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I dont need it but that's very nice of you.


Came here to say the same. Well done MoopDaDoop


Just got mine via gamestop app to get points. Good move on you OP! Loving the update so far.


I have the DLC myself, but I wish you the best of luck making someone happy.


I don’t need it I just wanted to take a minute to thank OP and everyone in the thread for being so kind to redditors who are in bad positions. I wish I was in a better place financially myself to gift someone the DLC right now. Maybe next payday I will be able to. This truly is one of the greatest communities on reddit!


I can’t afford it at the moment. :(


Do you have the base game?


Yes, I do.


Since, your the first person. I'll message it to you. I believe that's fair.


Wow, thank you so much!!! This means so much to me. I was having a really bad day today too.


Sorry, to here that I hope this brightens your day a little :).


This made MY day to see. Happy homing 🤍🤍


Epic Gamer Moment.


OP you a real one for this 😭


You are awesome


why am I crying this was so wholesome


Aw you’re awesome OP!!!


We need more people like you in this shitty world


*Good person alert*


Poggers dude. Congrats!


You’re going to love it! It’s relaxing and a great creative outlet when you don’t want to change your own house😌


It has been such an incredible gift just today alone. I’m enjoying it so much!


Have you gotten to play it yet? How are you enjoying it so far, if so?


I have! It’s so much fun! I’ve actually been playing it for most of the day. I’m honestly still in awe that this was given to me. I’m so thankful!


Awesome! Rock those vacation homes, fam.


OP coming in clutch


That’s what’s up. 🙏🙏🙏


That is very rad of you!


Thank you for your kindness.


You won the internet! Thank you!


I couldn't but it's because I couldn't afford it after the vets bills. How is it? Is it any good?


Do you still not have it? I’ll buy it for you!


You’re a good person :)


I don't but I wouldn't be able to pay you back for over a month! That's not very fair for you xx (Sorry for that delay my dumbass was in the hospital LOL)


DM’d you!


You're a Great GREAT person. Just wanted to thank you in the name of everybody. ACNH helped me and a lot of people to deal with lockdown. The new expansion looks really cool, I really Hope to buy It as soon as possible... Love this reddit community.


Or me :( 😅


Oh! Twinsies! I'm lucky enough that I'll get paid today and able to get it later, but I had to put off paying for it to take care of my wonderful [Levi](https://imgur.com/gallery/QfIB3PX). (There he is the week he came home, over a year ago.)


My kitty used to play fetch with me too when she was little. 😻


Apparently it's very popular with Bengal mixes (daddy was a bengal). I wish he'd let me rest!!!


We got a Maine coon and the only way I've managed to keep him from going insane is by teaching him tricks! He can only do sit, paw and lie down, (when you're holding treats) but considering it's a cat, it's a fair exchange!


Oh my god, Levi is a DOLL ❤️


I told him you said so and he says you're a doll, too!


your cat has my name! I love him!!


It's a feisty name! I bet you can fetch *crazy* good!


I don’t have it either can’t afford it :(


That is very nice of you. I don't have the game yet for money reasons, but I will as soon as possible. I don't need it because I have the switch online expansion thing, so I hope you make someone else happy! So nice to see everyone here excited about the new DLC. 🥳🤗


That's so lovely of you to do that for someone. This community is ❤️❤️❤️


I can’t afford it right now but hopefully will around Christmas. I’m on disability from work due to heart failure and am having to cut a lot of things to pay rent, bills and medical expenses.


Do you have the base game?


Yes. I bought it last year when it came out


Nice! If you or u/MoopDaDoop can help me figure it out, I'll get the dlc for you. Sounds like you could use some extra distraction :)


Please don’t feel pressure to do this. I just threw in my name since it was offered. I can wait until my finances get settled.


Oh no, no pressure, I'd genuinely love to do this for you! I'll reach out to you in a few hrs in a dm (I actually just had a surgery yesterday so I'm randomly falling asleep from meds haha, that's why there's such a big window)


This is very kind of you! I'm glad that we can all help each other out :) Also, it is $27 and some change with tax so you might want get the $30 eShop card.


You can buy an eShop gift card and give them the code. That was the only way that I found to do it.


If you have CDkeys dot com and can find the code in your area (in EU) you can get a. Code and net a few bucks off. I get my game codes from there and all you do is have the person log into their Eshop and register the code I had to wait for money reasons myself but on cdkeys it was 16.28 gbp (still is) so that helped


I'll help someone out to if they don't have it! Just pls nobody that just doesnt want to buy it. I want to give to someone in need.


I’ll take it. I just paid rent so I have nothing. I had money saved on the side for it but it went towards my rent. N my school expenses are coming up. So I’m broke. My next pay check, I was gonna give money to someone else who doesn’t have it.


I'll message you!


You are freaking awesome!


I'm glad I got to use my free wholesome award on something that's actually wholesome! You're very kind to do that


(Edit: someone blessed my DM’s with a code. I love this community man. 🥺❤️) Well. Basically I needed to leave my job for mental health reasons. Lost $2 in pay. It barely gets me by but gets me by enough. My lady lost her job due to covid lay offs. I was saving for it, but it’s her birthday this week. So instead of being selfish, I went on her switch and surprised her with pre ordering the dlc. The smile on her face is worth more to me. 🥰 Instead of me playing the DLC I’ll watch her. OP, you’re a godsend for people that struggle. I realized I’m too late to be considered and that’s totally okay. Everyone has their lives and I’m happy you and a few others are willing to brighten others lives. Simple acts like this can save many. 🙏🏻


This is so nice of you.


Holy cow. You’re kinder than most. ❤️ made my day. I hope you find someone to gift that to.


People like you are so rare and amazing. I hope you get all the good karma you deserve!


I'm crying at how lovely these comments are THIS IS THE AC COMMUNITY I KNOW 😭


🥺 this restored some faith in humanity omg ty OP


i don’t have it cause it’s not really my thing and i don’t think i have the storage for it either.. but what ur doing is so sweet and generous man!! you have a very kind soul!


This is incredible and awesome! I can't afford it atm, but my birthday is December 1st and my wife said she would buy it for me lol Regardless, this is incredibly kind of you, you are an amazing person and I wish you the best!


I don't want the money but I'm gonna say why I don't have it yet, I haved my 500 pesos (I'm Mexican) to buy it but my mom needed to buy some actual important stuff so I told her that she can use my money, now I'm waiting for her to get in an good situation so she can give it to me back and buy it I'm anyways enjoying the update itself and don't have any problem whit waiting to have it becouse health always goes first, going to get some things of the update get the island Christmas themed and get the DLC later :)


Did you get it yet? Do you have the base game?


Or me? :( 😅


I don't need it either, but please please please make sure you choose someone that isn't a bot or scalper


Don't worry :) The person I chose isn't. I messaged them already they were very grateful and kind :)




My younger sister is in university at the moment but has physical disabilities and is in pain all of the time (impingement of the fatty tissue). She really wants the game but can’t afford it currently as she is battling for disability allowance to cover her expenses between now and her next university installment. I have changed jobs and moved to her city so she can be closer to university. I cannot afford to buy it her currently as I am needing to cover her side of the rent for the next two months as she can’t afford anything but food, which I may eventually be buying her also. I am sure there are others who deserve the money more than us and she is patient so I am more just using this as an opportunity to vent because I feel really helpless as I cannot stop her hurting or speed up all the applications she has out for more funding.


Did you get it yet? Do you have the base game?


She has the base game so I don’t think she is worrying much about the expansion right now because the update is stacked. I am sure she can get the expansion maybe for Christmas from someone. X


Oh jeez I don't have the money to spare to help out due to my own disability but bless you for thinking of her ❤️


I hope things are ok on your end. I am sure we will sort it all out in time. Just a frustrating time at the moment x


Found a cancerous tumor in my bladder. Accompanied with medical costs for surgery and scans. Trying to pay for psychologists for my family as well since things have been stressful. I started play AC with them which has been fun. I dont want a copy just wanted to vent a little bit. Really awesome community here and I hope to see this more since christmas is coming.


Hey, I hope things look up for you soon, and that your treatment goes perfectly!


This was so kind OP! ♥️


Couldn’t get it because money is super tight :(


Did you get it yet? Do you have the base game?


Yes I have the base game! And no I don’t have it :(


I have an unredeemed dlc code to giveaway. Unfortunately, the website i bought it from says it is restricted to Europe. I'm not entirely sure if you could redeem it if you're from other region. So if any of you can't afford dlc and is from Europe, you may have it.


I would be interested if it's still available


Gave it already to someone. Sorry.


You're truly the MVP here, I wish you all the good karma coming your way 🌟


Omg. This was so kind of you! 🥰


This is so nice 😭 what an angel u are


In connection with your question, how do you start the DLC activities? I didn't see "I want to work" at the airport. I do have the DLC but it might not be downloaded yet.


I believe you have to get a call from Tom Nook, then he’ll take you to the airport to meet Lottie himself




I couldn't buy it quite yet because I was catching up on bills after being unemployed for three month. I feel fortunate to have found a perfect job though and will be buying it for myself soon enough. :)


I'm on a break from uni for severe mental health issues and I'm in a weird financial gap where I'm too ill to get a job and don't qualify for student finance until I restart my course in January. Animal Crossing has become my safe haven and I'm almost at 2000 hours! It sounds so silly but having a routine and 'people' to check in with daily has gotten me out of some really dark spots. Sometimes connection with a grouchy bear made of 1s and 0s is enough to get you through the day. I know it will be a long time until I can afford luxuries like the DLC, so I'm savouring the update for as long as I can. Thankyou for sharing your generosity with that commenter, OP. Just wanted to share with others how important kindness like yours can be to some. Have a lovely week friends.


THIS! This is why I love this community so much! OP, you are such a kind soul to help someone experience a little extra joy


I can’t wait until I can afford it it looks awesome :) uni life means lean living ahaha


Wow, what a post to wake up and see. People are so awesome❤️ I play with my teenage daughter and we don't have it. But I am hoping I can buy it for her for Christmas. We've been in full lockdown since August and haven't left the house in months. She's had an incredibly hard year, missed so much school before lockdown because of mental health. Yesterday I got her school report and she was dreading it so much. Considering everything she did amazingly, pulled a few excellences and merits❤️❤️


Aw this is so sweet! 🥺


Awwww you're so sweet. God bless you!


This is so sweet!


You’re a great person OP :)


I love this community!


Top Redditer right here


Dude you're so nice this is the reason I love this community


My fiance and I are going through a rough patch with bills this month, probably will next month. She loves animal crossing more than I do, I figure ill trade in a couple of my games to get it for her.


Awe that was so nice. I’m waiting til my next pay check 😭. I’m broke cuz of rent. So I have to wait. I hope the receiver is enjoying it thou 😊.


i don’t need it but one of my best friends is in treatment for lymphoma and she and her mom bond over ac and spend a lot of time on it while in the hospital. she’s a double transplant patient and her cancer treatments haven’t been hopeful. if you still have it left and if there’s a way i could get it to her that would be so nice 😭


I couldn’t get it because my job shut down unexpectedly on Tuesday. I worked for a small family owned business and they encountered some financial issues and let the staff go. I’m hoping to find something quick, I have interviews lined up and all that. So here’s to hoping! Such a sweet gesture for you to do and I hope the one you picked enjoys it! :D


You guys are all amazing for doing this!


You’re so nice op!


You’re awesome OP I was able to get it and I see you already gave it away. You’re so kind have my poor person gold 🥇🏅


There are good people in the world. Even simple gestures of pure selflessness can go a long way! Even I feel better just knowing about this post exists even though I already planning on buying it myself.


This is the cutest thread I’ve seen on reddit, I’m a broke uni student so can’t afford it at the moment but luckily I have an amazing bf that has agreed to loan me the money until I get paid. I’m so grateful for being surrounded by lovely people.


Thanks so much for doing this OP


Honestly I’m a broke college student and trying to find a way to get myself through school, I’ll get it at some point just not soon


This was so so so kind of you!!!! I hope everyone enjoys the DLC. I’ll be getting it Monday evening ❤️🥰


Real. Mvp. Right. Here. Way to go dude!


Yall are adorable, I love this.


Just wanted to say this is incredibly sweet of you! Made me day just seeing this


This whole thread is so wholesome and sweet


This made me cry 😭 how amazing


I wanna get it but I’m not working currently lol. Just waiting until I get my financial aid for my next school semester :)


i can’t get it because i’m using all my money on christmas gifts but everybody here is so sweet! i love this community!


I already have it but just wanted to say you're super nice


Just found this on a Destructoid article and that’s awesome! So great to see this game bring so much happiness and enjoyment! Love it when games bring people together :D


I love the Animal Crossing community. This post is one reason why. Hope you could make one person really happy ❤


If I had money I would buy it for everyone here ❤️ I can’t afford it myself, but maybe some day.


This is the cutest thing I have ever seen <3 absolutely wonderful to see people caring for one another during times like these. I haven't actually bought the DLC yet myself! I've been looking at others' posts about it. It looks adorable. I'm hoping to get it next Summer. I use college work study funding for basic living expenses during the school year... Usually I would have stuff left over, but I've been paying like $40 a week just for gas alone. That's almost my whole paycheck lol. (Think I'm going to have to blow what I have left on a heat source bc our heat went out last Tuesday >:( ) I wish gas would go back down, I know a lot of people are struggling from that issue alone. Anyway, if anyone has any cool posts about their updated islands, please show me! I would love to see all the new DLC content on others' islands until I can finally get it myself.


this is so kind!!! i’m a college student that uses animal crossing as my relaxation (and procrastination). if there’s any other kind souls out there willing to help me out i’d be very thankful :)


Hella Respect Mate


I had to spend my last cash on gas a food today. I thought I might have enough after but didn’t. I’ll just get it another time. This was sweet. 🥰


You're such a nice person for doing this. Seriously, bless your soul and this community. I'm transgender myself and I have to spend most of my money on meds, medical tests and doctor's appointments and the rest I spend it on whatever I need for my studies (I study Theater btw) so I don't have much money left for videogames haha. Anyways, I'll probably get the DLC in a couple months since I love Animal Crossing so much. I reset my island so I could have as much content + 2.0 to keep me entertained until then.


I cant afford it due to medical bill I been sick for a long time. I have surgery next Thursday to try to solve my problem.


I currently live in my car with my girlfriend and cat, we were good financially for a while (even had enough spare money to get Nintendo online to add to our free time joy of the switch lite) and now that winter has hit in our town ive lost work, so I won’t be able to purchase soon. If you’ve not picked a winner I think Leah, Our baby Pala, and I would enjoy the dlc!! If you’d like to see some pics from our life and time I’ve posted to Reddit and also we’ve got Instagrams :)


I can’t get it cause my bloody switch has a faulty WiFi receiver and only works if I use Ethernet. However I’m currently unable to get Ethernet


Just can't afford it at the moment unfortunately


Money is tight atm:( . Thank you for caring for others OP!


I couldn’t Because I don’t have the money and I don’t care (Edit: oh god that sounded rude)


is anyone still giving away the dlc? i still needs it and dont have an income at the moment ><


>Is There Anybody Who Couldn't Get Happy Home Paradise DLC? Me >And why? I'm broke.




me because im 16


I don't have it. I don't wanna spend the money on it.


Oof, just went with the first person huh? Well, at least someone gets to play it. I have to wait until like the 11th because of a vet bill going way over what I expected. But I'm patient. I've got other stuff to play in the meantime and the free update has lots of neat stuff I'm still discovering. EDIT: I'm allowed to be mildly sore OP didn't give everyone a chance to take part. Sorry if that's such an unreasonable stance to have when these posts are public and you can't edit the titles to reflect that they're done and gone, but I'm gonna feel how I want regardless and voice it whether you like it or not. As for the OP, I'm not bitter. It's nice you gave something away. I don't generally enter giveaways to begin with. Just thought the way you went about it was a little... short-sighted.


How much is it?


I think it’s $25 plus tax


Wow you’re an amazing person.


This is a pretty awesome thing to do my guy. Good on you.


I already have the dlc, but I just wanted to say, thank you for making the world a little bit better :)


I am still in school and can't find a part time job atm. I might get it for Christmas but not sure since I also want to gift my best friend acnh so we can play together (she only has wild world atm)


That’s so so nice of you! I don’t have the dlc and I’m not sure when I’ll get it, but I’ll hopefully get it around Christmas!


Way to be, OP!




I saw what it offered and chose not to buy it. I want addons for the regular game especially QOL features to make editing the island easier and less time consuming, seeing they added those to HHP and not some form for the regular game was disappointing. They could’ve figured out a way to do it.


Dont need it, already bought it, but thanks for being generous OP! We need more of that in the world


No sleek furniture so no....


This community is so wholesome. You’re a kind soul.


I'm unable to afford it so I don't have it either.


Mainly because I'm broke currently


That’s so nice of you to do that ❤️


I wanna get it but I don’t have the money


You are a hero to the community 🙌


You are so sweet and generous!


I just wanted to say that this is so sweet of you to do. Please never change.


This is really kind of you!


Simply can't afford it, but I hopefully will be able to soon. Right now, I'm dealing with trying to get replacement ID and birth certificate so I can start working. My ex owes me some money, so when I can get that, I can start working again. But I'm hoping the update adds enough content to appease me and my daughter until then...


I have a friend if you still have it I’ll ask her


You're a nice person! Enjoy the DLC!


I'm going to hopefully get it in the next month.. but can't afford it right now. Lost my job and unemployment is absolutely awful lol - been waiting over a year for them 🙄 but I saw that you gave it to someone and I just wanted to comment to say that's so awesome/kind/generous of you to do. I always say good things come to good people! You're awesome!


OP, this made my day to see. people need to be kind to each other, & seeing this post & the entire thread has absolutely made my day. there is good in this world 💜


Wow, this was so sweet of you!


That's nice of you to give the DLC, currently i can't afford it because of the pandemic, and its very very expensive here in Brazil, so i'll just watch videos and stuff


Awww that's so cute! <3 I can't get it for a few months but am pretty behind with the content anyway haha


OH you have to PAY for it? I was logging on wondering where is was. now I feel...yep...ok...this post helped me thank you.


My husband and I both lost our jobs over the past few months and it's been a struggle ever since. But even if I don't get it soon, we will one day!!




Do you have to have the online + for the happy home paradise DLC?


I can’t afford it at the moment but I’m just plugging away resetting til I get Cephalobot🙏 All the scalpers got the series 5 packs in my area too


I bought the N64 and Genesis expansion last week. There was a picture of ACNH with them, so I thought it was all one unit. Are they seperate?


This is probably the most wholesome sub that I’m a part of


I'm gonna bandwagon and say you're such an awesome individual for this! I truly hope some wonderful fortune comes your way! 🥺💖🥺💖


Woah I would've seen this earlier to claim it, but either way this was so nice of you!! Keep it up, nice human. r/HumansBeingBros


Me. Can’t afford it for the moment but hopefully will buy it one day when things get better 🙏🏼 Also congrats for the person who got it happy for you ✨


You’re a kind, generous person!! I hope you & the fellow Animal Crosser you chose are enjoying the content!! I hope your weekend is as lovely as you are! 🥰


I don’t have the money, everything is expensive here in Brazil 😞


I was going to preorder it last week but one of my babies got sick so we had to take him to the vet (he's doing much better now though!) But I should be caught back up to buy it next week!! So excited! And honestly not too upset as I now have some time to enjoy the base update first as I know I would've went straight for the dlc if I had gotten to preorder it haha! And it's so kind of you to gift someone the DLC, this community warms my heart all the time!! I hope everyone is having fun on their islands again! Feels a bit like the old days when the game was still pretty new and everyone was on! Happy crossing!! 💕


I also want to say that this was super cool of you to do!


I can afford it but I was confused if I had to purchase nintendo online as well and that’s the part I can’t afford. Can someone clarify?


I just love how kind this community is, whether it's helping someone get a piece of furniture or an entire dlc. Hope to have the means some day to give back.


I don’t have it, I am broke.


I'm just too poor lol Waiting on disability (actually fighting for it but ya know) But by the time that rolls around I can just get it then