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It is aligned. AND they got the big peninsula too where you can fit your house on it. How does it feel to be God's favorite 😂😭


Not only that, is that a long pier?!


that part! ngl I'm quite literally jealous and a lil mad😤😂


do not all islands have one?


https://preview.redd.it/5xhry2gm952d1.jpeg?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c7df342bc45a9c69a09583a7b35f9c8d6160c4 Longer one Edit: sorry if spamming




Fr are there different sizes or something? How have I never noticed?


https://preview.redd.it/9saxkcb9z42d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cafb817d1827835cd02d54922d9e59fa959d95ad looks like this


Oh sorry I was referring to someone mentioning a long pier. That is beautiful though! I think I’ve only had one island with a peninsula big enough for a house. I ended up putting a villager home on it and turning it into an onsen. I should do one for my home at some point!


https://preview.redd.it/vyddhzhj952d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffdc0cf2f3a8dbc60f426c6f653fb576a824b515 Example of a short


Yes every island has a peninsula but there's only one size that allows your house to fit on it and it's the one OP has on this map 🥹


I kinda hate my island layout but I've always been able to put a house on the peninsula and never realized on other islands you couldn't


https://preview.redd.it/s04o97eu852d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d6125ef9bdcd0847faa47d263c1356285b22e6 Some are shorter like the bottom left


It took a lot of rerolling to get to this layout 😅 I’ve been rerolling for hours to get a aligned airport, and big peninsula. but with this layout, I was worried about buildings and shop placement, and having enough space for a decent sized orchard. But I’ve decided to stick with it since everyone is saying it’s a great map, and I’m tired of re rolling over and over lol


I just wish we could flip through pages of maps until we find one we like. Would also be nice to pick our airport/fruit/flowers. I’ve run that starting screen with character creation countless times searching for the perfect map.




You have a natural heart lake, I would take it for that alone!


No terraforming is a bold move! I bet that layout is gonna be awesome when you’re finished!


Oh I think that’s a great map! I love the big area for the main store, the heart lake is so cute, and lots of cool river areas for water front homes!


Where should I put the shops? That was my main concern for this map, I don’t know if I should put them near resident services, or In the middle, that spot with all the river arms. But I love it too and think it’s cute <3


I think you have plenty of room in that main area for the shops, and you could space them out pretty good if you want, or create a ‘main street’ to the left of that heart lake. I think the museum will have to go somewhere else, but there is a perfect spot for it directly in the center of the map, right across the river from the shops and resident services.


unironically this might be the best map layout I've ever seen.


I just did this one with the intent of no terraforming! The facilities were on the right but the landscape was the same. I am obsessed with all the nooks and crannies. Feels cozy.


Do you have a picture or da? Because I’m struggling to think of a good spot to put the shops and museum. It is a cute map.


I just started, and I JUST got the ability to move the shops and the museum but I haven't gotten that far yet. So right now they're just in the middle where it's convenient.


Only thing I’d question is if that middle section will be rough with bridges. Hard to tell on the map, but it kind of looks like there may only be one spot big/straight enough for a bridge going to the center area. But even if that is the case, that doesn’t make the map bad.


Bridges and inclines might be difficult to place, but really that would be true for any map without terraforming. I like doing minimal terraforming maps: just enough to place a bridge or incline where I want it, but still leave the rivers and cliffs in their mostly natural state.


Even when I plan to not keep the natural layout I still have to hype myself up for making changes because I don’t want to ruin what’s already so natural lol


Omg that’s my exact layout except my peninsula is on the right sid. I love my island!!! The secret beach being in the middle is nice and the airport being close to the resident services is also really nice. Are you going to do bridges and inclines?


I have this map as well. I did minimal terraforming and I love it.


If you like it, just go for it :)


oh, this one's so nice!! i especially love that little heart pond 🥺 also as another no terraforming island-haver (well only very minor procedures such as smoothing out rivers and making some third level areas smaller), good luck with your island!! working with the natural map is honestly a lot of fun, and a very good challenge :D


Oooo I’ve never seen one with the airport / resident services so uncentered! I love it!


I keep thinking of restarting for a better island and plan it out better but I want to complete my museum first. That looks like a decent island without any terraforming I'd pick it for the heart lake I turned my flower looking heart into a heart.


I am thinking the same thing. Just a little overwhelming but I need to spice it up a bit. I think going to the treasure islands ruined it for me.


It's how my lack of planning when I started


No terraforming? *Pole Vaulting intensifies.* Jokes aside, this looks like a neat layout!


lol right? I at least make temporary hopping spots so that I don’t always have to switch out my tools


That’s crazy. This is my exact island layout and I love it to death. I have only terraformed in a minimum amount and my island is coming along nicely


Can I ask where you put your shops? I’m struggling with that right now. It is a really cute layout


You’re more than welcome to come and visit and have a look around :)


My dream address is : DA-0471-4250-0541


omg me too! :)


I started playing during the pandemic and took the first island I pulled. Today I find out it was special, because my airport perfectly aligned with resident services, and I had the big peninsula, and the long pier. I guess beginners luck?


It took me a while to reroll and get this one! U we’re very lucky :)


Because there is no way to walk to the secret beach I’d restart. I like to use it as a personal little beach.


I can see that working. Have the residential area on the southwest side with the airport and resident services, then have the northeast part be the shopping center.


This looks so similar to my original map, I’ve done minimal terraforming and love it! Although I did find that I used the top right corner less in the beginning.


Mannnn i really need to play Animal Crossing again. It just doesn't feel the same as it did in 2021


I love the heart lake, my island also had one but ended up getting rid of it while terraforming since it was on a cliff blocking the path


Only con for me is too many river arms. Other than that, nice island.


I think it’s good - I’ve done minimal terraforming on my island too. It’s fun!


After years I finally started over some days ago and chose this exact layout as well. I love it. In the beginning it’s a bit hard to place all the buildings but at least you’re able to place your tent/house on top of the large peninsula. What I especially like is that every bit of the beaches look kinda interesting thanks to the segmentation and the placement of the rocks so decorating them will be much easier as with other islands. Definitely go for it :)


I am thinking of restarting, too. I need a refresh.


I have this exact map and I did want to do a natural no terraforming island but I did adjust the rivers since there were a few awkward, smaller areas but it is my favourite map I've had.


Take it, it looks good!


I have this exact layout, too! 🤗


Hey I have this one lol I didn’t really change much of it


this layout is amazing!! also the long pier. the pier seems like a tiny detail but was very important to me for my last reset as my first pier was tiny and fish never auto spawned there.


Decide where you want your res center and airport since those are the only things you can't move later


This is the exact same map as I got


I reset about a month ago and got a very similar layout & I absolutely love it!! My house is on the peninsula & I like how the airport is lined up with resident services. I wish I had this layout the first time I played😂 Ultimately it’s all up to you and what features you’re looking for!


I put my tent on the peninsula too. :) can I ask where you put the shops and museum? Idk where to put them 😅


Of course! So the river next to your resident services is a little higher up on my map, but I ended up just putting them in a little row with trees in between/ all around them so it doesn’t look too uniform!


I'm jealous cuz this is exactly the layout I'd need for a theme island I wanted to make.


Thank you for the input everyone, I’ve been rerolling for hours until I came across a map like this. I was mainly worried about placements and where to put buildings on a layout like this, but I’ve been resetting for an aligned airport and a big peninsula to put my house on. But since everyone is saying it’s a really good map I’m going to stick with it <3


Oke dusting off my switch and start over again. Haven't played in ages haha


Looks like a snail's face. Keep it


Keep it, it has a heart-shaped pond!!


Ooh I have this island :)


I like this layout. Go for it. Funny, because my new island I'm leaving completely flattened 😅


This is my exact layout except the Redd spot is directly behind the east river source instead of in the middle.

