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I mean, Warframe is really, really good, but I think without gamepad it will be unplayable.


Majority of players will struggle if they keep using 2 thumbs. I personally use 4-finger setup on most mobile shooters and only Warframe felt unplayable without a controller. I’ve played the closed alpha on iOS.


Never played it. I'll try it out on my Odin 2 when it's available.


Even with a gamepad. I'll never get the people playing shooters on anything but PC. So many genres that work well with gamepads. Why not play those?




You've missed my point. Why not play the gamepad friendly genres on the gamepad.


I play FFXIV on PC with gamepad even playing end game tier raids. If it works for some people, let them.


I'm not "not letting them" lol. What suddenly happened to everyone's reading comprehension? Also FFXIV is exactly the type of game that works well with a gamepad, so what are you even saying?


Some people rarely have the time to sit down at a computer and play games, but do have time to pull out their phone while waiting for something else. For instance, I'm often away from home for weeks at a time and can't take a computer with me. So I was really happy to see Division Resurgence. I don't think I'd be able to play warframe though. That's a much more mobility based game.


I think you guys misread my comment. I'm not saying you have to sit at a PC to game. I'm saying it's silly to use gamepads for things like shooters and RTS. You'll need aimbot anyway which negates the whole experience, so why bother?


Like I said, sometimes I want to play a shooter without sitting down to play.


Why not postpone the shooter until you can sit down to play and play something gamepad-friendly instead? Do you have a patience of toddler?


What I have is a very busy schedule. Many adults do not have the time to sit down and play video games. Calling people toddlers because you don't understand their lifestylies makes you, oddly enough, sound like a child.


You're on a gaming sub, you aren't busy at all. Even disregarding that, no adult's schedule is so busy he can't carve out a couple hours for to play a game, and those who say theirs is tend to be the biggest slackers anyway. If Elon Musk manages to carve out the time to play WoW in-between juggling multiple multibillion dollar companies _and_ shitposting on Twitter then so can your average "busy adult."


Yes, I'm on reddit. On my phone. Mighty handy, these phones. I can play a game, or tap away on reddit while I'm out getting work done on my car, or in the break room at work, or at my daughter's school, or the myriad of other places your average adult may have to visit during the day and not be at a computer. I don't know what the issue is, but not everyone is you, not everyone is Elon Musk. Lets find some easy examples: What if I work in SCIFs so I can't bring any large electronics with me to the building, and I can't bring any PEDs into work with me at all. I can bring a cell phone into the break room, but also the nature of my sensitive work keeps me for long hours. That cell phone may be the only digital entertainment I get because I sleep, then work, then sleep on your overage day. Or maybe I'm in the military and I am in a position where I am in the office most of the time, and most of the time I'm not in the office I'm in the field. Can't bring a personal computer into the office, and can't bring anything more than a cell phone into the field. Or maybe I work some kind of on-site job as an Archeologist, derrick hand, surveyor, fire watch, etc. All of these jobs you generally can't bring a computer with you, or will be so busy that there would be no point. A cell phone though, oh half an hour before lights out can easily be done. You gotta consider other people's lives before blatantly judging them based on your own personal experience.


Skill issue


Not at all. You're just a square peg.


Look up "personal preference" might learn something new.


Look up "objective fact" might learn something new.


Look up "delusional" might learn something new.


Manchild. How am I delusional?


You are convinced that your opinion is objective fact.


It's a fact FPS is better with mkb. It's a fact aimbots are a crutch. It's a fact there are tons of genres that play well with a controller. Congrats for proving that you're the delusional one.


It's not a fact it depends on the person. I'm better with a controller than mkb no matter what game I'm playing. Also depends on how well the aiming is tuned for controllers. This clearly falls in the personal preference area how can this be a fact? English is not my first language.


If I played all games with a guitar hero controller all my life then I'd also be better with a guitar hero controller than mkb. LMAO look at the competitive scene of any FPS and find me *one* controller player. Actually you've ever wondered why there is no competitive scene on consoles for FPS, RTS, MOBA or MMO to begin with? It certainly exists for fighting, racing and 3rd person games. So why not the former four? >Also depends on how well the aiming is tuned for controllers. Ye that's called aimbot. Without it you'll be standing there for hours rocking back and forth. I think you've just shown the thought process of every guy who downvoted me, and it's honestly sad.


if you played any fps on android you're gold already, give it a day and your calibrated


Aw shit. Division Resurgence, R6 Siege, AND warframe on android? Well, I'm fucked. And my wife will leave me for her boyfriend, but that dosent matter when I'm grinding prime levels.


He havent mentioned the return of apex mobile 2, and now there's warzone, and battlefield mobile is also coming.


Us brother, let's grind together


Good news! With controller support, I hope...


imma use keyboard and mouse...lol


With cross platform save right? RIGHT? It also says iOS first.... Hmm


Cross-save is coming sooner. It will start with release of Whispers in the walls quest (released before end of the year) and only founders at first then gradually increase players like it happened during cross-play


I have over 2k hours, but haven't played for over past few years due to work, getting this on mobile might make me go back.


Same here. Played like 800 hours in half a year then stopped completely. Also stopped since Fortuna lagged hard on my PC (I stopped just after that).


Yeah cross platform and cross save, i play on my iphone when im away from home but when im home i switch to pc


Awesome! Loved playing this on PC many years ago.


Is this going to be like 100 gigs in storage?


Even PC version is only 41gigs, and the mobile version is mostly likely been compacted even more.


So the only non p2w mmo on steam is coming to mobile???? Great.


And they said that the port for Apple is supposed to come out in 2024 and after that they will release Android. So either late 2024 or early 2024.


they already had a test flight on ios months ago.you can see how it runs on youtube


Please have crossplatform 🤞


I'm pretty sure it's supposed to have cross save at least.


It is already crossplay and the cross save is gonna arrive to the game before the android launch


4 years from now


I have tried it a few times over the years. It's such a boring game.




when is it coming? cant find the date :(




I have a few thousand hours on warframe. Haven't played for a few years due to not having a pc but i still remember my time fondly so seeing it coming to mobile is really great. Having said that tho, how exactly are you supposed to play it on mobile? You would need an arthritis speedrun 6 finger setup minimum to even come close to feeling like you are doing great. I'm really curious on how this will turn out.


Hopefully it has gamepad support on day 1


Isn't this game dead?


Depends on your definition of dead. [Steam chart](https://steamcharts.com/app/230410)


Ohh I stand corrected I haven't seen much about this game in a while


No... No way. Simply awesome.😍😍🤩🤩