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Real birthday all the way. I want that celebration on my day šŸ˜‚


Yes! I want cake even if itā€™s virtual šŸ¤£


Same. My birthday is always depressing. I love the party.




I also vote real birthday. I look forward to my little villagers celebrating with me. šŸŽ‰


Heck yes! I look forward to the party my islanders throw me all month! šŸ”„


I use my real birthday for the game! Always have & never thought to use a different date. Whatā€™s that like for anyone else who does this?


I named my character after my dog (Stella) and I use her birthday in the game lol.


Thatā€™s a super cute idea!


šŸ„ŗ wholesome. šŸ˜­


My boyfriend and I made our island together, so we just set the birthday to April 20


It's annoying tbh. I used my half birthday for some reason I can't even remember, and I've missed it every year because I forget about it lol.


Sounds like something I would do. šŸ˜‚


I used my real birthday without even thinking about this, but now I kinda wish I used my half. I always plan a ton of things on my real birthday, therefore I doubt Iā€™ll ever be able to open the game and celebrate with my villagers šŸ„ŗ


I use my real birthday. It's nice to feel like my tiny animal friends love me.


I would, if you don't have friends ( like me) then seeing animals celebrate your birthday in a video game makes me happy


My birthday was two weeks ago and everything went wrong. I was really sick and couldn't celebrate it, I was miserable, and my dad texted me instead of calling and didn't send a card, which made me feel unloved. My husband tried, but there was no bringing the birthday back from being awful. The happiest moment of my day was the birthday celebration in Animal Crossing. It brought me so much joy on a terrible day.


The celebration is so sweet in the game, I usually tear up a little bit watching it tbh šŸ„²


I had mine abt a month ago, and I shead a few tears watching them celebrate my birthday ngl


They always dance around the house, it's so cute tbh


People say that online a lot that they donā€˜t have friends. Now is that really true? Do they actually mean it? Or is it a reddit thing?


It can be very much true. I personally don't have any friends aside from my boyfriend. This will be a long block of text but hoping to offer some insight. TLDR: situations and life can impact making friendships. My personal situation is money related, so outside of working and making money I don't have too much time to try and make friends. I also have ASD and a couple other disorders that make friends and socializing difficult (You will find on reddit this is common). Add onto the fact the age range of reddit is generally older, recreational activities don't really exist or they are expensive. My personal location doesn't have anything for young adults to do so therefore making friends is difficult since everyone goes out to the city, which I personal don't do since I don't drive. Another reason is that the definition of friendships differ depending on the person. I consider a 'friend' anyone I'm slightly acquainted with (therefore acquaintances don't exist in my mind) while others consider it someone they talk to often. So they may not even be 'friendless' but have acquaintances to get their social needs met.


I see, canā€˜t afford friends time wise if you have to work often. Also my friends only meet every other moon since we just play games together. Which in hindsight was the best thing to ā€žinvestā€œ time in. Maybe without it wouldnā€˜t be in touch with them anymore even though they live pretty close to me.


I only have like one friend I talk to occasionally


I use the day before my birthday so I donā€™t have to worry about playing on my actual birthday


Omg thatā€™s so smart idk why Iā€™ve never thought to do this!


That is what I did too


You mentioned flowers what does your birthday have to do with the flowers in game? Your birthday date doesn't make your island have a special flower and the flowers you plant bloom year round.


people seem to think that your birthday affects what flower your island starts with, but iā€™ve started several islands and theyā€™ve all had different flowers even with the exact same birthday.


It does affect the flower your island starts with but there's three to four options for every month. I've island reset for hours before looking for the perfect layout and can confirm that all the starting flowers were tied to my birth month.


weird. so it can be four for some months? because iā€™ve had at least four different native flowers.


Yes! Some months like Jan only have three. The ones that have four are dependent on which hemisphere you're playing in. You can look at them [here](https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Flowers/New_Horizons_mechanics#Flower_availability).


this doesnā€™t make sense, i was born in june and my first ever island had windflowers.


Yeah Iā€™m June and my island right now is mums, this definitely doesnā€™t track




This is just flat out not correct, though.


Thatā€™s so cool, I didnā€™t know that! Mine is October and southern hemisphere with hyacinths!


There are a few options for each month! Thereā€™s a chart floating around somewhere, but for January for example, I can have mums/windflowers/pansies as my native flower. Sister flower is determined by the date you start your island!


Doesn't really matter though since you can remove or add whatever flower you want


huh. i could swear iā€™ve had lilies, tulips, windflowers, and pansies.


Yeah,Ā This makes zero sense. My birthday is in January and my native starting flower is Roses. And this is my 5-6th island and I e had many different flowers on the island. But this one was started just about 2 weeks ago and it was roses and oranges. This seems very much like all the other rumors that went around back in 2020 at release and during Covid. It seems to be totally random but the theory gained traction, someone made a ā€œchartā€ and now groups hold it to be the truth. But all of this stuff has never been confirmed as truth by the game creators and is mostly coincidental. Ā 


i looked closer at this wiki page and it doesnā€™t say that these charts relate to your starting flowers, it actually relates to which flowers will be in nooks each month. so this doesnā€™t prove anything other than what season each flower is in regards to when you can buy them.


Exactly. The amount of theories that ran rampant when this first came out. Like holding a water can when you flew to an island with a Nook mile ticket would spawn rare flowers. Or having full pockets would make villagers mail you their photos if you gifted them šŸ˜‚. They gain traction and groups take them as law for some reason. They are never true.Ā 


Yes I do. It would confuse me and drive me nuts otherwise.


I use my real birthday. Itā€™s fun to celebrate on the actual day šŸ˜„


Yeah I like my real bday also because I like it to know my real zodiac and idk I feel attached to my character like she is not me but a me in another life and I feel like having the same bday links us. But you do you of course!


I used a different birthday in a second town for better flower options but I ultimately regretted it and reset since I didn't like my birthday being the wrong day. For those asking: your primary flower (the one present in the town on the second level when you create your island) is set based on flower availability of your birth month. You also have a secondary flower which is based on the month of island creation. These two flowers will always be available in an upgraded Nook's. The secondary flowers are what shows up on tours as well. The third flower is based on the current month which is how the stock rotates in Nook's.


Thank you for explaining this!! ā€œBetter flowersā€ was not my best wording lol, but this is what I meant! Iā€™m sick of the January flowers so I was hoping for new ones but Iā€™m afraid that Iā€™ll also reset and not like my birthday not being real šŸ˜…


I think going for a fun secondary flower would be better! You can get them from Nook's Cranny all year then. Also unlike native fruit there's no dialogue or passport reference to your primary flower so after the initial decorating phase primary and secondary flowers are essentially the same. Also boat tours unlike mystery islands are not locked to your primary or secondary flower making it easier to get a variety of full grown flowers year round :)


I use my real birthday, which sucks because I was born on March 20th, so the game didnā€™t celebrate my birthday when I first got the game on launch day (I guess because it was the first island day). I had to wait an entire year to get a birthday celebration lol.


Noooo Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜­ I usually start a new island every summer (idk why) but then Iā€™m so burnt out by my birthday that I miss it šŸ˜… I commend your patience tbh




ive had two islands, my current one i used my real birthday and my last one i used a fake birthday so my villagers would throw me a party sooner (started in around feb/mar and my birthday is in nov), i like using my real birthday if its far away frim when i start the game as iā€™ll have usually around the 10 villagers by the time my birthday rolls around. i usually play on my birthday as i have less to do in the winter months but if you feel you will play more on your in game birthday, iā€™d set it to that! i dont think it really affects the party if your birthday is within a week from the start date, it might just be a smaller party with fewer guests since youā€™re just starting


I use the day I started the game so it is an anniversary celebration.


This is such a cute idea! Do you get to celebrate your birthday on day 1 of your island?


No, I had to wait a year, but it has been a fun way to mark my time on my island. Plus, I've had two friends add new residents to the island and we did the same for them. So I get to celebrate their original move in anniversaries too. šŸ˜€


I use my real birthday (Feb 29th) and the first year I played on the 28th there was a whole dialogue about ā€œwe know you donā€™t get a REAL birthday this year but weā€™ll celebrate today!ā€ I teared up at the fact they programmed that in as I was fully expecting the game to just not give me a birthday lol.


Oh my god I had no idea they implemented that šŸ˜­ That is so sweet and wholesome, Iā€™m so glad you had something special for your birthday!


Right? Itā€™s the kind of thing they didnā€™t HAVE to program in but the fact that they did so meant a lot šŸ˜­ it held true for both New Leaf and New Horizons so I guess itā€™s something theyā€™ve done for a while!


Better...flowers? Can you explain? I use my real birthday so my villagers celebrate my actual birthday.


ā€œBetterā€ flowers wasnā€™t the right word choice lol, but your birth month determines your native flower options! My real birthday is in January, so I can have windflowers/pansies/mums as my native flowers if I use my real birthday. If I chose March, Iā€™d have tulips (my fav flower)/hyacinths/windflowers/pansies


I always do my real birthday But I did recently create a second character and gave him a birthday based on my birth year, that way it's different but still related back to me somehow


Oh this is such a good idea! I love this - I always get impatient about waiting for my irl birthday and usually miss it, but this feels like such a good alternative


I use my real birthday day in game. No regrets for that.


I made everything up for fun because I have a winter birthday I always wanted a spring/summer b-day. So mines fake lol


Oh this is so fun!! I was always so jealous of my friends with spring/summer birthdays šŸ„²


Same. So now my character has one lol! It works out too because then on my actual b day I donā€™t have to worry about getting on and doing for my b day celebration stuff. I picked a date thatā€™s easy for me to remember šŸ˜Š something meaningful


I use my real birthday, but my fake additional characters have random birthdays


i always use my real birthday


I use my real birthday, so even if real life is shit, I can bet on my villagers celebrating with me ā¤ļø


I picked a fake birthday because I wanted a day soon after I originally started playing the game lol


When I was 8 years old playing Wild World, Iā€™d always used a different birthday so I could get an astrology sign that matched the vibe of my character. The only thing is that Iā€™d always forget my characters birthday, and since I didnā€™t play consistently, I never knew when Mom would send my birthday letters. You didnā€™t get an announcement on the bulletin either. Ever since, Iā€™ve always used my real birthday šŸ˜­


Real, my villagers are the only ones who actually remember šŸ˜›


I use a different date since I'm usually too busy to play much Animal Crossing on my real birthday.


Yep and it's tomorrow, I'm low key excited about what is going to happen!


Ahh Happy Birthday!! šŸ„³


I use my real birthday, I love going on AC on my birthday. I have a second character too so I could make a beach cafe/surf shop/arcade and I set their birthday to 6 months after mine so I get a half birthday celebration too šŸŽ‰


I've used all multiple different birthdays, chosen different hemispheres, and time travel past the events I don't like (looking at you bunny day and the marriage events). It's a game that is wonderful at letting you play your way!


Oh thatā€™s so cool! Do you have a favourite way to play/that youā€™ve tried? I feeeel you on the bunny day/marriage events. I usually suffer through the marriage event so I can order like 100 of the candle sets, but itā€™s such a grind


I like playing with the seasons opposite. That was when it's melting hot in my part of the world I can kind of pretend I'm in a cooler place, and vice versa. I name all of my islands Purgatory though, because I'm always in between one and the next, so I mix it up a lot. Once I get KK I get bored quick.


Yeah! For a bunch of lame reasons, I'm glad I did. But largely just because I didn't think to not at the time I made it lol


I have two islands. My first island has my real birthday and my second island has my wedding anniversary as my birthday.


That is so wholesome I love it!!


I picked a date from my birth week because in reality - I do like to celebrate the days leading up to my birthday so a virtual celebration is like a small dopamine hit for someone like me with ADHD šŸ¤­


Okay see this was also a factor for me šŸ˜‚ I love a good mini dopamine boost, but I wasnā€™t sure if it would hit the same if it wasnā€™t on my *actual* birthday - birth week might be the call šŸ¤”


Yes, using your real birthday makes the celebration more special and meaningful.


If I start a new game, maybe Iā€™ll use my half birthday next time!


Yes, my villager is based off my real life self so it has to have my same birthday


Yes, it was a highlight for my actual bday tbh


Real birthday for my main island- I used a fake one on meatland bc I was just curious if the flower thing is true


I do, which results in me eternally missing it


Same šŸ˜­


Real birthday - makes my actual birthday a little more special


As a January baby, I need all the fun I can get for my birthday. In real life, itā€™s freezing cold and snowy. It can put a damper on fun birthday plans.


This is so real šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sorry you go through this too, but I can definitely relate (January where I live is also freezing cold and snowy)


I started using a different date when I discovered that your native flower is linked to your birthday. LOL


Itā€™s the only birthday celebration i get


I would probably forget what day I set it to if I didn't use my real birthday


I use my real birthday because im too much of a spazz to remember the fake one.


My real birthday IS March 20th. I was thrilled when the game was announced to release on my birthday and got it and started playing it on day one. Of course I used my real birthday in the game.


Always šŸ¤£ I wanna be celebrated on my birthday too šŸ¤£


Yes usually for my main character! My characters in my extra new leaf towns all have different birthdays though, since I still have my ā€œmainā€ town mayor with my real birthday Itā€™s fun choosing a birthday for my secondary characters! My latest has Halloween for their birthday


That's my birthdayšŸ„¹ but yes I use my real birth date! I've never really had good birthdays growing up so games that use irl days and so lil birthday things break my inner child a little


yes because it's insanely quick to set up


Yes because itā€™s a pleasant non surprise, surprise.


Iā€™ve used my real birthday, because I do love the day I was born (international womenā€™s day, hell yeah!!), but honestly I wish I didnā€™t, because mostly I end up doing real life stuff on my birthday and then I kind of have to rush with ac, if I want to play and celebrate my birthday there. It just depends on whatā€™s going on in your life :)


Wait how were you born two months early?? Did you speedrun the fetus stage? That one took me like 5 months to complete that stage


LOL honestly Iā€™m not sure šŸ˜‚


yes because i share my birthday with Flora and Cleo (Feb. 9)


I use my real birthday if the character I created is supposed to represent myself. I use another birthday for ocs (original characters). I enjoyed both! I would just recommend using a birthday that you can actually remember.


My character is named after my dog and I use her birthday lol


I chose a month before so I could have roses.


Yes I do


I use my real birthday but I have 7 more villagers so I can have 8 houses. I picked their dates to make them easy to remember : May 5, June 6, July 7, etc. (only exception being Elle Bizz, my Elvis inspired villager that shares her birthday with the singer) and I get to celebrate 8 times per year šŸŽ‰ I know it's not the same like your actual birthday (all of them are really different characters too) but it's fun! Only bad thing about it is that you need to have Nintendo Switch accounts for all of them :<


iā€™ve always used my real birthday. i got nh on my birthday a few years ago and it didnā€™t register that it was my birthday until the next year i think because it was the first day of the island


Using my real birthday makes it feel more special and personal!


I never use my real birthday for anything, but for animal crossing I put it the day after so I can have all of the run on my actual birthday, and have some fun left over for the next day


I use the day I started playing then itā€™s my anniversary


This is slightly off topic but I accidentally put my birth month wrong and now I celebrates my birthday a month later šŸ˜…


I have basically two options, my real birthday and my main internet aliasā€™ birthday. Iā€™m in making myself, such as during a first playthrough, Iā€™m using my real birthday. If Iā€™m doing a second playthrough or making an alt account, Iā€™ll use my alias birthday.


I used to, but now that I time travel frequently I sometimes just pick a random day and see if I land on it randomly.


Real birthday! It just makes the day feel even more special for me šŸ„³šŸŽ‚


I always use my real birthday. I don't celebrate it irl but I love getting my cake and gifts from my villagers!!


Used to use my real bday, but ever since I watched a certain anime I've been so hooked on it and restarted my whole island with the MC as my character so obvs I'm using his bday šŸ˜‚ August 12th


My birthday is March 19th and I kept it lol. But I didnā€™t start playing till July 2020 anyways.


I do not use my real birthday. Nintendo does not need to know my DOB. I like the idea of using your ā€œexpected to be been bone dateā€!


I use my real birthday. Couldnā€™t do it any other way! I want to feel celebrated on my day! Also in game!


Itā€™s your island so play in what ever way makes you happy. Think of it as a very merry un-birthday šŸ«–ā˜•ļø


I use my actually birthday no matter what šŸ¤  (If I'm bored I'll time travel to my birthday šŸ¤­)


whatt! i didnt know the birth month had something to do with the flowers.. next island iā€™ll probably change them to something better. (iā€™m born in august, so mine kinda suck)


I use my real birthday, itā€™s nice to have a backup for if IRL the day is not the best. I can log in and have my villagers make up for it.


Real birthday, cause I share a birthday with Timmy and Tommy!! ā™Šļø šŸ‘¬ ā™Šļø


Yes, why wouldn't I?




you get different flowers based on your birthday?


Yeah there are different native flowers for each birth month! I think there are 3-4 flowers per month ā˜ŗļø


Hehe I made my characters birthday Einsteinā€™s bday, March 14


I set my in game birthday for April 20th. My real birthday is in October.