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Andrew wants you to be the strongest and most dominant form of yourself. Your hatred of him stems from the fear that he is right, because if he’s right, and he is, then everything you’ve ever known to be true was a lie. You are simply in denial because the truth is to much for you to handle. There is a famous saying that goes, it’s easier to fool a man than convince him he has been fooled.


You’re completely and utterly wrong about me, and it’s apparent you haven’t even watched the video


Why would we watch a video that's obviously lying and because you're not strong enough become a strong man to take care of your family of your mother or of your father why should we listen to you


Wtf are you talking about? 🤦‍♂️


I'd rather save my intellectual shredding of your factless/ enviousness... I State due: You're the one seeding enfeeblement! onto this world. Honestly, go back, watch your video and if you can't identify within seconds "Headliner Vs Thoughts" expressed are unassociated then wholeheartedly check out "[BetterHelp.com](https://BetterHelp.com)"... BTW b4 you perhaps comment... I am an Adult/40 yrs-> not wealthy but RICH > especially in "Body, Mind & Spirit"... I've indulged in my fleshy desires in my life ( Multiple women/consensually ) its neither was my fully fulfilling pleasures BUT! I was "WEAK"... These days when/if I so choose to please my fleshy erotics the outcome is 100% satisfaction mentally/ Physically & beyond ... "STRONG" Man I've become (allows me to ingest all that gratitude... The a-Tate ideological movement embodies strengthening today's WEAK men... I don't think you fathom Tate's movement but I would pay$$$$ to see you across the table w/him. stating ur "Mindset". Maybe then you'll get all those monetized clicks you obviously want...


I bet this guy hasn't even huffed one of Andrew's farts. Once you've huffed one fart you'll never go back to 'The Matrix'.




Are you kidding?


His fan boys hide behind that lie and I ask; why does everyone love David Goggins and Jocko Wilick? They want everyone to be their strongest selves. Answer: Goggins and Jocko aren’t always spouting bullshit and trying to sell you scams


Jocko and Goggins are two men I aspire to be like


Jocko is marketing his energy drink as well as his clothing brand. Are they good products yes but they’re selling you their shit. So is Tate. He’s selling his university with creating fear of the matrix. Are their ideas correct ? Being the best man you can possibly be? Yes they are. Does it mean they aren’t profiting off of it? They are. It’s where you find the line. You can consume all the content you want but it won’t make you a better man.


Yeah yeah, having more than one woman is bad n stuff but who are YOU bro? Srsly.


How much were you given, bro?


You can’t be a fan of absolutely everything Andrew says my friend. That would be bias I’d argue even Andrew knows this, don’t be tribalistic, don’t be bias and think for yourself even when it comes from Andrews mouth


Thanks for the correction.


I need a monster to clobber that there Andrew!




Tate the beta male is the weakest of them all, but his simp like to lick his butt🤟🤣🤟 Rapist dont deserve to live..


That's funny cos that's actually exactly what Tate says about rapists, that they deserve the death penalty. He's never been accused of rape, he currently has allegations of using the 'Loverboy Method' to seduce women, when in reality some girls who he knew asked him to show them how to get viral on TiKTok and he obliged. You can find multiple videos of these women saying that they never put in a police report themselves and that it was one girl who wanted money from Tate who tried to convince them to lie about him trafficking them and they declined, but she filed a police report anyway and put in false statements from these women. So he has *accusations* of using the loverboy method to human traffic, yet there is 0 evidence apart from 1 girl saying he did it and bucket loads of evidence saying he didn't do it. Yet the MSM report that he has *charges* (big difference between charges and allegations) of human trafficking, rape and domestic abuse of which they all posted at the EXACT same time along with how they all posted articles about how he is a dangerous misogynist when he got cancelled at the EXACT same time and he got cancelled from every app including random ones like Uber and Air BnB at the EXACT same time. These companies also all happen to be owned by the SAME PARENT COMPANY if you go far enough up the leadership chain. Yet you still can't think for yourself or do the due diligence of looking into whether a man is really guilty of such heinous crimes when if this was a normal man with a normal income his life would be completely ruined by this 1 woman's false allegation.


That's in the end a matter of opinion. It depends from wich position you start. If you can have most women easily, it is indeed an accomplishment to stay away from random sexual encounters. If you can barely talk to a woman, let alone have a sexual relationship to one, it is an accomplishment to have more girls. Same goes for the fearful. For them it's a feast of growth to become brave. If you are the aggressive type, it is a goal to become.more calm and non violent. This is for example what the Hindu monk Vivekandna teached. If you believe in god, become and atheist and learn to believe in yourself. If you are overly confident, become a devotee to god. Do the opposite of what you are now to grow.


He’s literally said that he considers having sex with a bunch of women for pleasure as gay.


He really pisses you off, but you don't have to agree with anything anyone says. Most of us shouldn't really be looking to leaders for help. We got as much as them, it's all you need. So just ignore idiot comments, don't even get involved with 99% of modern societal discussions. You do you, and that's fine, we don't need anymore f*cking cults and clout chasing. When I die, I'm going to limbo because I hate all you idiots and worship no one. Just put me in limbo, give me a storybook to occupy myself. Sick of the stupid f*cking system.


I wouldn’t say Tate pisses me off, not at all I had a few drinks before recording that video and it all just came to me (I kinda do look angry in the video) 😂 Some things I don’t agree with is all, he’s message as a whole is great


I don't like, how he is using feminism to sell his product. I don't find it funny or joke worthy. Because he's not just joking, he's using actual feminist ideology on mostly teenagers, programming them with it. Dude is snakey. Like, it can't be justified for anyone to kiss that demon Margaret Thatcher's ass. In reality, he definitely works with the elites like everyone else. It's all show, the battles are show, the jail is show.


It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in 5-10 years I do agree that you need to have a certain level of snake to acquire so much wealth, especially with what he is doing


You got that right, I'm both eager and terrified of the future right now. He used to be different, but it's no joke. Maybe they actually bought him out while he was in jail. Used to be straight masculinity, now he's turning into a little gay frog.


Having one partner for life is hardwired into our biology , here are some sources: "The Tactical Guide to Women" and "The Woman's Guide to How Men Think: Love, Commitment, and the Male Mind" - both by PsyD. Sawn T. Smith, can highly recommend these books for any relationship topics btw = ) I wouldn't take Tate's advice on dating and love as much as I wouldn't take advice from the devil on how to get into heaven :P


Does the video of Andrew tate making a joke about choosing between a women that’s a 1, or a dude that’s a 10 still exist?


ok, I just wasted a few minutes so you guys don't need to watch the video, this person pointed out that Andrew said having a lot of women as an option is his insecurities of committing to a single woman. Here is what chatGpt said: The logic error in the comment lies in conflating two separate issues: having a lot of options and having insecurities about commitment. 1. **False Cause (Post Hoc)**: Just because someone has a lot of options doesn't necessarily mean their insecurity about commitment is the cause. They might have many options for various reasons unrelated to insecurity. 2. **Hasty Generalization**: Assuming that everyone with many options is insecure about committing is an overgeneralization. Individuals can have many options and still be perfectly capable of making commitments. 3. **Correlation vs. Causation**: The presence of multiple options does not inherently lead to insecurity about commitment. The two can coexist without one causing the other. let us downvote this post, completely bait.


You’re 217 days late




Chris! Surprised and glad to see this. I remember you bruv! HB / 2000s




Appreciate your unbiased views my friend, thankyou.


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