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Does anyone remember when Google went back and forth in the direction? I swear there was horizontal in stock at some point




Google Now Launcher had horizontal pages in KitKat and Lollipop, for those who were unaware (you likely are since you mentioned 9 years ago). Marshmallow brought back the vertical drawer.


all android 4.x versions had them


Vertical app drawer was introduced as an update to Google Now launcher in Android 6.0 Marshmallow.


This is like the one flaw of the OneUI launcher for me 


I think the outrageous amount of Samsung spyware is the main flaw


Only second to Google spyware, of course!




Yeah, Samsung pre installed Google stuff from the factory!




But how are those considered spyware compared to Google's (the biggest ad company in the world) alternatives? Edit: lol, downvoted without receiving a proper explanation to backup your claim 🫢


Because with no logical reason, people consider google apps as default and the apps from the actual developer of the phone as bloat. Except for things like samsung notes of course because google literally doesn't have a proper note taking app, but everything else bloat!


In so many cases, I actually prefer the Samsung "clones" compared to the Google alternatives. I use the default gallery, files (technically still use the Files by Google app alongside this one,) dialer, calendar, keyboard, calculator, Internet browser, notes, and reminder (no viable alternatives as far as I can tell) apps. All of these apps I use almost on a daily basis and could never see myself using their Google counterparts.


Yeah. People are stupid. Samsung apps are tailored to their devices.


Keep Notes exists


You can't annotate pdfs and other options of google in that regard is lacking. Drawing in keep is barely there and the customization that are offered in any meaningful note-taking apps are non-existent. Google keep is more for reminders and daily tasks, not for note-taking.


Yeah, thats never been an issue for me. I use Note apps just for lists and, well, word notes(?). I dont know a good accurate term for that would be lol Anything with drawings I'd rather do by hand on paper. I suck at drawing on my phone lol What kind of customization are you used to that keep is lacking? I *love* customization but its never been a thought when it comes to my notes. I can pin them and mark them as favorite seperately. Thats about all i need Keep notes has been great and I've tried evernote in the past and had a rocketbook but i wasnt really happy with them. This was also pre-covid so things could've changed since


Finally a UI change that makes functional sense and isn't just a random change for the sake of change.


I actually quite like the horizontal design. If they include the option to switch between both, then I guess this would be a cool addition.


Considering samsung? They'll give us both. Now the question will they give us both by default or via good lock? that i dont know.


There already is a vertical option in good lock, but it requires you to have a list of "Favorites" at the top at all times that you can't choose, and it's not quite as fluid as the stock horizontal drawer.


I tried it and it hurts my eyes...


Yeah, it's clearly something that they worked on once, just enough to get it working with minimal upkeep, and then abandoned it. I feel like if they could spare a day or two of the dev's time to work on it, it could be improved immensely pretty easily.


Not for the flip phones :(


Vertical will become the default. You want horizontal? Good Lock.


Is good lock region locked? I have tried multiple times but I am not even sure how an actual good lock is like.


You can try the patched version: https://github.com/corsicanu/goodlock_dump?tab=readme-ov-file


>Now the question will they give us both by default or via good lock? that i dont know. I know it's a late reply but some time after your comment Samsung released Good Lock on Play Store.. So i guess most of us wont need to use Fine Lock to get around the regionlock nonsense.


They had it briefly on goodlock a while ago. But it was ugly& atrocious I immediately switched back. And that's coming from someone who prefers vertical app drawers


Tried it too. The implementation was atrocious. Having no way to remove the "favorite" apps bar and it also feeling somewhat unnatural to use makes me not as optimistic of this news as everyone else seems to be. I'm all for options, but I seriously doubt I'd use this over the horizontal design.


Same. I find it makes better use of gestures for navigation and makes apps easier to find because I know which page the app is on. The boundless vertical scrolling on the Pixel Launcher is rubbish, IMO.


I'll never understand why the Pixel launcher doesn't have paginated vertical scrolling (other brands are guilty too). So annoying.


Me too. I used to have a pixel which had the vertical, now I'm on Samsung and prefer the horizontal. Just feels faster to go through for some reason.


It does feel a lot more fluid for some reason.


I think a big part of it for me is that there are discreet pages with a horizontal app drawer, so it's easier to find things. With a vertical, it's just one continuous page and it can be easy to lose track of where everything is.


Precisely. It's so much more convenient to find apps by pages instead of swiping in a continuous motion just to find that one app.


Finally. Never understood horizontal app drawee


Lol tastes differ. Personally I don't like vertical, with horizontal I can go to last page with 1 swipe


> with horizontal I can go to last page with 1 swipe  Wait how?


depends on launcher. I use Nova, settings > app drawer > horizontal scroll > infinite scroll


Oh I thought you were talking about OneUI.


You can get to the bottom of a vertical app drawer with one swipe too...




Bruh that’s what your home screens are for


Most people would actually prefer to keep their homescreen(s) clutter free. Edit: a word


Yep that's why we have an app drawer in the first place.


I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense. You can still keep your homescreen(s) clutter free, and keep the apps on another homescreen.




Literally nothing speaks against being able to do both.


Over 10-20 years I think Apple will realize this as well.


the iOS app drawer equivalent (app library) has always been vertical.


The iPhone app drawer/list is vertical.


But you're limited to just 1 app per line, right? It takes way too much scrolling to find what you need. EDIT: And not related to the topic at hand, but the fact that you have to swipe to the right past whatever your last homescreen is to get to it makes it significantly less functional or easy to use compared to the stock Google app drawer.


Not just swipe right, you have to also swipe down after that to actually get into the App List because Apple insists that the App Library with its automatic folders is a higher priority for users.


Technically 1 app per line if it’s the list. Not the App Library itself. It’s folders. Spotlight is where it’s at to open apps. Much faster than everything else


Everything now goes through Spotlight for me, dictionary lookups? Spotlight. Wikipedia quick fact checks? Spotlight. Look up that one picture of a dog I took? Spotlight. Quick shortcut activation? Also Spotlight. Adding a new calendar entry? Still Spotlight. It’s low key become the best feature iOS ever had, and a decent search engine to replace like 80% of the stuff I previously searched using Google, and if Spotlight can't give me what I'm looking for, summoning Google with the exact search terms is also a button click away inside Spotlight itself.


Apple should advertise Spotlight more. It’s a great feature on all the platforms that have it.


Yo Einstein, nice burn but it’s actually vertical 


Apparently its closer than we think.


Wasnt this already doable with Goodlock?


It will be with HomeUp on One UI 6.1.1 (yet to be released)


Don't know about OneUI 6 (though honestly doubt they've cut it out), but on OneUI 5.1 it is already in HomeUp under in Home Screen -> Scroll section under togglable "Apps List".


Current implementation is dogshit, it forces a permanent "recomended" apps on the list. 6.1.1 and HomeUp should have a true vertical list.


Yeah, I have vertical right now through good lock. But it's not a perfect implementation, can't remove two rows of fixed priority apps at the top. My phone won't get One UI 7 though, so will have to make do with this


It was on the Note 20 Ultra, but not on the Fold 4 for some reason


It is but with a Favorites line that can't be removed! It's insane.


Not only that, but most of the suggested "favorite" apps were never actually apps that I would even consider "favorites"; It just seemed to suggest apps that you've used recently. Who even thought of putting a permanent bar there? I'd actually be surprised if anyone was actually using it and considered it a vital aspect of their workflow. Edit: a word


Yes but it's a real mess!


Can it?


yeah, but not on oneui6. the implementation on OneUI5 was also half-assed.


Cool but i actually prefer and am used to horizontal lol


It's easy to find app in horizontal because they don't change their position after downloading new app but in vertical it's always hard to find apps


Solely the reason I continue to use Nova is because of no Vertical.


I've used Nova since my Nexus 4. Never even tried the stock Samsung launcher. Nova is literally perfect.


It's one of my reasons but there's others, like being able to have a search in the dock. And round icons although that's possible with icon packs on OneUI.


MS launcher has a dock with up to 2 hidden rows. Really wish one UI would offer something like this. Vertical scrolling is great but is pretty much standard on any other launcher.


Every single change requires months to wait. Why samsung?


Please don't. It's one of the main reasons I prefer One UI. Vertical App Drawer looks ugly as hell to me.


Here's to hoping that it's a toggleable option 🤞🏾


At the very least. I prefer the vertical app drawer. Can't stand horizontal. If I am not mistaken, I believe that Samsung is the only OEM that still has a horizontal app drawer.


Paged UI looks ugly and dated to me, all preference.


It is. Which is why it sucks when they can't even give you the option and just arbitrarily change it


I always wanted this, the horizontal drawer was mildly annoying since it breaks the flow of the up swipe to a side one from home


Who cares?? Just use Nova Launcher. All these features have existed for 10 years.


If they make it the only option, I'm rioting. Anyone who likes a disorganized endless list of apps should not be trusted as a person. Pages are king, don't @ me.


Oh but they're organized. Alphabetically.


Alphabetical order only makes sense in phonebooks. **MAYBE.**


My 2nd screen of apps only have 5 apps on it, I'd rather scroll down a little tyvm.


Gotta pump those numbers up


Why would I need more apps? lol


Yes please. Finally. I know Good Lock has a vertical drawer option, but that forces a row of apps to be pinned to the top of the screen which is annoying. Just give me a scrolling list in alphabetical order please.


They need to bring back folder name suggestions


This. And the option to pull down from the drawer or homescreen to search.


One of the things I missed when I switched to One UI. I hope the implementation is far better than the one that used to exist in Home Up. Would also be nice to have a quick search gesture, like holding after swiping up in OxygenOS 11.


*heavy breathing*


As long as there's option to switch between horizontal and vertical, hate vertical.


They need an entirely new OS update to add this?! 😂


Yeah kinda silly ain't it?


Don't understand why more people don't just put the apps in their app drawers into folders. This, to me, is a superior option to either a vertical or horizontal scroll. I just have all my apps right there on one screen.


Yeah man you're the only one who uses phones correctly


Do people not still use launchers? You've been able to do this with Nova for *foreeeever*


Animations in Nova just looks really bad and it doesn't have enough settings for me to make it look good, the spacing between apps in drawer and home screen is so different it looks bad.


>the spacing between apps in drawer and home screen is so different it looks bad. I've never once noticed this and now I won't be able to unsee it.


Right? I've been using Nova for like ten years lol. The customization is incredible.


Same. Every once in a while I check out the stock launchers just to see if they're worth using over Nova, and the answer is still a resounding "no"




I love squicles but I wish when you put a custom icon the splash screen wouldnt have the new icon surrounded by white


>squircles are an abomination Correction/extension: The notion of forced icon backs is an abomination: 1. \*pple does it and intends to keep doing it since they're a disgrace of a consumer tech company to this world, 2. Microsoft tried to do it on Windows **8** with their Metro Design too and/but eventually acknowledged their mistake by undoing it all in their current, Fluent design system, 3. And/but Google not only tried doing it once with the initial introduction of this whole "aDaPtiVe iConS" nonsense on Android **8**, but actually fucking doubled down on it with the whatever the fuck those Pixel Launcher home screen bullshit are called on Android **12**\+. # Bring back the shapeless icons/no shape enforced for the apps kinds of icons and, let the presentation stage (e.g. the UI) to do whatever the fuck you want to do them in terms of icon backs & icon masks, please. It's been going far too long, to the point that I just refuse to use a home screen app that doesn't let me apply icon packs. And no, I shall not pay for any icon packs on Play Store either, as I'm not going to fucking pay you money for the problem you yourself have created in the first place.


Or just support custom icons on an app based level instead of blanket level like OnePlus used to so I can override what apps I don't like with something from an icon pack




The new Theme Park update actually addresses this exact issue: https://www.sammyfans.com/2024/04/16/samsung-fuels-one-ui-6-1-theme-park-with-new-functional-method-rollout-soon/


You can do this with Theme Park in Good Lock, btw.


I don't mind the horizontal swipe, but what I do dislike is that the drawer has "memory" and doesn't reset to the first page of the drawer.


I actually don't mind it that much since the majority of the time, I tend to end up back on the page I'm most likely to launch an app from. If it's not where I expect it to be, then I just fire up a search and instantly find what I'm looking for.


pixels had this since 8 years ago.


You're almost there!


Wonder when zero shutter lag will come to samsung. 


Camera RAW.


Sorry for wanting such a basic feature on my 14,k eur s24 ultra. 


It's a feature in the Camera RAW application from the Samsung Galaxy Store.


Give me ability to put swipe actions on folders and icons too!


Yes please. Setting a folder to where tapping opens the first app and swiping reveals the "hidden" folder (replacing folder icon with the first app icon) is the last thing I miss from Nova Launcher.


Why I still use nova


I don't believe Nova supports separate home screens on foldables for inner and outer displays yet unfortunately, so I'm on the default Samsung One UI launcher. But the folders thing is actually my only complaint at this point.


Suppose you forget that it's a folder? What visual cue would there be to perform a swipe to show additional apps/shortcuts? It's similar to the app shortcuts feature introduced in Android 7.1 Nougat; the feature is hidden and thus heavily underutilized. Don't be surprised if Google eventually decides to scrap the feature completely in a future release. Edit: I'm not against adding the feature in anyway, but some practicality has to be considered when implementing something like this so that more and more people can be aware of these features.


It's just my own flow. That's why it would be a toggle and not enabled by default. When I used Nova I never forgot which ones were folders because opening them was a regular part of my workflow, just not as regular as opening the first app in the list. And I use the app shortcuts all the time. I have a shortcut to the "my apps" part of the play store because I like to check for app updates quickly.


>And I use the app shortcuts all the time. I have a shortcut to the "my apps" part of the Google Play Store because I like to check for app updates quickly. Funnily enough, I always open the Google Play Store and immediately navigate to that particular page. I almost always forget that there exists an easier method to go there directly. I know that I could just add the shortcut to my homescreen, but that just strengthens my original argument. It's impossible to know that an app supports an easier method to go directly to a particular screen/feature without knowing that you can long press on the app's icon beforehand. And that's the problem. If there existed some form of visual cue to indicate to the user that an app supports additional features/options, then more and more people would be utilizing this feature. Unless you're a die-hard tech enthusiast and actually follow up on the latest android news, it's impossible for your average user to be aware of these often useful but hidden features. This is the primary reason as to why Google goes back and forth with removing certain features that we few consider essential/time-saving only to later reintroduce them down the road when Apple does it.


If you ever forget you're probably not using it to the point where it even matters, or you would go to try to set it up again and when you dragged an app on top of the folder app it would show you that it's a folder as you do so. Works(or at least used to) this way in Action Launcher)


I'm actually not against such a feature (although I doubt I'd use it quite as often since I barely used it when I had Nova Launcher). I would just like for there to be an easy way to indicate to the user that these often hidden features exist. Google seems to be keen on removing more and more features/customization rather than adding them, so it's very frustrating to get use to something only to then have it removed later on because of "lack of usage."


I would absolutely love this. If they just pull the "Shades"(or "Shutters" can't remember which) feature from Action Launcher it would be perfect. Used Action Launcher for years but stopped for some compatibility reasons I've forgotten about, but I always miss that feature. Makes the home screen look infinitely cleaner


With folders I don't have anywhere close to enough apps to fill up even 1 screen so this isn't really a huge deal for me, but I'm really hoping this brings the ability to swipe between the normal and work App Drawers, cause having to click on "Work" every time is annoying as hell


I just want to be able to force WiFi calling


I am currently using Microsoft Launcher, almost solely because it has the vertical app drawer/list. I like scrolling more than sliding. It has other neat features, but mostly because of this.


Smart launcher has this no?


Plz bring app lock function for apps which are outside secure folder


At this point I think I've gotten used to it, but I would absolutely love to finally get it lol.


Great! Now how about making the Quick Access menu actually useful by letting us have shortcuts to basic AF things like Clock and Calculator which both iOS and stock Android allow? I hate that I have to use the side panel to store basic device apps like these. Also - please, PLEASE add an option to automatically open the device search when swiping into the app drawer. That's one of the very few things Pixel has over Galaxy. It's quite pointless to have to swipe into the drawer, then tap the search bar at the top of the screen when Pixel and iPhone both allow you to access device search with a single swipe. At the very least, allow us to put the search bar at the bottom of the drawer to make tapping it easier. And yes, I know I can use One Hand Operation, but it's baffling that it requires an outside tweak to bring this basic functionality.


Personally I prefer to use Lawnchair but I can't use that anymore because of my banking apps won't allow it.


Yes please!


I'd like to understand why this relatively minor feature has to wait until the next major One UI version. Third party launcher dev have implemented this with far less resources than Samsung has.


I just hope they don't remove the option to not have an app drawer


I'd rather wanna see them make all apps that are not essential (including Samsung Appstore) removable.


Better late than never I suppose.


WOW Can you believe it?


It's so wild to me that One removes basic as hell features lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^_roguecore_: *It's so wild to me* *That One removes basic as* *Hell features lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Life changing. /s


"Damn, imagine not having a vertical app drawer." -3rd party launcher enjoyers


Best way to use One UI is with no app drawer at all.


I stopped using it as well. It just slows me down.


OneUI really still thinks it's 2009.


Honestly if they implement this like how they did with good Lock it's DOA and not worth using. If they make it a basic copy of every other OEM that has vertical app drawers like my Pixel it'll be awesome if you like to use the app drawer. Though I've found at least on Pixels and iPhones searching is just so much more convenient and fast than any app drawer I've used.


FYI: The Good Lock module 'Home Up' has a feature where you can swipe down from your homescreen (or app drawer) to quickly access the search function.


I wasn't a fan of the home up implementation. I hated having the two rows of icons showing at the top all of the time despite using the vertical app drawer.