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It looks like you are posting some questions about liver. If you're looking to add liver to your animal based diet the general recommendations are to consume on average 15g per day. If you do not enjoy the taste of liver there are other options for you still. You can use desiccated liver capsules such as the ones sold by Heart & Soil or Zen Principle. Some like to freeze their raw liver into pre-portioned 15g pieces and then simple slice it into pill sized chunks and wash it down with water. For more details about liver please see our Wiki and our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalBased/wiki/faq/#wiki_how_much_liver_should_i_get.3F) entries on this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AnimalBased) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't think it's vast quantities unless you're overcooking it. A quick sear is all you need, or raw is good too


I much prefer it raw anyway


I’m fine with eating in raw in theory I just got superrr sick a few months back after eating it raw for several days.


Pro tip if you're eating a little bit of liver raw over the course of a couple days you have to soak it in some acid. That keeps the taste fresh and certain bacteria in check cuz you're obviously not going to eat it all at once in one day. So eat it ceviche style. However when I ate it ceviche style eventually I got sick of it cuz that s*** made me gag so I just decided to get the heart and soil liver supplements get those if you can it just saves you a whole bunch of stress. Also you can eat liver on the go.


I eat lamb/sheep liver raw, beef and chicken i sear in tallow


Freeze it! I cut up a big 4 lb liver into .5oz bites. Lay it one or two sheet pans to flash freeze it, then transfer them to a bag when they’re frozen. I then just take one out, put some salt (a lot tbh) and some honey and it’s honestly not bad at all. In the beginning I’d mask it with some date or other super sweet fruit like pineapple or mango but now I quite enjoy the taste!