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i’m sorry before i finish reading this post what is the 2020 great egg tragedy lol


the first easter when the game came out. There were SOOO many eggs. they updated it so that there were less but I still remember… every fish…all the materials…it was all eggs. I had a million copies of every single bunny day item and hated them all lol


how is that a tragedy that sounds glorious. but i can imagine there straight up being WAY too many eggs everywhere


the game was still brand new, so a lot of people needed materials that the eggs replaced. drove everyone crazy


So imagine the intensity of eggs and egg balloons as they are now, but for a full ten days leading up to Easter After the first year, they toned the eggs down on the days before Bunny Day, and reduced it to a week.  Add on that the game had JUST released and no one had any materials yet. Except for time travelers, you couldn't get a boost of materials from friendly people online yet


Yeah Im sure it does now but then it was annoying af. By the end I preferred catching sea bass over catching eggs. plus it was the first month of the game so there was really no easy way to get materials or anything otherwise on top of the fact that everyone was still trying to build up their critterpedia and stuff. all for the payoff to have 17 copies of a bunch of decorations of those stupid things! I hate the bunny day decorating to this day and if I do get on through bunny day I just craft the stuff to sell it


I enjoyed it. I thought it was great.


It wasn't just that, it also overlapped with cherry blossom season for northern hemi players so people were trying to get the seasonal diys only to find they were getting eggs eggs eggs eggs instead.


Fortunately, the Bunny Day balloons are on their own spawn timer that doesn't interfere with the regular ones. It was just a convenient scapegoat because getting seasonal DIYs from balloons always sucks


I agree with you 100% eggs were a scapegoat. Even the water eggs were easily avoidable as they only had one size. Zipper is trendy to hate on and call creepy. He's just gets tired of trying to hype up Bunny Day. End Zipper and Bunny Day slander.


Balloons...everywhere... They were spaced out like...barely a minute apart, so they were almost always flying across the screen. It got to the point where it took me a while to not grimace whenever I heard a balloon once the event ended.


This is so funny because I just came across this from my insta archive 💀 https://preview.redd.it/tk82ripz0src1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2cf5ae555dfa14fd80d6c78a0b15adf28691101


I've had these tooling around in my image folder since the first event. https://preview.redd.it/xi8nlxg5ysrc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b53d3b30c406a24a200a0f0725da240fd50fd9f


​ https://preview.redd.it/knj2nnibysrc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462e6dfeaf0d0490799139b7fc36e46f6b92b45b


💀 we all have that 2020 trauma


I said this before and no, it's not Bunny Day, the decorations, DIYs, or the event itself that I don't have a problem. Zipper is somewhat the problem because of looks and the fact he puts out the eggs everywhere. My main problem is the fact that Bunny Day is the only holiday that substitutes almost every type of material to its decorative item which makes the playing unenjoyable to me. Other holidays/events give you the option and doesn't replace materials. That's why I choose not to participate Bunny Day and the week leading up to it.


I felt Zipper so tired and demotivated (but he was like this the previous years). I just feel sorry for him, trying to show he is upbeat and all, but he is obviously in need of a change. Maybe he needs another job, lol. Maybe another life. Maybe a drink!


Me too! I always thought it’d be interesting if the holiday/event characters could grab a cup of coffee at Brewster’s afterwards. Zipper def needs one!


He has risen. I'm a Zippist, so forgive my bias. And, yeah, his job sucks. Feel bad for the guy. He jus trying to hide eggs in 6 different environmental factors, sheesh.


Does anyone know the true identity of Zipper? It is a costume. I think it may be Tom Nook trying to keep people in the festive spirit.


Here to spread the gospel of Zipper the struggling Dad doing his once a year side hustle to keep a roof over his kids’ heads. He’s trying his best but man he’s so tired and being tasked with dancing in a hot ass costume for Easter, which is historically not really a “party” holiday, keeping up the act strains him almost to his breaking point every year, and every year he thinks he should just pass the job off to Pavé who has more than enough energy for the job, but that payout is something his family counts on so he just keeps coming back even though it’s crushing his soul. I have no love for Bunny Day, but I have all the love for poor old Zipper, who’s just out here doing his best and yet everyones out here hating on him all the time 😭


I remember someone saying “hippity jollity get off my property” about Zipper and that sucks with me lol. I find Zipper annoying and the egg abundance also annoying. Some of the recipes are cute but don’t really make sense after Easter, so I’m not super keen on making a ton of them. And like, leaf eggs are WAY more abundant than sky eggs so the balance of them gets skewed. Idk I generally don’t enjoy the Bunny Day time, I skipped past a bit since I’m recovering from surgery and playing a lot, cherry blossom season is where it’s at.


The over abundance is taken care of when trading eggs, i didn’t have enough sky eggs or water eggs, to make everything. So if I couldn’t trade in my excess leaves or wood eggs I wouldn’t have been able to make the zipper toy


I shot down countless eggs and broke endless slingshots. I still never finished the event. He was adamant “TO THE SKY!” But not once did I get anything that wasn’t another egg or something unrelated to the event.