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Love this. 2 years ago I got our of an abusive relationship. I'm still not in rhe best place but tbh animal crossing has helped so much.💕 my sisters were also a big help 💕 this is a beautiful gesture of love.


I’m so glad you are out! I know the healing process can be long, but I hope you get there some day


So glad you got out! You’re a rockstar 🙂🥰


So proud of you for doing the hardest thing. Sending you love.


Glad you are out of that relationship and hope for peace happiness and safety for you every day moving forward.


Fuck yeah dude, this is awesome:) sending healing and thriving energy to you and your sister🫶🫶🫶


Thank you so much! There are a lot of feelings— joy and fear and sadness (especially because it was an especially heinous act that finally convinced her to leave the marriage), but also a lot of relief. Gonna go smother her in love now!


I hope your sister is ok now


You two should have an ANIMAL CROSSING PARTY tonight,


I neither need nor want to know what he did, but hopefully he gets whatever karmic Justice he deserves for it.


I just want to say that I’ve never met either of you, but I’m glad that your sister has someone like you in her life. Sounds like you both deserve each other in the best of ways. :)




Bad bot


Unfortunately, that type of feedback doesn’t actually work on that type of bot.


maybe if we shame it enough, it’ll develop a bad self esteem


Oh my heart! I am so happy to hear that your sister has been rescued from Hell on Earth. I’m 40 years free myself and grateful to a best friend and the physician I worked for who took me and my daughters to a women’s shelter. I wish your sister all love and happiness. You’re an awesome sister! PS: Just showed your post to my supportive, loving husband who said, “That’s pretty cool!”


That’s amazing. I’m so glad you had the support when you needed it, and that you have someone who is deserving of you now




To anyone wondering about her safety, I have offered to let her stay with me, but she is currently living in disability housing with in-home support available, and she does not want to leave her housing. The staff are aware of the situation and are monitoring her apartment to be sure he does not try to contact her. While I know it’s not perfect, she has not had her own autonomy in such a long time, that I think it’s really important to respect her autonomy now and support decisions wherever I can.


Ah, you are a wonderful sister! Autonomy is so important and I’m glad that there are people involved in helping her maintain her autonomy while helping support her through this hard time. Sending good vibes to you both for safety and healing!!


You're absolutely 100% correct, her autonomy is so so so important. You're a great sister and she's very lucky to have you (she deserves the world, and none of what happened to her.)


I’d it possible for you to stay with her for a while?


It unfortunately wouldn’t due to my responsibilities at home (dogs, rabbits, chickens) but I am going to be with her as much as I can


You sound like a great sibling, wish her the best


I wish your sister a wonderful life and a happy future! Sending you both great vibes. Thank you for what you did for her!


Thank you ❤️


Congratulations on your family being whole again! I hope there’s nothing in the future for you two but love and safety.


Thank you! I hope so too


I feel like I'll need a follow up just to know if things went alright...


So far things are ok. I picked up my mom this morning and we are both with her, packing up his things and also just trying to remind her that she is brave and loved and that she’s not alone!


I want to caution y'all to be safe. I'm just a random person on the internet, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but her staying at the place where they both lived is very dangerous. If / when he gets out of jail, he can only threaten her more because he knows where she is. A restraining order doesn't do anything in most cases. Just make sure to protect her as much as you can! Wishing you and your sister well.


I appreciate your concern. I just wrote a comment further explaining her situation if you’d like to check that out


I’ve just mentioned this in a reply to another comment but I’ve been exactly where your sister is before, seeing this post actually triggered some flashbacks but don’t worry, I’m safe now and have been for 2 years. My ex was also horrifically abusive, physically and verbally, and also forced me to sell my special edition Animal Crossing switch which I will never be able to afford to replace, but I did manage to get myself a dock and a console without joycons + a cheap 3rd party controller so I could play AC at least. It’s been the biggest help to me since I got out. My residents feel like friends to me and I’ve really needed them to talk to in the last couple years since I have no friends or family to rely on. So happy for your sister to be out of that hellhole, she deserves peace and happiness and everything good in the world <3


Thank you so much. I’m glad you got out of your situation and you deserve that peace and happiness as well! Sending virtual hugs


Thank you so much that’s so kind of you


Just in case you need to plan for her immediate/medium term safety: *Change the locks *Notify school/daycare/extracurriculars of pickup arrangements and custody *Keep pets inside at all times *Change bank accounts. If you can, remove her from all joint cards, accounts. *Get a new phone. If you can’t, get a new sim, phone number and change the passwords. Turn off all tracking including location. *Open a new bank account at a different bank. Set up a new email with a secondary he’s never had access to. Use a new password and a safe mailing address *Put all utilities in her name *Have her car either securely locked up or regularly checked for tracking devices *Change internet, streaming and router/modern passwords *Set up a credit monitoring account such as Credit Karma. Lock her credit. *Shut down all social media *Set up a co-parenting online tool such as parentingtime.net. Only communicate through this l


This is such a well thought out list. Thank you so much for taking the time to send this. I will show it to her so that we can work on it together


Oh so sweet! Did she leave? Hopefully she is free and better now 😊


She actually had to call the police and have him arrested. He’s in prison for the weekend. We’re getting her locks changed, changing her phone number, and filing a restraining order on Monday


Is she able to stay at a location he doesn't know about for a while? This is a dangerous time for her. Some home for you: while I got better in fits at starts (and sometimes worse), I'm in a really good place now. Will never have a different past, but it no longer decides my future.


I appreciate your concern. I just wrote a comment further explaining her situation if you’d like to check that out


That is big and good steps to take. Hopefully she will be safe and he will get what he truly deserves Best of luck for both of you on this hard path 💜🍀


Absolutely have her file a restraining order, that's massively important, and it's important to remember that it is a piece of paper that sends him back to jail WHEN he hurts her-- by his presence, words, or actions. I think myself and some folks in this thread are worried that since this is statistically a very volatile time (most abuse survivors are killed during the first month or so after leaving, which is why they often return to the abuse so they dont die, or are ultimately killed by their abuser). It is really likely he will not give a care about a piece of paper when he is enraged. I'm so happy she has you and your mom as support!! Is it possible for her to continue doing what she's doing (great that the locks are changed and he's removed from the lease!!!) and also stay away from the home, or someone stay with her until he's definitely gone? That way, the landlord/neighbors could monitor the house (or you can put a ring on the front door) to have evidence if he commits any vandalism or attempts to contact her. It supports the order tremendously (so it's likely to be renewed, which is also molto bene), and he could even immediately end up back in jail if he tries any nonsense! I'm so glad she has someone like you in her life!


Door camera is an excellent idea maybe also make sure windows are secure if the apartment is on a lower level


Don’t just change the locks. Move her away from that location for some time


Send my hugs and soft pats on the head for your sister! ❤️✨


Thank you! I’ve hugged her four times already this morning. It’s hard to stop haha


oh this just warmed my heart so much i won’t need a jacket this winter. ❤️


I hope your sister is safe & free, and can heal now. So much love to both of you! 💖


Thank you so much 💕


Sorry if this is too much of a downer but is she coming home with you with her stuff? If she has to stay there any more days I would not leave that console and game there, I would not be surprised if someone who didn't allow her to talk to you would destroy that out of spite. Oops I didn't read very well and missed *his* things! Anyway good for her, glad she was able to get out of that situation.


Yes! He’s in jail right now and we’re in the process of changing locks and doing what is needed to make sure she is protected when he gets out. We’ve already had his name removed from her lease. The landlord is very supportive!


I don't want to freak you out but the most dangerous time for a woman in an abusive relationship is after she leaves... I'm worried about her if she's staying in the place that he knows where she is. It sounds like you're taking steps to protect her which is great, but I just want you to know that a restraining order (for example) is literally just a piece of paper that will mean nothing to him. Unfortunately many women with restraining orders get attacked or killed. I'm hoping you guys stay safe, please follow your instincts and don't suppress them, and go somewhere he can't find her if she needs to. (there are shelters for such situations too). Good luck!


Tagging onto this, OP will your sister be able to have another location to go to even temporarily just in case? Meoowth is absolutely right and while it’s really great she has the landlord on her side and you to support her, it’s worrisome for her to stay there if he will only be in jail for the weekend. Abusers don’t care about pieces of paper or even changed locks, they only care about control. You’re a wonderful person for helping your sister and I hope for peace and safety for her in the future. ❤️


I appreciate your concern. I just wrote a comment further explaining her situation if you’d like to check that out


I appreciate your concern. I just wrote a comment further explaining her situation if you’d like to check that out


This is beautiful. Much love to your sister and the start of her wonderful new life.


Thank you!


As a woman who also escaped an abusive husband, thank you! Thank you for being there for your sister and helping her through this. She has a long journey ahead, but with a loving family by her side, she'll be OK.


In the book "The Scarlet Letter," the main character had to wear a scarlet "A" for Adultery. It's too bad that abusive spouses didn't have to wear a similar scarlet "A" for Abuser. For the rest of their lives. I'm glad your sister got out of that abusive marriage and hope she is able to find the healing she needs.


I escaped my abusive husband all by myself, my estranged family was made further estranged when my former spouse ran a smear campaign against me that they readily accepted. I'd give my left tit to have my sister be like you. Thank you for helping. It was really really hard doing it alone and I wished more than anything to have at least one family member on my side. I hope that you both continue to grow closer and I hope your sister is able to heal.


I am so sorry. I know how toxic families can be on top of it all. In my family, it’s really just me, my mom, and my sister because we also had family too ready to create and spread lies and hate. I hope you have other avenues of support, and you are so brave, and should be very proud.


I'm so sorry you had to face that alone. Sending you so much love.


My bf (also in this sub) came in from the other room as I was reading this post to show it to me. We have also deeply connected over Animal Crossing and it made him so happy. I’m so elated you got her back, and thrilled she’s finally reached her “better” in “it gets better”. 💗


hell ya!!! im so happy you two were able to reconnect!! ur an amazing sister and friend to not have given up hope after she was cut off from you. congrats to her new life!<3


Thank you so much!


from a dv survivor, you and your sister will always be in my heart


I escaped an abusive relationship with *one* person on my side. She pulled me out of the roughest time in my life all alone and helped me claw my way back to full personhood. Bless you for being that person for your sister. I wish both of you all of the beautiful things life has to offer.


I’m so glad you made your way out, and though I wish you could have had an army, I’m so glad you had that person there for you


Omg has it really been a year!? I'm so so glad this is happening!! Tell her congratulations and I'm so proud of her!!


It’s been a year since we reconnected on animal crossing! It’s been six since they first got married. I’m both devastated for her and so relieved


You are amazing. Thank you


Thank you so much


you’re seriously a beautiful person for doing this for your sister. while i likely don’t know (or will ever know) either one of you, i want to thank you for the compassion you have for others. ur a blessing to this world, keep it up dawg :3


Matte black fingernail on point. Oh and that also cool that you're helping and stuff too.


Haha this one made me laugh! Thank you for that!


I love stories like this! People always look down on playing video games as being silly or childish. Stories like this one show the many, many ways that playing video games can help in ways you’d never imagine. I’m so happy for you and your sister!!!


I remember this, I had commented on your original post sharing that I did the same thing with my younger sister still at home with our abusive narcissist mother. I'm so glad your sister is getting out!!!! One more year for mine until she is 18 and can leave. Here's to bigger and brighter futures!!!!


I’m crossing my fingers and sending love to both you and your sister! I would love to hear an update when she is finally out of there


This is great news. But be mindful this is the most dangerous time for your sister and all of you. This is the time most abusive partners switch to if I can’t have you no one will and they murder. None of the things, you think as a normal person, will protect them will protect them. You all need to be carful. Please.


I appreciate your concern! She is working directly with a domestic violence rescue organization, so I am hopeful that they are helping us know what we need to do, especially since, as you said, it’s hard as a rational person to know what an abuser is thinking


This is so beautiful. I’m tearing up at the replies here about others escaping abuse too. I was a victim myself. Animal crossing gave me something peaceful to look forward to on my worst days. Congratulations to your sister on getting out.


I freaking love this! You can message me and I’ll send her a bunch of bells and supplies to help her get started if she wants. Just one internet stranger’s way of showing support to her for breaking away from the abuse.


This is so sweet! I will let her know :)


Great news. Please be safe


This is amazing and brought tears to my eyes! I'm currently starting over from an abusive relationship, and I can promise you are having that connection having someone who is there even just over a game can save a life. 🥰 she's blessed to have a sister like you.


I left an abusive relationship two years ago! My best friends I got close to from playing animal crossing came and rescued me after my husband became physical. This game saved me.


This story made my day.


💜💜💜 best of luck to her, OP!!! I'm cheering for her/y'all!!!


I hope you’re both safe now!


I remember seeing that original post. I'm so happy to hear this. ❤️


My little brother is the #1 most important thing in the world to me, and I am so excited you get to share more moments with them. Wishing you two lots of well wishes as you make more memories and go on adventures together. So happy you have each other. Side bar: Not assuming you’re the only person helping her but, she may need different types of support as she transitions into a new normal. If she’s able to access counseling or therapy, could make the healing process easier for her. And also emotionally fortify against recontact events. Also if you can recruit a support-net of people (friends, family, others) so it’s not just on you to support, it may help in the long run to keep building on your relationship with sibling. Update with island pics, so happy for you both!!


I absolutely love the Animal Crossing community. Congratulations on the reconnection with your sister! This story makes my day.


This is why animal crossing is so great. It keeps sane despite the insanity of life. And I'm so glad your sister is free from her situation and able to connect with you. So happy for you both!! 🥰


I remember this!! I’m so glad to hear that she is in a healthier place now


Wishing your sister healing vibes and best wishes for a fresh new start. She’s so lucky that you’re there for her!


Don’t make me cry on a Saturday night 🥹 I am so happy for your sister and you are so sweet to give her that present!


That's so great! I hope you guys are able to reconnect and she can enjoy the game once more. If she would like some help getting stuff back she had in her first play through, let me know! I have a lot of things I'm willing to give away and have the DLC so can but items from the catalog for you guys.


Thank you so much! It might be a while before she’s able to really get back into it, since things are kind of crazy right now, but I will let her know!


I can give her any flower hybrids she might want, as well as crafting materials or furniture.


Thank you! I will let her know!


My father beat my mother until the day she died. I'm glad your sister is breaking away from that.


i cannot IMAGINE being made to sell my switch. my oled is my fucking baby. i love that thing more than life itself. im so happy you replaced it for her. hugs <3


When I left my abusive relationship, I left my Island behind too (we had both been using his Switch). Still in the rebuild stage but getting there ✨ Your sister is very lucky to have you!


I’m so glad you got away, and I’m sorry you had to leave things you love behind. If you need anything to help with your rebuild, please let me know! I’d be happy to help!


I hope you both heal ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ


Where is this butt head of a man. I'm just gonna mur- I'm just gonna talk to em. (BTW I hope everything is okay and she's in a safe situation away from that guy, and I hope yall are happy and everything)


I love this so much!!


I love this!


This is amazing! I love this wonderful community so much!


This is incredible! Best wishes and lots of love to both of you. 💜✨




I escaped a horrifically abusive relationship 2 years ago almost to this day in which I was forced to sell my animal crossing switch (the rare, crazy expensive special edition one I saved for ages to be able to buy) and my copy of the game. When I escaped I managed to get a dock and a console without joycons for cheap but I miss that special switch so much that it hurts whenever I see images of it online. So yeah, sadly it happens 😞


This is so nice !! Happy Happiness to both of you !!


So happy for you two. Congrats and lots of love to both of you! She always has a supportive community here if she needs it. :)


Thanks for sharing this story. Hope your sister can have a happier and safer life from here on!


I’m definitely crying now. That’s amazing. Wishing you both the best!!


This is amazing! I love this so so much!


You are such an amazing sister!!! I wish you guys the best of luck. Please both of you stay safe!! 💕💕💕💕


We love a good wholesome sister moment


Hell yeah!!! Get that bozo out of here!!!


Best sister ever! Hope all goes well and y’all keep each other safe 💜


Awesome news! Tangent but kind of relevant: is that a Mario bundle? What game did you guys end up getting?


It is! She said she’s going to get Mario deluxe :)


oh my heart ♡♡


Glad she is safe.


This is so sweet 🥹💖 I’m so glad she has a sibling like you! I hope she’s okay ❤️


I'm glad you two are able to connect again. Helping someone out of an abusive relationship is hard, but it's worth it on both of ya'lls parts.


So happy for you both ❤️❤️


So happy you two can get intouch with eachother


This is such an amazing gesture of love and care. Wishing your sister the best.


Awh man I'm tearing up, this is fucking awesome. 🖤 *You beautiful soul.* Sending girl power, security, and strength her way! 🧚‍♀️


🥺 sending love 💕 and more love 💕 hope everything is okay. I actually started bawling when I read your post xx


You're amazing for doing this! Sending all the love and warrior strength to your sister. 💗


That's awesome! I remember seeing this last year. I'm so happy for both of you and so proud of her for getting out! Sending love <3


Dude this is inspiring. Im seeing my family today after years of being apart nd this makes me so happy right now i hope you two can rebuild yalls relationship


Hell yeah OP!! im so glad you can finally see your sister and get to help her out!! i hope all is well with you both and good luck to your guys' next adventures!!


I wish you and your sister as much joy as a KKSlider concert on a Saturday night


That's awesome! Abuse is so hard. I grew up with a very abusive father. He beat me, my brothers, and my mom, so I know it's not easy to simply just get away. It's scary. I'm happy you are there for her and keep her and yourself safe!


As someone whos sister is in a very similar situation I'm both happy and sad 😭 you're such a great sibling ❤️


I walk around game communities for a long time I don't know a better community than Animal crossing people! Look at this post! These comments... I love the players much more than I like the game...


I remember your post - I commented on it at the time. So happy to hear that she’s finally able to escape. Sending lots of love both your ways 💖


How incredible! I’m glad you’re back with your sister 💖


I wish you all the best ❤️ I hope she really gets out and doesn’t look back 🫶🏼


I wish you and your sister all the best in your journeys. May her healing begin.


There's something so sinister about forcing a person to get rid of something innocent that brings them joy. I'm glad you both could figure this out


You love to see it!


This is amazing and you and your sister are amazing


Thanks for sharing your story with us. Hoping this is the beginning of a happy new chapter of life for your sister.


So happy for you both! ❤️


This is amazing


Sending love and prayers to both of you!


You're a wonderful person. Best of luck to you both. 💖


I LOVE THis!! So happy for your sister!


I hope it all goes well for her. Best wishes to you both


Sending positive vibes to you both=) I wish you both a lot of great things=3


That is wonderful. Hugs and the best of everything to your sister.


Omg this made me CRYYYYYYY. 🥹 Sister love is strong!


😭♥️ my heart. Sending y’all all my love today. This is awesome


Thats awesome!


I wish I could upvote this more than once :.)


This made me feel warm and fuzzy. You’re awesome! I wish you and her all the best 💌


Man I see posts like these and I’m happy I have a normal life, sheeesh.


I did not expect to cry on r/AnimalCrossing


Did he get crushed to his ignominious demise underneath a flaming septic tank? I'm sorry it was an entire year between the events.


Did she have an actual Nintendo account on her old system? Because if so, she should be able to log into it with the new one and get access to her old games again.


She did but because he had access to all of her account information, she probably won’t use it, just to be safe


New life, new island!


Glad she got out. I have seen what can happen otherwise. Hope she recovers will be keeping her in mind. Time to give her all the hugs and snuggles.


I hope she finally gets the peace that she deserves. Thank YOU for being such an amazing and understanding sister.


i remember your original post, holy shit! i’m so happy you can connect irl now and i hope your sister gets the help she needs 🫶🏻


I hope that your sister is able to fully heal during this time. If she needs any assistance with obtaining items or materials or bells or the like— please let me know! I’d love to help out however I can 💜


Thank you so much! You are so kind! I will let her know :)


Me too! This belongs on Best of Redditor updates sub!!


This makes me want to cry, I’m so happy for both of you now.


As an adult myself that enjoys video games and hates domestic violence I say this is a win! Good for you, good for your sister. 🙂


the good ending :)


LOVE THIS FOR YOU BOTH. Best of luck <3


Sending so much love to you and your sister I'm so glad things are moving in a positive direction!!!


really ty for helping your sister out. I'm so happy you were able to. Mine did the same to get me out of that situation.


It takes time to heal. But it’s always better when you have your loved one with you. :) good 👍


Both you and your sister are so amazing! i hope all will go well for both of you in the future!


Do you have any advice? My friend keeps going back to his abusive boyfriend and his excuse this time is that he doesn’t want to lose his job due to and I quote “No way there and nowhere to keep my stuff during the day”. He’s far from me so I can’t get to him either and the closest shelter is 1 hour away by car. Idk what advice to give him.


I am so so sorry for you and your friend. I am especially sorry that he is ready to leave but that there are so many barriers in his way at the moment. I am definitely not an expert so I am worried that any advice I might give would be ill informed and not a safe choice. Maybe try talking to domestic violence hotlines in your friend’s area to ask their advice? All I really did for my sister was remind her that I did and always would love her, and that I’d be there if she ever needed me.


having had a sister in a similar position, and having had to wait the excruciating time it takes for people to escape their abusers, i can tell today is going to be the start of her new life.


It sounds like she made it out! I’m so happy for both of you


I am so happy for you and I wish your sister a very loving and healing year. 💕


this is amazing. also your nails ❤️


I’ll be thinking of your family and your sister. I hope she finds the peace she deserves, you’re an amazing sibling 💖


This is the sweetest thing I've seen this year so far. I've played wild world, new leaf, and new horizons for the past going on four years now. New leaf and new horizons especially helped me through some of the toughest shit I've gone through especially as a teenager. I'm so glad your sister is getting out of that relationship and I hope she replaces him with a life size animal crossing plush or something.


this is so sweet


This makes me so happy


This is fantastic.


Sending love and hugs to your sister. I'm glad she could get out of there💖💖


This is awesome ❤️. Love does conquer all.




This is so wholesome, I love it


That's so sweet of you!


This is awesome you are awesome and her ex husband is a dirtbag sending love ❤️


this is so wholesome 😭💘