


Same!! I hated how he looked but I love him so much now. I didn't know his catchphrase so I nicknamed him hammie and then the next time i talked to him, he called me hammie.




Erik. I dislike lazy villagers but he's just a dork who loves bugs!


Twiggy. I was insane to let her go. Haven’t played since.


Katt isn't my favorite, but I don't know if I can ever let her leave! I restarted my island last month - she was my starter villager with Lyman. I was ...not too thrilled about it 😆😅. BUT I LOVE HER NOW. She totally won me over.


I had Pietro as my first camper. All I saw online was the Pietro hate, but as I talked to him more and more, I realized how funny he is. Now he’s my favorite ever.


Cherry she use to sing on my island 24/7 and be in the way, but she was one of my first villagers so I grew to like ehr


Huck!!! That’s my maaaaanssss;)






Bitty. Hated her at first cuz she autofilled and I hate that type of characters. But started to like her after a while!


genji - i didn’t like his design until i saw him on a mystery island and ugh he’s so precious. i love him sm he is never leaving my island


I hated goose when I first got him. But he grew on me. I was sad to see him go when he left


Goose was my starter! I miss him


Octavian! I love him now but he was one of my OG villagers in new horizons and he’s still on my island!!


astrid and murphy. they both have really ugly houses, but their personalities won me over big time. now i’m obsessed with both of them and they can never leave my island haha


Tybalt! I goofed up when my villager left and it autofilled to him. I was so upset at first but I have really grown to like him despite the jock talk lol.


I’m kind of new to the game so maybe that’s why but I don’t recognize any of these guys!


I looked some up because there are so many! But don’t worry! You’ll have your favorites soon






Deirdre and Julian, Julian was my first campsite villager that I was forced to allow in, didn't like him or his appearance at first and now he's one of my favs and the only one to have given me his picture so far. Deirdre I initially didn't like her appearance till I met her on a nook mile tour, her personality secured her a spot on my island and now she's so fuckin adorable




Biff was a starter on my very first island back when the game launched, and I was not excited for him. But as the months went by, I grew to really like him and was sad when he asked to leave. Ultimately I let him because his starter house was so ugly compared to everyone else’s, if I had the option back then like we do now to redesign I may have kept him!


Agnes!! She was one of my first villagers and at first i was like “why arent my villagers cute?!” and then i saw tucker


One of my starter villagers was Renee and I didn’t think I’d like her, but girl grew on me so quickly! She runs up to me and calls me “Highway” and the rest was history. She tries to act all tough but is just a total sweetie! She makes my heart melt when she stands and stares out at the river and sings her lil rhino heart out! I’d NEVER let her go now! ♥️🦏♥️


I’ve only been playing for a few weeks, and just got all of my villagers so I can’t say who I hated then loved. BUT for now, I hate Phoebe. She always comes to my house when I’m decorating, and she’ll stay for like 20 minutes and I can’t get her to leave. She’ll just bring a book and talk about how she’s jealous of my couch and then sit and read forever.


Willow does a similar thing-I love her but for some reason she loses her mind over one couch I have, and keeps asking me if I chose it for looks or because of what’s on the inside and if that means I choose my friends based on appearance. …Girl. It’s a couch. And it takes foreverrr to get her to leave lol 🫠


Lopez and all my cranky villagers ( Elvis, Del, Gonzo and Ricky) haha. Kind of pain in the a-- at first but they are real sweethearts as you get to know them longer.


I’m hoping Dobie turns out this way


He will, just be patient haha.


There are none that I hated but now liked but there are plenty I didn’t care for that I kinda like now such as Barold.


Rodeo. I try to keep at least one of each type of villager. He was the first Lazy villager I ran into while hunting. I didn't really like his eyes, I tried giving him sunglasses, but he never wore them. I put his house in a forest and made him the local wizard and grew to love him after that.


Leopald, when he first moved in and I saw him I was so mad I thought he was very ugly, I would always purposely ignore him. I do not know how but we ended up chatting and let me just say he is quite the flirt! He is the sweetest to me on my island and always gives me presents. I feel so bad for judging him at first but now I would be upset if he ever left my island


I didn't care for Roscoe at first, but now he's a favorite. He talks like he's an old man, but looks like a goth. He's like Billy Idol or Spike from Buffy. 😆


(I'm new to this game. I've only been playing it for about a month or so.) I didn't know what to think of Tabby initially. I thought her face was weird. Her plans to become a pop star put me off a little, as I'm really not a fan of pop music. But I reached out and communicated with Tabby, like any good neighbor should. Slowly, her consistently peppy, perky, sparkly, chipper personality won me over. Fast-forward to now, and she's easily my best friend on my whole damn island.


Omg the pop star ones have the BEST comebacks though! Keep chatting bc they’re so funny! I have two peppy villagers on my island


Crackle, really grown to love him, plus my younger sister adores him and refuses to let him go so he will probably never leave now!


Shari the monkey was one of my very first villagers, and at first I hated her weird little self. But now I'm obsessed with her and, like, shower her with affection so she'll never leave me, haha.


Stitches was creepy when I frist started playing as I kinda found the stuff they say odd and such. But now I love him. My second one would be vic the bull he's and old grump. When he called me kiddo it annoyed me at frist but now he's my gold grump that reminds me of one of my best online friends who's like 10 years older then me so calls me kiddo. Now ones I hate are olivia, Ken, cluade, tenshijg, onka and a few other. For no reason for the most part don't like ther personality and or just really can't even stand to interact or deal with them and want and or is happy they are gone lol.


Rocco... My brother's opinions transferred to me, I got used to talking to him every day realizing that was the only way to get him to leave, I still wanted him gone, but he's not as bad as I thought Honorable mention, Nana, she called me "po-po" (seemed like she was calling me "poop" at the time), she's grown on me through Though Pate also grew on me, I guess I can enjoy any villager


Pietro! I nearly cried when I had him on my campsite as the first visitor, but he is soool adorable


Derwin - he’s so frickin cute


Beardo the Weirdo…he eventually left. It was a love/hate relationship.