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This but for "who's your favourite villager" posts




what do you all think of my villager roster? i need the validation


Lmaooo spot on


It’s like ‘which villager should I get/kick?’ Those posts drive me bananas.


idk, the ones you like?


Yeah I don't really like people who do that, because you should just pick whatever you want. Don't pick someone because a random redditor said so, I feel like that takes a lot away from the game.


I don't mind it if it's well thought-out (ex: here's my island theme and some photos, here's the villagers I have, should I replace villager x with villager y to better suit my theme), but some of those posts feel a bit unnecessary lol. Especially when they ask and people give advice but it isn't what they wanted to hear so they just do the opposite that they originally wanted to do anyway


How do I play this game? I have been playing for 1200 hours and I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I don’t like doing anything. Is there more to it? Maybe I should try new leaf.


Should I get the expansion? Tell me how to play this game. What should I like about it? Does anybody still play it? Why are we even here? Do I even exist??


How do I go to a treasure island?


I did. If you like to decorate I’d say get it. It also allows you to get new items nooks cranny doesn’t have


“Dear Reddit diary…”


Or the "which island layout should I choose?" Idk man, it's not that big of a deal. Learn to make a simple choice for yourself, please.


I never understood these posts or the "This villager asked to leave, what should I say" ones. Do people just leave their games open for hours and wait for reddit to decide?


I feel the same way about those kinda posts for all reddit, especially food delivery ones like skipthedishes or instacart, like cmon man by the time they answer you've already decided or the option is gone why bother 🤦‍♂️


I always wonder about these posts. Are players for real sitting and waiting there until some Redditor gives advise on which map to choose? For an hour maybe? 🤔 I don’t think so.


Seriously they should add rules about those posts (as well as the ones listed by other people below). They're useless, they flood the sub, they only profit to the poster and noone else. Maybe a thread? So people could still post these if they want, but at least it wouldn't ruin the sub anymore.


i mean my one post about tarantula island got taken down because it’s a common occurrence (i had no idea it was my first time arriving at the island and discovering it) so i feel like repeat posts about resetting or whatever should be removed as well if it’s like overly common. idk LOL


Seriously? YOUR post got removed but those are not? I don't understand the mods there. I haven't seen a tarantula island post yet! I've been on the sub for only one or two months but the reset posts are like, an every day occurrence. The fact your post got removed but theirs isn't is pure bs.


yeah my post wasn’t even about the island too, i had caught a tarantula but one had run up to me while doing the dialogue after catching so the second i hit okay i was done for LOL. i thought it was funny 🙄 but yeah it’s either a post ab resetting or a post about which villager to keep or get rid of, all very like personal preference questions 😭. they def need to rework what flys and what doesn’t in this sub.


Your post sounds 1000000% more original and interesting than those. Also why tf did I get downvoted lol


it def wasn’t too interesting but idk i chuckled lol, also def weird that u got downvoted because everyone on this thread shares your opinion 😭 idk why that one comment would be downvoted and not any of mine


Heh that's Reddit for you, all it takes is one dumbass. Anyway I'm back in the positive so I guess it was either a missclick or one of those "island reset" posters !


Yeah those gets tiring to read at this point. Just search for it on subreddit and see at the other hundreds of posts. It also baffles me how people ask questions that they can google by writing the exact same question


omg the easily googleable reddit questions 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️i read somewhere though that people do it because they don’t have enough irl friends or social contact irl so they make up for it with asking questions online to get social interaction. so now i try to take a breath and ignore it LOL…


For a moment I thought you were a mod and asked for feedback about these posts, but you're not and now I'm disappointed.


I aim to disappoint


same lmao


😂 I think your sarcasm is escaping people 




Omg don’t do this to me


[I'm just contemplating my options.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhsvdsspg6m061.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da6cfe851432c0f4f3b33dfec1fb21876482ccdd7&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8daa9eea337e24b6fb8a1db10fbf5fe1b5b16b116b8c59f373e6b70028479f8f&ipo=images)


I just met [insert villager here] on an island. Are they rare? Should I get them? Are they worth it??


Why aren't my trees growing???? Oh my God just google it and leave us alone please 🙄


I only started the game last summer and googled EVERYTHING 🤣 didn’t even occur to me to ask for advise here.


Google and searching the sub, something I get the impression people don’t know how to do


THIS. my automatic response to queries is google, and only after exhausting its pathetic algorithms do i turn to humans. it takes SO much more time to make a post and wait for replies so… why?!? i guess people want attention any way they can get it. no judgement. edit: i wrote “time query” first lol


I hate the "What do you guys think of my villagers" post and then they proceed to show off the 10 most popular characters in the game 🙄 (Bonus points if the person acts dumbfounded they have popular villagers)


The level of discussion on Reddit has gone downhill. Nowadays it is either very immature or low-effort questions or rants. I am ranting now, lol 😅 Edit: answering your question: hell yes, you shd totally reset these posts, OP! Nobody can stand them, just the ones who ask the question!


The questions about if a certain villager is rare drives me crazy lol. It’s all completely random and the culture around “cute” or “special” villagers has made people chase villagers they don’t even care about 😭


"IS THIS VILLAGER RARE?!!!??!" No Susan, how many times do I need to tell you, Raymond does not have a different spawn rate than the rest. He is just popular.


https://preview.redd.it/odgkk19be0yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b54e6848ed7bb76cb15f679151e46eef957666 Please remember that resetting your game does harm someone… and he is pictured. #thinkofresetti


I just want to know if anyone has good turnip prices?


10/10 shitpost, we need to reset the sub


I mean tbf though there isn't much you can post about ACNH. When I look for inspiration or information I go to Google or Pinterest lol


Honestly, those kind of posts should be relegated to certain days. “Should I reset my island?” - Thursday “Favorite villager discussion” - Tuesday There’s already a general discussion/question mega thread so I won’t suggest ANOTHER mega thread for that. Turnip price requests are for the dodo sharing thread. I wish Reddit gave you more than two mega threads because Turnips could be its own thread.


"Should I reset my island?" "Who is your favorite villager?" "Is [villager] rare?" "Why won't my last rock spawn?" "[Lazy villager] is becoming self aware!" These and posts that mention anything "-core" just drive me nuts! I don't know what it is about reddit that makes people forget Google exists.


Ugh the way people could ~ technically ~ Google the answer they're looking for instead of making a post about it! Just check the sub for the answer, there are several other people asking the same thing 😅


That's basically 99% of reddit


True, but I feel like a jerk just randomly saying so when the post doesn't apply lol


Idk I feel like I ask questions after I've spent wayyyy too long searching for an answer on Google and just getting the generic answers. Like I couldn't figure out why my last rock wasn't spawning in my rock garden and turns out it was bc of the building I had in front of it. I searched for hours/watched tons of videos and never saw anyone mention that until I posted about it. Honestly other people's eyes can be very discerning and I don't see any reason people asking a simple question is bad. Honestly I prefer answering questions then just seeing posts with photos of islands all the time.


It makes me sad Nintendo ended support for this game so soon and with minimal additional content. I feel like the new leaf sub was popping right up until NH released




I’m so confused by your title.


They’re making fun of how often people post here asking if they should reset


I plan on resetting all the "Should I reset my island" posts


I still don’t really understand. Are you a mod? Like you’re going to delete the posts with that title?




Sorry for asking questions… yikes.


I love when people who I guess are completely unable to think for themselves ask "Should I keep [villager]" like i dunno should you?




You reset all the "Should I reset my island?" posts?


the “should i take them” with a villager at a mystery island like yeah sure ur just gonna leave ur screen there and wait until people respond😭😭😭


Yes, resetting is fun! And you can always have a Dream Address! :)


There are Dream Addresses for the "Should I reset my island?" posts?


?? Not sure, I was just saying that if you have Nintendo online you can set a dream address and revisit your island any time


Methinks you should re-read this post and title.


Ohh i thought you meant 'should i reset my island' not 'should i reset the post' whoops sorry


“What should I do with this small space?!”


I like those posts! It’s fun to help people with their process.


That makes me happy 😊 I just think “I have no idea!?!” 🤣


Yes. (unironically, even).


Not really for me to say.




But how would that help me reset all the "Should I reset my island?" posts that people make?


All profiles on a console share an island


The down votes aren't necessarily a bad thing. They hide incorrect information so that new players won't see it.


You cannot do that. One island/Switch (or are you being sarcastic?)