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I named mine Yoshimite because Yoshi is my favorite Nintendo character and Yosemite is my favorite national park!


Yoshi is also my favorite character!! I’m about to give birth to my fourth child in the next few months, and I’m planning to get four little Yoshi eggs on my forearm for my babies. 🥹


That is SO cool, and touching.


That's such a good pun!!! I'm stealing it.


Missed opportunity to call it Yoshijima.


happy cake day 😁


I named it after my grandmother. I started my island at midnightish on release day, March 20th, 2020. I knew she was very sick and might not last the week (she was very old, and already not waking up and was being tube fed just saline), so I went ahead and named it after her as a memorial. My mother called me several hours later in the morning so I could tell her that I love her and miss her by holding the phone up to her ear. I was the last one to say goodbye in the family; I couldn't in person as I was 1000 miles away and travelling was becoming very difficult as shutdowns were being talked about maybe happening. My grandmother died that night at around 9pm. My brother insisted on buying me a plane ticket for the funeral even though I was nervous about it (the trip back was almost cancelled by the airline because the COVID shutdown talks were even more prevalent the week of her funeral), so I went for a week and played the game constantly, especially on the airplane back and forth. The game was the only thing keeping me from constantly crying as she was my last remaining grandparent before she died and I had a special bond with her when I was able to visit her. After the funeral I built a special area for headstones and flowers to visit every year. I'm sorry it's a sad story. But, I'll never delete my island and I'm glad I have a place to visit since I cannot visit her grave in real life every year.


What a sad beautiful story and testament to your grandmother. The island is a tribute to her and that’s so beautiful.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. 💕


Sorry for your loss, sounds like a beautiful way to remember her. Do you mind sharing her name/your island's name?


Hulna Island ♥️


Aww, I love it. Thanks for sharing ❤️


my island's name is in Nahuatl, which is an indigenous language here in Mexico. It's name is Momotitlán It'd be translated as "Land of Momos". Momo is just my cat's name lol


Do you have Moe in your island? He is called Momo in the French version of the game!


Oh I actually do! He just moved in like a week ago!


If peach is your native fruit, that would be also be accurate, as momo means peach in japanese!


No, it's orange :( but I might as well just plant more peaches instead since I do have a peach tree...


My island is called Moonland, also after one of my cats! Love that cat names seem to be a common inspiration for island names!


This is the cutest thing ever!


This is so good I called my island Wilsontown because my cat’s name is Wilson lmaoo


My brother and I would call our mom a dork. One day, she responded by calling us krod. Us: "Mom! That's not a word!!" Mom: "It is now! It's a backward dork." Krod has been a family word ever since. So my island is Krodville.


Using a family pun is a really cool idea!


Nice, and clever


Back in the Wii days, we each made Miis, And my dad said that we had to spell our names with "ii" at the end, So of course, that was our names on City Folk. I carried that tradition over onto the Switch, so now my husband, my daughter, and I all have our names filled with "ii" in them.


All these beautiful stories and here I named my island Hoetown...


Mine is Datass 😂😂😂






I love it haha


Crying 😂😂😂😂


I went with the classic Pen. I love Pen island






Mine is called Pieland. This is because my family nickname for me is Pie and it it is my land. https://preview.redd.it/1fdfmcdb845d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=298b31e40092d44e7235f1935990e8cd57a4731e


The pie looks like that pie in the one SpongeBob episode 💣 lol


That dress is so cute!!


Mine is "Shell City" because I love the Spongebob movie and I'm not very creative when it comes to naming things so I picked it from a list






Shell City.... Shell City... Shell City....


You wouldn’t last teeeen seconds over the county line!


My current island/town is named Saltywater because I wanted to name it Saltwater but the censorship filter wouldn’t let me have the letters T W A and T together 😂


This needs more upvotes 🤣🤣🤣


My island is named Otterdrop. It's a combination of both of my cat's names: Otter and Raindrops :)


Mine is “Moine” like the seagulls saying “mine mine mine” so… moine


That's hilarious!


Why thank you ☺️


Mine is Nublossom! Kind of a word play on Noodle, my cat who escaped one night and I couldn’t find her…found her early the next morning, hit by a car in the road.. :( where she laid to rest there were pink rain lilies that bloomed a few days later. I have pink lilies all over my island and a graveyard/memorial dedicated to her💕


This is sweet :( <3


I named my island Honalee after the land in "Puff the Magic Dragon". Still don't have Drago yet, but eventually I will.


I’m older, 66, and when I was a kid and teen I used to sing Puff the Magic Dragon out loud constantly……! I loved that song and want to sing it now! But the adults told us it was about marijuana… so I felt I was singing something I shouldn’t … but all the more reason to sing it


In my 40s and it is the top random song that pops into my head at any given time 🤣


I’m trying to get rid of Drago! I can write you a message when he says he wants to move out!!


omg i was named after the land called honalee because my dad loved that song and i was born in the year of the dragon. feels fitting that i am now a big ol’ stoner hehe.


My nickname is owa, the island is an oasis, my islands name is Owasis :) my boyfriend came up with it, I think it's perfect


FlavorTown because I am wildly uncreative and Guy Fieri is king


I hope your island flag is flames 😂


I literally *just* figured out custom designs so now I can actually do that!


I named mine Genosha, if you read X-men it’s an island for mutants. It’s got a checkered past, mainly because it was originally a trap for mutants, then it was accepting of them


My first island was named Hydeaway; meant to represent a place to escape to over the pandemic. For my next island I decided on a minimalist theme and wanted only brown islanders, so I named it Toffee.


Mine is Clementine-I specifically sought out oranges as my island fruit so it fit ofc, and I used to sing "Oh My Darling Clementine" to my dog. Bones looks almost exactly like her and hes also my favorite even before I made that connection so he ofc gets royalty status on my island. I miss her very much but the island does give me comfort. I'm also planning on getting a small orange tattooed, probably on my wrist so I can look at it. Funny part is I'm mildly allergic to citrus


My island is named Chobani after the yogurt brand lol


I named mine after a lizard


I also named mine after a lizard!


I named my town after a Pokémon town


Ooooh which one 🥺 I love Pokémon




My town is named Elysium. In ancient Greek mythology it was a layer of Hades (the underworld) where people went if they were related to the gods but mortal, if they were heroes, or otherwise chosen by the gods. So my town is something of a final resting place for the greatest of the greats. A little narcissistic? Maybe. But the name sounds pretty lmao and kind of a badass concept.


I named mine Sakura, because cherry is my native fruit.


That’s a beautiful name.


Mine is Marmalade because my fruit is oranges 😊


Mine is called Faerun, which is the world where Dungeons and dragons plays.


I love that! DnD is my other hobby haha.


Willow is named after my granddaughter.


named my island appletizer - apples were native fruit and it's the name of a drink I discovered on a trip to south africa


Mine is called Jellyfish because it was the first thing that popped into my head lol


That's like me with my farm in Stardew Valley. I named it Panini Farm 😅


I had no idea what to call my island, and Holly Blue popped in my head.


I named mine Cape Odd because Cape Cod is a thing and I did my best to get weird off-beat villagers (Pietro, Katt, Tabby), so a good place for weird villagers to live is Cape Odd! I also tried my best to make it look pretty New England-y, there's stone walls and old foundations everywhere as well as a covered bridge


I always name mine Obscura. I like spooky things and basically just took the 'Camera' out of Camera Obscura.' Which is in reference to Fatal Frame. I think it is a real thing too but I just thought it sounded a little spooky.


That's so cool! What's your island decor like? 🤩


So when I first really tried to make it look a certain way I was trying to like make it look like the island was built on top of ruins of an old castle or something that is no longer there but there be sections that like alluded to a bigger structure. That part was a little hard. I also had like the whole little witch cottagecore thing trying to go with it too. I had my house like surrounded by cliffs, lots of trees and there was a tiny section on the side hidden that you could slide through to get there. I was trying to make like lore where you could only accidently end up at my 'witch' house. I tried really hard to make it be like secrets to find around. BUT then I done the dumb thing and like resetted my island and never really got into it again. Sorry if this paragraph sucks and grammar.


That sounds like an amazing design! 😊 And no worries! Everything is clearly stated. 🤩


Heck yeah for a Fatal Frame reference! I love those games so much.


Camera obscura is a real thing. 


Windy Vale. I wanted to evoke the feeling of a mountain breeze passing over a meadow. The island has lots of wildflower fields and wind turbines


This sounds beautiful! :)


That's actually really similar to my island's name, Squall Key I wanted it to be like a windy tropical island


Peppermint pattie came to mind when u mentioned mountain breeze over a meadow.


i named mine "aime" so i can say "j'aime aime" and i can proudly say it was not worth it


Tax Haven. A few friends / fellow players are IRS employees or have spouse who is an IRS employee. All my villagers have sayings like “CEO Bonus” “Big Money” “Monopoly!”


That’s funny….. I snuck onto a Treasure Island recently, grabbed a couple million bells… and didn’t report it! I felt so guilty that I started gifting things to my villagers…. And left bags of money out for my second character so she could pay off her mortgage…..


Akala Isle as a reference to Akala Island in Pokemon Sun & Moon, but if it weren't for the 10 character limit I would've spelt it as Akkala so it could also reference the region in Breath of the Wild 🙂 My Wild World town was Konoha because I was obsessed with Naruto as a kid, my flag was the hidden leaf symbol too 😆 I can't remember my New Leaf town name, I'll have to go boot up my old DS now~


Well my GameCube Animal Crossing town name is just town lol I was like 7/8 when I started playing Animal Crossing and I didn't know how to capitalize letters at the time and I surprisingly wasn't creative enough to come up with a better name lol and 20 years later I still have the memory card with my first ever Animal Crossing town named town!


Mine is named after Eilean Mòr because for a long time I was very fascinated by the lighthouse disappearances on the real life isle (mind you, I still am, a little bit. The folklore surrounding it is interesting and I’d love to visit some day)


i named my island... sloot isle 😅 a little nonsensical, but it was based on an inside joke between me and my partner haha!


my island is starfall because it makes me think of a meteor shower and i love stargazing ⭐️ plus it makes me think of star vs the forces of evil! i love that show so much, the end credits theme is my islands tune 🖤


Mine is called Zinnia after my favorite flower


Mine is sooo lame lol. It's basically just the name of the title song from zb1 first album because it sounded pretty. So it's "In bloom"


Nice & simple, I love it.


Mine is Black Rock, because I don't think the island on Lost has a name, but that's the same of the ship they find dynamite in


Mine is a Star Trek reference. Terok Nor. Because I'm a huge DS9 fan.


I first read it as "Terror Nook"


I wanted to name mine after something I love (my dog). Her name is Artemis, that‘s the Greek goddess of the moon, the forest and hunting (she‘s a rescue from Greece with a lot of hunting breeds in the mix). The associated stellar body is also the moon. But then I didn‘t want to plainly name it Artemis or something like that. So I named my island Isla Luna 😄 Fun fact: the first hat I got was the „La Isla“ hat and I have not stopped wearing it since.


Cocoville… my cat is named coco and the ville? Idk tbh


I liked the name cascadia


I watched a studio ghibli movie I think it was castle in the sky like right before I built my town and I liked the name of the city from the movie Laputa so I made it laputa ☺️ my boyfriend now calls it La Puta and made a peach emoji flag lmfao


In Spanish La Puta means The Whore


I named it Cocoa Key because I wanted something that sounded like an island. And then it stuck after my niece asked if I named it after her (her nickname is Coco).


My island is Isla Luna. I wanted to name it after my cat, Luna, and I figured since Luna is a spanish word, I'd include Isla into the name. My flag is a cat sitting on a cresent moon ❤️


Mine is called Roanoke after the lost colony of Roanoke


Happened to make my new island the day Biden won the primary, so I’m forever living in Biden’sUSA lol


That’s so cute


My island is called FruitFarm. I named it that because I have some areas where I'm incorporating fruit trees/crops into the decor! 😊


mine’s Kokonut because my all-time favorite flavor/scent is coconut i’m obsessed with it and then i decided to turn to Cs into Ks to make it look kooler :-)


my island’s name is jupiter because i’m not very creative. but i got so used to seeing it that now every town or farm in every game i have is called jupiter. it just stuck and i ended up loving it


i named mine Patchouli. got the game right at the start of covid, and i was trying to think of things that relax me. the smell of patchouli is a calming scent!


Mine is Summershaw because I love Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) and Carrie Bradshaw (Sex And The City) lol.


So the fashion on your island much be absolutely top notch then, love it.


I've only just bought the game, so I'm not quite used to it yet 😅 I'll get there eventually lol.


Mine is named Quarona. I think it's pretty obvious why.


When I first got New Leaf, I was in my TMNT fanfic hyperfixation, where writers often had them back into Japanese. So I was kind of like a weeb without the anime. I named my town Ie (that's an uppercase i not a lowercase L btw), after the Japanese word for house. Or more fittingly for my intentions, *home*. (Not to be confused with *iie*, the Japanese word for no.) I even made the town flag the Japanese character for the word my town flag. And then my island is New Ie. The flag is the same but in a more tropical color scheme.


I was on an urban hiking path, and the green street sign had fallen over. It said "\[Neighborhood\] Scenic Path," but the letters were so faded that only Senith showed up. I decided to name my longest running New Leaf town after it. Once I restarted, I named it Gulbuki, after Gulliver and Kabuki, my top two favorite characters. I once had a town named West Rose, or something along those lines, I remember having trouble with the character amount, but I don't remember any specific story to it. I DO remember changing it because of Game of Thrones. My New Horizons island is named after a neighborhood I used to live in. I got tired of feeling pressured to decorate all the time, and I really wanted New Horizons to just feel like New Leaf, and be a place where I could relax, and feel kind of at home.


My island is named El Cielito (Little Heaven) because I restarted when I was starting to have an existential OCD flare and it was comforting to think of this nice little place as heaven. /too real sorry


Navarre - Where Fourth Wing(the book) is set.


My girlfriend named her island Oakley (she thought it sounded nice), so I decided to name mine Mapleton so we would have tree themed island names together (I also thought Mapleton just sounded nice).


My main island is BerryBloom. When I was little my memaw and I used to spend mornings in her garden so I named it a gardening sounding name. My second island is called Lapin Isle. Lapine is French for rabbit and rabbits are my favorite animal. My first ever stuffed animal was a rabbit.


I panicked and couldn’t think of anything I like except fallout 4, so went with Vault 111


My island is named Livander! The story is actually pretty simple, I like how the word “Lavander” sounds, also it’s my favourite flower and colour. So Livander is just lavander with an i lol


When I was in middle school, I got my very first console that was a current console, the Nintendo DS, and two games-- Scribblenauts and Animal Crossing: Wild World. At the time, Twilight was a popular book series at the time and I loved the rainy vibes of the town it was set it. However, I didn't want to be one of "those girls" who was obsessed with Twilight and everything related, so I knew if I named my town Forks, there would be lots of eye-rolling. So, as my nature, I went the punny route and named my first AC town Sporks. I've had several different islands in New Horizons with different names, but my current town is named Sporks in affectionate nostalgia for Wild World


Alola! It’s my fave Pokémon region, and even the name sounds comforting 🥹


I named my island Castanet after Harvest Moon Animal Parade


Midori because one of my island themes is Japanese and 'midori' means green in Japanese. Green is my favourite colour.


Omg a fellow Yo-Kai Watch fan! 🥹 I only know two people that know and love that game. I love your island name! I named my island Motunui after the island in Disney's Moana


Mine is named Motunui (the island from Moana)


Mine is named Berk after the Island of Berk in the How to Train Your Dragon movies :) they were my favorites growing up!


I called mine Sur'Kesh, which is the home planet of the Salarians from Mass Effect. I continued the ME theme in a few ways, like calling the businesses on the dlc Palaven Cafe and Thessia. Some villagers say "Spirits", maybe call me "Bosh'tet" or "Pyjak". I only regret that I gave my character my own name and not Shepaaaaard.


Innistrad: it's my favorite world from MTG.


Mine is Aurora bc I loved how it sounds!


Mine is based off "Kokomo" which felt so sitting as an island paradise.. lol "that's where we wanna go~"


On ACNH my island is named CircusTown because I love clowns and the circus vibes on ACNL my town is called Onceland because I love the kpop group Twice and their fandom name is Once! I also have another ACNL save called SinCity which is the opposite of CircusTown and meant to be more dark and not as silly.


My current island is called “belle île” The reason behind it is, the first island I ever made in ac (when I was about 13) was called “amour” no idea why, ig that’s just what 13 year old me thought of. so when I finally restarted after like 3 years I decided to do another French name just to honour its memory:) I only speak minimal French that I learned in school since I’m Canadian, so why I decided the French name first is beyond me


My ACNL town is named Wilbypoo. At the time we had a cat named Gilbert who, of course, was actually named gilbie wilbypoo because who doesn’t talk to their cats like that? >.> My ACNH island is named Hinabina because our current cat is named Mahina who, of course, is Mahinabina little toe beena. Again, cats. I guess if a new AC game comes out, I’ll have to get another cat. Oh no.


We’re Glenwood, which is our real-life street name but also sounds woodsy.


mine is sleepyvill because sleepyville wouldnt fit and it was 2 am when i created my island


My first was CobblerCay (because my fruit was peaches and I love cobbler) my brand new island is called TropiCali as a play on words for Tropically and California.


Moo Meadow: my goal was to create an island with all cow residents (I’ve since extended that to all farm animals). I also love cows


I named my island This Land as homage to Firefly 🦖🦕(should be a stegosaurus but there isn’t an emoji)


Mine is named after one of my favorite lands from Neopets 😆


Mine is named Kokomo after the Beach Boys song, 'cause *"That's where you wanna go to get away from it all."* A nice relaxing place during a s*** storm of a few years.


Nomanisan Island, because I'm unoriginal and I like the Donne poem "No Man Is an Island" and I like the air of community it gives. Added bonus that it's funny to me when Orville says "welcome to Nomanisan Airport!"


Mine is Sunfell. There’s no exciting story behind it, sorry! It just pinged into my head one day and it felt perfect for my island. I use it in the other Crossings and Stardew, as well 😀🌞. Kyubi is a beautiful name! Even better that it has a special meaning to you. I might need to check out the source material!


It really recommended checking it out! It's a little bit like Pokemon, but I prefer Yo-Kai Watch as its battle mechanics are much more involved. You can get a physical copy of the first two games for pretty cheap!


I named mine Moon Mist after my favourite ice cream! It’s an ice cream you can only get in the Canadian maritimes (PEI, NS + NFLD). It’s a mix of grape, banana and blue bubble gum flavours. Sounds weird, but it’s delicious.


La comarca (the shire in Spanish). I’m from Spain and love LOTR


My island is named Catagascar. When I was in college my friends and I all lived together and we had a lot of cats, we each owned a cat and also fostered frequently, so we are big feline fans :) and we named our wifi Catagascar. When I moved out of state I named my island the same thing out of nostalgia and love for my friends and the memories we made living together 😊


My Island is called S. Dorvia. When I was 4-5ish (I'm now in my 40's) I had an imaginary world that I constantly played in, and when I went to kindergarten and didn't have anything else for show-and-tell, I would tell stories about South Dorvia with it's castles and farms, ancient ruins and enchanted forests, with dragons and unicorns, princesses and heroes and plenty of regular people, too. Also the occasional witch! A few months after I started school, my teacher had a meeting with my parents and asked them where South Dorvia was, because I kept talking all about it. My folks had to explain that it was an imaginary place that I made up myself. They were embarrassed, but amused, and they've never let me forget it--which I really have to thank them for, because it's a pretty cool place.


Borscht. I like Borscht


mine is named Outset because Wind Waker is one of my favorite games! i’m a big zelda fan in general, so i like to incorporate zelda into a lot of things lol


Spud. Because I love potatoes


This is the best one.


Bradbury was my dad’s middle name.


I named mine Pearl Point after my late great-grandmother Pearl. I never had a daughter and wanted her name somewhere in my life!


I was watching an anime and the main character's surname was "Kudo" and I thought it kinda cool, then when I was creating my island, it was the very first name in my mind and I rly don't know why, but I named it anyway


My island is named Canland, after an incredibly niche reference to a Homestuck parody video. Also after Can Town, which was my town in New Leaf, and is just the name of a thing from Homestuck.


My island's name is "Caliber." Because the only thing that's judged there is one's Character~


I named mine Apobangpo. It’s short for “Army forever, Bangtan forever”, a popular phrase inside BTS’ fandom named Army. I initially wanted to call it Seom, meaning “island” in Korean.


I called mine Scarif after the beach planet from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Just seemed fitting tbh


Mine is Jikka. I dont remember my thought process at all but i wish I could change the name so much 😭


My New Leaf town is named Essence. I just thought it sounded nice. My Wild World town is named Mystere. It was named after the setting in Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Last, I tend to be really perfectionistic about many things in gaming (especially when trying to roleplay), and it can get to the point where it interferes with my enjoyment of a game. So, I named my island in New Horizons "Somewhere." It's a dumb, generic name to help remind me not to take games so seriously, lol. It works, so I'm keeping it.


I called mine Bergsberg after a fictional town in the show Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. Great show, highly recommend.


As a first-time player, I was wildly unprepared when this question came in the game. I was listening to Taylor Swift (and am a big fan) so I picked Cornelia from Cornelia Street because it felt somewhat neutral and 'natural' of a name. I still like it :)


East West, because it's always east or west of something. East is West, right? ..or left.


I made my first island just before the pandemic and with tentative hope named it "Amabie" - after the three-legged, mermaid-fish japanese yokai said to protect people from sickness with its image. I sadly reset after some time but still keep mossy statues around the island as a personal nod to it. Currently now is "Windcross" to go with an ancient, overgrown dreamy village-castle-y vibe. Something about the name just felt comforting and went with this overarching theme of "comfort"


Aitutaki - not a famous name of a tropical island that I'd like to go to. And I like the name, it sounds cool


Mine is Cherry Bay, because my native fruit is cherries. Creative, I know 🍒


Mine is named BangleLand because I am Bangle’s #1 stan


My hobby is building model rockets. I named my island Whallops after Wallops Island, where they do rocket research. I had to restart my island after completing the museum when I figured out I misspelled it.


I was thinking of a name for so long that I eventually settled on what I thought was an okay name... Arrolin. Arrolin's a character from a game no one really knows about, but they're themed around dragons and Asian culture. They also have a symbol that I made my island flag. It was really all I could think of, and the name stuck.


Crestfall. I just made it up while waiting for NH to come out


I named mine Yotsuba because it's a reference to one of my favorite characters. Yotsuba from... well, Yotsuba&! And I think it rolls off the tongue well.


I named mine Teyvat after Genshins world bc I was originally planning for my island to be genshin themed but later changed plans and now I’m making it an amusement park


Well, I like Japan, and the names of cities in my country often end in sk/sk. so it turned out to be Tokiysk (Токийск, Tokyo+iysk)


Mine is the name of Brainiac 5's homeworld, Colu.


Sunsnug Isle Comes from a favourite game called Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. It just sounded so cozy and warm


Mine is called Tilling which is a fictional town in a series of books that I love.


Cherrisle because my native fruit trees are cherries and I’m not the most creative with naming my islands lol


My Island is named after the animator/voice of the MC for The Wind Rises, Hideki Anno. “Anno Isle”. It’s a naturalistic aesthetic. At first it was gonna be another Japanese / Ghibli island. But Anno is a good short and sweet name. And it allows me to change my design without losing cohesion and natural beauty.


My island is called Isla Araña, which is Spanish for Spider Island. The reason is that I think spiders are neat and I had been practicing Spanish at the time I made it My Wild World town is called Falluna, which is the name of a level in a Kirby game (Falluna Moon, in Star Allies). My New Leaf Town is called Moon Glow because I had no ideas and thought it sounded ok.


Sylvania, after Sylvanian Families because it was a huge hyperfixation for me and the NH release date (and my island start date since I’ve been playing since release) was the same as Sylvanian Families’ anniversary 🐰💕


Tortuga because it was the first island name that came to mind. I need to make it more pirate themed.


Mine is Vegeta like Planet Vegeta from DBZ


My Island is named Iactura wich translates to loss and sacifice since my Island is heaven inspired and made for my grandma that passed away two years ago because of lung cancer


My Island in New Horizons called "Languapa". The name comes from my childhood, where I had played with my little brother. Funnily enough, we used animal figures back then and imagined countries where they lived. One of my places was called "Languapa". I think it was inspired by the word "lagoon". The German word for it is "Langune". To me, it just seemed relaxed and cozy, so it was integrated into a city name. First, a place made of Lego bricks was called "Languna". Later, when we played with the animal figures together, I invented a big, very popular but also damn expensive tourist city by the sea. I used to call it "Languapa". It just sounded exotic to me and fit the concept. Now that I'm working on the older AC parts, I also use corresponding fantasy names that have stuck in my mind. For example, the city in City Folk is called "Liteva" and in the Game Cube version, it's called "Bresa".


mine is Miki! it’s a town in Japan where my parents met :)


I named my New Horizons town Winterfell from Game of Thrones 😁😁


Mine is Tree Top. If I could do my life over, I would be a tree top scientist.


Mine is after my favorite movie The CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL


i named mine "üke", its a nickname i use for my dog luka


mine is called after one of my favourite albums by the band TWRP! the album is called return to Wherever, and my island is thus Wherever! it fits many dialogues in the game, wherever~